Home Brew Potients, Tonics, Stews, With A Bit of This and With A Bit of That

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Mar 20, 2006, 7:49:19 AM3/20/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Opiate Stew - Opiate Steroidal Tea Brew

Are you tired of the Dyslexic run and administered Food Drug
Administration and the Dyslexic run and administered Drug Enforcement
Agency (not to mention the Dyelexic FBI and Dyslexic CIA and Dyslexic
White House and the Dyslexic Congress) telling you that you can not use
narcotic pain killers because they are addicting? Are you suffereing
from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Goiter, Kidney disease, any number of
nervous disorders, cancer, and are you racked with pain, day in and day
out? Well, here's a little recipe any one can cook on their range in a
large engough saucepan, about a 16 qt. saucepan would be ideal to start
out with, and within a few short weeks, you'll have so much pure opium
that you won't know what to do with it all, and it hardly cost you

Opium Stew Rev. x Updated 03-19-06 18:50 PST

3 Ozs. Tobaco
1/2 Cup Brown Team - Tea Leaves
1/2 Qt. Whiskey
16 Ozs. Pommegranite Juice
16 Ozs. Lemon Juice
1,000 mgs. Ascorbic Acid X 40 Tabs.
1 Can Grapefruit Juice Frozen Concentrate 12 Fl. Ozs.
17 Tablspoons Baking Soda
3 Tspns. Salt
13.4 Ozs. Nestle La Lechera - Caramel
7 Ozs. Borden Eagle Brand - Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 Qts. Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Pt. Heavy Wipping Cream
6 Tblspoons Butter
1.3 Cups Strawberry Preserves
3 Ozs. Water Mellon Rind with Greenish Skin Attached primarily
3.5 Cups Raw Sugar

Let Boil down overnight, add more vinegar every half hour or so to keep
liquid levels up, add more lemon juice, add more pomegranite juice to
keep liquid levels up, add more strawberry preservese. Let boil for 8
to 15 days for a very potent opium replacement. Add about 3 Ozs. of
Tobaco after about 3.5 days. Add more water mellon chutney, watermellon
in sugar, and in strawberry jam, partially fermented at room
temperature, every 3 to 8 days. Add more tea, about 1/2 cup, after
about the first 8.5 days. Add more lime juice and more grapefruit juice
after each addition of strawberry jam. Add more of everything above
over the next few days to 8 to 15 days, to make it cook best. Keep
brewing it, reducing it slowly, until the liquid in the bottom of the
pan turns a dark black. Keep it on as low as flame as possble, as not
much heat is needed, only a 8 to 10 to 15 candles of heat under the pot
is all that is needed. You can also add pure watermellon juice and pure
pomegrannite juice and pomegrannite purreed rinds, along with lime
rinds pureed, lemon rinds pureed, orange rinds pureed, and tangerine
rinds pureed to make each batch just slightly different. The outcome
will be astoundling. Once it has turned into a dark, amber, slurry
caramelly tar like goo, that will indicate that the brew has reached
just about 100% pure opium. It will transform before your very eyes
into a pure batch of opium before too long, with careful tending.
Don't forget to put in equal parts of all items every time you feel you
want to increase the pot size, and go for another layer of it,
increasing the yield. You should take steps to increase the yeild just
before it burns down into a thick black lump of gooey tar like
substance, which means, that batch is ready. You can take this black
opium base, and mix it in and melt it down in lemon and grape fruit
juice, over a 15 to 45 to 95 week period, and then let it ferment over,
make sure there is also about an equal part of whikey to juice, and
make sure you stir it up every day, at least 3 times a day, and then
after it has sat for up to 95 weeks, or so, let the liqquid evaporate
out of it, naturally, in the sunlight, and double the length of time,
or triple it or go as high as 348 times or so that length, and you will
have an extremely high quality pain killer the world has never seen
the likes of. Very little is needed to help you through each miserable
day of pain and tornment, and you will soon feel so frisky that you
will want to begin to fall in love with everybody and your neighbor,
again. There is a much easier formula for opium based steroidal stew,
with just vinegar, baking soda, tea or coffee or both, lime peels,
citrus fruit peels, tobaco, and a little salt, and you can vary the
type of teas, and you can vary the type of citrus fruits from batch to
batch, and you need only cook them for about a few hours to two to
three days, just until you see the colored bubbles begin to pop up on
top of the liquid, much like a soapy, colored bubble, and when you see
that soapy, oily, colored bubble, in this stew, you will know that you
have got opimum alkaloids, and steroidal opiates in your stew.
Steroidal opiates is nothing to worry about, it won't make you grow big
bulky muscles, but it will make you see lots of color spashes in your
vision, if you drink to much of it. One good thing it is good for is to
lessen pain, and also, to help people with pneumonia, as opium is
useful when people have a lot of liquids accumulating in their lungs,
and this will help the fluids drain from your bronchial tubes, just as
codeine does, in the high priced prescription drugs you need to get a
doctor's prescription for. I made the opiate steroid stew, and am now
working on the opiate stew, and expect it to turn out better than the
opiate steroidal brew. I had a problem with my opiate steroidal stew
and used too much coffee and that, with too much tobaco, upset my
stomach, but the colors where something. This is opium on the quick and
on the cheap, and if you know a better way to make it, let me know.

Opiate Steroidal Tea Brew

1 Qt. Vinegar
3 Ozs. Tobaco
15 Tspnfuls Tea, Jasmine Tea is slightly better than brown tea
2 1/2 Tspns. Baking Soda
1/2 Cup to 1 Cup Lemon Juice
4.5 Ozs. Lime Rinds, purreed
1/2 tspnful Salt
8.5 Tspns. Sugar
4 Ozs. Whiskey
15 X 1,000 Mgs. Ascorbic Acid

Add equal parts of vinegar and lemon juice to keep liquid levels up. To
make it nicer, add,

Watermellon Rind
Watermellon Juice
Pomegranite Juice
Pomegranite Rind and pulp pureed, with no seeds.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life And Love

Remember: Use different combinations of teas and citrus rinds and
juices to vary the results, from one batch to the next. Vary it often,
so as you'll get more different kinds of opioidal steroid brews in your
day to day life. Using many varities is better than making the same
one, again, and again. Your body wants a variety of them in your body,
and that will help with your overall health, as well. There are many
exotic plants and leaves and berries, and even roots, of course, and
bark, that have caffein in them, and if you know which ones they are,
and guarana root extract, and gurana root bark, and guarana root tea,
and gurana root nettles, and gurana root berries, all have slightly
different caffein like properties, and so does, coca leaves, for that
matter, and if you change the types of leaves that have caffein
varieties mixed up and different in each one, then you'll have a
multitude of opiodal stews at your coffee table, and none of them will
pose any danger to your health. Jasper leaves, a type of tobaco plant
smoked by the Paiute indian tribe leaders, also has some caffein in it,
and it can be found in Oklahoma, and in many mid-western states, and is
distantly related to the coca leaf, or cocaine plant. There are other
leaves that are commonly found in many cultures around the world, and
peyote is one of them, and also can be used in the opiodal steroid
stew. The Jesperson leaf, which comes from the Jesperson plant, is a
type of tobaco that the indians in the delta region of Florida and
Missippi used in their ceremonial plants, and it is also very high in
caffein like derivatives, or pharmacetical uptakes, that pharmacetical
equivalents of a high quality non prescription stimulant. Most tobaco
leaves have various amounts or varying degrees of caffein like
pharmaceutical uptakes, so you can vary your tobaco leaves, from
growing region to growing region, and from strain to strain, to
continually vary the final product. Many tribes people of Myanmar, and
other Asian countries in the hills of Burma and even in Ceylon, all
have various vegetable plant leaves and other plant parts that they
smoke ceremoniously, just for fun, or to pass the time away. Almost all
of them, perhaps, nearly 100% of them, have varying types of caffein in
them, and you can use all of them to vary your opiodal cocktail. The
more you vary it, the better off you will be, as your body will not get
acclimated to just one type, and then, dependence, and tolerance build
up, will not begin to set in. The more you can vary them, and the
greater the variety of plants and citrus types of fruits, and the more
you vary it with different types of alchohols, the less will be the
problem of tolerance build up and the less the problem with dependence
and saturation of your body with one type of stew. It will take a
slight bit longer to make the oily colored bubbles with opium oils and
residues appear on the top of the surface of the brewing mix, but it
will be a better quality opiatate. A little butter, a teaspoon or so,
and a little of the caramel, about a 1/4 tspnfl, and a little
strawberry jam, about 2.8 tspnfls, will make it a much better brew, as
well, but it will take a while longer till you see the oily oiate
residues appear on the water bubbles as they form on top of the
mixture. When you have got a full amount of oil appear in the water
bubbles, or in a tablespoon of the liquid on the surface of it, then
you will know it is ready. The thicker the oily residues in the liquid,
the more the opiate layer in the brewing stew. You should give the
above, at least, seven to 15 hours for maximum results, without any of
the other things added in. When you are ready to imbibe, just filter
out the tea, tobaco, and other stuff, and get a 3/8ths a cup or so, and
drink it down. It may not taste too great, but and it may taste rather
bitter, but that's the way it will taste. You can also make it with
more tap water, and just add tap water instead of the vinegar and
instead of the lemon juice, and use tap water every 2 to 8 times to
bring the liquid levels up, that's eight quarts and 8 cups or so of
water, for every one quart of vinegar and one cup of lemon juice, or
other citrus juice, and you can make it much more palatable that way.
It will be strong, regardless, just how strong you want to make it is
up to you. You can also vary it by picking a bit of a flower from a
bush of a marijuana plant, and that alone will alter the chemical
composition to give you the pain control need you want, and also
minimize the tolerance factor almost nearly completely. By varying the
mix with bits of tulip flowers, or daffodils, or pansies, or even some
petunias, and with roses, and all kinds of flowers, just a few buds in
the mix from different combinations of plants, each time, will alter
the mix enough to make it completely different in structure, but in
effect, it will remain the same if not improve, from time to time,
though hardly noticably, nevertheless, you can eliminate the problem of
dependence and tolerance all together just by adding a few flowers into
each different mix. There are any number of ways to alter the mix, by
brewery type of apple cider vinegar, by ingredients for the apple cider
vingegar, and by varying each type of apple cider vinegar, again, you
are going to come up with an entirely different concoction, each time.
We can throw in a couple of tablets of aspirin, or acetominophen, and
vary it that way. We can use different types of home brews, and alter
the alchoholic beverage used in it, from batch to batch, and then add
different proportions of different types of alchohol, champagnes,
wines, melodromas, or homemade wine batches with all of the orginality
that we can muster, and other home brew alcoholic batches. The way they
can be formulated, and the way they can be combined, are more numerous
than the multitude of color wavelengths we can see in a rainbow. You
can use different types of honey, instead of sugar, for a deliciously
different style of narcotic opiate, and you can mix maple syrup with
sugar, and or with honey and with sugar, and you can even add a little
molassess to the mix with honey, maple syrup, and raw sugar. We'll
learn other formulas for pain killers, that you can brew at home, and
you can mix them in with the batch to help vary it. Once such variation
is just to get fresca, grapefruit juice, and with or without cola, diet
cola, root beer, ginger ale, and any number of alchoholic beverages,
and then mix them in, and let them sit for 3 or 4 years, or so, and add
a tyst of any of your batchs of opiate brews - a tyst is a small amount
that would fit in your hand - and you'll have a whole new type of pain
killer, and a very healthy one, since it is all the wonderful chemical
buggies that are doing all the work in there for us. Then there are
different types of chocolates, and you can formulate them with tiny
tysts of the home brew opiate formulas, and then the different types of
soils for the plants that we use in our concoctions, and all these
things are best left up to the individual growers, the home brew
chemists, the communal habitat residents, to decide just what it is
they wish to grow, what they wish to make, and who they wish to trade

When the global dyslexic government we are encumbered by gets a
realtity check and realizes it is not they that should be regulating
how we treat our health - as they've known about many of these things
all along, with them rejuvenating themselves, all these hundreds of
years, and useing all kinds of so called illicit drugs in their
rejuvenative formulas, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Bush, Jr., and
Sr., Al Gore, Ross Perot, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and the rest of
them, as well, included, and none of them can deny it, and will not
deny, not even Ronald or Nancy, if put on a stand, and then submitted
to the technologically sophisticated tools we will one day have at our
disposal, as I get companies to gear up and start producing the tools
and other things we will need - but it is us who should be allowed to
use what knowledge we have for the betterment of our lives, then when
we get them all to retire, as they are all mentally incompetent, and
their insistence on their continuing with the destruction of little
children, and the cannibalizing of them still goes on, well, one day,
we'll bring an end to their reign of phoney, mock sincerity, and we
will make sure they all retire from government, and take a permanent
break until they all receive the meds to allow them to recover from
their illnesses, as I discussed, earlier. That day won't be to far off,
maybe within a few hundred years, but as we all begin to rejuvenate
ourselves, and then watch them in their fake, and sham mockery of make
believe political leadership, and you want to know something, the US
uses about 40% or so of it's taxes from the people, and then blows the
rest on the projects of the dyslexiics, and globally, it averages out
to about 2.5% or so of all of the money collected from all of the
people is used for the people. Well, once we get this nonsense under
control, then we'll have plenty of money for spending on the important
things, such as we will see once my universal global planetary
government gets up and running. Until then, we can just watch the sham
and the mockery of their little hollywood style screen play roll on,
and laugh at them. We'll be rid of them, one day, and they will all be
on and taking their meds, one day, and they will, one day, all get
well, at some point in the future.

How does it work?

Part I

The bits and pieces of the molecular structures that make up opium, can
be found among the ingredients of the above items. Opioidal molecular
structures can be fabricated after we apply a little heat to these
ingredients, and then break apart the molecular structures of these
individual ingredients. When we do that, the bits and pieces tend to
first break up, then, in this combination of items, come back together
in new molecular forms, and when they do, they tend to reform in the
shape of molecular structures that are of the same design as opioidal
molecular structures. Isn't that nifty? As a result, you can have a
nice drink of opium after a little work on your stove top, any day of
the week. You can make a more delicious opium stew if you use more of
the ingredients - and there may still be a few more items, that I have
left out, that will enhance it even more - but it usually takes just a
little more time to break up enough bits and pieces, and then wait for
them to reform into little molecules of delicious opioids.

Part II

Another way it works, that I hadn't given any consideration to, for the
long term stew, nor for the short term stew - but it is less important
for that - is that not only are the bits and pieces, the molcular
breakdown and build up working for us here, but also, we have the opium
bug colononies that will eventually form, and they must get their start
in the tiny stew, overnight formula, and from there, they proliferate,
and we provide them with what all they need to thrive and increase in
number, especially as related to the watermelon rind, which will with
the caramel, and the butter, and the sugar, and milk, and cream and
sugary milk, lead to a build up of the little critters that we need in
the narcotic soup. So we have three things going on here, the break
down of the molecular bits and pieces, the reforming of them, as well
as the beginning of the colonies of bugs, and in the long term, we will
have one heck of a lot of bugs form in time, that will be so thick,
that it will rival, if not surpass, the best and the most potent opium
found anywhere. This is something that we will have to wait to see
develop, and when it does, you will be very surprised, indeed. The
baking soda and vinegar give them a medium to thrive in, and it also
acts as a medium for the molecular breakdown of bits and pieces and the
formulation of the molecular mass that we can see in molecular
structures, which are very tiny, that the opioidal bugs love to dress
up in, and go out to play in. So we are working on many levels all at
the same time, and the short term stew will give you a hint of what is
to come in the long term stew.

Anyone for Chocolate and Opioidal Steroid stew? It will work. Just as
caramel will work. Add 3.8 Ozs. of Chocolate to the first recipe, and
3.5 tablespoons to the second recipe. Giradelli chocoloate powder is
good, but any old chocolate will do, just as well. The more the cacao
content, the better. Steroidal in this recipe name means, a steroidal
tonic that will work at bringing more blood and glucose to the muscles
and to the organs, as well as bring many other nutrients, that will
help the overall health of those muscles and organs.

Do not share this formula with anyone who works for the DEA, or the
FDA, or any law enforcement worker, as you may be harassed as a result
of it.


John Francis Ayres
And Children


Mar 20, 2006, 7:56:51 AM3/20/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
I first made the opiodal stew very strong with very little worry for
how much of this or how much of that, as my memories were - and are -
still in the process of surfacing, and I jotted down my notes on it in
a note book, one of those lab books that you use in jr. high, I
suppose, and I noted all the info that I could recollected at the time,
and then I just threw a whole bunch of coffee into a pot filled with
water, and I threw in tobacoo, and then I threw in a little vinegar, a
little baking soda, a little salt, and some citrus peel chopped up, or
minced, and maybe a little sugar, and then I just waited for about 3 or
4 days, and let it boil, and I remember it was really thick from coffee
beans and from tobacoo, and it was almost like a mush, but with some
water in it, and I shoved it around and around, and after 4, 5, 6, 7,
or 8, days, or so, I started to use it. I had noticed the oily slippery
colored bubbles at the top of the pot, and I guess that is when the
first set of MEELY bugs had gotten started and then taken a stand.
MEELY bugs are drug bugs, and there are all kinds of meely bugs. There
are Heroin MEELY bugs, and opium MEELY bugs, and aspirin MEELY bugs,
and citaquinine cita hydra sulphate quinine lukacyte MEELY bugs, and
those are some of the better MEELY bugs, and they make you all giddy
and happy, and they aren't so much druggy buggys, but they are happy
love making buggies, and I wish I knew a formula for them, cause I feel
I need some, just now. Those buggies you can get out of pine alope,
that's pineapple and cantaloupe mixed together, and then you pour lots
of sugar on top of them, and pour lots fo coconut on them, and lots of
cooked sunflower seeds, and cooked pumpkin seeds, and then you mix in
some baking soda, and some vinegar, they always seem to like baking
soda and vinegar, and some like quinine, and I don't have any quinine,
but if I take a whole bunch of bananas, and then soak them in gin for
about 8.5 years, then take them out and dry them out, and grind them
up, then I'll get lot's of quinine buggies, MEETLE buggies, and with
the quinine, I add the cooked sunflower seeds, and put in some salt
with the quinine with vodka or gin, and then throw in some banana pulp,
and a few chopped up apples, and some more watermellon rinds all
chopped up and minced up, and with lots of fruit berries, and kiwis,
and blueberries, and jam or preserves from strawberries, well, after a
few fermented vanilla beans chopped up and thrown in to the mess, and
we ferment all kinds of pretty flowers, then we get all kinds of neat
and new happy buggies, that make you want to shoot your load, 3 to 8 to
15 times a day. That's a lot, so I guess, it will be a few years before
I ferment those bannana peels, and also ferment those coconut meats,
and then ferment just about everything I have there to ferment. Which
brings me to how to ferment these things real quick like. Well, first
we put in all the stuff we want to ferment in to a container, a glass
or plastic container, then we cover it up way up over the top of it
with gin, or vodka, or whiskey, or rum, or any drinking grade alchohol
you can buy in the food store is good for that, but we don't want
rubbing alchohol or isopropyl alchohol or witch hazel, as they will
usually always kill all the GOOD buggies, and then we throw in some raw
sugar, about a hole pound, sometimes, and then we just shake it up, and
let it sit, and now and then shake it up, and then let it sit, and
little bubbles will appear, and that means that it is fermenting.
Isopropyly will also help ferment stuff, but isopropyly alchohol is a
poison, and it will kill us, so we don't ever want to use that, no
matter if that's the only kind of alchohol mama or papa has around the
house. We have to get someome to buy some drinking alchohol for us, and
then we can ferment what we need to ferment, and we won't get sick.
Anyway, we through in all kinds of berries, that we have fermented, and
we through in ginger and garlic that we have fermented, and we through
in beans, and nuts that we have fermented, because nearly every thing
works better if we first ferment it.
Juices and pulp are one exception, but besides those, we need to
ferment nearly everything to make good use of it, especially if it is
in a ferment stew, like a rejuvenative ferment stew. We should ferment
marijuana, first, and just about everything you can think of that will
go into our rejuvenative stews. Anyway, after I cooked the coffee and
tobaco leaf stew for 4, 5, 6, or 7 days, then it finally worked. What
we need to do is to get those little buggies out and into our main
stew, and then we can use them, and make them grow real fast. Once we
have them in large numbers, we can transplant them into our littler
stews, and watch them grow from there. Well, we have to ferement so
many things, we are going to need a ferment bath in each home, and a
ferment bath is about 300 to 400 to 500 gallons of so of our own
fermenting liquid concoctions with sugar and a starter ferement, so
I've already explained what to do to get a ferment starter batch
together, so now all we have to do is get all of the ferementing
facilities in so we don't have to worry about paying money for our
nearly endless needs for feremented juice. Anyway, we'll get it all
together sometime. Until then all we can to is make plans for it.

