Big Brother has an even Bigger Brother

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Dec 30, 2011, 5:20:43 PM12/30/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
On Dec 30, 12:16 pm, William Mook <> wrote:
: We dream of interstellar communication in hopes of learning
: about ourselves.
: The science fiction about traveling to the moon, to Venus and Mars,
: and the lore about Flying Saucers, are effects of our dim but
: need to reach a new physical as well as spiritual basis beyond our
: conscious world.
: We have failed in achieving this and so have become a world of
: Homo homini lupus

Yes "man is a wolf", if not having become something a whole lot worse
by using a faith-based shield or cloak in order to justify their

Guess what; I've confirmed again and again that Big Brother or rather
those in charge of our Big Brother are already coming down hard upon
us, because I still can not post my reply to Mook or anyone else with
including one testy paragraph about the sort of backhanded New Zealand
bailout taking place, without my context getting terminated as soon as
I hit “Send”.

Apparently, all they have to do in order to instantly killfile all of
us is to tag common words like “and” or “the”, or tag any simple
common phrase like “US government” or mention an agency like DARPA,
FEMA or NWO in order to automatically divert or prevent our posting
any topics or replies with such context.

I think I just found the core problem, or at least one of the problems
related to mentioning anything newsworthy about New Zealand. So, you
might want to check out what their social media censorship problem is
all about.

In the forbidden context, I'd mentioned the notion of NZ leasing out
harbors and land to other nations for unrestricted usage, and for that
I can't seem to post the full context of my reply or even as a fresh
topic. So obviously there's a news media blackout taking place,
proving that everything of Usenet/newsgroups is getting
instantaneously robo-moderated by those whom control our government
and especially via this public Usenet/newsgroup media, absolutely
proving that we can be cutoff instantly and without warning or just

Every time I try to post the full context of my reply to Mook, that
includes statements about the ongoing NZ fiasco that’s going from bad
to worse, they cut me off. It’s as though NZ has already sold out for
a quick fix, and they don’t want their general public to get any word
of it from the likes of myself.

I just emailed a copy of that forbidden context to Mook, so that
perhaps he can try posting it or something similar from his NZ end,
just to see what happens.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Message has been deleted


Dec 31, 2011, 2:37:06 AM12/31/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
William Mook is afraid to post the forbidden context about New

On Dec 30, 12:16 pm, William Mook <> wrote:
: We dream of interstellar communication in hopes of learning
: about ourselves.
: The science fiction about traveling to the moon, to Venus and Mars,
: and the lore about Flying Saucers, are effects of our dim but
: need to reach a new physical as well as spiritual basis beyond our
: conscious world.
: We have failed in achieving this and so have become a world of
: Homo homini lupus

Yes "man is a wolf to [his fellow] man", if not having become
something a whole lot worse by using a faith-based shield or cloak in
order to justify their actions.

Guess what; I've confirmed again and again that Big Brother or rather
those in charge of our Big Brother are already coming down hard upon
us, because I still can not post my original reply to Mook or anyone
Obviously this following context is strictly for the need-to-know and
otherwise only for those of us qualified at keeping secrets, because
several attempts at posting such has been foiled by whomever is
keeping a close watch on whatever I have to contribute.

The forbidden context:
“On the other hand, NZ could earn billions per year by leasing out
their harbors and land for military outposts and allowing the storage
of their nuclear, fusion, biological and chemical weapons. So with
perhaps a trillion per year in outside loot flowing in from two or
three other nations that need yet another remote military base of
operations, could be a serious financial turn-around for NZ unless
some natural resource gets discovered and is allowed to function in a
free world market. Of course going off-world isn't an valid option
for NZ, just as it isn't an option for more than 90% of the world, but
eventually that's going to change because this other 90% of our world
is getting downright cranky about the demands and the disparity
imposed upon them, because it’s as though they’re being utilized and
taken advantage of during the good times and being ignored and/or
excluded during the really bad times. Right now NZ is in a very bad
way, because they don’t have the necessary resources to recover from
that big earthquake and the subsequent ones that keep shaking and
liquefying major parts of their nation.”

