Hansen arrested for anti-coal crusade

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Jul 1, 2009, 8:40:24 AM7/1/09
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
For some reason all of Google Groups is down, so we'll just have to
make do with this.

NASA's Jimmy "Apocolypse" Hansen arrested for anti-coal crusade / What
A. Fool
Energy that’s derived from an open cycle of excavating and consuming
coal is nothing but bad news, as well as the same can be said of oily
sand or most any other hard to get fossil fuel. Coal always has been
and always will be detrimental to everyone and everything under the
sun. The burning of old tires is actually a thousand percent cleaner
and safer to all involved, although most of a tire is made from fossil
fuel to begin with, so we’d still have an environmental and otherwise
spendy kind of energy recycle problem unless those tires can be
imported from Mars or the moon Titan.

I agree with “What A. Fool” and those few others that think alike,
whereas we need a serious debt reduction plan of action, such as
starting with a 10% federal employment, retirement and benefit
reduction plan of action per year, for roughly the next 7 to 8 years.
Only then perhaps we can kill the messenger(s).

Secondly, we need to replace coal with those failsafe and relatively
cheap thorium fueled reactors, and otherwise everything else provided
via green/renewable energy alternatives, plus a doubling or better of
our national energy grid capacity within the next seven to eight years
is what will get that federal government overhead down to a 48% dull
roar of what has us in such unbearable debt as of today, and thereby
getting us forever out of national and local debt at the same time.

Yourself, “What A. Fool” and I think very much constructively alike,
that we do not need bigger government. However, there are measures of
national management in our best interest that I believe can be
federally mandated and enforced with a much smaller federal and state
government overhead. Unfortunately, at this late point in the game
that we’re badly losing at, it seems we do not have good options, only
bad ones.

Obviously those of the Big Energy mindset are opposed to revising
anything except on behalf of bigger government along with those
special interest concessions that go along with their bought and paid
for elections of favoring whatever’s benefiting those of Big Energy.
In other words, what goes around comes around (meaning there’s
apparently no such thing as a bad government that’s on the Big Energy
hook). I on the other hand would change this obfuscation policy of
government continually looking the other way until it’s simply too
late in the game, but to do anything but to stare dumbfounded at the
nearly insurmountable mess and subsequent debt we’ve created.

“What A. Fool” is also correct about our currency, in going all via
debit card or spendy interest and service fee saturated credit cards
is perhaps our only way out of the more spendy coinage and paper
currency overhead. Save the trees and precious metals, not to mention
all the related energy our paper loot and coinage takes. The US Mint
(s) plus associated warehouses and their extensive motor pools could
be better used as a daycare and other services for accommodating the
new poor and destitute, such as those having been recently evicted and/
or having lost their jobs and about to lose most everything else
because of what our mostly republican government that clearly wasn’t
doing its job for the previous decade.

~ BG
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