The Gurkian Age Is Here

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Jul 12, 2008, 12:23:13 PM7/12/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway
These posts all came from my memories. There are many useful posts,
and there is much to learn about the arts of sexing from some of the
posts. The interesting thing is, that we have been around in this
universe, for a very great and long time. My memories surfaced, but
they did not necessarily relate to how are bodies are designed here,
on this planet, with our particular evolutionary processes on this
planet. Therefore, some posts, concerning for instance, the shank, do
not apply to us, on this planet.

I'll leave it at that, for now. Thanks.

John Francis Ayres
Jonjon, Guru

jonatthehelm @ gmail . com

JonJon (improved clone)

Jul 16, 2008, 12:12:04 AM7/16/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway

Jonjon, where ya been? What have you been up to? Taking your meds I
Why don't you stop playing with your "shank" and get a job?

p.s. I'm now the head of the gurkianway/gurkianage universal church.
We no longer do any of your weird shit like running around naked in
the woods or "sexaling". That stuff was kinda creepy. We mostly
drink beer, watch football, and occasionally go to strip clubs. keep
on keeping on

Aug 7, 2008, 11:06:24 AM8/7/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Hi, You can find me in a few groups, but I am going to spend most of
my time in alt.religion.tantra for now, as no one seems to be using it
much, and I have a lot of things I'm posting on tantric yoga.

The stuff I wrote for this web board, the gurkian age gurkian way web
board, I wrote from day to day, just having a good time, saying funny
things, at least, things that I thought were funny, and I think a lot
of it goes back to memories that I had, that resurfaced, and I just
put together a long running list of stories, that may be based partly
in truth, but that have no relation to how things are today. Some
things may explain why some people have the karma they do, but over
all, I wouldn't take my comments on people I've mentioned, too
seriously, as there was a lot of tongue in cheek statements I made.

Anyway, I won't be posting here, any more, as there is no need for it.
To all my readers, sorry for any inconveniences or distress that my
posts may have caused. I hope you could get some laughs out of some of
them, as some are kind of funny. We'll see ya.

John Ayres
Yoga Instructor

Aug 7, 2008, 7:30:06 PM8/7/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway
I have a collection of papers on Tantric Yoga, and energies exchanges,
that I wanted to keep in one place, so I thought I would post them,
under this thread. Hope no one minds. I'll start out with some basic
ideas, and then give some introductory info on tantric yogic practice
routines. Thanks.

Karma, Passion, Fortune

Women are pure and holy, sacred beings, though most do not realize it.
It is true. They are walking, breathing, eating, pooping, peeing,
evolutionary creations that are comparable to flowers, the most
beautiful of all plant.

Women are indeed beautiful, and it is innate in them, their beauty.
There are many varieties, but they are all, flowers.

There is nothing more fortunate for a human being then to worship,
adore, appreciate, a woman for her beauty, charm, wit, intelligence,
grace, poise, elegance, gentleness, softness, sternness, and

The most worthwhile way to worship a woman, is to have her take her
clothes off, and then have her lie down on her back, and then have her
open her legs, exposing her most precious treasure, her vagina.

When she has done this, then you can begin worshiping her, beginning
with her vagina, then her pelvis, her thighs, her groin, her butt
hole, her tummy, her back, her shoulders, her neck, her boobs, her
face, ears, nose, mouth, eyes, hair, and every part of her body, and
as you go this, you should pray, Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo. Some people
can pray, Nam Mya Fa Lin Wua Ching, others may prefer to pray, Om Mane
Padme Oum. Others may prefer to pray, Om. It does not matter, but it
does matter that you show respect by your worshiping her in this way.

The results will be, a new found appreciation for the woman, and as
you invite more women to pray to in the same way, you begin to learn
to appreciate more and more women, of all types, shapes, abilities,
ethinic backgrounds, ages, beauty, style, intelligence, wit, charm,
grace, poise, elegance, gentleness, softness, sternness, and

This leads to a new appreciation for women, which men are sorely
lacking. Women are treated like non-citizens, nearly. Yes, they vote,
but let's face it. They have the same credentials, after graduating
from high school, or college, or university, medical school, but do
they get equal payment for their work in the work force? I don't think

Globally, women are relegated to lower status jobs, and in some
countries, they may not even get paid for doing the same work, for the
same amount of time, compared to a male.

