Getting My Religion Off The Ground. Helping Out. How To Do Religious Hand Signals For Women And Girls And For Men And Boys.

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Nov 17, 2007, 3:40:10 PM11/17/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Updated: 17-11-07 Rev.x 12:41 PDT

For any one who is interested in becoming more helpful to our
religious efforts, so that we can get started, more quickly, moving
every one down below under the surface of our planets into the new
living environments we are going to have for every one to live in when
we can get enough people to do the religous hand signaling prayers in
accordance with my brains, my eternal base intelligence, that is
helping us and guideing us in our daily lives so that we can fullfill
our karmic futures, or our destinies, as destinies is what is normally
used to say karmic future, than we need both women, girls, and both
men, and boys, who are dedicated enough, to eventually, be able to
hand signal and assist us in our getting our religion off and running
at a more secure pace. We will eventually have new living
environments, down below, for us to move into, that my kids will build
for us. They will use their technologies that they have, and then we
will begin the steady progress towards cleaning up and building a new
universe for all of us to live in.

It may take some time, to get enough people hand signalling, to effect
and bring about these changes. It is a major task, and the dedicated
persons, who decide to attempt to hand signal, will rise to a higher
level, and their karma, will get straightened out, more quickly, as
they can learn, how to erase the karmic markups, they have,
personally, first, as well, as, erase all the karmic markups, for
others, who are living in their environments.

You will see that you can get your karma changed, little by little. It
takes several months, to a year or two before you will notice a
significant change in your karmic future. The problems you have in
your life will slowly begin to get fixed little by little. You will be
able to get on top of your karma and take control little by little as
you continue your hand signaling regularly.

I hand signal, a little, every day, usually. When I first started out,
I did some marathon signalling, and these marathon signalling
sessions, lasted for several hours.

The place, my apartment and the surrounding areas out a few hundred
thousand, who knows how far, got very purified, as a result, and it
was brilliantly wonderful.

People who have the time, for long sessions, will get used to them,
after a few months, of doing them, now and then.

After you get started, and once you get rolling, in motion, forward,
you will be able to taper off, and gradually, bring down the number of
hours, you spend, signalling, to just a few minutes, a day, to a half
an hour, a day, to maybe, none, some days.

With more people, signalling, we can get lots of things, done, for
changing our universe, into a universe, we will want to live in.

For the women and girls, there is one way, for getting connected, so
that you can begin, hand signalling. For men and boys, there is
another way, for getting connected so that you can begin, hand

For women and girls, do the following.

Begin, by thinking, meditatively, about me, my physical sense and my
mental sense, and about what I am doing. That will bring your physical
self and mental self into alingment with my religious mind, my mental
sense and my physical sense, and my religious, cosmic, holy energies.

You can meditate, and begin by thinking, 'What is John Ayres doing?',
'What is John Ayres, thinking?' 'What is John Ayres feeling?'

That is the direction, you should direct your meditative mind in.

Next. Place your hands and arms away from your body at your sides or
in front of you, and kind of free and loose.

You want to keep your hands and arms free and loose because you will
start moving them in syncopation, like you are in step with a dance
tune, or melody, automatically, in rythym, when you get started hand

Next. Start saying, 'Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo' Move your hands and arms
in syncopation, and you can also begin doing the dance steps, or
grovalling, in syncopation, as you pray 'Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo'. You
can be out walking to the store and back, praying and saying 'Nam Myeo
Ho Ren Ge Kyeo' out loud and slowly, you'll get the syncopation going,
and you'll naturally start your hand signaling.

Next. If you are sitting, meditating, wait till you get a notion in
your mind, that you wish to start moving your hands, in a simple way,
that is not complicated, and is, just to begin with, a simple, closing
and opening of the palms.

Next. You will begin to want to start moving, the fingers, more, in
different movements, in syncopation, with your praying. You can point
your fingers, in syncopation, as you are keeping your hands and arms
moving in syncopation to the rythym of your praying 'Nam Myeo Ho Ren
Ge Kyeo'. You can use a metronome, if you need help, keeping a beat.
Set it at a comfortable pace, to allow you to pray along, in synch
with the metronome. You are singing, and not really praying, 'Nam Myeo
Ho Ren Ge Kyeo', but it is also a prayer, or syncopated 'chant'. You
can also use Hindi, or an other language, if it is syncopated.

Om Mane Padme Ooum, which is the same thing, but in another language,
can be said in a syncopated manner. Also, in Chinese, you can get a
syncopated phrase, if you know the Chinese for 'Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge
Kyo'. Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo is what I will be useing, and it is for
us in the Gurkian Age. It is not much different from Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge
Kyo, but it takes some practice, out loud, to get the vowel sounds
adjusted and correct.

As you get started, you'll want to move your arms, more, and move the
positions, of your hands and arms, to different locations, in front of
you, and to the side of you, in syncopation as you are chanting.

It becomes like a dance, in a way, with you keeping time, as you pray,
with your hands and arms, moving, and closing and opening. As you
continue, your hands and arms movements, will get more complex.

In time, you'll want to stand up, and start signalling, from a
standing position.

If you are a little lazy like me, you can start, to begin with, on
your back, in your bed, or on a couch, with a pillow under your head.
Take walks to the store, or to the park, and get in some walking time,
practice. It is too hard, if you try jogging and keeping syncopated.
The hands and arms movements require much concentration, as they get
more and more complex.

Take it comfortably, and easy, and you'll get into the mood for
signaling, lying on your back, on a couch, or on your bed, a little.
It is easy, to begin on your back, lying down, practicing the hand

To begin your long career, it is easier, that way, on your bed, or on
a couch, than by doing it standing up in a religious ceremonial
stance. You will get lots of practice, later on, standing up,
especially you women and girls, who like to sex standing up, taking
charge of the situation.

