Hi all,
I have been able to successfully solve an optimization problem of the following structure:
min: xt*Q*x + C*x (where xt = x transpose)
Q is 7152 by 7152
C is 7152 by 1
x is 1 by 7152
Inequality constraints:
A*x <= b
A is 17204 by 7152
b is 17204 by 1
Equality constraints:
Aeq*x = beq
Aeq is 4060 by 7152
beq is 4060 by 1
I got a solution by solving.
Now I have entered a quadratic constraint as follows:
xt*Aquad*x = bquad
Aquad is 7160 by 7160
bquad is 7160
Since these new quadratic constraint matrices are larger than the other matrices, I had to add 8 rows/columns to each of the non-quadratic matrix (simply adding rows of zeros). This shouldn't affect the solution.
Now that I am trying to solve, it runs around 110 iterations until it stops and says something like this:
"Barrier performed 110 iterations in 9.37 seconds
Numerical trouble encountered
Model may be infeasible or unbounded. Consider using the
homogeneous algorithm (through parameter 'BarHomogeneous')"
I try to take MATLabs advice, I input the following:
params.BarHomogeneous = 1;
params.method = 2;
I run it again, it doesn't seem to have changed the way that it solves. Spits out the same error. Am I doing this right? Does anyone else have experience with infeasible or unbounded solutions?