The Guth Venus Transit Biohazard.01

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May 2, 2009, 1:59:13 PM5/2/09
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
“The Guth Venus Transit Biohazard” or has this topic become another
one of those “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” situations of panspermia flu.

So far this highly unusual flu isn't so bad, but that could change at
nearly any moment into a full blown #6 pandemic, with yet no vaccine
in sight, and if you're not of reasonably good health to start off
with, you could die, and therefore the risk of such flu related death
is going to be 99% disproportionate upon the middle class and
especially the poor, whereas few if any of the rich and powerful will
have to die.

For those of us in perpetual panspermia denial, for god’s sake don’t
bother to look now, but guess what became nicely aligned as of March
26, 2009
Solar system simulator (run this simulation for yourself)

This swine flu related topic isn’t even 0.1% my idea, however, if
Venusian atmospheric particles as including microbes and spores were
capably moving right along within the 300+ km/s solar wind, as such
they would make that interplanetary trek within as little as 36 hours,
though more than likely taking at least 72 hours. If terrestrial
water bears (tardigrades) can survive weeks of naked space travel, as
having recently been proven to be the case via the ESA/Russian FOTON-
M3 mission, then why not a whole lot tougher spores and microbes as
were strongly suggested by Barber in 1963?

A Russian cockroach has become the first ever species to conceive in
space, after having spent twelve days in orbit as part of the Russian
Foton M3 space mission, and has given birth to offspring. That’s all
we need is an invading swarm of rad-hard Venusian cockroaches, because
we couldn’t even gamma nuke our way out of that one.

It seems entirely logical that our naked Selene/moon should also be
nicely loaded with such space trekking spores, at least of their
vacuum dried, solar baked out and gamma plus X-ray traumatized
remains, though otherwise physically in tact.

The Panspermia Hypothesis (Swine Flu / SARS H1N1 ~ H5N7 and so
“Schulze-Makuch said that he and his research colleagues contend that
microbes floating above Venus have adopted one or more survival

“Ultimately, Schulze-Makuch said, a sample collection mission to
Venus is needed. A top candidate in his mind is for a rocket-carrying
balloon to first snag an atmospheric sample, then hurl the specimen up
to a Venus orbiting mother ship. That craft then transfers the
collectibles over to the International Space Station (ISS)”

"Nobody will ever believe theres life on Venus until everybody sees
it under the microscopeits moving and waving back," Schulze-Makuch

Barber's Bacterial Invasions / Smaller than Vermin
“In 1963, D. R. Barber, at the Norman Lockyer Astronomical
Observatory near Sidmouth, England, reported a series of six alien-
like rainwater borne bacterial invasions that occurred over a 25 year
period.(6) The short delays (averaging 55 days) between Venus inferior
conjunctions and the onset dates of the bacterial invasions, coupled
with some very anomalous characteristics of the bacteria, led Barber
to speculate that the bacteria originated in the upper atmosphere of
Venus and had been being delivered to earth by the solar wind during
inferior conjunctions.”

Venus Transit: Biohazard?

According to Dirk Schulze-Makuch:
“The gist of the prediction is that 15 to 60 days following the Venus
inferior conjunction is a prime time to be on guard for new biological
visitors.” This doesn’t represent that all such outbreaks are via
panspermia, just noting as to how many of the most unexpected
outbreaks seem to happen as so wide spread and shortly after this
planetary alignment, is difficult to ignore.

This outdated and for the most part forgotten research looks pretty
convincing enough, and I concur that we got ourselves into yet another
Venus panspermia shot of solar wind transferred atmospheric spores and
microbes, as primarily within the first quarter of the Earth-Venus 584
day synodic cycle, that’ll perhaps take a few more agonizing weeks to
filter down and throughout our atmosphere. Sorry about that.

Too bad we didn’t manage to collect samples of Venus atmospheric
microbes and spores as of long before now, whereas our CDC and others
in charge of protecting us could have anticipated and even having
developed a working set of vaccines. Perhaps a scientifically
replicated red flag kind of ET biological warfare warning as of 45+
years ago is simply not quite good enough, especially when faith-based
groups and their puppet governments of that era and most of this era
insist Eden/Earth has to remain the one and only planet hosting life
of any complex nature. After all, if Venus has been giving us such
spores and microbes as complex and tough as the series of H1N1 ~ H5N7,
then there has to be other more robust and complex forms of ET life to

Venus probably does not have swine/pigs, but if it did they could
probably just as easily fly in that thick soup of an atmosphere that’s
worth 65 kg/m3 buoyancy, and their local 90% gravity certainly
couldn’t hurt of you were a flying pig. Obviously there’s always the
random chance of panspermia cross mutations taking place whenever
something of new genetic material arrives into our nearly ideal
biologically friendly petri dish environment, but again we wouldn’t
want to actually take notice of anything that’s making tens of
millions sick as a dog and otherwise killing off hundreds of thousands
every 19 month cycle, as representing anything worthy of mentioning or
much less doing anything truly constructive about.