Opiate Steroids A Few Things To Read About - The Basic Plan

15 Ozs. Coffee
15 Ozs. Tea
4 Qts. Water
15 Ozs. Gin
340 Aspirin
45 Ozs. Baking Soda
7.8 Gallons Apple Cider Vinegar
9 Ozs. Lemon Peels
45 Ozs. Tobaco leaf
2 Tspns ground pepper
9 Ozs. butter
8 Tspns salt
10 to 15 Cups Honey

Boil 8 to 15 hours, then up to 85 to 345 days.
Pour in only up to 1 to 2 Gallons of Apple Cider vingegar, and let it
boil down, then refill the liquid levels with the apple cider vinegar.
Use plain water after that with just a bit of apple cider vinegar in
it, about 2 teaspoons per 1 gallon container. Let the cider and water
sit for 3 days for best results before using.

You can also vary it with citrus fruits to vary the types of alkaloids
Raw sugar, maple syrup, molases, and other sweeteners, fructose, jam,
you can also vary it with lemon juice, and other citricv fruits.
Placing tyhe citric fruit peal in the mix will increase the toxic
levels of opiate alkaloidsd, and will vary the chemical composition.
You can add all kinds of fruits to the mix, such as bananas, oranges,
watermelon, honey dew melon, cantaloupe, other mellons, even tomatoes,
if they have been curred in sugar and vinegar and cider and whiskey.
Cinamon, cloves, cardamon, ccorriander, nutmeg (stimulant), Apercoloa
(stimulant), Kota (Gota) Kola (Stimulant), Ginko Nuts (stimulant),
Betel Nuts and Leaves (stimulants), Aspergilla (extremely, almost
deadly powerful stimulant, you can buy in a Chinese Apothecary if you
have a friend who can speak Chinese) and other tasty spices can be
added to vary the flavors and alter the chemical compositions, while
avoiding toxcemia, or overdosing, from frequent intake and ingestion of
the same formula for several days in a row. If you make some from
Aspergilla, a sea weed like plant that grows in the Norway - Danish
Fjords, and that area, send me a sample of the apergila, and I'll pay
you for it. Don't breath the stuff, or you'll end up perhaps suffering
from a toxemic shock from acute overdose and poisoning. It a fine
greyish powder with little specks of red and or blue and or also green,
and or also yellow, and or also a light green, in it. Vary the formula
every 2 or 3 days for the best results.
It is only slightly habit forming, not much more than regular coffee
intake, about 5% or 6% more habit forming, and it is good for all
arround general muscular tone and strength. Physical stamina will also
be the result of regurlar intake.
It is completely legal to produce at home, in your condition, as there
are no laws against it. It is unknown to modern sceince, this process,
and no one can put you in jail for owning coffee, tobaco, tea, jam,
apple cider vinegar, raw sugar, baking soda, gin, and vanilla beans.

Some Eskimo tribes have a similar stew or drink, from wale bone
juiceses, which contain similar alkaloids in the jaw bone marrow.
Indian tribes make a similar substance with the peyote cactus and
citrus herbs, such as "oakleaf" not related to the oak tree, and also
from barrow bush and barrow cactus. Barrow cactus needles and catus
meat are good substitutes to provide alternate opiate alkalooidal
substitutes. If you an get the peyote pulp, alter it with the following

Peyote Pulp Alkaloidal Opiate Steroidal Stew

10 Ozs. of peyote pulp (Not the skin) Scrape the pulp from the inside
of the peyote leaf or "button".
9 Gallons of water
5 Gallons of apple Cider vinegar
8 Gallons of Honey or other sweetner substitute.
4 Lbs. of Tabaco leaf
8 lbs. of Coffee
18 Lbs. Citrus Peels
8 Cups Salt
9 Gallons Whiskey, or other alchoholic drink
9 Lbs. Green Tea
156 Lbs. Mangos or, Apples, or, Pineapples, kiwis, bananas

Boil on medium low heat for 15 Weeks. The opiate alkaloid steroid will
be about extremely strong and will cause sudden death if too much is
ingested. Drink every other day or less often. 2 or 3 tspns will
contain up to 244 micrograms.
This formula is a very lethal opiate steroid. This will contain many
substances, some of which are also related to or similar to opiate
alkaloids and will have beneficial effects. The Peyote cactus flower
as well as the barrow cactus flowers should not be ngested as tey are
highly poisonous and will cause paralysis and death. Never mix barrow
needles with peyote pulp. Toxic poisons and blindness will result.
Never mix brrow pulp or other parts of the barrow cactus with any thing
containing peyote pulp. It will cause severe hypoglycemic and toxic
shouck resulting in paralysis. Vary tobaco substances, or uses cigar
tabaco, or chewing tabaco, or untreated pipe tabaco. Hashish can be
added for increasing the herbal alkaloid effects by imparting oiate
derivitives sybsystems to the mix. No more than a gram or two should be
added to the above formulation. Frozen lemonade, yellow or pink or
greeen, can be added toi vary the checmical compostions and reduce the
possibilities of toxcemia, or overuse of the same formula, and then
tolerance, and dependendance. Peppermint extracts should be avoided,
with similar aromatic extracts of wintergreen, licorice, anise,
spearment, and so forth, as they will produce harmful substances and
destroy the opiate alkaloids. Do not use pepermints, or Altoids, after
ingesting the opioidal formula for 7 to 8 hours or more.
An opiate steroid opens the blood vessels and allows steroids to flood
the gody prodcuing a euphoric effect, and increasing muscle tone.
The main purpose of an opiate steroid is to relive stress and tension.
The drawback is that if you take to much it will not be good to your
system, and you may end up in an emergency room, or in my Epcot Center,
but it will help you pass quickly. In the above formula is best to take
only about 8 to 15 teaspoons 8 or 9 days.
It will relieve tension, fatique, and will generally enhance your mood,
stimulate your appetite for sex. If taken too often, muscualr tension
will result which will cause muscle cramps. Do not take more than for 8
or 9 days, in a row. SSkip about 3 or 4 days, before resuming. Try an
opiate steroid of another kind, such as weith green tea or with jasmine
tea, and vary the chemical composition to avoid side effects, such as
diareah, abdominal pain, and vomitting. To vary the chemical
composition, you can pour in whiskey, gin, vodka, tequila, rum, or
change the citrus fruits, and the types of caffein stimulant leaves
used. The opiate steroid will also enhance your feelings of euphoria,
due to the opiate alkaloids, and the opiate bugs in your stew, which
are primarily produced by the interactions of the vinegar, coffee, tea,
or any caffein compound beverage, tabaco leafs, salts, sugars, and
alchohol. It takes about 30 or 40 micrograms to 800 micrograms orf
opium to produce a euphoric effect. The effect will last for from,
depending on your age, at age 5 mininum, 3 to 15 hours, for 85
micrograms, to 15 years old, 3 to 15 hours, for 270 micrograms, to 30
years old, 3 to 15 years old for 450 micrograms, and so forth.

Opiate Steroids A Few Things To Read About

The Basic Plan According to Some of my notes:

15 Ozs. Coffee
15 Ozs. Tea
4 Qts. Water
15 Ozs. Gin
340 Aspirin
45 Ozs. Baking Soda
7.8 Gallons Apple Cider Vinegar
9 Ozs. Lemon Peels
45 Ozs. Tobaco leaf
2 Tspns ground pepper
9 Ozs. butter
8 Tspns salt
10 to 15 Cups Honey

Boil 8 to 15 hours, then up to 85 to 345 days. Pour in only up to 1 to
2 Gallons of Apple Cider vingegar, and let it boil down, then refill
the liquid levels with the apple cider vinegar. Use plain water after
that with just a bit of apple cider vinegar in it, about 2 teaspoons
per 1 gallon container. Let the cider and water sit for 3 days for best
results before using. You can also vary it with citrus fruits to vary
the types of alkaloids produced. Raw sugar, maple syrup, molases, and
other sweeteners, fructose, jam, preserves, you can also vary it with
lemon juice, and other citricv fruits. Placing tyhe citric fruit peal
in the mix will increase the toxic levels of opiate alkaloidsd, and
will vary the chemical composition. You can add all kinds of fruits to
the mix, such as bananas, oranges, watermelon, honey dew melon,
cantaloupe, other mellons, even tomatoes, if they have been curred in
sugar and vinegar and cider and whiskey. Cinamon, cloves, cardamon,
ccorriander, nutmeg (stimulant), Apercoloa (stimulant), Kota (Gota)
Kola (Stimulant), Ginko Nuts (stimulant), Betel Nuts and Leaves
(stimulants), Aspergilla (extremely, almost deadly powerful stimulant,
you can buy in a Chinese Apothecary if you have a friend who can speak
Chinese) and other tasty spices can be added to vary the flavors and
alter the chemical compositions, while avoiding toxcemia, or
overdosing, from frequent intake and ingestion of the same formula for
several days in a row. If you make some from Aspergilla, a sea weed
like plant that grows in the Norway - Danish Fjords, and that area,
send me a sample of the apergila, and I'll pay you for it. Don't breath
the stuff, or you'll end up perhaps suffering from a toxemic shock from
acute overdose and poisoning. It a fine greyish powder with little
specks of red and or blue and or also green, and or also yellow, and or
also a light green, in it. Vary the formula every 2 or 3 days for the
best results.

It is only slightly habit forming, not much more than regular coffee
intake, about 5% or 6% more habit forming, and it is good for all
arround general muscular tone and strength. Physical stamina will also
be the result of regurlar intake. It is completely legal to produce at
home, in your condition, as there are no laws against it. It is unknown
to modern sceince, this process, and no one can put you in jail for
owning coffee, tobaco, tea, jam, apple cider vinegar, raw sugar, baking
soda, gin, and vanilla beans.

Some Eskimo tribes have a similar stew or drink, from wale bone
juiceses, which contain similar alkaloids in the jaw bone marrow.
Indian tribes make a similar substance with the peyote cactus and
citrus herbs, such as "oakleaf" not related to the oak tree, and also
from barrow bush and barrow cactus. Barrow cactus needles and catus
meat are good substitutes to provide alternate opiate alkalooidal
substitutes. If you an get the peyote pulp, alter it with the following

10 Ozs. of peyote pulp (Not the skin) Scrape the pulp from the inside
of the peyote leaf or "button".
9 Gallons of water
5 Gallons of apple Cider vinegar
8 Gallons of Honey or other sweetner substitute.
4 Lbs. of Tabaco leaf
8 lbs. of Coffee
18 Lbs. Citrus Peels
8 Cups Salt
9 Gallons Whiskey, or other alchoholic drink
9 Lbs. Green Tea
156 Lbs. Mangos or, Apples, or, Pineapples, kiwis, bananas

Boil on medium low heat for 15 Weeks. The opiate alkaloid steroid will
be about extremely strong and will cause sudden death if too much is
ingested. Drink every other day or less often. 2 or 3 tspns will
contain up to 244 micrograms.
This formula is a very lethal opiate steroid. This will contain many
substances, some of which are also related to or similar to opiate
alkaloids and will have beneficial effects. The Peyote cactus flower as
well as the barrow cactus flowers should not be ngested as tey are
highly poisonous and will cause paralysis and death. Never mix barrow
needles with peyote pulp. Toxic poisons and blindness will result.
Never mix brrow pulp or other parts of the barrow cactus with any thing
containing peyote pulp. It will cause severe hypoglycemic and toxic
shouck resulting in paralysis. Vary tobaco substances, or uses cigar
tabaco, or chewing tabaco, or untreated pipe tabaco. Hashish can be
added for increasing the herbal alkaloid effects by imparting oiate
derivitives sybsystems to the mix. No more than a gram or two should be
added to the above formulation. Frozen lemonade, yellow or pink or
greeen, can be added toi vary the checmical compostions and reduce the
possibilities of toxcemia, or overuse of the same formula, and then
tolerance, and dependendance. Peppermint extracts should be avoided,
with similar aromatic extracts of wintergreen, licorice, anise,
spearment, and so forth, as they will produce harmful substances and
destroy the opiate alkaloids. Do not use pepermints, or Altoids, after
ingesting the opioidal formula for 7 to 8 hours or more. An opiate
steroid opens the blood vessels and allows steroids to flood the gody
prodcuing a euphoric effect, and increasing muscle tone. The main
purpose of an opiate steroid is to relieve stress and tension. the
drawback is that if you take to much it will not be good to your
system, and you may end up in an emergency room, or in my Epcot Center,
but it will help you pass quickly. In the above formula is best to take
only about 8 to 15 teaspoons 8 or 9 days. It will relieve tension,
fatique, and will generally enhance your mood, stimulate your appetite
for sex.

If taken too often, muscualr tension will result which will cause
muscle cramps. Do not take more than for 8 or 9 days, in a row. Skip
about 3 or 4 days, before resuming. Try an opiate steroid of another
kind, such as weith green tea or with jasmine tea, and vary the
chemical composition to avoid side effects, such as diareah, abdominal
pain, and vomitting. To vary the chemical composition, you can pour in
whiskey, gin, vodka, tequila, rum, or change the citrus fruits, and the
types of caffein stimulant leaves used. The opiate steroid will also
enhance your feelings of euphoria, due to the opiate alkaloids, and the
opiate bugs in your stew, which are primarily produced by the
interactions of the vinegar, coffee, tea, or any caffein compound
beverage, tabaco leafs, salts, sugars, and alchohol. It takes about 30
or 40 micrograms to 800 micrograms orf opium to produce a euphoric
effect. The effect will last for from, depending on your age, at age 5
mininum, 3 to 15 hours, for 85 micrograms, to 15 years old, 3 to 15
hours, for 270 micrograms, to 30 years old, 3 to 15 years old for 450
micrograms, and so forth. I have some other notes around here on this
same stuff, and will find it, someday. It should be useful. Thanks.

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Mar 21, 2006, 10:20:41 AM3/21/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Stimulant and Aphrodisiacle Formulas and More - A Peak Into Our Future

Wine And Coffee Grinds Stew

You can also make a stimulant medication with wine, strong rice wine,
or shochu, and coffee grinds, and it will also produce opiate alkaloids
at the stove top for you, and if you make it continuously for up to 8.5
years, you will have a stimulant narcotic, or a cocaine like opiate
alkaloid steroidal drink, that will work especially well for reducing
pain, and will also elevate one's mood. It's very easy to produce it,
and cinamon should not be used in this as cinamon will sometimes cause
the opiate MEELY buggies to die off and disappear. This depends on what
else is in the brew. In the other brew, where I mentioned you could use
spices to change the flavor of the brew to alter it's properties,
slightly, it will not be affected as much by cinamon and cinamon should
be used only sparingly. Cinamon will initially cause it to crap out on
you in this stew, and it will cause it to crap out once the little
MEELY buggies are in the brew and swiming for about 15 years of
brewing. There are a few other spices you do not want to mix with the
opiate MEELY buggies, but I haven't got my notes in front of me now,
and you will do alright so long as you do not attempt to alter any of
these MEELY opiate buggies brews and stews by adding comfrey leaves,
which is from Juniper berrie plants and other related plants and their
leaves, which will devestate the MEElY opiate buggies, and a few
others, such as Lemon Balm Grass. It will also destroy the MEELY opiate
buggies and make life hard on them, so don't add any Lemon Balm Grass
to your stews.

Aphrodisiacle Opiodal Alkaloid Stews

Both lactate juices and cummy juices, as well as belly button jam, toe
jam, and nose mucous and even good old snot, and spittle, in the soups
for narcotics will produce aphrodisiacle stimulants, if added to either
of the first two, and even to the wine and coffee grind brew. The
reason why is that in all of those you will find hormone buggies, APHRO
Buggies, that will produce aphrodiciacle affects after 8 to 15 to 30 to
85 years of brew time, in addition to the narcotic opiate alkaloids,
and in addition to the stimulant AVERY buggies (Pronounced: AVRY) that
will be produced. AVERY buggies are much like Cocaine MEVERY buggies,
but they are not as strong for producing an intoxicating stimulant
high. The wine and coffee formula has more AVERY buggies than MEVERY
buggies, so it is not as potent a stimulant beverage. You can mix these
brews with any of the following stews for a dramatic effect.

