Google Usenet Newsgroups Hacked to Death / Brad Guth

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27 Haz 2011 15:58:1227.06.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
In spite of the ongoing demise of Google Usenet, we can still publish
by way of private newsgroups that are open to the public.

I still can’t tell what’s going on with our Google Groups Usenet, as
of June 25 it seems our Google Groups version of Usenet is either
broken or having been hacked and intentionally terminated (again). It
may have had something to do with my having posted links to those
earthquake prediction pages by E.D.G. as hosted by freewebs dot com or
freewebz dot com.

Obviously Google Usenet or perhaps their NOVA still has a grudge
against anything published by either freewebs dot com or freewebz dot
com, because if I include an active link to E.D.G. eq-forecasting or
"Earthquake Triggering" it doesn't get accepted.

Quite obviously there’s someone in Qinetiq (CIA/MI6 and/or DARPA) that
is intentionally blocking/terminating any further access, and has the
whole damn Usenet sequestered for damage-control. How can posting a
link to public accessible documents that have been available for 7
years, even by a link that's made dysfunctional by others and/or
getting terminated by outsiders, prevent Google Groups version of
Usenet from working, unless it's all just because of my "Guth Venus"
discovery that's finally catching on.

Perhaps they just don't want any of us freelance investigative types
mentioning this most recent big rock that's coming extremely close to
us, and/or because apparently the mainstream media has been snooping
into whatever we have to say about such matters. Actually, if a
multitude of things are truly going from bad to worse, the last thing
our GOP/ZNR faith-based dominated and otherwise outside controlled
government doesn't want the public to read our interpretations, and
especially those of William Mook or myself, not that our contributor
"Warhol" is exactly a benefit to those insiders that want to keep
getting away with their obfuscation and skullduggery.

It took them only minutes after I'd posted links to those E.D.G.
documents in order to shut our regular public Usenet down, although
what others including yourself may have also contributed to such
mainstream damage-control.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


27 Haz 2011 16:08:5527.06.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Clearly there are forbidden research documents of some kind of weird
national or cartel/cabal security that's keeping us from including
those links, however why would those of E.D.G. (freewebs/freewebz dot
com) and earthquake forecasting (eq-forecasting) fall into that sort
of stealth MIB enforced taboo/nondisclosure rating?
“A total of 1,445 earthquakes, ranging in magnitude from 5.0 to 9.9,
have been recorded in the year up to 19 June.” This means we’ll be
lucky keeping it below 2800 for the year of 2011 (a 33% increase from

In order to keep our K12 and higher educated or rather indoctrinated
public sufficiently snookered and dumbfounded past the point of no
return, will require those of wealth and power with their trusty army
of loyal minions and FUD-masters to keep interfering with and/or
terminating any public media, such as topic/author stalking, trashing
and/or terminating Google Groups version of our public Usenet/
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


27 Haz 2011 17:53:2927.06.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
According to this link, everyone (this is stereotyping), on usenet
gets labeled as "troll screaming vitriol":

IMO this is one of the ways in which the "truth" gets discredited,
subterfuged, and then erased from obtaining public access. That would
be a Communist tactic - (at least at the "squelch" level, so as to
defuse any attempts at organized thought, which would of course,
supplant their own if things got "too out of hand").

Think about it. At some point, wouldn't a "higher" authority, (e.g.
probably the group with the most surveillance capability) begin to
wonder how should a society be permitted access to a much broader
information base, with a great deal more of individual freedom, when
it could stunt the efforts of those who would rather hope in their own
chances for increasing their surveillance capabilities, by
minimalizing that access for yet a much larger crossection of people
that can be manipulated and controlled in a wider region
(international), especially if it was the United Nations that would be
the source of that policing action?

"The U.N. report... warns how the internet's unique architecture
threatens power brokers in those societies:

The vast potential and benefits of the internet are rooted in its
unique cahracteristics, such as its speed, worldwide reach, and
relative anonymity. At the same time, these distinctive features of
the internet that enable individuals to disseminate information in
"real time" and to mobilize people has also created fear amongstb
governments and the powerful. This has led to increased restrictions
of the internet through the use of increasingly sophisticated
technologies to block content, monitor and identify activists and
critics, criminalization of legitimate expression, and adoption of
restrictive legislation to justify such measures."