Women do not recieve promotions, to top positions, like males do.
Women are excluded, though they have the credentials, from many
political offices, simply because males do not want them working along
side of them.

I believe, globally, we have a male chauvinistic mentality that says
women are inferior to men. In China, for instance, where they try to
limit births, to one child for each couple that marries, in many
cases, if a girl is born, the parents will take the child, and drown
it, and try again, for a boy baby.

I think there are many examples in each country, where women are not
treated fairly, and are in fact, they are treated, disgracefully.
Women have to contend with this, lower status attitude that males
apply to women. This is not fair, and it is a psychological burden on
women, that is not fair.

Men don't have to contend with that, so why should women? It doesn't
make any sense.

Well, we can't solve all the problems of the world, over night, but we
can figure out how to improve things for women, and the first step to
improving things for women, in the minds of men, firstmost, but also
in the minds of women, is to begin worshiping them, as I've explained.

At the same time, to help keep things in a correct perspective, you
will have to ask a male to volunteer, and get naked, and lie on his
back, and open his legs to expose his most valuable treasure, his
penis and testes, or dick and nutsack. This is not disrespectful, and
neither is saying, with regards to a woman, her cunt. Dicks and their
attached nutsacks, and cunts are both treasures. Boobs are treasures,
too. A woman's body is a treasure. A man's body is a treasure.

Yet, people are thrown into jail, for exposing themselves, nakedly, or
for taking their clothes off, and walking around in a park, naked. It
does not make much sense, if we realize, we are walking treasures, and
walking, flowers.

Women are flowers, but so are men. Men are just a different kind of
flower. Just as there are trees with female flowers on them, and there
are trees with male flowers on them, the vagina, or cunt, is the
female flower, and the dick and attached nutsack, is a male flower.

I hope you understand this, and I hope you will put into practice what
I am suggesting you to do, that is, worship both female and male
bodies, in a group of people, small or large, private or public. It
doesn't matter. Why not? Because we have got to get people's minds
cured of their misgivings, their mental disruptions, that make them
think the human body is ugly, and obscene. That kind of nonsense
thinking needs to be gotten rid of. This religious practice will help
you to learn a new appreciation for women and men, and you'll begin to
understand, hey, it's not so bad, that women are naked, and that men
are naked. Why shouldn't they be naked, anyway? They weren't born with
any clothes on them, were they? No. They were not. Well, why force
them to wear clothes? It makes no sense at all, since they are both,
walking flowers. If you cover up a flower, and hide it from view, that
is a silly thing to do, isn't it. Well, we need to get over our
sillyness, and we need to change our attitudes so that people who wish
to dress with little or no clothes on, are allowed to do so, and
people who wish to participate in human being worship ceremonies, are
also allowed to.

After awhile, when people begin to realize these truths, they will
begin to settle down, and people who go around calling others,
'perverts' will become fewer, and people who get hysterical about men
asking women to date, or women who ask men to date, and something goes
wrong, and the police find out they had sex, and one or the other is
charged with "rape", or "sexual misconduct", or "sexual assault", or
if a man asks a woman for a date for having sex with each other, he
will get charged with "solicitation", and they will all get labeled as
"sexual predators", this kind of ridiculous hysteria will eventually
subside, and people will get back their normal, level headed selves.
There is too much hysteria about sex, and about sexuality, and the
truth is, is that, sex is a type of spirituality. I don't believe in a
'god', but there is this universe, and there is a base intelligence
that pushes on evolution. That base intelligence is 'god' if any thing
is 'god', but there is no male god, or female goddess, other than
human beings, themselves.