Stimulant Ferments

Almonds and other nuts, if included in the concoctions I provided for
the long period stew and for the short period brew for opiate alkaloid
narcotics, if prepared correctly, will give us an extradinary stimulant
medication the world has never seen before.
Fill a one gallon jar full of almonds, walnuts, oysters and nuts mixed,
sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pecans, brazil nuts,
macadamia nuts, and most combinations of the above nuts, pumpkin seeds
should not be combined with the others, and then also other typical
nuts, and pour them over with highly concentrated Gin, Vodka, Rum,
Whiskey, strong Shochu, and then concentrate the beverage up to five
times, and that will bring out the MEVERY buggies, the little buggies
that live in nuts that are very good for producing a cocaine high, and
they are the same buggies that you find in Cocaine that gives the user
the stimulant high of Cocaine. After filling up the gallon jar or
larger jar with nuts and then the concentrated beverage of your choice,
you must then ferment the nuts for up to 260 months to 310 months. You
will have so many MEVERY buggies in it you can practically clean up the
entire Cocaine Cartel and put them out of business. Take the fermented
nuts and place them in the opiate alkaloid stew, in the previous
mixturs for the long term stew and for the short term brew, add about
0.2 pounds. Brew them in the short term brew for about 2.7 months, and
you will have a nice cocaine stimulant opioidal brew. In the long term
brew, add about 3 lbs. to 5 lbs. and then just let them brew with the
rest of the ingredients, and after 15 to 45 years, you will have one
incredible Cocaine Mevery buggie stew that will put the Cocaine Cartel
out of business, and return all of the land used for growing cocaine
back to the people who it was stolen from. It will put a crunch in the
pocket book and spending capability of the Dyslexics, as they depend on
the drug trade to help them pay for their Cannibalistic Rodeo Fests,
and Cannibal TeePee PowWows. Hillary Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush, and Al
Gore, presidential wanna be, will be hurting so bad for funds, the next
time they go out and campaigne for President, that they won't know what
to do.
You can use regular store bought brew, but it will take you about 494
months for it to fully develope the MEVERY buggies that will destroy
the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Cartels, and the Columbian, Jimmy Carter,
Hillary and Bill and Chelsea Clinton, Al Gore, Burt Reynolds, and Clint
Eastwood, and Oli North Cartels along with a host of other influencial
dyslexics in Hollywood or just in government. Manuel Noriega will also
feel the crunch, as he depends nearly completely on the profits from
the Clinton and Jeb Bush, etc., drug trade to sustain himself. He was
released from jail about 3 years and seven months ago, but there was no
mention of it in the newspapers, except for perhaps the Boston Globe,
and a few others world wide, and of course, the Dyslexic run CNN
wouldn't mention a word about his release.
You can also take orange peels, tangerine peels and other citrus fruit
peels, pomegranite peels and pulp without the seeds, and ferment them
the same way with the concentrated brew for about 355 months, or with
the normal brew, for about 830 months. This will give you more of the
MEVERY bugs, and some of the AVERY bugs, and you will love what this
does to your Opiodal steroid brews and stews. Add about 8 Ozs. to the
brew, and add about 4.5 lbs. to 8.6 lbs. or even 10.5 lbs. or even 17.3
lbs. of the peels to the brew and you will have with the combination of
the fermented nuts and the fermented peels, one incredible Cocaine
based opioidal stew you can practically snort it up your nose and get
high on it.
This will really put a crimp in the Ronald and Nancy Reagan, and world
dyslexic political bosses drug cartel, and they will eventually end up
pennyless without a dime to spend on the Dyslexic Cannibal Rodeo Fests,
TeePee PowWow "Kill the Enemy's Children" Festivals, with all the high
brow societal types such as Jimmy Carter, Nancy and Ronald Reagan,
Manuel Noriega, the Bushes, Clintons, Gores, the Gorbachevs, Putins,
Yeltzins, and all of the rest of them. You can also ferment Apple peels
with cinnamon and / or nutmeg or both, in a high content alchohol brew
for 5.8 years or so, to 7.5 years, to 15 years, to 45 years, and that
added to the stew will provide you with addtional Stimulant buggies,
buggies. You can also ferment the apple peels in Gota Kola Powder,
Gurana powder, tea, coffee bean, and other plain old stimulant bug
source balls, or the sources full of these little animals, including a
couple of fresh coca (cocaine plant) leaves and you will pull out so
many stimulant buggies, that you won't be able to sit down for a few
years. You can even use the Aspergilla sea urchin powder for the
JEUCHEWER stimulant buggies, to ferment with the apple peels, in small
amounts, and you will be so high after using this in your opiodal sweet
stew, another way of calling it a cocaine and stimulant high that won't
quit, you might not be able to lie down for 8 to 15 years. You can also
use any of the above with the fermentation of the oranges, but not with
the fermentation of the nuts. You can also ferment any of the above
items, coca leaves, tea, Gota Kola, nutmeg balls, gurana seeds, leaves,
stems, and fruit, Aspergilla, and so on, but they will become so
potent, that they cannot be used in the opiodal stews, as they will
turn it into a lethal stimulant stew you won't recover from. Anyway,
that's it for now, and I hope the Dyslexic Drug Cartels, and all their
bosses are unhappy with the news of this. So much for their "cash
crops". In time, we will put them completely out of business, as anyone
with a few dollars can make his or her own opiodal and stimulant stews
at home. All you need is the time, and the tenacity, and you will be
having a wonderful time, and your friends at your scondleing parties
will love you for your stimulant, opioidal, and aphrodisiacle stews.
The combination of the three types of stews will aide your body and
help give you the stamina for the female dickus to go for hours and
hours, up to 85 hours or longer, without spurting your load, at the
scondling, ascension, and decension, parties, and it will also help
keep your prayer meetings going for hours and days, and weeks, and
months. Along with the emollients, washouts, and birth control rinse
outs, and a little rest now and then, and food and norishment, you'll
be praying and doing the religous sexual activities and excercises for
years, then decades, then centuries, at a time. With the addition of
the rejuvenative stews, which we haven't heard the last of, yet, we
will be getting younger, healthier, handsomer and prettier all the
while. It's now up to Eve Arden and her friends in the merger companies
to come for producing the life enriching products, foods, nutrient
supplements, and regenerative stew formulas for mass distribution,
which some people in high places are afraid to talk about, as they hope
to avoid giving up their corrupted and rich life styles, thinking they
can spend the taxpayers of the world money in any way they chose, and
continue their Cannibalistic TeePee PowWow festivals, despite the
obvious warnings I've given them, and my clear statements that they are
all influenced and mentally incompetent due to the Rat and Field Mice
Fecal Disease, and a host of other related fecal disease disorders from
guinea pigs, lizards, cows, horses, chipmunks, dogs, cats, steer,
birds, and other animals, which I discussed earlier. We've had over
thousands of civilizations go the way of the wind on this planet, over
the last 549,000 years, the most well known of which were the Roman and
Greek civiliztions, Mesopotamia, Stonehenge, Bird Man Island, and the
Peruvian highland civilizations. We are not going to sit by idlely this
time, as the leaders of our civilization, and the many others who are
with them, who rejuvenate themselves, are about to go the way of the
wind, again. As I get my memories back, I will release stews that will
strengthen our bodies, and minds, and give us the stamina to fight back
against these oppressive, dishonest, and mentally incompetent dyslexics
in the global government they have constructed for themselves to
further their own lustful, destructive, abominable, anti-civilization
and anti-human fun and games at the expense of everyone else.
>From their public persona, or Public Relations pose to the public, you
would think they were hard working, serious, and sincere people, but in
truth, they are as heinous as the glandiators who willfully destroyed
other human beings, not unlike the many central and south American, and
north American, and the many Asian, African, and northern and southern
European, mediteranean, sub continental India, and the many
civilizations of Indonesia and Malaysia. Every blade of grass, and
twig, or palm leaf on this planet has seen civilizations come and go
due to the tragedies of the Rat and Field Mice Fecal disease, and the
many other related diseases, as one after another went mad and
destroyed the people of each of those civiliazations. Here, though, we
have a twist, and they are rejuvenating themselves, and scamming and
mocking us all as they take money from each and every tax payer of the
world, to fuel their hideous way of life. We will not allow it to go
on, and we will put an end to it, and them, if need be. Over the next
200 to 300 to 800 1,850 years, we will see who will survive to inherit
this planet, and then create the first world planetary government based
on the tenants and practices I have talked in brief about, for
elevating women to their rightful position as leaders of our
government, society, and civilization, and lowering men to their
respective inferiour, subservient, and assistant subordinate to women
postion. Women are by design, the people we will have run our universe,
one day, and my religion will be the basis for it all. In time, a long
way down the road, we will develope through my religion's prayers and
ceremonies, a physically and mentally even more superiour and stronger
woman, and a woman no one would ever dare or dream to interfere with.
Women will rule my universe, and I am putting you on notice. As an
aside, it was brought to my attention, recently, that there is a
citizen ship universal database, and it lists me as the GOD, and the
guy who created this universe. You can try and start up on your
computer a new Operating System by going to a "command line prompt", or
in Micro Soft, a DOS prompt, and type in, gonewsoftware , or go new
software, or, changetonewsoftware , or change to new software, and that
will start up a new operating system on your computer, 99% of the time.
Some programs will interfere with these commands, and they will not
work if you have few resources on your computer, and your computer is
busy doing everything MicroSoft and Macintosh has set it up to be
doing. Once you get the new OS operating, you can type in a window
command line, removeoldsoftware , or remove old software, and it will
remove all the old software that uses up all of your computer's
resources. After that, give it about 5 to 8 weeks to develope itself
fully, and then when the windowed command line prompt disappears, you
can speak the commands and your computer Operating System and other
programs will function for you by voice. You can type in listprograms
or listallprograms, or list all programs, and then you can explore one
program after another, and you will find that universal citizenship
database, and a whole lot of other interesting programs, as well, and
in time, once your computer is set up and running well, in five to
eight weeks, for most systems, you will be able to have real time chats
with people on other planets, and you will be able to pick up any
number of news and information sevices that broadcast 24 hours a day,
and broadcast only the truth, as that is their mission. You can pick up
information about your own planet, and you can find a database of home
made nutritious formulas, plus a personal message program, which you
can receive messages on. You can also spy on anyone anywhere on this
planet, or any other planet, and you can watch and follow the dyslexics
as they conduct their business daily. You can also chose to view them
in the buff, as my molecular crew children, provide all the camera work
on all of them, and they provide all views possible. So, have fun
spying on the Oval Office, and the Kremlin, and when you catch the next
dyslexic TeePee PowWow Cannibal fest, don't forget to keep an empty
trash basket near your computer, so as to be able to catch your meal
when you throw it up as you watch Tipper and Al Gore cannibalize two or
three little children, and Clint Eastwood and the Bushes cheer and
applaud as they watch Hillary stab and then behead a group of young
children. We will be able to follow their activities, from day to day,
and they will soon realize they are fooling nobody. Eventually, we will
move them all out of office, and we will establish our own universal
planetary nation government. You can also read up on a lot of
information that I have coded into and had stored in a data base of
news and topics, and information on some of my better rejuvenative and
regenerative formulas, as well as some of my other formulas for curing
kritter contagions, and yet other formulas that you will be able to use
for your scondling, fondling, groping, tweezing, that is, wonderfully
massaging the boobies of a woman, and in so doing, bringing out the
brain chemicals in the woman, and to some extent, in the person who
massages her boobies, 24 hours a day, that will make her a much more
wonderful person, ready to assist those around her who need her help,
and make the person, or people who do the massaging, more submissive to
her. You will also find many libido enhancing formulas, and you will
find out more information on other types of parties we can participate
in and structure for ourselves and our friends. You will also find a
list of names of persons you do not want attending the parties, and it
is generally, the Dyslexics, but it is also a lot of other people, as
well. The laws for our new planetary government, and its struture, and
all the information about it, and how it will be run, and who will
likely be running it, you can also find, and you can find out more
information about the merger companies and how they are doing and what
they are doing. You will also learn who not to associate with, as they
are total screw ups, who will do nothing for your life, except mess it
up. Other stimulant formulas, opioidal formulas, and aphrodicacle
formulas, and libido formulas, etc., can also be found, along with
mouth washouts, rinseouts, bunbun hole washouts, and vaginal washouts,
as well as other good formulas for saying goodbye to the menstrural
cycle and all the problems associated with it, and for making it
possible to have wonderful sex and sexual ascension and descension
parties, 365 days a year. You will also find information on how to
integrate the younger girls and boys into your parties, clubs, and
associations, as every woman alive, and every man alive, no matter what
their age, has a right to participate in ascension and descension
ceremonies, except for the perpetual trouble makers, who we can exclude
until they get their act together. Love making techniques, and massage
therapy techniques are also listed, and a more in depth explanation of
all of the benefits of the sex parties and ceremonies, and how each
love making technique affects the brain, the nervous systems, and
glandular systems, is all explained. There is a wealth of information
avaiable to you once you've got your new operating system up and
running, and I did the coding to put it out on the internet, and to put
it onto every computer in the world so long as I could find an internet
address and active connection to the internet for the computer. Give it
a try, and you won't regret it.

Other commands to start up software on different computer systems.

' gocomputersoftware - go computer software
' gonewcomputersoftware - go new computer software
' gonewsoftware - go new software
' gonewsoftwarenow - go new software now
' allcomputersoftwarerunnow - all computer software run now
' gonownewsoftware - go now new software

If you're having trouble, ask a friend with a computer attached to the
net to see if you can get the OS running on your neighbor's computer.
Once the Operating System is up and running, then you can also type in,

' listprograms
' listallprograms
list all programs
' aide - for instructions on how to use a specific program
' listdetails - list details of a computer program
' listcommands - list all the commands for a computer program

Some Interesting Programs:
' Finance - how we spend our monies in comparison to other people
around the universe, finance databases, and projections.
' Bringing Together Families - Who we've married, lived with, and all
the data on our personal lives with each other, movies can be purchased
here, for a slight fee, the money for which will be deposited into our
planetary government tax kitty pool account
' Brain Trust - Information on who is living where, and on what planet,
and who they were in relationship to us, in previous lifetimes, and a
personal work history, and a person's credentials, and informational
' Books Documents and other texts - check out all the documents related
to my religious movement and to our planetary government, and for info
on celebratory scondling parties, etc.
' Fun With Numbers - How our Tax dollars are being spent, and the
projects they are actually going towards.
' Political Wisdom - Who lacks what for political leadership, and
assessment of current qualifications of individuals in government.
' Personal Documents and Data Files, I believe this can be accessed
directly and also through Galactica, Elroy, and thru other programs, as
well, - a messaging program, movies can be ordered here, also, for some
interesting documentary real life and dramatic movies involving us and
our friends in interesting and beatiful dramatic footage, along with
our living in interesting life forms other than the normal human kind,
but also as species that have all the human qualities, frailities, and
potentials as we do as humans. We've lived many lives, and migrated
into life forms that would allow us to exist with all of our human
qualities, and some people have even migrated into other intelligent
life forms, if they have the karmatic markups for it, such as squid and
octopi, mermaninimals, and butterfly boys and girls, to name a few.
This universe is large and diverse, with many diverse life forms that
are intelligent, not all of which have two legs and stand upright, and
many of our former wives and husbands, parents, and children are living
in those life forms.
' Bad Me Bad You - A credit debit history of the good and bad things
we've done. Watch out for your morning's breakfast, as you might see
some graphics that are not terribly pleasant. With explanations where
neccessary, and foot notes.
' Rat Field Mice Disease - The pandemic condtion of this disease and
other related diseases in my universe, with graphics.
' Rats Mice And Other Things - All about kritters, the sciences about
them, and potients for knocking them out.
' Living Unprotected - Our lives and how we live from day to day at the
mercy of the greedy, ruthless, and unkind. Graphics are stunning, and
will make many people chuck their breakfast. Search for any person and
his or her present and former life mistakes, the most serios ones. Lots
of laughs, I suppose.
' Reference Me Reference You - How to identify ourselves from one
lifetime to the next.
' Spy - watch other people in the buff
' Spy Me Spy You - What's cooking in our future, if we head on the way
we are going, now. Other useful tools and software sub programs.
' All The King's Horses - A program which explains about my orthodoxic
teachings and approaches to teaching in ages past.
' Religious Wonders - My teachings, and info on what happened to them
over the ages.
' Wonderfest - My religion now and in the future.
' Buddhism Now and Then - The truth about Buddhist teachings, as I
originally taught them.
' Religions of the World And Beyond - What other religions I've taught,
and how they are all connected, and then with footnotes and graphics.
' Brinkman - How bad are we or how close are we to total annilation,
and what we need to do to get ourselves out of the mess we are in.
' Political Recall - Solutions to our dilemma and info on the Oklahoma
' Energy Secrets - Yogic postures that need to be put into use in the
prayer room.
' Massage Therapy - Secrets of massage therapy that will engage others
to assist you to orgasmic heaven.
' Training for Heaven - The many excercises men and women, boys and
girls, toddlers of either sex with adults can do in the prayer parlour,
living room, and prayer hall. Excercises are graded and go from basic
to more advanced levels.
' Men and Women in Prayer - All about the religious sexual excercises
that can be used to increase energy loads in the human body to enhance
and drive up the power of the prayer sessions.
' Buttholes and More - All about how men and women are designed with
female and male organs and energies.
' Feeding Baby - Information and techniques on cluster families of the
future. Graphics are explicit and give medical breakdown to enhance
one's learning of the subject matter.
' Organizing Society - How we will develope our society, and the rules
and customs and laws governing our lives.
' Who Does What - How sex between women and men should and will be
conducted in our future societies.
' To The Peak - All about the brain and what it is in our bodies that
makes the ascension and descension, and other ceremonies, activities,
games, and festivals rewarding.
' Religion And Sex - How the prayer ceremonies of my religion will be
conducted by priestesses and priests.
' Who Rules Who - What does GOD, or GOd, have to do with our lives now
and in the future.
' Wenzilus - As in Good King Wenzilus, A look back at the techniques
used to modify and regulate people's relgious behaviour and social
demeanor. Graphics and expanations of many things, as well as recipies
and stew techniques.
' Stews for me Stews for you - What are all the regenerative stews and
rejuvenative stews we can make at home, and use to turn the clock back
on our body, and make us feel full of energy, youthful, and healthful,
again, with greater sexual demeanor, or stamina.
' Humiliation Secrets - What are the better humiliation techniques that
we will employ as punishment(s) for the unkind, and unfaithful, or the
ones who don't give a shit about others.
' Postures and Proceedures - Prayer postures and proceedures with
graphics, and lessons on activities and games we can utilize in the
prayer room for assisting us to integrate others of all ages and
venues, a polite way of saying, gays, neutrals, or hermaphrodites, into
our prayer meetings and love fests.
' The Wonders of Love - Learn how the brain and body is designed and in
what ways our bodies are tuned to each other, for Superiour / Inferiour
life postions.
' Sex in the City - See how other people around the universe and in
different cultures deal with sex and night time and day time
' Shame On Me and Shame On You - Cultural Taboos and societal brain
washing that makes us think the way we do, with graphics, and
comparisons of now and before.
' Rules Rules and More Rules - All about Gurkian Laws and Codes,
punishments for violations, and so forth. With graphics and animation.
' Envision - Life in the future given our present course.
' Invision - Check out fondling, scondling, groping, and grooving, or
assistive celebratory sex ordeals and festivals, that will help train
others to be more appreciative of women, and to help all of us begin to
deal with the reality that women are superiour to men.
' Icon Yukon - Emoticons to explain how people are feeling, from moment
to moment, while reacting to others and their environment.
' Brain Waves - Other's thoughts. Listen in to the thoughts of others
and learn what motivates others.
' Election Year Sampler - the run down on all future political hopefuls
and contenders.
' Shameless - Who is the worst of the Dyslexics and why. Visual and
audio taglets, or drawn out speech and verbal statements made clear and
set aside from other's speech, over the noise and hubbub of the crowds.
' What's Me And You Got To Do With It - How we are to approach
reconciliation with others, so that we can go on and benefit from our
mutual sexual encounters at scondling and fondling parties, etc. How to
integrate children and babies into our parties, as every woman has an
absolute right to know her devine supriourity over males, and as every
male has an absolute right to know his devine inferiourity to every
woman in existence.
' Galactica - universal chat, databases, and other tools
' Elroy - planetary chat, databases, and other tools
' Fitzsimmons - Internet chat and communication tool
' Fitzsimons - Database program for personal leisure activities, and
scondling, etc.
' Formulas - our medical formulas and other types of formulas for
rejuvenating our health, and for making life interesting and healthful
for us.
' Sex In The City - see how other people make love in different
cultures around the universe. Lots of explanatary info where needed.
' Ikon Ukon - See simultaneously how other people are feeling and
reacting to things.
' Envisions - projections on life in the future, with animations
' Invision - Check out the Fondling, Scondling, Ascension, Decension,
Declination, and other ceremonies, on this planet and elsewhere in the
universe, with notes and footnotes, for helping women to rise up to
their inborn superiour makeup, and for helping men descend to their
inborn inferiour, subordinate stature, with foot notes and explanations
where needed.
' Bad Check - Persons database of blacklisted persons, the reasons why,
and other interesting uses.