In other words, NZ is in a no good position to turn down offers by our
Pentagon and others wanting to set up camp with fully armed forces.
Since they didn’t prepare themselves for the sorts of earthquake
damage to their infrastructure, their options for full recovery are
few, if any. Especially as most of the well to do Zealanders have
already pulled their life-support plugs so that the general population
can’t tap into any of their loot.

Email reply from: William Mook
“Since I don't agree with the content, I won't post it to see what

“There is a secret submarine base rumored to exist in Milford Sound.
Some West coast fishermen have seen the subs coming and going. Some
local Maori tribes say they know where the vents and entrances are
inland and will take you there. The government denies all knowledge.
A Member of Parliament who wanted to investigate these events lost his
bid for re-election. More interesting is a cache of rubies that is
rumored to exist. I'm talking to the Maori chief about getting a
consent to mine them should they prove to be real.”

“The most recent conspiracy theory making the rounds here involves
changes in leadership of the NZ Military. The New Zealand military
consists of 9,133 soldiers sea men and air men. A few days ago over
400 senior level officers were fired without pay or pension. Everyone
above the level of Sargent. The government said these roles will be
taken by private contractors or UN officials, formally making the New
Zealand armed forces a unit of the international banking cartels. I
figure of the 400, eight or nine, with no pay or pension, will fall
prey to criminal organizations who will know all the secrets of the NZ
military. Perhaps the 400 was a cover for those 8 or 9 - who knows?
The Prime Minister is a former banking executive.”

In other words, such simple context about unrestricted harbor and land
usage by other nations is apparently even too dark and scary for his
nondisclosure part in this ongoing ruse that’s about to turn NZ into
another FEMA/NWO outpost. Perhaps it’s already too late.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Dec 30, 2:20 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 12:16 pm, William Mook <> wrote:
> : We dream of interstellar communication in hopes of learning
> something
> : about ourselves.
> :
> : The science fiction about traveling to the moon, to Venus and Mars,
> : and the lore about Flying Saucers, are effects of our dim but
> intense
> : need to reach anewphysical as well as spiritual basis beyond our
> : conscious world.
> :
> : We have failed in achieving this and so have become a world of
> :
> : Homo homini lupus
> Yes "man is a wolf", if not having become something a whole lot worse
> by using a faith-based shield or cloak in order to justify their
> actions.
> Guess what;  I've confirmed again and again that Big Brother or rather
> those in charge of our Big Brother are already coming down hard upon
> us, because I still can not post my reply to Mook or anyone else with
> including one testy paragraph about the sort of backhandedNewZealand
> bailout taking place, without my context getting terminated as soon as
> I hit “Send”.
> Apparently, all they have to do in order to instantly killfile all of
> us is to tag common words like “and” or “the”, or tag any simple
> common phrase like “US government” or mention an agency like DARPA,
> FEMA or NWO in order to automatically divert or prevent our posting
> any topics or replies with such context.
> I think I just found the core problem, or at least one of the problems
> related to mentioning anything newsworthy aboutNewZealand.  So, you


Dec 31, 2011, 2:51:58 AM12/31/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
New Zealand's forbidden context:
“On the other hand, NZ could earn billions per year by leasing out
their harbors and land for military outposts and allowing the storage
of their nuclear, fusion, biological and chemical weapons. So with
perhaps a trillion per year in outside loot flowing in from two or
three other nations that need yet another remote military base of
operations, could be a serious financial turn-around for NZ unless
some natural resource gets discovered and is allowed to function in a
free world market. Of course going off-world isn't an valid option
for NZ, just as it isn't an option for more than 90% of the world, but
eventually that's going to change because this other 90% of our world
is getting downright cranky about the demands and the disparity
imposed upon them, because it’s as though they’re being utilized and
taken advantage of during the good times and being ignored and/or
excluded during the really bad times. Right now NZ is in a very bad
way, because they don’t have the necessary resources to recover from
that big earthquake and the subsequent ones that keep shaking and
liquefying major parts of their nation.”