The problem is, the states want the nation's power given back to them,
than having dictatorial power in the government, as well as the
economy, controlling our purse strings. The common ground that should
exist between small and larger businesses, doesn't, and it is getting
way too large for the middle class to keep up with, and without
running to the bureaucracy police for a tax break as the noose


"Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph Nader,
who represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in

, - Dave Barry

On Jun 27, 1:08 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:
> Clearly there are forbidden research documents of some kind of weird
> national or cartel/cabal security that's keeping us from including
> those links, however why would those of E.D.G. (freewebs/freewebz dot
> com) and earthquake forecasting (eq-forecasting) fall into that sort
> of stealth MIB enforced taboo/nondisclosure rating?


27 Haz 2011 18:34:0427.06.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Posting replies or especially new topics to Google Groups version of
Usenet/newsgroups does work, though getting it there is slow as hell
and still the reading via Google newsgroup reader isn't updating.

The most likely culprit is bully Semites, as faith-based approved
hackers or just Qinetiq (CIA/MI6) and DARPA having saturated the
Usenet bandwidth to such an extent that the Google servers essentially
gave up on indexing it, perhaps because they ran out of their own
spare storage terabytes. Of course true Google wizards could just as
easily track those culprits down and have them arrested for domestic
and international espionage, terrorism or good old treason, and then
sue the socks off governments and religions that employ them.

Of course, we have contributor "JeffRelf.F-M.FM" as having been
hacking Usenet in order to modifying the Google graphic format and
otherwise for directly posting his own images that can't be moderated
or easily blocked.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 27, 12:58 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:


27 Haz 2011 18:54:5627.06.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Yes indeed, stuff has been too far out of hand ever since before WW2.

This Usenet/newsgroup thing is a public global publishing channel for
just about anything, anyone and for damn near any conceivable
intention (good or bad), because links to external web pages give each
author/contributor direct access to sharing knowledge with the world.
For the most part we don't put 0.1% of the potential power of Usenet/
newsgroups to benefit ourselves or others. However, the bad-guys (aka
mainstream FUD-masters) clearly seem to use every dirty trick in order
to discredit or foil our honest efforts.

No doubt it's being tested to see how extensively it can be
terminated. If they can bring these Usenet/newsgroups to a halt,
imagine what other internet services or channels can become
dysfunctional at the flip of a switch.

William Mook has much of this national and international subversion to
our republic nailed as to who is in charge and never budging an inch
from their being in control, at least not over their dead body.
Perhaps we should test that "not over their dead body" theory, by
having a few of them hunted down and whacked.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 27, 2:53 pm, American <> wrote:
> According to this link, everyone (this is stereotyping), on usenet
> gets labeled as "troll screaming vitriol":


27 Tem 2011 18:20:3527.07.2011
alıcı Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Damn, they shut us down again. Apparently;y our version of history,
physics and science doesn't please the Rothschilds.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 27, 12:58 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:


23 Ara 2013 10:34:4923.12.2013

Apparently the hackers and mainstream status quo enforcers (aka FUD-masters) are smarter than team Google, because they still have the functionality of public Usenet of newsgroups shut down, as though what Google owns isn't exactly bothered nor unhappy about this.

Without basic mail access to "", we're kinda screwed.

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Except that now our topics or replies are not even getting reported back to us as having failed.  This is exactly what the NWO would have to do in order to 100% moderate whatever the general public gets to see, outside of personal blogs and forums that are not typically banished or excluded by not getting search indexed so that the general public ever gets to find our stuff.


23 Ara 2013 14:50:4723.12.2013

Who says the NWO isn’t upon us?

I'm using this direct email method only because Google gmail access to "" is in the toilet again, and has been dysfunctional for quite some time.  Obviously a few team Google insiders have been in on this, as otherwise this type gmail dysfunction (especially to their very own account) would have been easily resolved as of a couple days ago, and the culpet hackers located and terminated dead in their tracks.

Anytime our resident redneck FUD-masters(GOP or otherwise) get their way, it ruins it for everyone else.  Of course warlords highly depend upon their brown-nosed minions doing the right thing by way of trashing our public newsgroups, as well as topic/author stalking, profiling and bashing our context of any interpretations of whatever’s happening, for all they can muster.