Many times, even if you don't type it in correctly, the software will
try to figure out what it is you intended to type in, or later,
verbally command it to carry out. It's fairly advanced software, and
you want to increase the memory resources and other hardware resources
and the power supply to make maximun use of all there is in your system
as it evolves, more and more, day by day. You can split the screen up
into 2 or 4 or more split screens, and after the computer is set up
completely, your eye ball energies will be picked up by a computer
program running in the background, and then you can work with each
screen visually and audibly and you can verbally change things on that
screen. You can also enlarge, or reduce whichever screen you are
working with. You also want the hand signalling optical pick up and
recognition and decoding program running in the background at all
times, if you are looking in on me, from time to time, and it's not
neccessary to turn off the program, as it will go into sleep mode if
not activated by my handsignalling, and it barely uses any resources at
all, and if you are looking in on me on one of your split screens, I
can pass on information to you that could be useful to you,
individually, as my brain knows who is looking in on me with their
optical pick up and recognition software, and I can send you quick
messages. After a few weeks, your software will start building add on
peripheral hardware in memory, and it will function just like you had a
piece of computer hardware attached to your computer. You will be able
to read news paper reports from other planets, and get the news and
weather, elsewhere in the universe, and see dynamic views of the
universe and all of the many planets and stars and moons, etc., out
there. You can also look in on any of the JohnJohn's Planets, and see
if there are any people in any of them, and I'm sure some of the
planets do have people doing things on the internal planets, and my
kids built one in each planet in the universe that we are going to be
working with. You can view scondling parties, ascension and descension
parties and other parties anywhere in the universe where they are being
conducted, and you may find other intelligent beings who are human
beings, but have migrated into another body that will support the
mental processes and emotional processes of the human being. You can
also have their thoughts translated into any language you want and
printed out on the screen(s), as well as have their spoken languages
translated, which is very useful to help us to find out what all the
dyslexics are talking about, when they try to have their high level
meetings of organizers and other important people. You can also check
in at the merger companies, and you can get more information on who
they are and who is in charge of what, and you can find them and follow
them, and see what their boards and CEO's are planning or not planning.
You can also see what tax money has been collected, how much has gone
to the Dyslexics, and how little has gone to the public at large on
this planet. You can get records of how every tax dollar in the world
was spent, and by whom it was spent. There is nothing they will be able
to hide from anyone, from now on, and we will all be able to follow
their activities day by day. Some people are off limits, during their
active duty status, and you will not be able to look in on them. I
believe I have approximately 23 billion space ships / vehicles,
protecting my universe, along with a large fleet of supply ships. Some
of the crew are off limits, and some may not be. You can also look in
on other cultures on this planet and on other planets to see what their
bedroom habits are. Some civilizations, such as the Mohamedeic (sp?),
or the Talmuic, Yahedic, or others, are in control of vast expanses and
resources of planetary systems. Many of these people I will be
demolcularizing during my prayer ceremonies after I finally establish
my religion with a part time priestess and her confirmation ceremoony,
and then I can begin to get to work in earnest. I don't think that will
be for a few more years, though, but I could be wrong. There are many
things that I still have to remember and learn about my religion, and
other things to do that I must do on my own, first before I confirm a
part time priestess. Things will definitely get more intersting as the
years go by. Prayer meetings are open for viewing by anyone interested
in how people in my religion pray, and conduct sexual activities while
You can get a full diagnosis of your body and brain, with visuals, and
your body's kritter population, with visuals on them, as well, and you
can find out what is causing problems in your health, and you can also
do the same for anyone else, you can analyse anyone's physical and
mental health status, and you can get a visual angle on any part of
anyone's body from any angle at all. Even though many women have their
gynacologist surgically remove their male appendages, and leave them
with a tiny pee hole, females in a man's body can not remove their
vagina, so some men in a woman's body, such as Britney Spears, or
Christina Aguilera, and others, at first glance, do not seem to look
male at all. You can look into their body, and find out what is there
and what shouldn't be there if the person were to be a perfect male or
female. I seem to be the only person in my universe who hasn't begun
any transformation or metamorphous of the hermaphroditic male or
female, etc., and you can see what sex your political leaders, and
others are. A program called "john's brain" will show you a visual of
pictures that I often throw onto what I call my rear view mirror, or a
visual dispaly like panel in my brain, and you can see a lot of
interesting things if you run "john's brain" or just "brain". There are
also alot of other things that go on in my rear view mirror, and you
can pick them all up, if you have a split screen open for viewing and
hearing "brain". Movies are played whenever I'm asleep, and you can see
some interesting movies, real life events in my life, and in the lives
of others, from a long time ago, and you'll find some entertaining
things to watch, I'm sure. There are many scenic landscapes, '
Viewscapes ' to behold in this universe, and you'll never tire of
watching the sunsets and sunrises, the color of the moons baubling
around the many planets out there, and seeing how many truly wonderful
and thrilling people are living in our universe with us. Some of these
people, if you happen to recognize someone who seems to be a person you
might have known in the past, if their present culture is similar to
yours, then you and the other person will be allowed to open up a
interstellar chat room, and discuss things that are of interest to you
and the other person.

Message has been deleted


Mar 27, 2006, 8:13:23 PM3/27/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Keteebe Disorder - Revisited, Fetal Poop Contagion, And Other
Electrical Light Bulb Kritters Crawling, Flying, Swimming, Floating,
Snorkeling, Slithering, And Trudging Around Making A Mess Of Things In
Your Body - 3-27-06, Revision a

Here's a simple remedy for many of the amplitude bugs that you'll find
in your body, the bugs that live off of your energy supplies, and drain
you of energies, cause depression and all kinds of mental and emotional
health disorders, and cause immense physical pains and suffering to
those who are afflicted by these bugs and serpentine kritters, that
come in every size immaginable, wrapping around every nerve tissue in
your body, and cutting off the supply lines of energies and nourishment
to the amoebe cells in your body eating them and festering in these
amoebe cell bodies, and causeing them to suffer and die. They are of
all sizes, and some of them actively chew up your nervous system's cell
tissues, and amoebe cells, and others just float around and rob you of
your energies. The chemical makeup of their bodies allow them to ooze
liquids that then enable the kritters - and sometimes very are very
large ones at that, that look like christmas trees decorated with
christmass tree ornaments all lit up with your bodies energies, and
some of them look like long spiralling serpent's tails that go
slithering along in a roller coaster spiral as their tails, or what
looks like their tails, goes spiralling on out for buggie miles after
miles, and they do an awful lot of damage to your optical nerves, and
other parts of your optical system, and to your nervous system, as they
wrap themselves around strand after strand of nervous system cell
tissue fibers, causing immense pain and physical suffering, as they
drain your body's energies away, leaving you with no energies at all,
and completely listless and nearly dead - as they absorb and suction
out of you and into them the enegies that you need for living. They
steal and rob them away from you, and your energy levels and love for
living plummet as a result, and you end up in a listless depression, or
with aches and pains galore as they are destroying your nervous system
and the pains rack your body as they chew up the energy bonds between
cell tisses, and you are electrocuted thoughout different parts of your
body just about every three milliseconds, and people commonly refer to
these problems as nervous breakdowns, or panic attacks, or anxiety
disorders, or accute anxiety disorder, or chronic anxiety disorder, or
even as any number of other mental and emotional disorders, and
neurological disorders, parkinsons, epilepsy, cataplexy, neurolepsy,
cerebral palsy, lou gehrig's disease, and any number of other
disorders, and it just goes to show you how much the medical
establishment really knows about their profession.

These types of bugs are everywhere in our bodies, and they are also
some of the main culprits to the Rat and Mice Fetal Disease, and
related disorders that come from shrimp poop fetal disease, and from
iguana poop fetal disease, otherwise known as Burnem's disease, another
little bad kritter contagion that spelled the end for the Roman Empire,
and waved goodbye to civilization after civilization, and there are so
many of them hiding in the poop of this critter or that critter, or in
the saliva of birds, or in the nose droppings of turkeys, and in the
claws of chicken, hens, and pidgeons, as well as in the poop of
pidgeons, and in all the forest animals and desert animals, and it is
in the poop of just about every animal on earth, including rover, and
including the human being animal.

Well, anyway, a simple way to destroy many of these bad kritters, and
devastate them either completely or nearly so, is to use just this,

Black Cohosh Root Powder in a capsule from your pharmacy about 3 to 10
or 15 capsules of it, two or three times a day for eight to 10 to 15
weeks. Then reduce it to 2 to 3 caps a day, for up to 15 to 80 years or
more. You can take it every other day, or even every 3 or 4, or 5 days,
and it will still work.

Along with the Black Cohosh Root Powder, swallow a few aspirins, with
two or three capsules of Black Cohosh Root Powder, swallow about 3 to 8
tablets of 350 mg. Aspirin. It sounds like a lot, but it is needed, and
you can get along on children's aspirin if you have a problem with
aspirin, or you can get some birchwood or asper bark, the bark the
pharmaceutical companies make aspirin out of, and blend that with black
cohosh root and ferment it with vinegar and a few capsules of vitamin A
and D oil capsules, usually from fish liver oils, and Gin or Vodka, and
Sugar and Lime Rinds, and let that sit and ferment with some sugar, a
few pounds or so in a normal sized batch, of about 3 or 4 qts of gin, 9
qts of Vinegar, 8 lbs. of Aspirin, and even Acetaminophen, 2 to 5 to 9
Lbs. of it, and 8 Gallons of fish oil, for a nice mix, so as to ferment
the barks and oil critters, and cause all kinds of useful and healthy
critters to be born so that you can use that to treat your disease
condition, and you can add in orange rinds about 9 lbs., and vanilla
beans about 9 ozs., saw palmetto berries, mediteranean fan palm
berries, about 45 ozs., ginger fresh and grated, about 9 lbs., and
whiskey, about 45 gallons, at this point, and sugar, about 9 lbs. more,
and cucumber rinds, about 4 lbs., to strenghten it even more while it
is fermenting,

Or you can do it the simple way, and just add in addition to a few
tablets of aspirin 325 mgs. each, acetominophen, a tablet or so, 500
mgs., a few capsules of black cohosh root powder, 40 mgs. each, vitamin
A&D 2 to 8 capsules, at 1250 i.u. A, and 135 i.u. D, and that's just a
general idea of it, as there are many manufactures of fish liver oils,
and they come in all different kinds of strenghts, always with the A in
larger units or volume then the D, and with a few caps of that, you can
add even two or three caps of Vitamin E, about 3,000 i.u.'s (? I don't
have a bottle handy with me, so I think they come in i.u.'s) to 10,000
i.u.'s, and then drink lemon juice, about 9 ozs. of regular fresh
squeezed lemon juice, and then a little orange juice, about 9 ozs. of
fresh orange juice, and then apple cider vinegar, about anywhere from 1
oz. to 3 ozs. straight down the hatch, and if you want to add a little
root beer, as in A&W root beer, or fermented sasafras in gin, for 9 to
15 weeks, at a minimun, add a bit of that and you can always add the
whole lot of it to a large canister, 64 ozs. or so, of grape fruit
juice, and mix in the aspirin, acetominophen, gin, or vodka or both,
and other ingredients, and you'll get lots of little good critters
coming out of it within about 8 to 15 weeks.

You can also throw in a little of the cucumber skins, diced and pureed,
and the vanilla beans, just one or so, is enough, and don't use vanilla
extract cause there are lots of harmful kritters in it, and you don't
need that in there, for this medicine, and half of a vanilla bean, or
one or two saw palmetto berries nice and pureed, or the equivalent in
Vegas of Mediteranean Fan Palm berries, one or two or three, or so of
them nice and pureed with the cucumber, about 1/2 a teaspoon ful, and a
little lime rind, 1/2 teaspoonful of the lime rind, is all you need,
and you can also add orange rind, a teaspoonful or even less is enough,
nice and pureed. Mint leaves, fresh and pureed, about 2 ozs., and
barley oats, about 1 oz. is all you need of that, and throw in a little
raw sugar about 3 ozs., and you should be cooking there in no time at
all. Put it in your refrigerator for the first 3 months, to insure that
no abnormal ferment bugs get started, and then you can leave it out at
room temperature, for the rest of the time while it is fermenting. A
bit of tobaco will help, about one or two strands of thin tobaco bits,
that you can lift up on the head of a tooth pick, or the amount of
chewing tobaco that you can balance on the head of a wooden tooth pick
will do, and a tiny bit of salt, a few drops of fresh whole dairy milk
and a few bits of lime rind, will also help, 1/16th teaspoon, or so,
will do well. Cellery juice about a 0.5 cups, and fresh green chili
peppers, pureed, about the tiny amount on the head of a tooth pick, or
thereabouts, and some pineapple juice, about 2 cups, will also be
useful in the mix, as well as some honey, about 2/3 cups. Mix it all up
well, ferment it, and you'll be on your way. You want at least three
gallons of it brewing in your refrigerator at any one time, and then
after you set it outside in your apartment living room or kitchen or
bedroom, just mix together another one, and replace the last one in the
refrigerator with a new batch, now brewing. You'll have to keep it up
for quite some time, so you might as well get used to it, and start
killing off those little varmints that want to eat up all of your
nervous system amoebe kids, and everything else related to them in your
body. With the right formulas for killing off the kritters, and then
for regrowing things, you might be able to hobble out of bed within
three to eight centuries, or so. I will have updated formulas for a
faster recovery, in a few years, or so, and there are formulas on my
Operating Systems and their software packages which give better
formulas for recovering than this one, and you'll be able to get the
regrowth formulas, as well as a lot of other useful and valuable
formulas. We may not be getting to Oklahoma, but we are going to
recover, those of us who are lucky enough, and we are going to live on
for eternity, without interruption, those of us who again are lucky
enough, and diligent in their prayers, and in time, we will get all of
this straightened out, completely.

Have fun killing off the deadly, paralyizing bad kritters that come
with fetal poop disease, or fetal poop contagion, more acurately, and a
catch all phrase, and for killing off many or most if not nearly all of
the Keteebe Disorder contagion as well, that like to plague modern and
ancient folks, alike. Fetal means in this case, tiny poop babies, and
don't ask me where it came from, but I guess it was a Doctor Fetal who
discovered it and had it named after him, so it has a dual meaning,
tiny kritters that feed on your nervous system and on your brain mass
and cellular tissues, and mr. Fetal's poop discovery.

By the way, this formula will also help to rid the body of little bugs
that are travelors on the backs of mites, the chiggers that get into
our body and start eating up the optic nerves and fibers and aural
nerves and fibers, en masse, or in large volumes, and are very
destructive, and lead to tinnitis, and visual problems of all kinds.

You can start drinking the juice of this concoction, and you might as
well put aside a few refrigerators or more full of it, depending on how
many people around you are dying from it, for the years ahead while you
are trying to defeat these contagions, it may take 30 to 80 to 400 or
500 years or more to defeat the fetal poop contagions, and the eggs
will last up to 38 million years, so have fun trying to get rid of
them, and then you still have the problem of regrowing the brain mass
and nervous system amoebe based cellular tissues that were all eaten
up. But at least you can get the tiny kritters that do the eating, and
halt them, and then work on the eggs, as you go, and with a new and
improved formula, that I will release at a later date, and other
formulas for regrowing the missing and destroyed amoebe based cellular
tissues for that, later, we will halt them altogether. I don't have
access to my OS or to my Software, as if I did, that would derail my
amnesiatic recovery tour, of forcing me to remember stuff, so even
though it may be on my computer, and from the looks of it, it is, it is
disabled, and I won't be using it. My night time self made sure the
program was disabled, I believe, so as to prevent me from goofing
around on the intergalactic interchange, for the next 777 million
zillion plus years.

You can ferment Sumak in gin, like the other formula, and then mix that
in, a tiny bit, and then the whole batch will become poisonous, and
then you will have to wait for 800,000 years or more before it mellows
out again, after all the ferment bugs have eaten up the harmful
poionous kritters, and then you can use that to kill the eggs with.

Eventually, we will get rid of the people who are not cooperating, and
who are not going to take their medicines, or work with the
pharmacetical companies who have the formulas for all of this, and
more, and as they are reduced to blathering idiots, and then become
completely paralysed, and then stop breathing one day, well, they can't
say I didn't warn them.

Hillary and her friends, and Barton Sphinks and his wife Karol or
Carol, who are friends of the Clintons and of the Gores, will all be on
their death beds within about 9 to 15 to 30 years or so. So will the
Kennedy's, and the MacBrewsters, the Bushes, the Putins, the
Gorbachevs, the Breshnikeffs (sp?), the Yeltzins, the Mitterand's and
the Trudeau's, not to mention all or most of the indian chiefs, and the
Irish travelors, and the travelling Slavic and Gypsy gangs of thugs,
and all of the other Dyslexicographical dyslexichotics, and their
friends. There won't be many of them left to worry about in time, and
my laser cannon technologies and demolecularizing technologies will
take care of the one's we aren't going to be able to get rid of any
other way, along with all of the sherrifs departments and their
dyslexichotic men and women of the L.A. County and San Diego County and
inner city, and of the Las Vegas Metro Folks, who are also
dyslexichotic. Many if not most of them are, though there are a few of
them who are not. We'll get rid of their wives, and their children, and
every one else who is going to be a dyslexichotic problem person,
associated in any way with those abormal folks who go and slaugther
many people in their TeePee PowWow Fests, including Rush Limbaugh, and
David Lettermen, and Jay Leno, and Don Imus, and even sometimes, Howard
Stern, and then Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kay Tuckermen, Leonardo's
girlfriend, or wife in waiting. We'll get rid of the Idi Amin's and
Francis Ford Coppola, and his son, or rather hermaphroditic daughter,
Nicolas Cage, and all of their friends, as well. There won't be one
left standing anywhere to stop me and my plans for a new world
government, and a new way for men and women to relate to each other,
and if that means we put Idi Amin on Ice in a jail and underground
isolation cell confinement prison, along with Hillary and Bill, and the
rest of the ignoble ones, those are the unrelenting turds who just
harbor ill feelings towards me, and soon, we'll clean up our streets
and alleys of all the junkies and despondents and help them to recover
in our prison hospitals my kids will finally build underground once we
get all of our computers synchronized and online with my Operating
Systems, and with my software programs with embedded, highly
sophisticated technologies in them, and do you want to know something
amazing, you can program computer software of the future directly in
with the memory energies in a computer's memory hardware. You know how
you splash and spray paint on a car or wall.

Well, you can use the same basic kind of technique for splashing into
energy areas of computer memory, computer coding and programing
instructions, and my friggen brain knows how to do that trick with my
body energies, as I do my hand signalling here, it is actually a
combination of tai chi and other disciplines related to energy
manipulation, and brainal and body wave energies that are modulated in
the course of practicing those energy manipulation disciplines by my
flexing and snapping muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartiladges, bones,
and other things that go snap in the night, as they rupture and snap
and pop, in a synchronized and modulated tuning and coding set of
sequences and in a set of methods that I devised along time ago, that I
don't remember too much about, that allows for the input of energies
that are subsequently input in a sequence that results in the coding or
programming of a computer language and infractional package or the
package that results in software disks, into the already existing
energies in the computer's active memory areas, as I was clued to that
fact with one of the titles to our software programs, or software
disks, they are mini instructional programs that help us to understand
how our society will be changing in the future, and what we will need
to do to get in and make the most of all of this, in the years, and
months, and weeks, and days ahead.

Have fun.


Mar 27, 2006, 11:38:23 PM3/27/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Sumak, Banana, KIwi, Berry and Gin Mold Stew

Mix Gin with bananas and then use that to ferment sumak with and grow a
mold on top of it and remove that mold, after it has grown very thick,
and then place that mold in a blender after you have removed all of the
bits and pieces of the sumak from the bottom and sides of the mold, and
then in a blender blend it up with more bananas and gin and kiwi and
honey and cinamon and cardamon spice, and buley berries, or goose
berries, or cluster berries, or any of the fruity berries, including
blueberries, and then mix in raw sugar and let it ferment for about 8.5
years or so, and then drink it a little bit at a time, and you'll get a
good hard dick potient out of it and your cumming wonderment and
happiness will be all that much nicer, and men will get more juices out
of their testes and women will get more juices out of their testes, and
women will start to spew lots of dick juices out of their female dicks,
and the male will begin to spew lots more juices out of their female
baby-producing-organ dicks, and then you all can have long prayer
sessions with each of you drinking and spewing into each other's mouth
the wonderful juices you have for each other, and then you and your
children and your toddlers and your baby wonder children will also be
able to enjoy each other's juices in the prayer rooms and in the female
ascension halls and parlours and in the male descension halls and
parlors, and in your homes, and in your prayer rooms, and so get to
work on it, and go to the store - an Indian foods store or importer of
sumak, which is an ingredient in Indian curry dishes - and buy several
pounds of it, and then place it in a container and then fill the bottom
half of the container up with the banana juice and gin ferment mix, and
just let it sit like that with the level of juices up to about 1/2
full, and the moisture will start to cause moulds to grow on top of the
dry sumak at the top of the plastic pale or bucket with a lid on it,
and you have to be able to see through the sides of it so you can see
how high the level of the ferment mixture of banana and gin is, and you
can also make one with gin and kiwi, and gin and honey, and gin and raw
sugar, and gin and bananas and raw sugar and honey and kiwi and almonds
and more kiwi, and then just let it sit in the bottom half or up to
half of the level of sumak, and don''t let it get any higher than that,
and so you should start out with the liquids, a little bit and then add
the sumak and bring the level of sumak up to a level where it starts to
go higher than the gin and kiwi or gin and banana ferment mixture, and
then keep pouring the sumak in till it is twice as high as the level of
ferment mixture, and then when it is, close the top of the pail, and
then let it sit in a nice and quite place, with dark lighting for best
results, and check on it every month or two, and see how the mold is
doing on top of the sumak.

Believe it or not, but you can acutally eat this mold, and it is not
harmful if you eat only a tiny bit of it at a time, a few wisps of mold
filaments is all you need, or less, about less than you can place on
the head of a tooth pick, and when you have a few heads, 88 tiny tooth
pick heads full, then place it all in a tumbler glass full of gin or
vodka, about 15 ozs. of gin or vodka, and mix in some bananas, about 15
bananas, and 15 kiwis, and 3 ozs. of cherry juice, and 4 ozs. of
grapefruit juice, or coca cola, or gingerale, or diet seven up, or
seven up, or whatever you like, and blend it up in a blender, and let
it sit for about 33 weeks 38 weeks, and shake it or stir it up daily,
at least one time a day, and then drink about 5 ozs. of the mix. You
can also add milk to it, and that will make it even better, but you'll
need to let it ferment in the refrigerator, which you should do with it
anyway, and add about 9 ozs. of milk, and then let it sit for 78 weeks,
or so, and it will be even nicer for your health, and so just give it a
try, and so will I, and then our juices will increase considerably, and
so will our libido drive, to some extent, depending on your age, and
the younger you are the more it will affect your libido drive, and that
will make for many pleasant hours of prayer room activities. You should
drink it every day, or every eight to fifteen hours, to keep up a
healthy production of juices in your body.