In other words, NZ is in a no good position to turn down offers by our
Pentagon and others wanting to set up their NZ camps with fully armed
forces. Since they didn’t prepare themselves for the sorts of
earthquake damage to their infrastructure, their options for full
recovery are few, if any. Especially as most of the well to do
Zealanders have already pulled their life-support plugs so that the
general population can’t tap into any of their loot.

Guess what; I've confirmed again and again that Big Brother or rather
those in charge of our Big Brother are already coming down upon us,
because I still can not post my reply to Mook or anyone else in the
regular Usenet/newsgroups with including one testy paragraph about the
sort of backhanded New Zealand bailout taking place, without my
context getting terminated as soon as I hit “send”.

Apparently, all they have to do in order to instantly killfile all of
us at any moment is to tag common words like “and” or “the”, or tag
any simple common phrase like “US government” or mention an agency
like DARPA, FEMA or NWO in order to automatically divert or prevent
our posting any topics or replies with such context.

I think I just found the problem, or at least one of the problems
related to mentioning anything newsworthy about New Zealand. So, you
might want to check out what their social media censorship problem is
all about.

In the forbidden context, I'd mentioned the notion of NZ leasing out
harbors and land to other nations for unrestricted usage, and for that
I can't seem to post the full context of my reply or even as a fresh
topic. So obviously there's a news media blackout taking place,
proving that everything of Usenet/newsgroups is getting
instantaneously moderated by those whom control our government and
especially this public Usenet/newsgroup media, absolutely proving that
we can be cutoff instantly and without warning or just cause.

Every time I try to post the full context of my reply to Mook, that
includes statements about the NZ fiasco that’s going from bad to
worse, they cut me off by not allowing this "forbidden context". It’s
as though NZ has already sold out for a quick fix, and they don’t want
their general public to get any word of it from the likes of myself.

I just emailed a copy of that forbidden context to Mook, so that
perhaps he can try posting it or something similar from his NZ end,
just to see what happens.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Dec 30, 2:20 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:


Dec 31, 2011, 9:47:45 AM12/31/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Apparently New Zealand is no longer capable of sustaining itself as a
truly neutral nation, but one of a mostly anti-Muslim and perhaps anti-
Asian nation that publicly says one thing and does quite another.

With so many earthquake related issues and nothing but spendy
alternatives is no doubt why those special deals and concessions are
being made behind closed doors. However, with independent individuals
like William Mook planning on making an investment killing off the
situation by offering an island republic for those wealthy enough to
buy in, offering a less governed and less taxable kind of bartering
and private currency that’s backed by the hoarding of rare earths and
the marking of his hydrogen and synfuel energy, which ultimately could
prove to be so much more efficient and better for the environment that
it’ll probably make other governments cringe, could also become
problematic as the rest of NZ deals with the international influx of a
military industrial complex that’s mostly dominated by North American
(US and Canada) along with thermonuclear, fusion, chemical and
chemical weapons to suit their UN and FEMA needs (no doubt those
Rothschild threads are not going to be hard to find), in order to help
pay for their recently earthquake damaged infrastructure and otherwise
greatly profit at the same time.

Once the UN is allowed to set up camp with as much infrastructure,
weapons and the operational means for sustaining and defending that
sort of complex (a couple of our nuclear submarines plus two of our
super advanced missile frigates should more than defend this
location), no doubt other members of the UN will follow suit, making
NZ their global hub for most of their operations. Income and job-
security wise, this will be a very good thing for those in charge of
the NZ government that’ll be paid a little extra in order to keep a
very low profile on this initial phase, which at first could prove
relatively harmless enough, and may even turn out to be the right
thing for NZ to do, unless some others nations start feeling left out
and interpret this as a global threat of imposing greater ethnic and
faith-based disparity.

No doubt our regular Usenet/newsgroup gauntlet of FUD-masters will
have perfectly good answers for all of this NZ stuff, just like they
knew exactly what they were doing for their WW2 and cold-war era plus
everything since, that the rest of us got the privilege of defending
and paying for.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

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