Water fueled car

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Dec 7, 2008, 8:57:24 PM12/7/08
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The first to accomplish Sonofusion has to be the Pistol shrimp.

In 1874 John W. Keely described and demonstrated the acoustic
dissociation of water.

In 1970, Dr. Andrija Puharich (MD) acidentally made oxyhydrogen gas
while subjecting blood to specific freqencies. Unknowingly
reproducing Keely's work.

Punarich refined system has a barrel-shaped cavity containing water.
He introduces alternating current at 600 Hz. The cavity
resonates with the impulses. Adding additional harmonics, cause
the proton in the hydrogen atom to rotate, further forcing the
hydrogen to split from the oxygen.

Keely stated that water can be progressively dissociated at 620, 630
and 12,000 Hz (These are on the molecular, atomic and etheric levels

Punarich 600 cps is a harmonic of Keely's 12,000 Hz etheric level

12,000 / 20 = 600

Keely also claims that the disruption of water occurs at 42,800
cycles per second.

It is significant to note that Punarich converted his motor home to
run on water and reportedly drove it around for hundreds of thousands
of miles using water as fuel.

This of course all means nothing to the stubborn disbelievers so let
us continue the journey.

Nobel prize winner Dr. Nakamats who holds over 3000 patents and
invented the floppy disk claimed his Nostradam II engine can make free
energy from water. His patent describes the use of a resonating member
to disassociate water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The hundreds of laboratory confirmations of Pons and Fleishman's cold
fusion setup also deserves a note here.

Lets not forget Stanley Meyer, who obviously coudn't be expected to
explain everything he invented. Stan's hardware has been
experimentally examined by Dr. Eugene Antonov, Dr. Vladimir
Dresyiannikov, Dr. Tibor Nagypal, Roy Azevedo, Peter Graneau, Charles
Millet, Neal Graneau, Gary Johnson, Rea O’Neill, Prof. Mike Laughton,
Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin, Dr Keith Hindley, US military, US Patent
Office experts and the Pantent Office seconded experts.

The basic WFC was subjected to three years of testing. This raises the
granted patents to the level of independent, critical, scientific and
engineering confirmation that the devices actually perform as claimed.

Named scientists have observed the cell making gas without heating up
for many hours at a time.

Former NASA scientist Daniel Dingle has been driving around in a car
running on water since 1965. He deserves the benefit of the doubt
because not one news agency has dared to visit him.

Heavy water physicist Yull Brown has unquestionably demonstrated we
are dealing with a nuclear reaction by neutralising radioactive
materials using a brown gas torch. This is a soup made of water
droplets, steam, protonic and normal hydrogen and oxygen.

NASA scientist Herman P. Anderson has also managed to accomplish cheap
dissociation of water.

Anderson, Brown, Dingle, Punarich, Nakamats and Meyer have all build
cars running on water. A car with a Garrett carburetor drove
journalists around Texas as early as 1935 refueling at the lake. Denis
Klein also build a car running on it's own hydrogen source.

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