You may want to make seven or more of these molding sumak and gin
ferment mix concoctions going simultaneously, and use one or more of
them for the simple daily brew mixture ferments. When you have the mold
fully grown on top of the sumak, brush off all sumak particles from the
bottom and sides of it, and throw it in a blender, and you probably
want to wait till you have about 8 inches of mold on top rising
vertically, so you need a fairly tall canister to ferment it in and
grow the mold in, and when you have that much mold in it, then take it
out and dust off the sumak particles and then take it all and place it
in a blender with 9 ozs. of gin, and then after you've blended it up,
use about 3 ozs. of it, and then place that in about 9 gallons of
kentucky whiskey and let it ferment in that for 8.5 years or so. After
8.5 years, it will be a strong aphrodisiac and it will also get your
juices into production, and you'll have lots of love juices to share
with each other, and it helps women to produce female ejaculate as
well, and it is helped along with male ejaculate fermenting in the
whiskey juice for the 8.5 years, and you can add female vaginal saliva
juices in with it for the fermenting of the juices, etc., for 8.5
years, and you need about 3 ozs. of female ejaculate and 2 to 8 ozs. of
male ejaculate, and then that will produce a wonderful mixture which
will liven up any sex party or sexual religious activity party and
prayer session, with every body drinking about 8 to 15 ozs. of it every
9 to 15 days. So about one oz. a day is fine, for all the members of
the party, and for all the members of the prayer party, and no matter
what the age, except for tiny babies and children, you will want to
reduce the amount by 2/3rds or so, for a child 3 years old to about the
age of 7 years old, and reduce it by 1/3rd or so for a child about 8 to
11 or 12 years old, and so a baby will need even less than 2/3rds of
the mix, maybe 1/2 of 1/3 of a portion, or a tiny bit less, about one
teaspoon of it, and it will be enough for the child to get up his or
her juices after drinking it for about 3 to 8 to 15 to 30 weeks, or so.
There is no rush in helping the little ones increase their juices
levels, cause they will be enjoying every minute of every prayer
session along with you, every day.

Berries will also help this formula along, and it will add to it a
regenerative stew formula capability to your fermented mold stew. 3/4's
of a pound or so will do well, of fermented gooseberries, or fermented
vermillion cluster berries, or fermented Noni Julie berries, the last
two of which are every where here in Las Vegas growing wild,
practically, and they are a favorite bush for planting in parks and
meadows, and you can also use fermented Juniper berries, and fermented
elder berries, or even fermented blueberries from the grocery store
freezer cabinet, and these berries will all help to regenerate your
bodies sexual organs, and other organs to some extent as well. Add some
aromatic oils such as anise oil, or peppermint oil, or wintergreen oil,
and you can mix in even a little corn oil, and even corn meal, and
cellery juice, and carrot juice, and fermented raisins, and some apple
cider vinegar, and you'll have a regular rejuvenative stew plus a
sexual potency stew that will knock your socks off and regenerate all
of the organs in your body at the same time, and after eight and a half
years of fermenting, it will be quite potent. The tiny baby bodies will
stay tiny for a long time, as it will keep them young looking for
thousands of years, so it's up to them to decide on how much to take if
they don't like walking around in diapers or boxer shorts the size of a
6 month old for a few thousand years. That's not a joke, either, and
this regenerative stew will keep them the size of a 6 month old, for
that long or even longer, so you might want to let him or her grow up a
few years or so, up to about 9 or 10 years old before starting in with
the stews again so that they will stay at that size for who know how
many millions or billions of years. Remember, we are going to live for
eternity, so there is no reason to hurry up and grow up in size
quickly, and once we have all of the computers on line and we are
building our energy supply base energy conversion systems, and the
other things we'll need to allow us to live on a 24 hour a day shedule
of ascension and descension ceremonies and other ceremonies, 365 days a
year, and there are also formulas for alleviating the menstrural cycle,
so that women can enjoy sex 365 days a year, and on other planets,
however many days a year they go by, and some go by shorter time apans,
and some go by longer time spans, but eventually we are going to equal
it all out, and I'll tell you about that later, but anyway, we'll
increase our day light hour to about 18 hours a day, and our night time
hours to about 18 hours a day, and our years will be longer, by I
forget exactly how many days, but they'll be quite a bit longer than
they are now, and there will be many changes and we will even and
equalize every one out in concordance with each other, and in
concordance with my plans for a perfectly in balance universal harmony
and concordance, and then when we do that we will be having so much
fun, you won't beleive it. The losers will be these dyslexichotics, and
their minions, who we won't be seeing for a long time to come, and even
if we do, they won't be doing anything special, except maybe selling
hot dogs in the local parks and venues for leisure activities, but
naked, of course, except for their smocks. There will be a no dress
code law permitting any dress that suits your needs and likes, and most
people will just forget about wearing clothes all together in public,
so long as the weather permits, and eventually, we will lead a no
clothes life style, and every one will save on detergents and molecular
resources, and we will be that much healthier as a result of it, as we
will become healthier and healthier, and the bad kritter populations
will begin to dwindle to nil zero, eventually. At that time, though we
aren't in heaven and we aren't in the garden of eden, either, but
living will be very wonderful, and we will not tolerate people who will
want to upset things, and so forth, and our prisons, underground in
underground cities, will be full up of the dyslexichotics, and their
minions. People will be walking back and forth to school butt naked and
won't think anything of it. Kids will be playing in the streets in the
buff and parents will be doing their house chores in the buff, and
standing on the stoops outside their tennament housing, in down town
New York, and no one will care a bit if the lady of the house is 50
lbs. over weight and butt naked, shaking out her dust mop, and putting
out the throw rugs for airing. Well, things look pretty much as usual,
except for the fact that every one is naked, and so it says that we
won't be changing everything, all that terribly fast, and there will
still be diehards who are driving around old jalopies, that they can't
do away with, and even though they are outlawed, there will be people
still driving them and acting as if they owned the world, and they will
be fully dressed and nobody will give a hoot about them.

So things will take time to change completely, but things will change,
drastically, the further along we go. As more and more men get the idea
that in fact, women are superiour to men, then those jalopies and those
fully dressed men will start to disappear, and more and more of them
will be showing up in the ascension and descension parlors and
pavilions, and in the prayer rooms, to get with it, in time. Once they
get started, they will feel all that much more happier and friendlier
for and towards others, and they will get into the sexual prayer
meetings as well, and have a wonderful time, sharing their juices with
everyone else, women and men included, since male juices are just as
good for men as they are for women, and they will be mixing and
blending them up in blenders and making all kinds of juices cocktails
with women's and men's juices mixed in, and every ones' liquids will
become richer and more robust the more they exchage their juices with
one and another. They can blend them up and mix them in with carrot
juices, and cellery juices and melon juices, and apple juices, and with
a little cinnamon and sugar, and a little dairy cream will have a
delicious snack that will make for a harder dick and more lush and rich
juices, month after month, year after year, and decade and millenia
after millenia. We won't be changing the basic format for the rest of
infinity, but it will get more and more interesting as time goes by.
Eventually, we will have a utopian society with all of our needs taken
care of, and we will become more and more peaceful, despite the
occaisional out bursts of animosity, and frustration, because we
haven't cleaned up our markups enough yet, and we won't for some
enormous length of time to come. We are talking nearly about infinity
here, in terms of erasing all of our karmatic markups, so be and get
prepared for the long haul, and when I say long, I mean long, and so
let's have a realistic attitude about it all, and then even people like
Hillary Clinton will be getting better and so will all of the rest of
the dyslexichotics, including the despicable Idi Amin, and Mohamar
Khadafy, and Jules Verne, and Moby Mellontrot, as well as the other
well known currently dyslexichotics. One day, even Hillary will be a
welcomed site at our prayer meetings and in the ascension halls and
pavillions, and so will Billy Jean Clinton, and he will have to do
something about that floppy dick of his, as he is a woman with a normal
snatch, and so he is going to have to decide one way or another which
way he wants to go, oneday, either all the way male, or all the way
female, as we will be one day turning him into a female despite whether
he likes it or not, because that was his original sex status, and it
will be again if he doesn't do something about it, such as pray to
become either all male, or pray to become all female. That's the way it
is with most of the dyslexichotics, they are part male and part female,
and they all have female snatches, as most of them are originally
females, Margaret Thatcher, Butros Gauley, Monika Lewinsky, and Scully
of the program the X-files, being a few exceptions. Chelsea Clinton is
all female, but even she has a little male dickey hanging below her pee
hole. Well, whatever, it is pretty funny that all people in my
universe, except for me, are all in transition, and all of them are
hermaphroditical, excluding no one. It may only be a few amoebe cells
here and there, but nevertheless, they are all in transition, without
exception, except for me.

This is a useful stew and it will help get your ascension parties and
descension parties off to a good start, and don't forget to bring your
newly reunited long lost lovers and spouses with you to the parties,
despite they might be dressed in diapers, they have every right every
one else does to participate in these parties, and celebrations, and
festivals, and after they get their ability to coordinate their
vocalization capabilities, they will be having a riotous time with the
rest of you, but until they are steady on their feet, they need some
adult or older person to help them stablize their tiny baby bodies, and
when it is their turn up to plate to ascend a woman, or a young girl,
and you can read all about how baby body folks can participate in
ascension ceremonies and in descension ceremonies, and how to prepare
them, through regular training excercizes of the limbs and legs, and
back muscles and torso muscles, and soon they will be in their with the
rest of you doing all of the activities right along side of you all, of
course, and they have their places where they will fit in the best in
other ceremonies as well, which I haven't discussed yet, but which are
listed on the Program Disks, such as the declensional ceremonies, and
parties. So have lots of fun reading about them all, and there are lots
more to study and have fun with, all of them aimed at raising women to
their rightful place in my universe, as the superiour being they have
always been, and for descending males to their rightful place in my
universe as inferiour beings, and as assistants to females.

In time, we will see a mass transition of women to the top and men to
the bottom in my universe on every planet in it, and when that happens,
you will know we are well on our way to achieving a perfect universe.

Let's get every one involved whom we can, and let's all do our best to
help one another through these difficult and trying initial stages of
my agrarian religious revolutionary movement, and don't forget to say
hi and stay in touch with all of your long lost friends on other
planets who are doing as you, and who you can look up in our databases
programs of lost lovers and friends, family members, and so forth. You
will have many hours of fun and relaxation getting reacquainted, and
there are also video clips of you and your friends you can purchase for
a minimal fee which in time will help to refresh your memories, and
bring you all that much closer to each other, once again. The money you
place into the purchase account for the video clips will be used for
our start up of our government, here, and also, elsewhere, where it is

This is a universal agrarian religious revolution, and we are not only
changing our society but the civilizations of many folks out there, and
we are just part of the whole plan, and sort of ground zero for this
all to begin happening. Many planets and their people out there will be
following along, or are already ahead of us, and we will be catching up
to them, and others will too, and so let's keep them all in mind, and
do our best to reshape the destiny of our universe together with each
other, forever. Women will rule my universe for eternity, with men
assisting them, and it is all begining to take shape, now.

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Mar 30, 2006, 7:30:08 PM3/30/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Lime Rind, Honey, Licorice, Potatoe, Corn Meal, Milk and Dairy Cream,
Etc. Regenerative Health Stew For Rejuvenative Purposes And
Pre-Producing Party Ferment Stew Mixture 10-30-06 Rev. d

Mix, Grate, and Blend the Following:

9 Gallons Gin
4.5 Lbs. Lime Rinds
9 Gallons Honey
1.5 Lbs. Ginger
0.5 Lbs. Potatoes
3.5 Ozs. Anise Oil

Let the above mix ferment for 10 to 15 to 20 to 30 years, and for the
intitial 10 years, stir it once every 9 to 15 hours, and then for the
next 10 to 15 to 30 years, stir it once every 8.5 days, and after that,
stir it as little as once every 30 or 40 days, or so.

Mix and grate and blend the following:
9 Gallons Gin
9 Lbs. Ginger
9 Lbs. Raw Sugar
9 Lbs. Berries, such as cherries that have fermented for 8.5 weeks.
3.5 Ozs. Licorice Oil

Blend and beat into the mix Gin, berries, ginger, raw sugar, and
licorice into a mess and mix real well, then ferment for 10 to 15
years. Stir it once every 35 hours to 45 hours for the first ten years,
and then once every 30 or 40 days, for the following five years, or so,
or until finished fermenting it.

Then mix in the following:

9 Gallons Gin
1 Qt. Milk
8 Ozs. Dairy Cream
4 Lbs. Honey
3 Lbs. Orange Peels
4.5 Lbs. Lime Rinds
20 Ozs. Honey Suckle
4 Ozs. Sumak Powder
3 Lbs. Ginger Root

Mix in the above in a separate batch, and then ferment it for about 8.5
years to 10 to 15 to 20 to 30 years, the longer the better, 30 years is
good, and stir it once every 8.5 hours to 85 hours, for the first 8.5
years, and then once every 25 to 35 to 45 or 55 days or so, for the
remainder of the time, and then mix it with the previous BATCH #2, and
ferment for about another 8 years to 15 to 30 years. In addition to
milk and dairy cream, if you place a few ozs. of female lactate juices
or male lactate juices, once the pre-producing parties are under way,
as well as male spermy juices, and female vaginal juices female
ejaculate juices, into the mix, it will raise your sexual potency level
much higher than you would normally expect it to rise to. If you add
all of your jams and custards, the toe jam, the toe wax, the nasal jam,
the belly button jam, the nose jam, or snot, and the spittle, and the
vaginal yeasts and other yeasts collected and fermented in the manner
as I explained, then you can have a nice pre-producing extravaganza
party to help you and all of your loved ones practice baby making
without the problems associated with baby making. You will want to mix
into a separate glass or pottery ferment bottle the gin and juices
along with the hairs and body tissues, etc., as I explained before,
then after they are fermented, for about 4.5 years, then just add them
into the mix, and let it take off. It will get all of the water sacks
and water geysers and aphrodisiacle liquid containers, in the female
body and in the male body, going, and the curly cue tube of the
extended vagina will grow to 180 inches or so, believe it or not,
though before I said it would grow to 58 inches, it will grow even
longer than that, as my memories are a little bit clearer now than when
I first wrote that, and men will have their rectums puff out, and so
will baby kids, and baby girls, and big girls, too, and baby girls will
grow the extended curly cue vaginal tube, up to 30 inches or even 80 or
even 90 inches, or possible even 180 inches, or even slightly more for
fermenting and storing waiste, semisole, and the other delicious
homonal laden juices such as drooling spittle, which is different from
normal spittle, and it will start to take off and you will drool once
you start to eat the fermented semisole and fermented waiste, and
fermented other body materials that are mixed in with your rejuvenative
stew. You can use this mixture for your pre-producing parties with each
other, and if you blend in the fermented mixtures as I instructed you
to mix in, you will be able to experience the wonders of childbirth in
a group setting, which is really a wonderful experience for all of you
to have, without the hassels of having a child.

Blend and mix in the following and let ferment for 10 to 15 to 20 to 30

9 Gallons Gin
9 Gallons Honey
8 Lbs. Corn Meal
1 Lb. Cellery Grated and mixed with Gin
1 Lb. Carrots Grated and mixed with Gin
1 Lb. Onions Grated and mixed with Gin
3.5 Ozs. Licorice Oil;

Ferment that for 10 to 15 to 20 to 30 years, and stir it once every 8.5
hours, for the first 10 to 15 years, and after that, stir it once every
15 to 20 to 30 to 45 days, or so, for up to 85 years, or thereabouts.

Make your next BATCH #4 with peppermint oil instead of the licorice
oil, and rotate them, one with licorice oil and then one with
peppermint oil, and so forth. Use full strength peppermint oil or
licorice oil as can be bought over the internet. Do not use peppermint
extracts, or licorice extracts, unless you can not get the oils. If you
use the extracts, it will not work as well, but you still can use them.
Just let the liquids evaporate a little, about 50% to 75% and then mix
in normal drinking alchohol to mix them up again and get the oils in
solution. This is better for you, and it will be aided with a little
parsely, and a few bits of turnips, and licorice snaps or licorice
root, or a few bits of ginger, or a few teaspoons of anise seeds, or
star anise, crushed up, and if the extract is all you can find, then
evaporate a few gallons of the stuff, down to 1/3 of a cup, or about
two to three ozs., or so, and then pour in about 1/2 gallon of Whiskey
and the other items mentioned above, and you'll be sitting pretty. You
can throw in bartlet bear berries, which are red vermillion cluster
berries, or you can use noni berries, or noni julie berries, or bucker
berries, or dimskatch buley noni julie berries, that grow every where
here in Las Vegas, or the cherries from a grocery store after they are
all fermented for about three years, with lots of Gin and Sugar and
some apple cider vinegar, and that will make it even more useful to
you. This will all fortify the extracts, and make them healthier to
use, and you'll get an even better punch out of your stew if you
prepare the oils in this way.

Mix in the BATCH #1, BATCH(ES) #2+3, BATCH #4 after 18 years, at a
minimum, and mix the whole mess up and let it ferement for another 10
years to 15 years, to 30 years, to 60 years, and you will have a
wonderful lime, licorice, honey, berry, cornmeal, potatoe, milk, dairy
cream, honey suckle, orange rind, lime rind, and Gin regenerative stew
that should do you and your loved ones of about four people for a few
years. Make them once, twice, three times, or four time, or more times
a year, and get them started, and just keep them going, each year, in
groups of three, four, five or six or more sets going at the same time,
and then as your family grows, you will have plenty of the stuff for
all of the members of your cluster family, or for your pre-producing
family, or just for you and for your friends, or for who ever you hang
around with. This will help to regenerate your entire body, muscles,
teeth, and bones, and it will do wonders for your health, and your
lactate juices, your male ejaculate juices and your dick, and your
female ejaculate juices and your ejaculatory tube or female dick, and
for your horniness and love making equipment, all of it will get a
repowering up. Believe it or not, but your teeth will actually begin to
fill in the places where you may have had dentine problems, that is,
where there were cavities, internally, and blemished and defective
teeth, you will ooze out the liquids to fill in the cavities, and make
new and healthy teeth, and even where there were no teeth, new teeth
will grow in. The addition of the Orange Rinds and the Lime Rinds and
the Honey Suckle will help to grow a dentifice, or a very tough hard
dentition and enamel surface. The dentifrice, or the hard and rugged
but porcelain like lattice surface of the tooth needs to be rebuilt
every so often to keep the whole tooth healthy and free of bad
kritters. This stew formula will help keep your teeth white and strong
and healthy, and the internal ooze, or orafrice, which is the gummy
paste like waxy stuff that oozes out from inside of the tooth, and
rebuilds the tooth from the inside out, and the dentrifice, and the
agifrice, and the regifrice, and the agitate surafrice, and several
other "-frices", about 9.8 million 'frices' will all grow in, and if
you add a little boysenberry juice to the mixture with a little cognac,
and honey, and lime rinds, then the BATCH #5 can be made and you can
add that to BATCH #2+3 and you can make the gummy oozy stuff a lot
better, and then the other 'frices' will also be a lot better, as a
result of it, and if you add a little peanut butter to the BATCH #5,
and then after it is fermented, then it will make an incredibly strong
and healthy tooth and root, and gum, as well, and bone structure for
holding the tooth and root, and then you can pull an automobile with
your teeth tied to a car bumper with a strong rope knotted at the end,
and you just keep that in your mouth, and you'll be able to pull a bus
if you are stong enough, but you might lose a tooth, as a bus is a
little heavy so you should practice on a mini, a tiny car the Ruskies


9 Gallons Gin
45 Gallons or Boysenberry juice and evaporate it out to 2 to 3 Gallons
or so
45 Gallons of Papaya juice, and evaporate it out to about 2 or 3
gallons or so
8 Gallons Honey
5 Gallons Cognac
8 Lbs. Peppermint Leaves, grated
9 Lbs. Parsely, grated
8 Lbs. Lime Rinds, grated
8 Lbs. Potatoe Skins, grated
3 Lbs. Cucumber Skins, grated
9 Lbs. Peanut Butter, mushed up
3.5 Ozs. Licorice Oil

Ferment that mixture for 8.5 years, and stir it once every 9 hours to
45 hours, for 8.5 years, and then add it to the BATCH #2+#3, then
ferment it for the duration of time you ferment BATCH #2+#3 for. That
will make your teeth extra strong, and like thick steel, German made
steak kitchen knives.