Btw, according to somewhat recent research, Earth has its very own
high flying atmospheric microbes at <41 km, and it’s highly probable
that Venus is hosting microbes of its very own at something near 100
km, which could be easily excavated away from Venus by sufficient
solar winds. Perhaps it’s lucky for us this time around, in that our
solar winds were averaging below 500 km/s and dropping off to as
little as 250 km/s, though as of March 13 we got hit by 550 km/s, and
as of lately we’re getting hit by 300+ km/s, which is below average.
So, if such spores and microbes should only move along at 0.5>0.1 the
solar wind velocity, we should figure that this latest panspermia
dosage is not over until the fat lady sings, or at least 60 some odd
days past the Venus transit, as having to accommodate whatever
terrestrial time it takes for those new arrivals to dissolve or
assimilate into our comparatively wet and microbial friendly

From Venus the microbe/spore panspermia batch or volumetric transfer
process that’ll eventually encounter Earth would have started on it’s
way as of a few days up to a couple weeks or possibly a month prior to
the solar transit phase as viewed from Earth. So it’s actually those
solar winds as of prior to the actual Venus transit that matters most,
such as March 13~15, 2009 had a fairly good wind of 550 km/s (possibly
as great as 750 km/s getting past Venus due to the closer heliocentric
distance), and even as early onset as April 26~28 seems likely, as it
takes time in order to accelerate such microbes and spores away from
the escape velocity of Venus.

The remainder of 2009 and the first 10 months of 2010 should be
relatively terrestrial flu related. However, as of November 20, 2010
should represent the start our next panspermia flu season. As they
say, don’t drink the public water and only eat well cooked foods when
you travel, goes double for avoiding panspermia microbes and spores.

~ Brad Guth Brad_Guth Brad.Guth BradGuth BG / “Guth Usenet”


Jun 27, 2009, 12:23:07 PM6/27/09
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
For some odd reason that never gets explained by way of Google Groups,
the public Usenet/newsgroup portion has once again failed us.

Perhaps we're either feeding it too much context or it's others and
outsiders that are reading it too much. Either way it's down until a
Google tech gets the topics and replies properly re-indexed and
compiled for the benefit of their nifty search engine.

~ BG
Apparently panspermia flu is yet another one of those taboo/
nondisclosure things that the public media is not supposed to mention
anything about, all because the planet Venus is supposed to be too hot
and otherwise entirely inert.


Jun 27, 2009, 8:37:46 PM6/27/09
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Strange you could restrict your view to solar winds when I personally
stuck this under your nose.

Water is the most vibratory receptive substance in this part of the
universe. It's been long known bacteria can travel as sound, light and
scalar waves. The universe is full of life, the big difference with
life on earth is that every generation of cells in space mutates into
something else. That what takes a billion years on earth to evolve can
evolve in seconds up there thanks to the radiation. So, if it would be
solar wind Venus would be nothing more than the organic source, the
bacterial wouldn't be the same. My gut says it is more likely a
genetic projection from Venus, a giant kaleidoscope projecting a
superior life form onto the redundant volume of biomass living down

We have all those species living here to provide us a clue, the
density of our population is likely to backfire. Of course we have big
pharma to thank for providing us with a rich diarrhea of lies where we
use to have health care. When the establishment build that giant seed
bank we really knew everything there was to know. The motivation to do
something that responsible doesn't drop out of the sky. (go figure of
speech go)


Dec 22, 2013, 12:20:24 PM12/22/13
Yes, water is just about everywhere, although millions of humans die of thirst related issues every year.  Soon Earth could be depopulated due to a poor quality and/or insufficient resource of drinkable pure water.  Go figure, we need better alternatives in order to resolve the issues associated with clean water or that of .1% salty water instead of consuming popular liquids with 3.5% salt (aka sea water that's colored and flavored).
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