As people begin to practice this new type of religious worship, they
will become more kind to each other, and if they decide to disrobe,
and take their clothes off, that should be allowed, as the romantic
and erotic sensations will build up in you as you worship a naked
woman, or women, and a naked man, or men, and you will overheat if you
do not disrobe and begin to sex with other people. Women and men can
then begin to make love, and worship each other, and caress each
other. Condoms should be made available before the start of the
worship ceremony. Bath sized towels to wear, and pillows and sheets to
spread on the floor, should also be made available. Women and men will
begin to completely change their attitudes about each other, over
time. And as that happens, men and women will appreciate each other,
more, and they will begin to treat each other fairly, kindly, and

This will become a religion all in itself, in time, and it will be a
religion based on human good will for all people towards each other,
people of all ethnic backgrounds. This will bring more and more people
together, and in time, there will be one religion, the religion of
human flower worship. There is no greater, funner, more pleasureable,
and more useful religion than this.


Aug 7, 2008, 7:31:32 PM8/7/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Mature Sex ~ Hindi Erotic Sex Exercises & Activities

Energies In Ports / Energies Out Ports And Tagging Energies

There are lots of energies in ports and energies out ports all over
the human body. Both male and female have loads of them, all over
their bodies. Energies out ports release in a steady stream or flow,
various energies, and energies in ports, suction in various types of

When two human bodies are placed up next to each other, they begin to
suction in energies from each other.

You can't stop this from happening, and if you spend enough time,
suctioning in the out flowing energies from another person, you will
fill up with the incoming energies, that are being suctioned in,
through the inports that you have all over your body.

These incoming ports help to create drafts, or currents or flows of
energies, that steadily draw in energies that flow into your body, and
in and throughout your entire body.

If you suction in enough of them, which takes time, and your partner
has to be able to produce enough of the energies, to make it worth
your time, and you have to be able to produce enough energies to make
it worth your partner's time, you will eventually fill up with your
partner's energies, and so long as you do not let them escape in
greater quantities than the quantities that come into your body, you
will fill up and you will begin to orgasm, wildly. The more energies,
and the more intense the energies, the more wildly you will orgasm.
Intense energies are the energies we release while we are romantically
engaged, or sexually engaged, or erotically engaged with another

If you fill up with sufficient enough energies, to fill up and pack
your body full up of them, from head to toes, and if more is coming in
than going out, you will become so ecstatic that you will rapture, or
orgasm strongly, and then you will be overwhelmed and you'll pass out,
and if the energies are full enough throughout your body and brain,
you may even shock, which is you are over whelmed to the point where
you begin to orgasm and convulse. During the orgasming and convulsing,
you lose consciousness, and then you starlance, or astral travel.

If you are that lucky, than you can enjoy this yogic technique for
orgasming wildly, over and over again, with your friend, who practices
with you, and who also goes through similar experiences as you do if
you are putting out enough energies for your partner to experience the
same levels of over flowing energies through out his or her body.

When you orgasm, you release incredible amounts of energies, so if
some one passes out, orgasming and convulsing, let the person go
through the experience, until the person begins to settle down a
little. To help the person settle down, you may want to get up, and
get a cold towel, or warm towel, and place it over his or her body, to
help dampen, or prevent further amounts of energies from flowing in.
The person has reached his or her limits, and the best thing to do, is
get up, and let the person go through the warming down phase, which is
just, letting the draft currents of energies settle down, slowly. You
can help the person along, if you wish, by placing a wet towel, or wet
bed sheet over the person, and the person will also slowly begin to
stop convulsing, and the person will also come back from his or her
astral traveling, or starlancing, which are really nifty events for
people to experience.

There may be a few techniques, that you can use, to make sure the
energies keep or stay inside the body, and build up, so as to not
allow them to escape. One is to focus your mind on the levels of
energies, the energies themselves, if you can sense them, and that
will help keep them inside, as your mental energies, will tag them,
and then your mental energies will help keep them from escaping.

Taging energies means, throwing a lasso around them, like you throw a
lasso around a bull, or steer, or cow, or horse, to then lead it to
where you want it to go. Your mental energies tag energies, or lasso
them, and that slows them down and keeps them hanging around, for a
longer period of time, then they normally would hang around for.

Mentally engaging in prayers, such as repeating the syllable, Oum, in
your mind, as you are sensing the energies, repeating the devotional
phrases, hare krishna hare rama, rama rama, hare hare, and so on, or
by repeating, Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo (Japanese), or by repeating Nam
Mya Fa Lin Wua Ching (Chinese), in your mind, while you are sensing
the energies, that will help tag them and slow them down too, and it
will help keep them from escaping, as they will get also tied up in
your meditational, in this case, repeating the chant like phrases, is
a meditational event, energies.