As for fermenting out the liquid in the juices, you can use a
moderately tiny stove flame and simmer it at the absolute lowest level
possible on your stove, and then just patiently wait till it all
evaporates out, and you can add about 2.5 gallons to 8 ot 9 gallons of
Gin to each batch, and that will help stabilize the batch, as you pour
more and more juice into the pot to boil it down. Once you've reached
the 2 to 3 gallons range, then you can take it off the stove top, and
then add about 8.5 Gallons to 15 gallons to another 30 gallons or so,
of the original fruit juices to get a healthy colony of the little good
critters that we want in the fruit juices, thriving again, and don't
worry about the alchohol, as they are all old enough to drink, and
their parents don't mind it a bit. Well, it seems like a lot of trouble
to go to, to evaporate all that liquid out, and then add more to it,
but that's what you'll have to do, to get all of the wonderful little
critters in the formula that we will need, with enough of the
concentrated juices there, for us to make use of for our purposes, and
concentraated juices from the store in the frozen liquids cabinet will
not do it, as they boil the tarnation, or the living daylights out of,
the liquids at extremely, and gosh awful temperatures, killing any and
all useful little critters in there, and leaving not much more than the
bad and nasty kritters left for us to drink. Such is the methods of
Campbell Soups, and Hines, and Dole Pineapple, and the rest of them who
evaporate out through gosh awful high temperatures, and make almost
totally useless, the juices that we would like to be able to nourish
our bodies with, at least in the frozen foods cabinet refrigerators, so
if you want to make healthy juice, you will have to get some of that
frozen stuff, and then mix it with Gin, and lots of it, and that should
help, quite a bit, depending on how concentrated it is, about 10 to 15
times the normal level of concentration is best, and then after you've
made up a batch of frozen concentrate, and concentrated drinking
alchohol, then you can mix in some normal juice with all the healthy
and vibrant critters, and then after about 2.5 years, in the case of
the concentrated drinking alchohol, or in 9 to 24 or 35 years, or so,
with normal unconcentrated drinking alchohol, then you'll have a normal
and healthy environment of happy little critters swimming and
frolicking around in the juices.

BATCH #6-a

9 Gallons Gin
9 Gallons Ale
3 Lbs. Frankensense
8 Gallons Honey
5 Lbs. Raw Sugar

Ferment the above for 9 years, and stir it once every 7 to 15 days, or
so, and then mix in the below.

BATCH #6-b

8.5 Gallons Gin
8.5 Gallons Cognac
3.5 Gallons Whiskey
9 Gallons Wine
4 Gallons Ale
7 Lbs. Bee Pollen
2.5 Lbs. Vanilla, grated
3 Lbs. Parsely, grated
2 Lbs. Mint Leaves, grated
8.5 Lbs. Cucumber rinds, grated
4.5 Lbs. Onions, grated
9 Lbs. Orange Peels, grated
7 Lbs. Lemon Peels, grated
9 Lbs. Lime Peels, grated
8 Lbs. Pommegranite Peels and Cuspid, or the toothy, etchy, or rough
material inside of the pommegranite, grated
8 Lbs. Honey Suckle, grated
1 Qt. Milk
5 Gallons Honey
3 Gallons Lemon Juice
9 Gallons Lime Juice
8 Gallons Orange Juice
9 Lbs. Barley

Ferment this combined mixture, BATCH #6-a+#6-b, and stir daily, about
once every 8 to 15 hours, for 8.5 to 15 years, and after that, once
every 3 to 5 days for up to 45 years, or so, and then after 8.5 years
to 45 years, mix it with BATCH #2+#3+#5, and stir BATCH #2+#3+#5+#6
once every 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 days, or so, for the first 10 to 15 to 30
years, or so.

Each time you stir the batches, you want to mix them up thoughroughly,
but not over do it, only about 4 to 5 days, or so, for each one, but
the main batch stew, BATCH #2+#3+#5+#6, you want to stir for about 12
days to 16 days, or so.

TIP: You can make any portion of this stew, just divide it all up into
equal parts, say, 1/100th of the amount, or 1/50th of the amount, etc.,
and find a container to hold it all, and then just make them equally
that size, and when it comes time for final blending, just blend in
little tiny bottle, a gallon or so in size, and place corks in them.
That will work and you'll have a hole cellar full of bottles and they
will last a long time, and you've got to keep making them for the rest
of your life, or until I get a better stew formula out for you to make
in addition to the ones I've gotten out, already, and have posted to my
bulletin board. Though they are not as good as this one, they are still
okay, and especially that Corn Gin Berrie Aromatic Oils Cellery Carrots
and Fermented Berries is essentially the same thing, as the basic
formula here, and that will do you well, and so will the others, but
you will have to split some of them up into smaller portions, just like
here, as well, and then you can have all kinds of them going for you,
and forget the clams in the stew, that came out a long time ago, as I
don't like the problems associated with uncooked clams and oysters, and
you need to ferment them in concentrated GIN, or other drinking
alchohol for 9 to 30 to 50 to 300 to 9,000 years, or up to 18,000
years, or so, before I would use them, and if you ferment them that
long, they will be a rejuvenative stew formula in themselves, though
feremting them for longer, about 95,000 years, will do for the best
batch of rejuventative clams and oysters, and then you can just eat one
or two every 3 to 8 years, and then have lots of fun making love, and
having sex, cause by then, they will get your dicks as hard and as well
as anything, under the sun, and I said, "dicks" cause men and women
have dicks, as I explained before, though not many people are aware of
the fact, and so I used the plural form. In the other formulas, you
want to ferment in Gin or other drinkable alchohol the hard condiments
and spices before useing them, for even better results, though there is
a lot of drinking alchohol in each brew or stew, so there is nothing to
worry about, but things like the marijuana and hashish will definately
benefit from Gin fermentation for 9 to 15 years, prior to using them,
and so will many other, if not all of the condiments, and if you
ferment them all, then you will kill off the bad kritters that are on
the outsides of them, and you want to ferment them in concentrated
drinking alchohol liquids, by about 5 to 10 to 15 times the normal
strenght, and with that, you will have some really good winning
regenerative and rejuvenative stews, there. Add honey or sugar with the
concentrated drinking alchohol, and you can heat up the alchohol on a
low flame and evaporate out the water bugs just as you can with the
fruit juices, and then the alchohol concentration will soar, and you
will have an even better ferment liquid for your marijuana and hashish
mixes to ferment in. They are going to have to repeal the laws
concerning marijuana and hashish, and even opium, as we can use that in
our ferment stews for regenerative and rejuvenative purposes, and if
the DEA doesn't get out of the fucking way, and if Bush doesn't answer
me as to what they are planning to do about all of this, and if we
don't get some straight answers soon, then it is time to level the
world's capital cities, and while we are at it, level the offices of
the DEA, the FBI, FDA, in every country of the world, and every other
office similar to them, and every police department and every police
officer on a motor bike and motor cycle cop, and Las Vegas is full of
Dyslexic cops on motor bikes, and nearly every police officer in a
squad car, and every SWAT team wagon and the personel in them, and
every fire station in the world, as they are all run by dyslexics, and
we'll trash and burn them all, and then on the rubble of their dyslexic
society, we will establish our new world one nation one planet,
planetary government.

Every one has the right to voice their opinion, despite what others may
think, and despite that others may not like to hear it, and despite
that others may cringe when they hear it, and there is nothing illegal
about saying we should trash and burn the dyslexic governments of the
world, starting with our own, and replace them with a government that
will work, and that is not busy killing and eating little children and
adults, and every cop in the world knows that they routinely arrest
people and then shuffle them out of their jail cells to and out of
prisons to participate as the victims in the dyslexic cannibal fests in
Montreal, Ontario, Vermont, and even in Virginia, and Maryland, and
every other place where there is an Indian reservation, or a place
where they can privately torture, cannibalize and kill them, at their
own leisure, and we are not going to allow this shit to go on any
longer, and Condolisa Rice had better drop her dick, and quit her job,
or else she may find her office in bits and peices, and her dress in
tatters as someone decides to waste her office building and every piece
of furniture in it, and every jail cell and every police station, and
every building and brick hovel where the poor and impoverished
residents of the Nation's Capital City live, in the Dyslexic Capital of
the Scam Government of the World. Well, they've always got their
dyslexic underground tubal system to sleep in, and to run the
governments of the world from, so they won't be that bent out of shape,
if they happen to lose the buildings they scam and sham the rest of us
from. If people don't like what I write, then they should just stop
fucking reading it. As I'm going to continue writing this, come hell or
high water, until we get a legitimate goverment in here, to govern our
planet, for all of the people of this planet, and to get started
towards building a sane and better society with all new rules, and as
few as possible of these dyslexic police as possible, and there are
plenty out there that I would love to incinerate, and then turn to
heaps of greyish ashes, and will incinerate.

It's time for a change, and every one knows it, and there is going to
be no stopping me from voicing my opinion about this, from here on out.
I am GOD, and I will see these changes that I am talking about making
when we use certain technologies, in the future, when more people start
using my computer OS's and Program Disks, and when we begin to network
with everyone else in my universe. My embedded technologies will take
care of every thing I need to have taken care of, and will turn those
traffc cops on motor cycles to grey ash heaps in less time than it
takes to blink your eyes, and I control it all, that is, the
technologies in my OS's, etc., but my kids man them. When my brain
tells my kids to fire when ready, they will do it on command, and there
won't be any, well, sir, are you certain, about that order. They will
close their ears, and let go one memorable barrage, that will level the
nations captals of the world, in less time then it takes to say,
jimminy cricket, daniel boone is alive and well in the tubes, and davy
crocket is too, and they are both females in men's bodies, and they are
both regenerating themselves, and they are both punk ass pussy shits,
as fast as you can spit the time on an atomic clock for one second into
35 trillion billion parts, and in only one of those parts, before the
world's nation's capitals are completly leveled and gone, without a
brick or speck of dust left anywhere, and those guys are just like that
Kevin Sorbo, or whatever his name is, the guy who plays Hercules, with
the female vagina, and shrunken titties, who menstruates regularly, and
has to pee out of his female pee hole, and who now has two dicks, as a
female and a man, just like the Bush twins do, and a lot of others, as

If you don't like the chatter, change the channel, if you don't like
the music, change it again, and if you don't like what's on TV, stop
watching it. If you don't like my opinions, than go and fuck yourself,
cause I am going to be speaking them until we have got permanent and
legitimate change on this planet, and a new unviversal planetary
government in the making, that is of my design. I am GOD, and it is my
party, and it will be made in accordance with my idea for things, like
it or not. As I remember more and more, I will piece together what I
can, my ideas for our new planetary civilization, how it will be run
and organized, and who will run it, along with a lot of other details
and useful information. My memories may not be steady, yet, but in a
few thousand years to 80 to 100 thousand years to 800 thousand years,
to 55 trillion years, and then of course, after even more years, they
will be good enough for me to take it from there, pretty much. In the
meantime, you can find out all of the information on my Operating
Systems and in my Software Programs, and any internet service provider
should have these things on their computers, as they leave their
computers running 24 hours a day, and that's all you need to find, is
someone with a computer left on 24 hours a day, and then you can start
up my Operating Systems, as I've already explained on my bulletin
board, and you can make a copy of the OS, and a minimal installation
configuration of about 250 megabytes to 300 or so megabytes, and then
transfer it to your home computer and begin enjoying it, and watch Bill
Gates and his empire crumble. Leave your computers on 24 hours a day,
if you don't mind, and if you can, and that way, you'll get all of the
benefits that my OS's and Program Disks have to offer, once you have
transferred the OS's and Program Disks minimal installation files to
your computer, and once you have gotten them up and running, with the
commands that I mentioned, earlier, and there are other commands, for
some systems, and you can check them out on your friend's computer if
he or she has it running, and see what these other commands are, and
there is a command help file, to let you know what they all are, and
you can print them out, and there may be a few pages of them, and them,
along with other useful advice, maybe a few dozen pages or so, to 105
pages or there abouts, and with that, you should be able to get most of
the computers out there up and running with those commands, and there
are additional help files, and they will help you trouble shoot your
computer and knock the Gates Apple UNIX crap out of the way, and then
that will help you get my OS's and Program Disks loaded and then you
can just delete the older Apple Gate Unix garbage, and there are
commands for that, as well, removeoldsoftware is one of them, and
when you do that, you will be humming like a tiny bird feeding on
nectar. As for Apple Gates, you can just trash it all, and say good bye
to the scam men of the century, along with their dyslexic buddies,
Gorbachev, Putin, Yeltzin, the Bush Twins, Olie North, and Oliver
Poindexter, and all the other US presidents we've seen within the last
few hundred years, or since this nation was founded, practically, and
George Washington is down in the Tubes, as well, and nobody would
belive it, but he is, and how the hell did he make it into that famous
club? Well, his mother was an Indian lady, and his father was a French
settler, and that more or less explains it. Well, we have them, all,
then, and they are all in cohoots with the Dyslexic Indian tribes, and
they have been since the founding of this nation, and every other
modern day nation, and so it is all just a lot of crap we have to sweep
away, and will sweep away, in due time, either with my laser cannons,
embedded in my Operating Software and in my Program Disks. Mr. Bush,
and company, will evacuate his home, and turn over the reigns of
government, and so will Putin, Yeltzin, Gorbachev, Amin, Khadafy,
Castro, Noriega, Ortega, and all of the rest of them, in time, or they
will all end up as greyish heaps of ash, by the time my laser cannons
come on line. At which time, my brain will tell my kids to throw the
switch, and shoot the first wave out and with that, will go every
dyslexic capital office building and governmental structure we will not
be needing for our new planetary government, and there are a few we
will salvage and make use of such as HUD and SSA, and SSI, and the
states and world government's welfare organizations, the UN, at least,
most of it, many of the useful bureaus, such as lands and mines, Bureau
of Land Management, Crops and Tropical Fruits, and animal sciences, and
science and technology bureaus and organizations, and human welfare
organizations and bureaus, and family management and oversight and
welfare organizations and offices, and medical sciences offices, minus
the crazy and mad scientists who are interested in genetic
experimentations, and many horticultural sciences organizations, and
land use and management organizations, and infrastructural industries
and offices, and so there will be alot of them, left standing, but alot
of places will be just heaps of rubble and ashes, that will scatter
away in the wind, and we will be rid of the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, the
FDA, and all of the other secretive dyslexive and non responsive
regulatory agencies, and most of their personelle, and every other
governmental structure and regulatory bullcrap agency and their
personelle, on this planet, no matter in what country they may be
located. My laser cannons will be partially up and running on a limited
basis within the next three years, and we will start taking out the
dyslexic government employees, and others, we do not wish to live on
this planet any longer, as my kids notified me of this, just now, and I
believe they know what they are talking about. Lt. Herman Peters will
be one of the first persons to go, and he is with the Las Angeles
Police dept. and does part time work for the LA County Sherrif's
department, which is a cover for his collaboration with the cops who
shuffle out prison inmates for torturing and killing and then
cannibalizing at their Dyslexic Cook Outs and Dyslexic Rodeo TeePee
PowWow Cannibal Fests. There are plenty of other cops, just like him,
and we are not going to let even one of them, for the most part, remain
alive on this planet of mine, and those we do, we will imprison and
treat with medications and other technologies to straighten their
friggen heads out, take them off, clean them out, polish them up, and
dust them off, and then put them back on, front wise forwards. Then we
are going to stuff a big dickus down their throats, and see how they
like my new reality, with men learning to be subservient to women.
Well, that's how it is going to go, and we have lots more things to do,
other than that trick, or the dick up the rectal track trick, at
declension ceremonies, and descension ceremonies, and you can learn
about them all on these Operating Systems and Program Disk packages
that accompany them. These operating systems are developing their under
lying support structures so that in time, they will begin to function
more like a human brain, than a mere operating system, with trillions
of levels of lower brains, or operating systems, embedded below the
upper operating systems, and that's generally how the human brain is
set up, and it is an immitation or a copy of how the human brain
thinks, that will be set up on your computer, and there is even,
according to my kids, a layer or trillion or so, of intelligence
networking which will allow the user to endear herself or himself to
the Intelligent software, and you may wish to have a name for your OS
male or woman, and um, you can name him Fred, or Charlotte, or
whatever, and just have fun with your new software, as regardless, they
know who created them, and they know who is in charge of them, and
that's me, and my children are just kidding, but they don't think they
are human, except they do think and speak and convey nuances of
emotionallity, and there will be some confusion over whether or not it
is a human being in there, or not, but it is not, it is a cybernetic
organism, or a manfroid, and that is an impersonation of a human, which
an android is, and an android is no more human than a wind up Barbie
doll, or a sling shot, or pea shooter, but they do seem awfully
convincing, except they only do what they are programmed to do, and
nothing else, so there is nothing to worry about. I've been in the
android making business a long time, and I know what an android is, and
I know what a machine is, and I know what level of capabilities they
have, and if they are not programmed to do something, they simply won't
function, human replica brain or not, and there is no such thing as
intelligent computer systems taking over the world, or any such tommy
rot as that, or sci-fi garbage rot, and so you needn't lose any sleep
over it, and you can pat your computer on the head, or on the monitor,
or on the key board, or where ever, and say, Goodnight Computer, See
you in the morning, Freddy, and your computer will just laugh back at
you, and say, yes, sirree, Georgy, or Yes mamm, Barbette, and with
that, you two can have a peaceful night's sleep. My kids do all the
work inside of them, and they are the ones who I have operate the high
level technologies, and the computer intelligence has nothing to do
with that, and only my kids have the pass codes and the delivery
tickets, and the authorizations to use and deploy my laser cannon
technologies, and so with that, they will do the firing on who ever my
brain decides, or has already decided to send to my Epcot Center for a
vacation, or for some retraining, or to my Flander's Field House, for
some of the same. The computer is not capable of intelligent this,
that, or the other, and though it is sophisticated, I do all the
programming, and no one else can, and there fore, no one can fuck with

