How inert is our moon, and what exactly is it doing to us?

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Jun 26, 2011, 12:34:08 PM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The continuously moving Earth-moon barycenter is situated within
Earth, roughly 1707 km below our feet, and obviously everything above
and below that point is not entirely fluid dynamic balanced or even
necessarily moving along or morphing at exactly the same velocity, and
the actual moving barycenter itself is providing kind of a gravity
null or conceivably even causing a void or fluid geode pocket because,
that’s what opposing gravity wells tend to do.

E.D.G. “eq-forecasting” or "Earthquake Triggering" data tends to
support this analogy.

Of course I’ve been saying this all along, that our 2e20 Newton force
moon has a great deal to do with whole-earth modulating, and not that
our planet has always had such a terrific moon or even as much
seasonal tilt for that matter. Others of our mainstream status-quo of
course are not having any of this put into K12 textbooks, or even
getting into mainstream media. So it’s individually up to the few
investigative and deductive thinking types to connect the dots,
because our government sure as hell isn’t going to help (too busy
beating the crap out of disgruntled Muslims).

Secondly, how much mass can our moon and Earth afford to lose?
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Jun 26, 2011, 3:01:45 PM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
On Jun 26, 9:34 am, BradGuth <> wrote:
> The continuously moving Earth-moon barycenter is situated within
> Earth, roughly 1707 km below our feet, and obviously everything above
> and below that point is not entirely fluid dynamic balanced or even
> necessarily moving along or morphing at exactly the same velocity, and
> the actual moving barycenter itself is providing kind of a gravity
> null or conceivably even causing a void or fluid geode pocket because,
> that’s what opposing gravity wells tend to do.
> E.D.G. “eq-forecasting” or "Earthquake Triggering" data tends to
> support this analogy.
> Of course I’ve been saying this all along, that our 2e20 Newton force
> moon has a great deal to do with whole-earth modulating, and not that
> our planet has always had such a terrific moon or even as much
> seasonal tilt for that matter.  Others of our mainstream status-quo of
> course are not having any of this put into K12 textbooks, or even
> getting into mainstream media.  So it’s individually up to the few
> investigative and deductive thinking types to connect the dots,
> because our government sure as hell isn’t going to help (too busy
> beating the crap out of disgruntled Muslims).
> Secondly, how much mass can our moon and Earth afford to lose?
>  Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Earth, moon, Venus and sun forensics are each changing naturally as
well as artificially.

Earth’s gravity simply can not snag onto or otherwise capture and hold
onto solar wind contributed helium that’s more than exceeding our
local escape velocity as is, and that unlike hydrogen it simply
doesn’t bind with anything heavier unless it sneaks a ride inside of
carbon buckyballs, much less can our physically dark and naked moon
even manage to hold onto its sodium.

Helium within the solar wind: (4% of 10 particles/cm3 = .4 particle as
helium), such as arriving at 500+ km/sec is when the solar wind
contains roughly 4% helium, and at 250 km/sec there’s hardly any
helium. However, a maximum halo CME of solar wind that’s offering a
direct cloud hit of nearly 100 particles/cm3 might include at the very
least 10% or10 helium particles/cm3 as moving along at 750+ km/sec
(worse case halo CME cloud velocity = 1500 km/sec, and that’s going to

CME plasma cloud densities as they initially escape 3+r away from our
sun can reach a density of 5e7/cm3 (usually packing less than 5e6/
cm3), and by the time it arrives at Earth’s magnetosphere shield,
it’ll likely become worth considerably below 100/cm3.

The unusually high metallicity of that extremely hard/dense crust of
the moon that’s also unusually thick and paramagnetic should be
unphased by whatever the worst halo CME density and velocity has to
offer. However, try to imagine the sort of horrific impact required
to create that 2500 km crater at its south pole, and secondly, the
thermal dynamics of whatever remainder of core heat plus the secondary
recoil of solar energy being worth 1220+ w/m2 is continually helped by
the hard vacuum of 3e-15 bar to extract and sublime away or dissociate
various elements, such as sodium and always helium that’s never a
solid but instead in a perpetual gas phase all the time.