As you tie up these energies, they will stick around, longer in your
body, and so they will begin to escape less and less, over time, and
there will begin to be a backlog like a beaver damn, and so long as
there is a steady incoming source, that is, another person, right up
besides you in one of the positions that I've explained about, you'll
eventually fill up like a beaver damn stopped up stream turned into a
lake full of water.

If you snooze or go to sleep, there is not much chance for you to
focus on the energies levels in your body, and the energies will
slowly drift out of your body. New energies are constantly flowing in
and being suctioned in, but they are also drifting out, through many
portholes, so it is best to stay awake, and keep your mind focused on
the energies levels you sense, and that will help tag the energies,
and then you can be sure the energies are on the increase, inside your

Those are some of the techniques for helping to keep the energies
inside of your body. They are meditative techniques, basically, and
both people should use them, so that they can keep as many of the
energies that are suctioned in and that also flow in, from the
currents that you can work to create.

Another technique, is to think about the other person, and then try to
keep positive thoughts in mind about that person. Do not let your mind
drift to negative thoughts, as that will not help the situation, and
will ruin the event. If you can have positive thoughts about the
person, that will also tag energies that are useful to you, that the
other person is allowing to flow out of his or her body, and into your

Any thoughts related to the other person, even thoughts that you make
up in your mind, about possible things you plan to do with that
person, such as going out to dinner, or going for a walk, or going for
a picnic, and so on, or thoughts about previous experiences and good
times with that person, these types of thoughts tag the energies
flowing in from that person's body, and trap them inside your body
where they will linger for longer periods of time.

Erotic thoughts about that person are some of the best and most
intense mental meditative thoughts you can have, that will strongly
tag the energies from that person and very firmly trap them inside of
your body. You want to trap as many energies as you can, so use these
different techniques.

Trying to sense the areas of your body where you think they might
probably or possibly be flowing into your body, will also tag these
energies, and help keep them inside of your body. Even just keeping
aware of the other person's body, in mental images of you and the
other person walking down the street, for example, will also help tag
the energies that flow from that person's body, into your body. And of
course, as you lay there, looking at the other person, and imaging in
your mind, the body of the other person, these are effective
techniques for tagging the energies flowing from that person's body.

I've explained about making draft currents, already, so I needn't
start any thing up on that. You can read my notes to get some
techniques on how to make suctioning currents, and eventually
vortextual currents that will flow all by themselves, once you have
fixed them so that they flow into you. By fix, I mean, set them up.

Suctioning in energies from the groinal area is one way to set up
currents, but there are many other places on the body, where you can
use suctioning techniques, and increase the number of draft currents
that will then flow into your body, as I've explained about in
previous notes. You want to try and tag those energies, as well, so
think about that person, and where you have suctioned, and imagine in
your mind, what the draft currents might look like, where they are
coming from and where they are going to, and meditate on it, and that
will help tag those energies.

Vortextual currents are different from port hole currents. Port hole
currents are the normal incoming suctioning currents flow channels
openings through which energies are drawn into your body, by
mechanisms inside your body, that help pull those energies in towards
them. I'm not much up on science, but even your body has gravitational
pulls to it. So do all of your organs inside of your body, and so do
all of your blood platelets, and even your eye lashes have
gravitational pulls on them, and that is all that is needed to get the
energies suctioning in, your body has all it needs gravitationally
speaking, and as well, there are other, mental mechanisms, that also
work to draw in, gravitationally, but with mental energies, and as
well, and physical energies, other people's energies. There are lots
of things going on inside the body, that we are not aware of, and
these things, as well, can and do work to draw in energies from

You need energies from others to live a healthy life, and without
them, you really can't be healthy. That is why there is a lot of
discord in society, as many people are not living with enough energies
from others, inside their bodies.

It is a little like rain. If there is not enough rain, the ground
dries up, and not much to nothing grows. Well, if you do not suction
in enough energies from others, then your body's vitality suffers.