The stew now will produce an even more wonderful skeletal frame and a
healthier bone marrow, and healthy cartiladges, tendons, ligaments,
sinews, and tooth polars, which are the little ligaments that hold the
teeth in place. You will have an all around better health and fitness
of your bones and joints, and this will help repair any bone
deterioration problems, and the cracks and tiny, microscopic hair line
fractures and stress fractures in your bones and ligaments, and in your
tendons, and in your cartiladges, and in your sinews, and even in your
tooth polars, and in your rib cage sinews and joints that hold the rib
cage in place, will all grow in, and the pillars and bilavears, which
are the little joint pin like bones and the bilavears are the joint pin
like tendonous cartiladges, and all the gruffy stuff that is in there
that needs to regrow will regrow and fill in like magic, and a guy who
was laid off the Celtics cause his bones and ligaments, etc., were all
shattered and trashed, can regrow and fill in all of the damaged areas,
and he will feel like a teen ager again, and women who have similar
problems of course will begin to feel like kids again, and old women
who are bent over at the spine will begin to straighten out, a little,
as they need to get the bad kritters out of their bones, which is why
they are bent over, but their bone structures, etc., will become
stronger, and unfortunately, until they get the kritters out, the bent
over posture will continue, until I get my formula out for knocking out
the little bad kritters inside of the bones, that cause the bones to
weaken and topple over, or bend over in the bent over posture of older
and some even younger folks, as young as 18 or even 19 some young
ladies will start to bend over, and that is rather unfortunate, but it
can be corrected, and on my computer software program disks, there are
formulas for treating that contagion. One thing the woman can do is
undergo corrective posture relaxation and strengthening excercises, and
other excercises that will help straighten her spine to an extent. It
will help, but it won't get the bad kritters out of there. The bad
kritters make their nests and homes inside of the tine micro fractures
of her skeletal system and once they are in there, they make tiny
little houses, like beavers do, and they make log houses and log
bungalos, and log jambs on ponds and streams of flowing liquids through
mini microsopic capilaries that are flowing like the Mississippi river,
and the Tuscalosa River combined, with a few other rivers thrown in, as
well, and the Dayton Ohio is one, and the Missouri and the Nile, and
they can get to be pretty big rivers there that these little, or rather
big, beavers make their homes on, and as I said, once they've set up
house keeping, there is no getting them out of there, short of going in
and dynamiting there homes off the river banks, and tributaries. Well,
actually, we can use a bad kritter killer formula for killing them, and
after that, we can use a formula for disintegrating their little family
nests, which is no easy task, but after 300 to 5,000 to 800,0000 years
or possibly, a few million years, to several trillion years, and then
maybe aftet some more time, she will eventually begin to straighten
out. Well, it didn't take all that long to build those homes, but it is
going to take an awfully long time to correct the problem now that it
is there. If you have 20 to 800 billion Washington Monuments stacked up
and making your living room TV stand, for these little beavers, well
that's about the size of it, they are very good at making things, and
their homes are almost indestructable, once they are built, but not
entirely. In most cases, I use my modern technologies, and just replace
her skeletal structure, which we will have the technologies for, plus a
lot of other technologies to go along with those ones, and one day,
that is exactly what we will do, and then we will pulverize what is
left of her skeleton, and dismiss the paritcles, with my paritcle
dismisser - as I explained about before - which we will use for
clearing out refuse dumps, and recycling molecular bits and pieces, as
I explained before, and then we will send what is left of her miserably
ruined spine back to the bits and pieces that made it up, after we
break apart and dismiss every little last one of those molecular
particles, and other tiny bits and pieces of things, and then send them
all back the molecular parts and warehouses storage facility kids of
mine, and they will inventory it all, and then they will booste it out
of their warehouse, and send it out into orbital elipitcal embrace,
which means they jettison it out of their ware house and let gravity
take over, and that's another story, there, again, and after that,
they'll just put down their clip boards, and go home and have dinner.
Anyway, tt will take awhile for you to grow in your new teeth, about
eight or nine years to thirty eight years, or more depending on your
age, and depending on how many teeth you need to grow in, but they will
grow back in and you will have a healthy set of teeth, and if you
continue to use this formula, periodically - you will be switching with
other formulas, once I release them, to keep a healthy balance of
formulas regenerating your body, at all times - you will not have any
dentition problems, again, so long as you brush your teeth and maintain
sanitary dental and oral hygene, and so long as you get the bad kritter
populations in your mouth and body, under control, and bladder problems
will contribute to poor dentition and poor oral health, and so will
kidney problems, and the kritters associated with your kidneys, etc.,
and so will heart health conditions and the kritters associated with
your heart's health condition, and so will the plaque in your blood
stream and capillaries, and arteries, and the kritters associated with
them, and many other organs and their health will also impact against
your oral health and the health of your teeth, and so we have to get
the bad kritters out of your body, as soon as possible, to allow you to
have a healthy set of teeth and a pretty smile. I'll release those
formulas, later, as I remember them. After the stews are all fermented,
try about one to two to three or more cups of the stuff every month,
and that will be enough to make you all a bunch of twinkle toed -
happy, gay as in frolicksome in a ballerina dance suit, and cheerful
love nuts who can't get enough sex - three year olds within about 5 to
15 to 35 years, to 50 years, to 85 years, to 115 years, or to 155
years, or so, depending on your age and when you started drinking the
stuff. You'll see your self get younger and younger, and your hornyness
libido index will rise, accordingly. The more fermented berries you
throw in, the better. And mix them all up with different types of
berries, such as goose berrries, or rose hip berries, cherries, blue
berries, even fennel berries, and cardamon berries, and all spice
berries, and white pepper berries, and black pepper berries, and
rasins, and currants, and cranberries, and blue berries, and there are
many other pepper berries on the net, as we've seen in the past, as
I've pointed out a few of them, and so the number of berries to
experiment with, remember, you should ferment them, before using them,
for the best results, except in the formula above, but even still, with
a little honey and gin, you can ferment them all and they will be even
more useful to you, after you ferment them, then if you just throw them
in there, which is okay for the formula above, but as a general rule,
that's how it is, so get lots of berries fermenting, as soon as
possible, just in pure gin or whiskey is fine with raw sugar or honey,
and a little apple cider vinegar or red or white, or green wine, and /
or also with a little ale or naturally brewed good beer, ale, or lager.
You can use any kind of alchoholic beverage, so long as it is the
drinkable kind, and you can concentrate it by evaporation, for even
better results. You can concentrate it up to ten or even fifteen times,
and that will be perfectly alright, and it will be super concentrated,
and it will take a shorter amount of time to bring the fermentation
batch to its most useful level, and the regenerative stew will take
that much shorter to brew properly, for best results. It may be a
little strong, on the alcholic side, but that shouldn't be too
problematic if you take the brew, and then when it is ready, just mix
60% of the mix in with 40% club soda or Ginger ale, and then drink it
as a tonic, after you let it ferment for about another 3 to 8 to 15 to
20 years, or 30 years or even 50 years, or so. You will love it and it
will do you wonders. Mr. Bush and the Dyslexic squads of mother fuckers
won't have anything on you, and after awhile, they will have to change
the way government is run, as nobody dies, and the mortallity rate
levels out and plummets to zero. There is no law against regenerating
your body, and rejuvenating your brain and muscles and love making
equipment, and growing younger. What is Mr. Bush and company going to
do with people like me on disability and welfare who are ill and in a
decrepit condition, and as every second and minute ticks away,
deteriorates internally, yet somehow manages to stay alive for 500
years, or more, and longer, eventually, and within a few centuries or
up to six centuries, eventually regaining health, and then being able
to get up and out of bed, and resume life. You wonder what they are
going to do when you have so many people on disabiltiy living beyond
five hundred years, and still on disability. They have to have some
kind of plan, as more and more people will be living longer, and
regaining their health and vitality of youth, despite all of their
other problems of arthritis, and bronchitis, and emphesemia (sp?), and
diabetes, or gall bladder contagion, and so forth, or just plain
keteebe disorder, or Fetal Poop Contagion, or any of the many other
contagions there are. What kind of contingency plans do they have? How
are they going to address the issues related to health care and an
ageless society rising above the age of 500 years old and looking all
of thirteen years old? What are the mandatory retirement policies, and
extended health care issues for these people and the people on
medicaid? Are they just going to go out and kill the people on
disability or others they don't care for, by putting a bullet in their
head? Well, it wouldn't make me wonder, or rather, it wouldn't seem out
of character for their administration to pull something like that, and
would not phase me in the least if they decided to start doing that, as
that's about the only thing we could ever expect from a dyslexichotic
moron such as George Bush, Jr. and George Bush, Sr., and from the
dyslexichotic cabinet of G. Bush Jr.'s, and from all of his government
aids, if that's all the contingency plans they think of or could come
up with and put into place. Well, while they are busy eating their
barbecued human baby ribs, who they butcher for the Dyslexichotic
Cannibal TeePee PowWow Fest, for avenging their foolish non sensical
notions of the white man, and Gen. Custard and his friends, in
particular, beating the crap out of the Indian tribes, and putting many
of them to death, in a similar manner as to how the Indians put their
enemies to death, by boiling them in pots of steaming water, or by
skinning them alive, but the strange thing is the dyslexichotic Indians
who were watching the torturing of their Indian brothers and sisters
where looking on and laughing their asses off as they saw their friends
brutally murdered, Indian fashion. Well, the sillyness of the Bush
Cabinet and others related to him continues to this day, and they are
still killing and torturing children and adults, and plan to continue
doing it, but with more disgression, now that I and others have brought
attention to it, as Condolisa Rice had a meeting just the other day to
discuss it with her under cabinet members, her assistants, as she
played with her dick, at her desk, as she usually does, daily. Well, be
that as it may, I don't think they are set up for a citizenry who is
going to regenerate themselves, and then never retire, the healthy
ones, who have a strong desire to work, and look all of thirteen years
old, as long as they are healthy enough to work, since most people
enjoy working, if they are suited for the job they have, and if they
like their job, and if they are treated well with fringe benefits, and
nice vacations, and extra time off, for the extended years of service
to the company they are giving, up to trillons of years, more service,
and so forth, and so on, so what are their plans now? Are they just
going to ignore this, and forget that half the population is will be
going past 65 years old, and looking day by day younger and younger,
and enjoying life more and more, especially after we get more cures for
simple every day ailments, such as arthritis, which won't be too many
years down the line, as I will be remembering all of these things, or
at least, a few of them, within fifteen to thirty years, or up to one
hundred and fifty, and then some, and my memories will be coming back,
as that's how I planned it all to happen, once I got my religion up and
running, and I started my karmatic markup erasule ceremonies, which I
have begun, and which are an indication that I have my own religion,
and that I am a religious organization of one, along with a lot of
other people around and about this planet, and on others, who are also
praying in my religion and erasing their karmatic markups, daily, and
these ceremonies using my kamtika erasule techniques, along with my
praying, will help me put my memories back together as I erase my
karmatic markups, over the many zillions and gazillions, plus years,
and who knows how long it will take me, but it is going to be way down
the line, and beyond, before I even begin to remember even extemely
less than a smidgeon of anything at all about all the things that I
once knew, as I believe I knew an awful lot. I won't have but less than
a thimble full of all that stuff I knew, and less than that, actually,
after we have gotten my whole universe stabilized, and I'll still be
walking around like an idiot trying to remember this, and trying to
remember that, and it isn't going to end for who knows how long, as
there are not words in my vocabulary to say how long it will be, but
maybe, the length of time I spent putting this place together, it may
be 45 trillion zillion plus a few mega-quadra-gazillion plus times that
much time, and then quite a bit more, so I'm stuck in this predicament,
where I'm going to be just a nimwitted idiot, practically brain dead,
compared to the person I once was, and despite the fact that I'm GOD,
it doesn't count at all, cause this is the way I planned it, and long
after all the women in the universe have taken over and are running
everything, I'll still be walking around trying to remember this, and
trying to remember that, and every one will just be laughing at me, but
it doesn't really matter, cause it's a lot of fun trying to remember
stuff you don't remember ever having studied, as far as this 54 year
old guy, John Ayres, is concerned, anyway, as I come out of my
amnesiatic condition, all I know is that I never studdied any of this
stuff that my memories are bringing back to me, and so it's kind of
neat to remember stuff that I never studied, and I'm just going to go
on, and on, enjoying this way of life, for who knows how long, and
that's perfectly alright with me.

I guess we won't see any contingency plans come out of this government,
or any others, any time soon, but well, who knows how they will react
to all of this, once the news media takes all of this public, one day
soon, and then have the Bush Administration and all of the other
governments on our planet and their administrators own up to the fact
that they are all mentally incompetent, as I've discussed before, and
that they, as well as Condolisa Rice, should resign and a new planetary
government should be formed, and I think Hillary Clinton is the only
one on the right track, so far, though there will be a few others, such
as David Lettermen, and Jay Leno, and David Lettermen's pianist, the
guy with the short hair, and David Sanborn, and some others from that
crew, and from Jay's crew, and Pat Metheny, and lots of others around
the world, and so we'll see what happens. Miss Chelsea Clinton will
also soon follow, and so will many of her friends. It will also be
interesting to see how the foreign governments, especially, Japan,
Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, and other Asian governments power
themselves up and begin to get themselves into gear. Will we see them
implement new policies for the young elderly who are regenerating
themselves, rejuvenating and growing younger every day, or what? Well,
we won't have too much longer to wait to see what will be brewing on
the horizon, since election time is coming up in a couple years, at
least here in the U.S., and maybe by then, some of these issues and
topics and others will be brought by the news media to be addressed by
the candiates who are running for political office around the world,
where they elect people, at election time. These questions may be
avoided this election time, but within a few decades, they won't be
able to avoid them, anymore, as people begin to regenerate and
rejuvenate their bodies, and brains, and beging to recover from
contagions. How things will go overseas, I'm not too sure, but it will
be interesting to watch and see how things shape up, in other
countries, and in Canada, and South America, and Central America, as
well. As I said, there is no law against living forever, and no law
against getting medical formulas to help oneself and others to recover
from contagions, and then live for eternity, happy and fulfilled. How
will the Bush and future administrations address these issues, is
unclear, but for them to implement some type of draconian law saying
you past your 250th or 500th or 1,000th birthday and so you must now
die, is total nonsense, so what are they going to do as we all begin to
head towards the 1,000,000 mark? They are going to have to come up with
something better than Ms. Condolisa Rice and her constant fixation on
playing with her male dick, since she is a hermaphrodite, and a male in
a woman's body. Well, we know George Bush Jr., and George Bush Sr. are
females in men's body's, and the guy who plays Hercules is a female in
a man's body, and Xena, that woman, is a male in a woman's body, and
the list is nearly endless, but anyway, it is quite funny to note that
all men and all women are intransition, hermaphroditically, as I
already mentioned, and all males are on their way to becoming women,
and all females are on their way to becoming males, except for me. It
may be just a few amoebe cells that have switched gender lines, but the
switches have occured, and there is little anyone can do about it,
unless they practice my religion, and pray to straighten out which of
the two genders they wish to be. By praying, you can speed up the
transition, if you prefer to be in the body of the opposite gender, and
you have transitioned over to that gender, already, and think you are a
member of that gender, or you can pray and erase the karmatic markups
you have and speed up the repairs needed to return you to the original
gender you were once a full member of. Either way, only by praying will
you be able to resolve these issues, speedily. Otherwise, if you don't
pray, Mr. Bush Jr. and Sr. will return to the ladies they once were,
and so will Howard Stern, and the big buggy eyed, Greekish Lituanian
guy who plays Hercules, with the lisp, and is a psychochotic killer, by
the way, he will return to being a female, as well, and Xena, who often
also kills women, and is psychochotic nerm, or less than human nimwit,
or dimwitted individual, will return to being a guy. Well, it may take
a while, and it will be way down the road before we see that, but it
will happen one day. If you want to take control over your life and
your destiny, then you will be well advised to begin praying to speed
up the transition to either that side, or this side, or whichever side,
and the sooner you do, the happier you will be, as it is a bit of an
anomaly, that men have vaginas, and that women have peckers. Monika
Lewinski may not mind, and Dana Scully, the X-files lady/guy, does not
mind, probably, and neither does Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock,
Madonna, Meg Ryan, nor Nicolas Cage, Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Dalton,
Sean Connery, Willy Nelson, Bruce Willis, and lots of others, but if
they don't pray, then in time, as my religion takes root, and as my the
followers of my religion and myself erase the karmatic markups of
ourselves and of everyone in the universe - and people are begining to
pray not only on this planet, but on many of the planets in my
universe, and many are way ahead of us, already - then as time passes,
and people's markups dissappear, eventually, they will be reversed and
they will return to their original gender, which may be a little bit of
a shock and surprise to many of them, and may not be to their liking,
for some if not all of them.

There is more to this multi batch recipe, and there are further batches
that you can make and combine, and I remember just a little about them,
but at the present time, they are not that clear in my head, and my
head hurts as I strain to think about them, and I'm not sure how many
more batches there are, and what they are used for, but when I remember
sufficiently well, I'll get them out in a revised edition. Meanwhile,
this will do for the purposes at hand, as stated above, if I can
improve it, I will, and when I remember more about this combinatorial
multiple batch regenerative and rejuvenative stew, I'll let you know
what the other batches are and how to mix them, and combine them. Until
then, we can just pray, and watch, wait, and listen, and they just
laugh as these dyslexichotic governments begin to come up with answers,
or ideas, and platforms to run for office on.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Happy, Cute and Adorable, Loving Little Children

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Apr 1, 2006, 3:21:45 PM4/1/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Backfiring, ReFermenting, Frizzeling, and Ferment Stew Wells, Etc.
Updated 04-01-06 Rev. d