After a while, as you continue to practice, you will now and then,
suddenly, spontaneously, think about signaling, and you'll begin
signaling, spontaneously. Your hand signaling will become automatic,
and you will not need to think or meditate, through the preliminary

At some point, you'll get into a period of doing it up on your feet in
a relgious ceremonial stance. As you do, your hand signalling, will
get more and more, complex.

In time, you'll begin learning, as my base intelligence directs you,
how to do, Tai Chi, and at the same time, do the hand signaling.

In time, you'll become, an expert, in Tai Chi, as well as, in many
other, areobic dance, and martial arts, forms, as you hand signal.
You'll also learn Yoga, intuitively. You'll also learn, tantric
sexing, and you'll get insights into sexing that you may not have had

You can switch over to martial arts hand movements and martial arts
feet movements any time, and even that, is part of the religous hand
signalling that my base intelligence is directing you to practice.

The point is not to learn, martial arts, as a primary goal, but only
as a secondary, part of your training, you'll get better and better,
at using your body, arms, legs, hands, fingers, and feet, in ways,
that you can also use, to enhance your life, and give you more
confidence, as you train, and deepen your abilities, to preform
martial arts, movements, and coordinate and control your body,

That's part of the training, that will bring, more control for you,
over your own, future.

You can begin to exert an influence, over your situations, in your

As you introduce your friends to this practice, you will be able to do
it, with your friends, and you'll enjoy the excercise, together.

You'll get insights into what you are doing, from time to time, and
what you are doing, will become, more easy, to understand.

Your karmic futures, will slowly change, and you'll notice, the
problems, you had, are now, less and less, as you begin to fix your
life, and your life's karmic futures.

For men and boys, do the following.

Meditate, and think, 'What are the women and girls who are signaling,
thinking, in their minds?' What are the women and girls who are
signaling, feeling?' 'What are the women and girls who are signaling,

That will get you, tuned into, the women and girls, who are tuned into
my base intelligence.

Next, follow the other guidelines, and you'll get started, practicing,
as well.

When we have enough, women and girls, and men and boys, signaling, and
practicing, our religion, praying to the cunts, titties, nipples,
mouths, butt holes, legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, fingers, and other
body parts of women and girls, and praying to the dicks, titties,
nipples, mouths, butt holes, legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, fingers,
and other body parts, of men and boys, then we can expect to get some

Until then, we can not expect to get very far. It takes time, to get a
religion started.

It takes a lot of dedication, devotion, and dedication, to get a
religion started, and a society, changed.

It takes a lot of people, practicing, our religion, to get our selves,
moving, in the right direction, along with every one else, towards,
eventual, resolution to this situation we find our selves in.

We are the leaders, of this religious revolution. The women and girls,
are the bodhisatvas who will save all people. The men and boys, are
the bodhisatvas, though minor bodhisatvas, or bodhicitvas, who will
save all women and girls.

You'll all appreciate the fact, that you can take control over your
karmic futures, and get all of the rest of the people, into the living
environments, we will need to put them into, to begin our long
journey, back to our goal line, which is a pristine, universe.

We will continue, even after that, in constructing, a greater, and
larger universe, many times greater, than we can imagine, with lots of
new people, and with lots of new, resources animals, of many, and
different, wonderful kinds.

Your karmic points scores, will go up, and your life, will become,
more and more, interesting.

You'll be able, to steady, your ups and downs, and you'll gradually,
level off, and get all of your life, into order.

You are going to be living in our universe, for ever. You can get
started, controlling your futures, now, as you practice, the hand

If you introduce others, to your practice, and help them get started,
you'll get even higher points scores, and you'll be rewarded, and
blessed, with a relatively, worry free, life.

The people, who do not practice, may feel life's miseries and
sufferings. But you'll manage to pull your selves out of that, and get
up to higher and higher, levels of a stabilized, life condition, and
living circumstance.

You'll become, a valued and rewarded, person, who is invaluable, to
the welfare, of all of the rest of the people, in our universe, who
can not do anything, to alter their lives, and futures.

They are at the mercy, of karma, and of their destinies. They have no
say over any thing. You'll be able to ride on the surfing waves of
higher levels of life, and you'll help to move every one, as you move
forward, advancing, daily. Every one else, will be lost, stuck in the
soup, of the oceans, you are riding the waves, of.

My base intelligence, will direct you, and give you, all the
assistance, you'll need, to get your life, stabilized, steady, and
moving forward, with sure and steady, direction in and to your life.
You'll get information, over the next, several thousands of years, and
beyond, from my base intelligence, that will help you, to understand,
how you need to adjust your selves, so that you can live, for ever.

You will begin, to one day, experience, more and more, wonderful,
insights, into how, every thing, exists, and moves forwards, in
relation to what you are doing. These insights will be powered, by the
energies, that build, as you move, forward.

You'll find all the things you'll need, to maintain your life, and to
insure, your survivability. As you introduce others, to this religious
practice, they will become, an integral part of your life, and they
will all become, dependant on what you are doing, as you move forward,

Some people, you may meet, may not make it, the first time, as we set
off, in this new, direction, to reverse, the damages, that have been
done, to our universe.

It may take them, untold lengths of time, and untold numbers of
births, and rebirths, till they accumulate, enough karmic future
fortune, for them to be able, to get themselves, steadied, and
started, moving in the right direction, towards, their karmic futures.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
Chief Administrator
Chief Priest
And Kids

AKA, Allah, Jehova, Kuvera, Amida Nyorai, Matreya,
Sunde, Arjuna, The G O D Guy, GOd, Kuon Ganjo
Nyorai, Etc.

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry Institute
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