That is one reason why people who spend a lot of time on their own,
such as true hermits, and hermits are not necessarily people who want
to escape others and live solitary lives, such as Ted
Kazinsky(spelling?), the Unabomber guy, who was out to escape
detection and be alone to think, was doing, never get fired up wanting
to do things, as they are suffering from a drought of energies from

It is also why a lot of solitary people, who never go out, and who
stay in, feel gloomy, sad, lonely, and depressed.

It is also why people who congregate in places with lots of people,
can feel more lively, than hermits do, and they have more inclinations
to go about and get things done that they want to get done.

The hermit sits and thinks, and knows what is needed for survival, and
goes about doing what he or she needs to do, but not a whole lot else,
in many cases.

If the hermit has a hobby, he or she might get fired up, now and then,
over his or her hobby, especially if the hobbies are out door hobbies,
where there are lots of energies, from plants, and animals, and even
bugs living in the ground.

If a hermit sits in a wood cabin, surrounded by logs, there is not
much chance of getting any currents of energies to flow into his or
her body.

But if that hermit spends his or her time, out doors, most of the
time, the person will be more apt to wanting to get up and do
different chores, more regularly, and more avidly, or with greater

That is why going out and walking for instance, in a park, is good for
you, as you get to suction in energies that are all around you. If you
are naked then you will suction in more energies even more briskly and
your health will improve that much more. You don't need to be naked,
though it helps. If you wear loose fitting clothing, that also helps.
Anything that blocks the free flow of energies, to and through the in
ports, the suctioning ports, is not good to wear.

Tight jeans, for example, are not good. Even loose fitting jeans, are
not good, as they block energies flow currents. You need to wear short
pants, or if you are a woman, a skirt, or dress, or a sari, or a loose
fitting gown, such as some Saudi Arabs wear, or if you are in
Scotland, and a male, a kilt, to get the most benefit from the
incoming, energies, that flow through your suctioning in ports.

But if you even wear underwear, it will block your incoming energies,
so we are in kind of a bind, here in our society, as nakedness is out
lawed, and it is considered lewd conduct here in Las Vegas, or
'exposing yourself in public' or some other term or phrase, that
means, you've broken the law, and you are going to get punished by the
law, that is, you'll have to go to court, and you'll get fined, and if
you do it more than once, you may even have to spend time in jail, of
all things.

G-Strings for women and men should be legal, if not nudity itself, and
no one should give a dam, about it. But because of the big three,
monotheistics, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as well as Buddhism,
we have a very warped sense of moralities, and sex is taboo, and so on
and so forth.

Anyhow, getting back to the main topic here, we need incoming
energies, of all kinds, and I've out lined excercises that you can do,
to increase the amounts of incoming energies, and I've explained that
there are natural suctioning ports on the body, that help bring in
energies, into your body, from others.

Just resting your butt up against another person's butt, is going to
allow so many energies to flow in, and get suctioned in, but the only
trouble is, we don't normally pay much attention to who we are leaning
up against, or we know who is sitting next to us, and we don't pay
much attention to the 'who' factor, so we don't tag the energies, and
they flow out, just as fast, just about, as they flow in.

You want to tag the energies, and that will help keep them inside of
your body.


Aug 7, 2008, 7:32:55 PM8/7/08
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Mature Sex ~ Hindi Erotic Sex Excercises & Activities

Starting Out With A Partner - A Beginer's Guide

What is a good way to get started with another person? You need to get
yourselves into the mood, and into the right frame of mind, with
meditative practice, while adjusting yourself to each other's energies
levels, and senses. That helps a lot.

A basic exercise is to just lay down on the floor, with feet touching
feet, with the soles of the feet pressed up against each others' feet.
Just lie there, sensing what you can sense, meditatively through your
feet. You can carry this out and accomplish it by trying to sense
through your feet, what the person feels like. You can try to sense
what the person feels in his or her groin, or in his or her butt
muscles, or in his or her tummy, and so on. It helps if your feet are
erotically stimulated and if there are erotic energies available to
assist with the transport of other energies that flow into the
person's body through many different entrance ways. The energies will
flow in, and then you'll begin to get feedback, and you'll start to
pick up information on what is going on inside the person.