Remember that there’s no policing of their remorseless kind, because we can be cut off with the mere flip of a switch by simply cutting off or diverting our access to, so that posting topics or replies are simply not going through or much less showing up anywhere.

NSA and CGHQ have their inside fiber optic channels plus encryption keys to all mail servers (including those of Google), and they still have their self imposed authority to do as they please.  Snowden offered only the dirty tip of this NSA/CGHQ iceberg, because the other 90+% remains as hidden and nondisclosure rated.

If team Google (aka gmail Usenet/newsgroups “”) can’t manage to quickly resolve this issue, imagine what the NWO should be capable of getting away with as much mainstream media infomercials and infowar skulduggery crap of disinformation as they please.

On Monday, June 27, 2011 12:58:12 PM UTC-7, BradGuth wrote:


23 Ara 2013 15:46:2623.12.2013

Who says the NWO isn’t upon us, and bearing down?

I'm using this direct email method only because Google gmail access to "" is in the toilet again, and has been dysfunctional for quite some time.  Obviously a few team Google insiders have been in on this, as otherwise this type gmail dysfunction (especially to their very own account) would have been easily resolved as of a couple days ago, and the culprit hackers located and terminated dead in their tracks.

Anytime our resident redneck FUD-masters(GOP or otherwise) get their way, it ruins it for everyone else.  Of course warlords highly depend upon their brown-nosed minions doing the right thing by way of trashing our public newsgroups, as well as topic/author stalking, profiling and bashing our context of any interpretations of whatever’s happening, for all they can muster.

Remember that there’s no policing of their remorseless kind, because we can be cut off with the mere flip of a switch by simply cutting off or diverting our access to, so that posting topics or replies are simply not going through or much less showing up anywhere.

NSA and CGHQ have their inside fiber optic channels plus encryption keys to all mail servers (including those of Google), and they still have their self imposed authority to do as they please.  Snowden offered only the dirty tip of this NSA/CGHQ iceberg, because the other 90+% remains as hidden and nondisclosure rated.

If team Google (aka gmail Usenet/newsgroups “”) can’t manage to quickly resolve this issue, imagine what the NWO should be capable of getting away with as much mainstream media infomercials and infowar skulduggery crap of spamming us with their disinformation as much as they please.

On Monday, June 27, 2011 12:58:12 PM UTC-7, BradGuth wrote:


23 Ara 2013 16:10:3123.12.2013

Who says the NWO isn’t upon us, and bearing down?

I'm having to using this more direct email method only because Google gmail access to "" is in the toilet again, and has been intentioinally kept dysfunctional for quite some time.  Obviously a few team Google insiders have been in on this, as otherwise this type gmail dysfunction (especially to their very own account) would have been easily resolved as of a couple days ago, and the culprit hackers located and terminated dead in their tracks.

Anytime our resident redneck FUD-masters(GOP or otherwise) get their way, it ruins it for everyone else.  Of course warlords highly depend upon their brown-nosed minions doing the right thing by way of trashing our public newsgroups, as well as topic/author stalking, profiling and bashing our context of any interpretations of whatever’s happening, for all they can muster.

Remember that there’s never any policing of their remorseless kind, because we can be remotely cut off with the mere flip of a software code switch by simply cutting off or diverting our access to whatever, so that posting topics or replies are simply not going through or much less showing up anywhere, turning this public GG+ version of Usenet/newsgroups into a virtual black hole.

NSA and CGHQ have their inside fiber optic channels plus all the necessary encryption keys to all side and backdoors od mail servers (including those of Google), and apparently they still have their self imposed authority to do as they please.  Snowden offered only the dirty tip of this NSA/CGHQ iceberg, because the other 90+% remains as hidden and nondisclosure rated.

If team Google (aka gmail for accessing Usenet/newsgroups “”) can’t manage to quickly resolve this issue, imagine what the NWO should be capable of getting away with as much mainstream media infomercials and infowar skulduggery crap of spamming us with as much of their disinformation as they please.

This is how WW3 starts, and gets sustained until the last of our lower 99% caste of humans are are either subdued or simply done away with.

On Monday, June 27, 2011 12:58:12 PM UTC-7, BradGuth wrote:
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