Half of the physically dark moon gives off 1220+ watts/m2, as well as
it is always being charged up for giving off gamma, plus those hard
and soft secondary/recoil X-rays created by the sun are not exactly
insignificant. It's also always modulating and thereby distorting our
entire planet (that’s 98+% fluid or flexible) with its terrific 2e20 N
force. So why shouldn't that affect us, especially when at full moon
or especially whenever aligned with Venus and our sun.

Now it seems more than a little odd that the most dysfunctional humans
of our era that are currently living on the streets, and as such are
typically drunks that can’t hardly read nor write or accomplish much
of anything else productive or constructive, can still manage to draw
and/or carve things in 2D that include round items like our moon, and
they certainly take notice of those ocean tides and have always
associated those along with our moon and seasonal tilt because, at
least for them summer is always a whole lot different than winter, and
they each in fact perceive the moon has having something to do with
those ocean tides without their ever being K12 taught about such
things. Now go figure why much smarter and higher skilled survivors
of the last ice-age either had no ability to draw or carve anything
remotely round and/or crescent, and clearly failed to notice anything
extremely vibrant enough to cast strong shadows and affect the oceans,
as well as simply failing to notice anything so visually significant
as the moon, or at least they were all totally oblivious until some
time after 12,600 BP, or perhaps after 11,712 BP when the last ice-age
suddenly terminated.

Oddly those previous individuals of 13,000 to 15,000 BP were actually
darn good at surviving as well as better than most of us at their art
and depictions of most everything that mattered and/or impressed them,
which oddly didn’t seem to include seasons, tides or any sort of
moon. Go figure how they ever managed to survive at all when such
absolutely significant worldly matters of our moon, ocean tides and
seasons were either unnoticed and/or ignored.

Was Earth of that ice-age era before 12,600 BP always 100% clouded
over and thus whatever moon just couldn’t be noticed?

Were global seasons of that era before 12,600 BP extremely moderate
and simply not the least bit stressful or much less traumatizing to
these mostly naked humans (aka dumbfounded heathens by our modern

Before the rather significant termination of the last ice-age as of
11,712 BP, those winter nighttime skies must have been absolutely
crystal clear spectacular and seriously star spangled like ten fold
better than any nighttime sky nowadays, certainly way better because
of lower atmospheric water vapor and otherwise having no artificial
soot or other human caused pollution factors. So, why couldn’t these
highly survival intelligent folks as of prior to 12,600 BP that
clearly had terrific painting and carving skills not manage to draw or
carve any moon, or having taken any notice of ocean tides or seasons?
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Jun 27, 2011, 1:12:22 PM6/27/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
According to all things NASA-Apollo, our moon really isn't physically
dark, has hardly any meteor or asteroid debris/shards on its naked
surface, isn't offering us or anyone else any viable resource of
terrific elements, as well as being not the least bit cosmic or solar
reactive and is otherwise kinda inert and harmless, because it doesn't
even make yourself or instruments any extra hot from all the
surrounding secondary/recoil IR of 1220+ w/m2 or otherwise radiate you
with local X-rays and gamma because, Kodak film that's relatively
sensitive to such never once recorded any stray radiation or even
experienced heat related issues. Even the local crystal dry dust that
was always so nicely reflective and wasn't a logistics problem or even
the least bit UV reactive, perhaps because it was always so nicely
clumping that it offered terrific surface tension and was quite
substantially dense or heavy, with cool bedrock only at most a few
centimeters below.

Go figure, they were also never bothered in the least bit by the
considerable amounts of hot sodium and helium upwelling or venting
from the moon.

E.D.G. seems to think our planet is strongly affected by that moon of
ours, and I tend to agree with that deductive interpreted analogy.
- or the following links seem to work -
“A total of 1,445 earthquakes, ranging in magnitude from 5.0 to 9.9,
have been recorded in the year up to 19 June.” This means we’ll be
lucky keeping it below 2800 for the year of 2011 (a 33% increase from

In order to keep our K12 and higher educated or rather indoctrinated
public sufficiently snookered and dumbfounded past the point of no
return, will require those of wealth and power with their trusty army
of loyal minions and FUD-masters to keep interfering with and/or
terminating any public media, such as topic/author stalking, trashing
and/or terminating Google Groups version of our public Usenet/
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 26, 9:34 am, BradGuth <> wrote:
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