Energies will be exchanged, and meditative energies will pass through
the feet to the brain systems in the body of the other person and back
to your body and brain systems. This is a very good warm up exercise.

A variation is to hold your hands above you, and clasp each other's
hands together. You can do this with one person lying in one
direction, and with the other person lying in the other direction,
with clasped hands and palms meeting over head. You do the same kind
of meditative sensing techniques, as above, and through the palms of
your hands, you try to feel what the other person is feeling in parts
of that person's body.

You can also lay with your face and body, directly facing each other,
but not touching, particularly, though it is probably okay to let your
bodies come together, if you wish to, as that will help with energies
transfers. You keep your palms together, and you try to sense through
your palms what the other person is feeling in parts of his or her
body. That's another good warm up exercise to acclimate each person to
each other's energies and senses. This will speed up the harmonious
working relationship between the two people as it may provide insights
into the lives of each of the two people in the minds of the two

The most erotically sensitive parts of a person's body are the best
tools for probing and sensing with. That means, the vagina, and the
dick scrotum package are your most sensitive probing instruments and
the most sensitive and responsive probing areas of the body.

If you can, after warming up for awhile, contact each other's probing
instruments, with the vagina in contact dermally with the dick that
should be on the outside, and not inserted, to begin with.

Just rest each probing instrument up against each other, and begin the
sensing meditational activities. You'll get good responses if you
concentrate, and focus, and put your meditative energies into trying
to sense what the other person is sensing and where the other person
is at. This is helped along by slight erotic stimulation, as those
energies that develop will carry the mediative energies with them, and
assist the process of meditation.

A womans lips are particularly easily eroticized. In that case, the
lips become useful sensing probing instruments. The breasts of a woman
are also very sensitive probing instruments. Also, the butt is a very
sensitive probing instrument for women. If it is easily eroticized, it
can be used as a useful sensing and probing instrument.

Men vary as to what is erotically sensitive. Some men may have
sensitive body parts other than their dicks, and they can use them, as
sensing probing instruments, as well. A male's dick, however, is the
most useful of all his probing instruments, and it can be easily
stimulated, and the erotic energies will assist the meditative
energies to move them through to the other person's body, to the
energy layers of the psyche, and to possibly other areas of the brain,
that will assist in connecting with informational energies, and then
returning information to the sensing probe instrument, the dick, which
from, information is relayed on to the main brain of the individual.
It works the same way with women, but women have more areas of the
body to use as erotically sensitive probing instruments.

After you get the hang of it, you can use your sensing and probing
instruments, else where on the body to sense what a person is sensing
in other areas of the body. That means, for example, you can take your
dick, and place it up against the left boob of a woman's breast, and
begin the sensing and probing activity. You'll see that erotic
information is returned to your dick and relayed on through to your

A woman can use her vagina to place it up against an area of a male's
body, say the right butt cheek, or right thigh, front or rear side. As
she does the sensing and probing technique, erotic information will be
returned to her vagina, and relayed on to her brain.

You can both do this on every square inch of each other's body and you
will be surprised at how much erotic information you will get back to
your probing instrument(s). Women can use their breasts as sensing and
probing instruments, and get back different types of erotic
information, that the breasts are able to pick up, and which may be
different from what the vagina is able to pick up.

If you do these excercises, your fun and erotic enjoyment can go on
for hours and hours, and you will reach very high levels of
intensities of erotic pleasures you have never felt before. These
excercises if practiced over a lengthy period of time, a few years, at
a minimum, will level up your capacities for sensing various energies
from people and even from animals and plants. You will become more
tuned into others, and into what is going on in their lives.

People call this type of sensitivity towards others, psychic ability.
It doesn't matter what you call it, but you will become more sensitive
to others, and that will be a major plus for you, in your daily life,
as you may sense things that are happening, that could be detrimental
to you, and then you can take the needed steps to avoid troubles and
potential chaos for your life.

Practicing these excercises with others, along with the other
exercises that I've discussed, will also help to resynchronize your
life, and that will set you on a new path of karma, or future destiny.
On the new path that you have made for your self, you will be able to
experience less suffering.

