Our moon that’s physically dark and kind of naked because it lacks? (carbonated sea water)

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Aug 1, 2011, 9:40:11 AM8/1/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
If there’s so much cosmic water-water getting found most everywhere it
wasn’t supposed to exist on its own, then why with all the necessary
mass and electrostatic charge of gamma doesn’t our rather unusually
metallicity saturated moon (that supposedly came from within our
extremely wet Earth) have a whole lot better atmosphere, or at least
the wet reserves within?

Is our once upon a time icy wet moon all solidified and spent because
of its age?

Supposedly there’s a monstrous black-hole quasar galaxy offering a not
so tenuous molecular cloud or cosmic atmosphere worth 140e12 times as
much water as Earth, and that’s worth a vapor/cloud mass of roughly
2e35 kg, except that its still only a volumetric average density being
3e14 less than our 3e19 populated atmosphere = 1e5/cm3 (roughly .5%
the moon atmospheric average density of 2e5/cm3), which seems kind of
sparse for such naked water vapor or even ice crystals to coexist
unless something else like dark/clear matter has been protecting them
frail molecules of water.

“The water vapor in the quasar is distributed around the massive
black hole in a region spanning hundreds of light-years. The cloud has
a temperature of minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 53 degrees
Celsius), and it's 300 trillion times less dense than Earth's
“That may sound chilly and tenuous, but it means the cloud is five
times hotter and 10 to 100 times denser than what's typical in
galaxies like the Milky Way, researchers said.”

Now this following interpretation by those insiders of Space.com that
always get to publish whatever they like as though it represents the
one and only mainstream authority interpretation, doesn’t exactly look
as though our solar system is going to be spared the galactic merger
trauma like so many others here in Usenet and Google Groups have
7) Galactic Cannibalism
10) Vacuum Energy

It seems this purely speculated science hype of discovering such vast
amounts of cosmic water that can manage to exist or coexist within the
hard vacuum of perhaps 6e-18 bar or worse, gets published and big-time
hyped as representing mainstream status-quo certified science, with
darn little if any independent peer confirmation because, apparently
they are acting as their own peers and approval authority. Such a
sweet deal, and meanwhile a whole lot closer to home are at least a
couple of ignored items, not to mention our planet Earth that’s
running out of affordable hydrocarbon options and otherwise suffering
from lots of people related stuff that hasn’t been running all that
smoothly for decades if not centuries (actually, ever since 11,712 BP
it hasn’t been a smooth ride).

The other good news is, perhaps soon enough we’ll know more about
Vesta and Ceres than we do about Earth. Silly me, I honestly didn’t
know we still had such spare billions and all the time in the world in
order to keep investing our hard earned loot and best talents in such
time-consuming sorts of off-world matters that can’t possibly benefit
even the tenth generation from now. Too bad that our planet at its
current pace of getting overpopulated isn’t going to serve humanity
for much longer, much less long enough to benefit from whatever icy or
wet off-world resources, and otherwise impossibly from any quasar
cache of water that’s supposedly 13 some odd billion light years
further away.

On a very sad note, the vast numbers of advanced intelligence that
simply has to have existed within trillions of solar systems belonging
to that near 13 billion year old quasar galaxy that’s getting eaten
alive by its 2e9 Ms super-massive black hole that’s responsible for
creating the 63e12 energy output of our galaxy, you’d think would have
the faith-based and born-again whatever groups preying like crazy for
those unfortunate souls losing their home galaxy in such a horrific
kind of way. Perhaps that surrounding cosmic cloud of water is simply
the galactic wind blow-off result of the quasar black hole(s)
devouring up to a million wet solar systems per year.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
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