This is a religious practice, essentially, and your level of
spirituality will rise. You can forget about going to church, or to
the synagogue, or to the mosque, as you will attain high levels of
spirituality, and you can practice these and the other excercises with
people, and that will transform itself into your own personal
religious and spirtitual practice, that you can adapt to what you are
already doing, if you are happy with your life style as it is. It will
add a major plus factor to your life, and in time, you'll eventually
lead a more tranquil, unperplexed, and undisturbable life.

When doing these warming up exercises, and the erotic sensing and
probing exercises, remember that it is not the male who is superior to
the female. This is very important to get things off to a proper
start. The female is loaded with baby making equipment, and it is all
very complex. There are lots of brain systems that go along with all
that equipment that females have, but that males do not have. A
woman's responsibilities are far greater, or far more significant than
are the responsibilities of the male, for the sake of baby making.
That is what makes the female the more important of the two. Males can
be replaced, but if you lose a female, you are out of luck, and that
is the end of that.

Male's equipment are mostly all in the muscles of his body. These are
not as complex systems as are baby making systems. So in males, there
are some brain systems such as in the dick, or in the butt hole, or in
the scrotum, and in the lips, and in the chest, and back, etc., but
there is nothing in the male body approaching the number and
complexities of the brain systems in a female.

Once you've got it straight in your mind that females are more
important and superior to males, and that males are here to serve all
females then with that proper attitude you can begin your warm up

Other warm up excercises, for example, are for the two persons, to lay
down, with back to back, and press their butts up against each other's
butt. The back and the legs and the heels, and the head can also be
pressed up against each other's. Vary the meditative exercise to sense
through your butts and other body parts what each other is feeling in
different parts of their bodies. You can use your upper back to sense
through to the other person's senses and mind, and you can use your
legs to sense through to the other person's senses and mind. Try again
to feel what the other person is feeling at the contact area of
different parts of the person's body and you may be surprised at what
signals begin to come through into your mind.

You can lay back to back and press your bodies and legs up against
each other's body but in a comfortable manner. When comfortable, find
the areas where your bodies are in contact with each other's body, and
begin to concentrate, and focus through those body parts, to try and
feel, or sense at or through the point of contact what the other
person is feeling and sensing and where the person is at emotionally,
intellectually, and physically. Is the person feeling tired, or full
of energy, or erotic, and what kinds of sensations is the person
feeling. Use your mind to probe through the part of your body that is
in contact with the other person's body and try to sense what ever
there is to sense. After a while, signals will get returned to your
mind, and you'll begin to sense some things.

You can of course face each other, and pressing yourselves up against
each other, you can use parts of your body that are in contact with
the other person's body, to meditatively concentrate and focus on
sensing through your body parts that are in contact with the other
person's body parts. Again, signals will go through, and come back
around, and you may be surprised that you are beginning to sense more
about the person, on a deeper level than you had ever expected to
learn things about the person. Use your meditative mind to sense and
probe with your body parts to sense and probe what the other person is
feeling and sensing, and where the person is at emotionally,
intellectually, and physically.

There is then, the legs cross over positions, where the male lays
below facing one direction, and the female lays above facing from the
opposite direction, with the groins as close to each other's groin as
possible. If you can get your groins, or your butt to come into
contact with the other person's body part, the groin, or the butt, or
if contact can be made well, and the male can press his dick up
against the woman's vagina, then in any of these examples, you again,
meditatively concentrate, and focus through your body part, to the
person's body part you are pressing up against, and you try to sense
what the other person is sensing in his or her body, and in his or her

The male can flip over, and the female wants to stay face upwards, and
keep her butt up on top of the other person's butt. Do the meditative
excercises, in this position. The female can flip over, and the male
can stay facing skyward, with the groin of the female up on top of the
groin of the male. Again, begin the meditative concentration and
focusing sensing excercise. Both persons can lay face down, and the
female wants to keep her groin up on top of the male's butt. These are
all good positions to continue with warm up excercises.

A good exercise position, is to move your groins as close as possible
to each other's groin, and press them firmly against each other. One
or both of you will need to have your knees bent, with the female's
legs over the hips of the male with groins locked together. Again, do
the meditative sensing exercise, and this will bring the thoughts and
feelings of the other person, more closely into mind, the more you
practice it.

Another exercise is to have the female sit on top of the male with her
vagina directly over the male's dick scrotum package. The both of you
can then do the meditative concentration focusing and sensing
excercises through the points of contact with each other's body.

These excercises should be practiced, every day, if possible, with the
same person until you have made significant contact with each other's
life, and you feel you are indeed, connecting to the 'mind', life, and
feelings of the other person.

You can check, and verify if the other person has these thoughts or
feelings that you sense, but some things you get insights into, may be
a little embarrassing, as you can not predict what the results will
be. Don't worry, and try to discuss them in a mature manner, without
getting upset, and try not to hurt the feelings of the other person,
if possible. You do not want to lose your partner by upsetting her or
him. Some women may be very touchy, when it comes to discussing
certain things, and you can not predict how a person will react to a
question about one thing or another. Men too, may be very touchy,
sometimes, and they do not want certain things to be discussed by
others, as, for instance, it might embarrass them.

Start with the little things, and then give it time, and discuss the
more complex issues, with more carefulness for the feelings of the
other person. You need to build up a trusting relationship, and that
takes mutual understanding, and mutual respect for each other. So
approach these discussion points with care in mind for the emotional
well being of the other person, and go slowly, and gently, and try to
have some tactfulness and show discreetness, and caution, as you do
not want to accidentally set off a fuse in one or the other person's
emotions, that could lead to hard feelings and discord.

In some cases, your insights into the other person may seem off the
mark, completely, and the person will not have the faintest notion of
what you are talking about. In these cases, you have hit upon
something hidden from the person, deep from within the psyche of the
person. There are many energies layers to the psyche, and you might
accidentally plug into one that the person himself, or herself is not
even aware of.

Some things, for instance, follow us around, from previous lives.
These things too may get hit upon, as they are buried in the energies
layers of the psyche and in this life time, there may be nothing going
on that would indicate there is any substance to what you believe you
sensed and understood. That does not mean that in the past, in
previous life times, there wasn't something there, that was in fact
related to what you sensed. In these cases, since they are not
relevant to the present circumstances of life for the person, you do
not need to give them any weight or serious concern, as they had
developed in the past, and are not presently a noticeable part of the
person's life, but only something that is buried deep in the psyche of
the person, from a previous life time or life times.

You may be surprised about some of the things that you hit upon, and
you may be even repulsed by some things, as we have all been naughty
in our previous life times, and these things follow us around, not
only in our psyche, but also in our karma. We are completely unaware
of them, but never the less, they do exist as a part of the person's
total experience and being, which must include not only what is going
on at present, but also, what has gone on in our past lives that we
carry along with us as excess baggage.

When discussing things with each other, remember too, that women are
on the shit end of the stick, when it comes to society, as they do not
get a fair deal, and there are lots of inequities between males and
females, as I've mentioned about, before. Lots of women won't
appreciate that statement, but it is their karma to be in this sort of
'looked down upon' inferior of the two, position. It is ass backwards,
our societies and how they are set up, and there is emotional strain
in the minds, emotions, and psyches of women, that men do not have to
contend with. So some males, may not be so tactful as they may lack an
understanding of what women have to go through to go about their
business of living in our societies.

This is not to blame men for anything, it is just the way it is, and
it is the karma of the two, to be in this kind of a situation, so try
not to get too upset, if one or the other, gets upset, and says
something rude, or unkind, intentionally, or by accident. Humans are
complex, and motives are secretly hiding away, every where, so it may
be bumpy, getting used to doing these excercises, and learning what to
talk about and what not to talk about, and how to talk about certain

Until you get the feel for it, we are all novices, and it will take
considerable care and concern, and determination, plus a lot of
kindness, to get things worked out to the point where we are able to
discuss these things with mutual tactfulness, care, concern, trust,
understanding, and respect. Your relations will go a lot better if you
keep this in mind, as you work through the difficult times ahead, as
you practice with each other, trying to make the mental adjustments
needed, to recognize women are superior to males, and males are here
to attend to the needs of women.

These warm up excercises and others that I've mentioned about, will
help you to be more successful in your practice of the Tantric Yogic
sex techniques for exchanges of energies.

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