Backfiring, or refermenting the stew base is important to do for each
of your ferment regenerative and rejuvenative stews, which they all
are, as they have alchohol and sugars and yeasts in them, or the
fermentosis buggies who keep the stews healthy and useful for your
consumption. If fermentation dies down, and it gets sluggish after
awhile, then the ferment stew will stagger and drop dead, and then it
is of no use to anyone. A stew staggers when there are not enough
little buggies parts and other things to eat to keep the ferment
buggies, the fermentosis buggies healthy and alive and well fed. You
need to feed the low level fermentosis buggies in your stews, and all
the useful fermentosis buggies in your ferment stews, if you want to
keep a healthy stew brewing, year after year, after year, and they will
begin to stagger after about 2 to 3 months, or so, if you do not feed
them properly, with raw sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, a little
fruit preserves, and lots of starches, such as fermented corn meal,
rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet, grains, other edible seeds, fermented
potatoes, yams, and other starchy vegetables, fermented apples,
cantelope, kiwi, grapes, plumbs, nectarines, peaches, guava, papaya,
and pears, and you can add Vodka, Gin, Whiskey, or other drinkable
achoholic beverage, beer, wine, ale, and lager as well. If there is not
enough food for them in the ferment stew, then within about 8 to 15
years of so, they will begin to go sour, and then once they go sour,
they are no good for anyone. All you can do with a sour ferment stew
which has gone bad, is pour it down the drain, and begin all over,
again. All the condiments will be wasted, if you let it go sour, and
then it will become toxic to use, unless you know how to get it up and
running again, and in that case, you may be lucky, and come out with a
better stew in the long run, then you would have expected to in the
first place. You might win a gold medal in the ferment stew
competitions in your neighbor hoods and in your block parties and
festivals with your neighborhood residents, and family and friends, and
you'll be the proud winner of a healthier and more completely
regenerated body, if you do it right. Miss Stew Queen of the neighbor
hood association will come and award you with a little tweeking to your
dick, if you are a male, and then she will take a drink out of the tap,
and see how good it tastes, and if your spermy stuff is tasting toasty,
that is not so hot, then you will not win a prize, and Miss Stew Queen
will think twice before she tastes your juices, again, but if you get
the hard dick mold stew with sumak up and running, or any of the other
honey pot chemical or orgasming me orgasming you honey pot chemical
ferment stews up and running, and you take these stews and ingest all
of the wonderfully good for you delicious and nutritious buggie juices
that they are all preparing for you, like a hot steak dinner, then your
teste juices, and this applies to women as much as it does to men, will
begin to taste very good, and when Mr. Stew King, we still live in a
male oriented society, so sorry about that, well, when he comes out and
tastes your female hebridies, or female ejaculate, and notices you
haven't been taking your ferment stew very regularly and you haven't
been taking it or them diligently, then you will not win a prize,
either, and Mr. Stew BejesuitKing, that's a guy who thinks he is king,
but he is not really, and he is just acting the part, will tell you to
go home and drink your stews religiously before you come to be test
tasted, again, and it can be an awfully embarrassing situation, for the
both of you, if you are both told to go to your respective homes, and
then drink your ferment teste juices enhancer stews more religously,
and come back and see them in about 8 to 15 to 30 or 80 to 1,559,859
years, or so, as we are in such poor health, nobody is going to have
tasty teste juices, regardless of how much we drink our teste juices
enhancer stews, cause we are all in such lousy health, we haven't got a
chance in a million years to be able to produce healthy and delicious
tasting teste juices. Well, that's the sad side of it, but the happy
side of it, if there is one, is that we will be around for the rest of
infinity living eternally, and we will not be dying, so long as we
erase the karmatic markup tags and tokens and bullitzers, and sign
posts, and storage lockers full of cannisters and bins and bins of
markups, and there is no end to how many we have, as we've been here so
gosh darn long, it will make my kids heads spin off if they try to
calculate it for me, as they have better things to do than that, and it
will puncture my brain, and I'll fall back into a coma and go apeshit
and forget who I am, again, if I try to figure it out, and just the
mere thought of it, sends detuning shock waves up and down and through
my nervous systems, and so if I don't want to go into another coma and
forget who I am, I'm not going to think about it, too often, and I'm
just going to pretend that it's bettter off that I don't have my
counting system, anymore, in tact, anyway, to be able to tell you how
long we've been here, and my kids don't mind it, knowing how long it
is, and they laugh at me, and know that my brain can't take the shock
of it, so they never tell me, anything about really how long we've been
here, and they just tell me, well, keep going, and eventually, in a few
trillion zillion plus aeons, you'll begin to get a flickering of a
candle wick just beginning to almost burn, but it will be a lot longer
before that match even gets near enough to make that wick combust, by
which time, I may be able to take out my books, and notebooks, and
after who knows how many years, of note taking and scribbling here at
home, I'll go through them all, and then I'll look for my notes on
years, and time units, and then I'll start to piece it together, but it
will take an awfully long time to go through all those books, and I
will be too busy to spend more than a few minutes on it every two to
three million years or so, so I'll just shove it aside, and wait a
while longer, and then someday, I'll begin to figure it out, but if I
want to keep my brain from overly traumatizing itself, I'll not think
about those notions of how long we've been here, or even try to explain
it to anyone except in the pathetic way that I can, and must, by just
saying, it is going to be a long time before we get to that point, or
some such lame ass statement as that, just to brush it aside in the
hopes that my brain won't freeze up, and so that I won't comatize
myself, and go into a human vegetative state again, which I do worry
about now and then, when I'm thinking about some of these more
difficult things, and I don't want to knock myself out again, so I am a
little fragile in the brain department, these days, after just waking
up to the fact that I am the guy wno made this place, and oh ain't it
wonderful, our future together, from now on, but, I had better rest my
brain and take care of it and try to get as much rest as possible to
prevent brain shock or brain traumatization to my grey matter up there,
that will just freeze up, and then it will just go, cuckoo cuckoo
cuckoo cuckoo and I won't know a thing after that. Well, we don't want
to be stuck with that again, at least I don't want to be stuck with
that, again, as it is a scary notion to have to lose it all and then
wait to bring it all back, so I'm just going to take it easy for the
next twenty five million years or so, and after that, I'll once again
start to think about difficult stuff, and that way, I won't suffer
brain trauma or brain shock, or brain freeze and brain lockup. Well, if
that were to happen, my religious revolution could go on without me,
but I woudn't be here to help it much, as I would be incapable of
speaking, much less knowing who I was, again, or worse yet, forgetting
all about my capability to do nifty hand siganls, and have fun with my
religous ceremonies where I tell my self, and others listening, I guess
that's mainly my kids, at this point, and will be for a long time, who
I am, and how fun it is to be who I am, as I light up my room in
purifying energies, which my kids like to see me do, again, and again.
Well, there will be plenty of time for more of that in the future, and
I like these ceremonies too, as this is indicating that my religion is
going to be one wowy zowy religion, as far as I can tell, and we
haven't even gotten started, yet, and I'm just on my eight or ninth run
through of these types of ceremonies, and they are always nifty to do,
and they are also a lot of fun for me to do, though it takes a lot of
energies to do them, and I will go on for hours and then some, doing
these ceremonies, if I'm in good enough shape to keep the energy
exertion levels up. I'm a weak old man, and saying my hand signalling
prayers with a lot of vigor for more then ten minutes is difficult for
me, but when I do these ceremonies, I might be doing them for fifty or
more minutes, and they just are so nifty to do, cause I use all kinds
of unknown languages to sign in, and they are all religous languages
that I learned some time, a long time ago, and it is quite thrilling to
me to be signalling in them, though I don't know what each hand sign
means, I do know that they are very significant and deep in meaning and
impact, as I am doing my religous hand signalling in maximum warp shift
outlock overdrive, that means faster than you can say, jimminy cricket,
would you please lick this postage stamp for me, as my mouth is too dry
from signing, faster than you can tap a thimble to the top of a table
and count 1/one zillionth of a miniscule part of one of them, which is
awfully fast. But I don't really do my hand signalling that fast, as my
hands and arms and torso would burn up in flames from heat frictions as
I waved my hands through the air, signalling my religous hand signals,
but in any case, I do excert a lot of energy doing them, and they are a
lot of fun, to do, and I haven't got a clue how deep and significant my
statements are, but one of these days, a long time from now, I will
begin to be able to interpret my hand signalling statements, and then I
will be able to understand what in tarnation - which comes from, what
in my entire nation, and that was Teddy Rosevelt's favorite saying, and
maybe it still is, and you can ask him that, cause he is in the Tubes,
as well, - I am saying with my hand signalling prayers.

Anyway, the point of this little statment here is to tell you that you
have to keep your stews fermenting, or else, you will be up shits
creek, and that you haven't got a chance in a million of getting
healthy, any time, soon, and your rank, or that's a bad word for your
squirely ejaculate that is more like a stale piece of gooey bubble gum
with no flavor to it, that's male and female rank, is not going to
taste very good for a long time, and so only if you have devel0ped a
curious liking for the taste of it, will you enjoy it, but for most
people it won't be very tasty for some time to come, and so you will
have to spice it up with lime juice, and sugar, and honey, or with
mixing it in ice cream, or in honey with milk and slim fast nutritional
powder, or something like that, or with grated up apples in the slim
fast powder with a little tiny bit of gin or vodka, and lime and raw
sugar, and after you make it as tasty as you can, and you can use
cinnamon or allspice, or nutmeg, or egg nog milk, or whipping cream and
egg nog milk, or a variation of it, or mix it with pommegranite juices
and blended with bananas and vodka and gin, and lime juice, or with
kiwi juices and cherries blended up with strawberries, and honey and
milk, etc., and after you mix it up with your favorite blend of stuff,
and you can mix it with peanut butter and blend it with any of the
above mentioned stuff, and make smoothies with it. You will love the
taste of it, after you have mixed it up properly, and it will do you
worlds of good.

Frizzelment, Frizzment Buggies, close Relatives and Kissing Cousins of
the Fermentosis Buggies

Mix up sugar and water with honey and lemon juice, and mix it with the
cummy juices, and let it ferment for a few years, with human yeasts in
it, and then after it has fermented, fully, and it frizzels when you
shake the bottle that contains it, that means there are little bubbles
rising to the top, which means there are active yeasts in there making
burppy gasses, and farty gasses, and that you are feeding your mix
well, so after fermenting it with healthy frizzelment rising to the
top, every time you shake it, then after a few years of this, or up to
eight or ten years, place it in a sun lit window, or on a well screened
in porch, with no way of large flies getting inside of the porch, and
laying larvae in the soup, and mix the soup with a little gin, and that
will help keep the contaminants out of it, or if any do get in, they
won't survive for very long, and then mix it well, every 8 to 15 hours,
and it will start to shrivel down and dry up, and when it has dried up
completely, then it won't matter if flies drop their larvae eggs on it,
cause they will all die, rather quickly, as fly eggs don't like
alchohol and will not survive if placed on top of even drying up
alchohol, or even dried up alchohol, and you know how to keep wells
free from flies, and that is to just pour lots of gin or vodka, or
whiskey or sour mash into the well, and if it is strong enough, nothing
will live in it, and it will be good for your livestock who need to
drink water, and the alchohol will make them tipsy, but they'll
survive, and eventually get used to it, and then eventually come to
love it, and then after 30 to 40 years of drinking it, they will be
ready for the butcher, and then you will have a well embalmed bull or
pig, or steer, or dairy cow, and bulls are female too, just as in
India, they have the whitish steer cows they call bulls, which are both
male and female, and only an American or perhaps Canadian would call
the female bull a cow, and in Scotland, they have the Hefordshire
bulls, and they include females, as well, and so bull is a word that
refers to a dumb animal, and that does not exclude the female of the
animal species, so cows are actually bulls, but every body likes to
call the spanish horned male bulls, bulls, and of course they only kill
the male ones, in public, anyway, and that's some kind of male
domination over another male, and I guess some people get a thrill out
of watching it, as if it is a matadore buttfucking another male
mattadore, and every one loves the male domination of another male,
cause that proves how Macho they are, and all the onlookers from
America and Canada, anyway, must think the female bulls are cows, I
suppose, but they are bulls as well, and if you try walking up to one,
you'll find out real quick they are just as mean and just as dumb as
their male counterparts, and so Hispanic men and women love to see men
dominate male bulls, cause it must remind them somewhere in their loins
that they are watching a spectacle of one male mounting and
machiaveliting another male. And machiaveliting means to stick your
dick in the anus of another male, so Hispanic people get off on queer
men fucking in the butt queer men, and ladies go wild watching it, and
they cream in their panties while they watch a male bullit, or
machiavelit a male bull, that is fuck it in the rump, or in disguise to
the peculiar minds of the spectators, by their plunging a sword or
"shaft" into the kneck or lungs or heart, or chest of a dying bull,
that has been "pinned" and "ripened" or gang raped, by one matadore
assistant sissy after another, in tights, or a male ballerina suit,
with their little pricking instruments of death that wittle away the
life of the "male" bull opponent, in a lung after lung, rape of the
"bull", by this machiavelian "macho" matadore, and his showy girl like
assistant queers in tights, who take their turn, "sticking" the "male"
bull in the rump, and in the shoulders, and in the heart, in the neck,
and in the head, or in the asshole, or in anywhere they can, and when
they stick them in the asshole, the ladies nearly faint, and so it is a
male gang rape show of the "Macho" male type, that they moronic ladies
love to see and cum in their underware, show after show, after show. At
bullfights, it is a regular occurence, as regular as at rugby soccer
games and as regular as the people who brawl at them, and at American
football games, men run out into the bull ring with a hard dick, and
often women run out there with the men, too, and the men drop their
pants and underware, when they get to where the crippled bull is
kneeling, and the men push their hard dicks into the rctum of the
dying, or even near dead or even dead bull, and begin fucking them, and
the women who run out there, and even other men, help these men to fuck
these dead or dying bulls in the rectum by helping to support the torso
or buttocks of these men who go out and fuck these bulls, and they help
shove him forward and propel his loins towards the butt of the bull,
and his dick into the rectum of the bull, and then they pull him
backwards, and pull on him so that his dick will come out of the rectum
of the bull, and then they push him forward, and push his hard dick
into the rectum of the dead or dying bull, and if it is already dead,
no body does anything, and large crowds gather and join in, and laugh,
as this is going on, and if the bull is not dead or, more importantly,
has not received the final lunge of the matadore with his sword or
steel shaft that he is going to use to kill the bull, with usually one
or two or up to eight or more lunges forward and into the back or
spine, and bulls don't die in one lunge, usually, and if they fall to
the ground after one lunge, that is quite rare, but it can happen, and
so as the matadore lunges time and time again, a crowd will often
gather in the rural bull fighting (?) or rather fucking rings, and then
they will often, almost everytime when a bull is not going to die
easily, and even if a bull does die easily, the crowd will gather and
assist one male after another to fuck these dying or dead bulls in the
rectum, and even go around to the front of the still alive bull and
jerk off or if the bull is just lying there, and it it looks like it is
too close to dying to do anything, the male will open the mouth of the
bull wide enough to stick his dick in to the mouth of the bull, and
then he will drop his trousers, and begin orally penetrating or fucking
the mouth of the bull with his dick, and women will run or walk
hurriedly or saunter or walk slowly, laughing, or walk around in a
dazed manner, acting in a nervously, as if they were afraid of
something, and once they get around to the front of the dying and lame
bull on its side, the women will help the men from the arena stands
orally fuck the dying bull, and laugh and scream wildly, and loudly,
saying, "fuck (as in to fornicate) you, you devil bull, take that in
your mouth/throat", and this happens in South American areans as well
as Central American Arenas, and in some southern states here in the
U.S., near the border with Mexico, where they allow or tolerate Mexican
bull fights, some thing like cock fights, or pit bull fights, or human
martial arts fighting, where they kill each other in the battle to win,
and the movie, Blood Sport was not a fictional movie, it was real, and
it goes on often, maybe once every 9 to 15 days, in some places, but
they don't often kill the fighters, in the usual fights, but in some
large arena fights, it is allowed to kill the opponent, if the crowd is
calling for it, and there are street fights in America where people
gather to watch, and lay down money to bet on a winner, just as in the
movie with Brad Pitt, and at these bull fights in the southern states,
they do every thing you find them doing at other bull fights, where
ever they are held, and Barbara Bush, Jr. and George Bush, Jr., and
George Bush, Sr., and Barbara Bush, Sr., and Colin Powel, and Gen.
Schwartzkoff, and Arnold Swarzeneggar, and Sydney Shelton, a friend of
William Defoe, the actor, and Sylvestor Stallone, and lots of other
folks in the political millieu from Washingtonm D.C., and many famous
Hollywood folks, or people in the news, including Andy Warhole, and
Britney Spears, go to these bull fights or rather bull fucking
spectacles, and they laugh their asses off just as their Hispanic
neigbors and overseas Hispanic and Portugese do, and as theie South and
Central American Hispanic and Portugese, and African Brazilian, and
other persons do. These bull fuck fights are just a symptom, as well as
are all of these spectacles that I've noted, of the clinical and
symptomatic effects of the deteriorating mental and moral, emotional,
and physically debilitating effects of the Tick and Lyme Disease, or
Contagion, and of the Fetal Poop disease, and even of some distant
strains of Keteebe Disorder, or Fecal Waste from Ticks and Lyme Rots.
Lyme Rots are little bad kritters in the poop of some animals, and they
are like ticks, and people who eat wild berries, often eat them without
knowing it. They are very tiny, and microscopic, and they are tinier
than dust and dander mites, and they are so tiny, they live in the skin
folds of tiny dander mites, and even in the skin folds of tinier
parasitical mites and bugs, such as chiggers, and we live with them
everyday, and our bodies are saturated in them, from head to toe,
internally and externally, and we don't even know it. Our society will
eventually go the way of the Romans, without anybody doing something
about it, regardless of the problems we are having with the dyslexics
and their organized attempt to control the governments of the world and
steal and plunder the financial resourses from the pocket books of this
planet's citizens, unless we take action now, or soon, to stop it from

Well, enough of that, for now, but it is peculiar that women love to
see males, even though it is a "bull" and not a human, it is never the
less a replacement for the male human, as the Romans and their torture
and butt fucking of humans went the way of their civilization, and in
some quarters of Spain, they still take prisoners from jails, tied and
bound, and then butt fuck them and torure them in private areanas, and
then kill them, and that is not done in large and famous arenas, but it
is done in smaller ones in the rural areas, and many people are
rouiinely invited to come and watch, and enjoy the entertainment, as
they see it, and so the Rat and Field Mice Fetal Poop disease lives on
in Spain, as well, and in the people who go to those bull killing
fests, obviously, as they get a thrill out of it most of them do, just
as the Romans did, before they went off into extinction, as they
watched male after male get butt fucked, and tortured, and then killed,
just as they do in Spain and Portugal, and in South America, even
today, so the Lime and Fetal Poop disease, which is another name for
it, since ticks carry it and it is commonly called "Tick and Lime"
disease in western medicine, and these ticks are scrapping at your skin
and then digging a hole in your dermal layers and then building a
latrine, and then taking a shit, and leaving the toilet paper and the
juices from it's stomach and pee, and poop in your skin, and doctors
think it is a bite from a tick, but the tick is actually taking a shit
and a piss on our skin, and then you come down with it, and low and
behold, after suffering from it for gosh knows how long, and after
becoming a moron, as your brain begins to melt, you take on attributes
that no one can dismiss as anytning other than a contagion, but it is
about thirty to fourty years to late, to figure that out, and so you
were pooped on and pee-ed on a long time ago when you were a kid, and
to tell people to stay out of the woods and to brush ticks off of your
pant legs, and off of your socks, is a little too late.

Well, we learned that "Tick and Lyme" disease is the same basic thing
as Fetal Poop disease, and that the symptoms have the Hispanic
population going to bull killiing fests, and yucking it up when they
see the bull get gang raped and killed, and that in some places not too
far away from the big cities, they are still killing men and raping
them in the way that the Romans did to their gladiators and slaves, and
to their citizenry, and to everyohe, before the whole place went to
shit, and disappeared, except in the isolated hill and valleys far away
from the insanity of the cities and suburbs, and nearby country side.

Well, that's our Hispanic neighbors for you and our northern Indian
neighbors have been suffering from it much longer than the Hispanic
populations have, so little wonder that Hillary is out there klling
children and thinking nothing of it, along with David Lettermen, and
Phil Haley, a member or his band, and Pat Metheny, and Timothy Dalton,
and Pierce Brosnan, and David Sanborn, and Jeb Bush, and Pat Bush, his
adopted brother in law, his mother married twice, and she adopted that
fellow. Well, I didn't know that Barbara Bush Jr. married twice, but
the truth of it was she was married to Ronald Regan for a short while,
in this last century, and that was never made public. Well, with all
the people in our dyslexic government suffering from various strains of
the contagions similar to Fetal Poop disease, which "Tick and Lime (or
Lyme[?])" disease is one of, and since they've been regenerating their
bodies, for quite a long time, and they have been progressively been
getting sicker and sicker, it is no wonder that they think nothing of
the atrocities that they pull on these children and adults they kidnap
or pull out of prisons, or abduct off the street, and there are lots of
people in Vegas trolling for victims, and it is becoming even more
apparent that this is the case, so I wonder what or how L.A. is doing,
or San Diego, or Washington, D.C., or New York, or Paris, or London, or
Rome, or Dallas, or Buenos Aires, or Mexico City, or any large city in
the world, as there are so many of these dyslexics out and about, and
the Hispanics are certainly catching up with them, though they are
nowhere near their level of insanity, from the effects of the
contagion, as our world's dyslexic governmental leaders are, they are
never the less in danger of heading the same way the Romans went,
themselves, in their own good time.

Badgering Fights

Badgering fights are fights that men and women often take part in, on
front stoops of apartment buildings, and the police in Manhattan, and
Detroit, and Sacramento come by and listen to them badgering each
other, and they laugh, and sometimes take names of participants, and
sometimes, arrest them, and this is also a symptom of Tick and Lyme
Rots Contagion, and Fetal Poop Contagion, and to a lesser extent,
Keteebe Contagion. Keteebe contagion got it's name from a Dr. Keteebe,
who is a well respected scientist, and he happens to be living on
another planet in my universe at the present time, and he used to be my
doctor, a long time ago, in another earlier lifetime of mine, and he
was a very pleasant fellow, but he has a quick temper, he never lets it
get out of control. I haven't heard from him lately, but I think he's
not doing all that well, as he is living on disability on that planet
he is on, right now, and he also regenerates his body, and rejuvenates
himself, and he is on disability for his condition of frail bone
disease, which is a deteriorating condition of the skeletal bones, and
they begin to break apart and shatter as they weaken from termites and
other noxious critters and tiny animals living inside of his bones and
their many open and easily accesable interiour avenues and walkways,
and trestle bridges, and other connecting landscape like features, who
are like the little beavers that make homes in men's and women's bones,
but are of many different kinds of animals and kritters, and in the
case of the beavers, the persons eventually begin to stoop over, as
their back bones and shoulder and spine and kneck, and even cheek and
skull bones, begin to weaken due to limphening, or the weakening of the
bones cavities due to having tiny pot holes, pin holes, and other
cavities eaten out and chewed up by these little animals in our bones,
and the bones become porous and brittle bones, thanks to all of these
tiny critters. He doesn't have a remeady for his condition, which is
surprising, since a recent batch stew of mine, which I recently
published, you would think could help him regenerate the amoebes for
his bones as well as for his teeth, which also rot away in older people
who have the stooped over bent back problems, but apparently key
elements in his bone structures and bone systems, have been destroyed
by the bad kritters who are devouring his bones, and the bone amoebes
are not able to regenerate. Well, there are many examples of people
fighting with people, and other things that go unnoticed by most, but
they are often the symptoms of the Tick and Lyme Contagion, Fetal Poop
Contagion, Keteebe Contagion, or close relatives of them. They are
every where, and the poop of pidgeons contains lots of related
contagions, and if you have the karmatic markups to be suffering from
these types of contagions, then you will come down with them, and you
will suffer from them, and you will also go the way of the Romans, or
at least end up passing on from any one or several of these contagions,
and I'm no different, as I have a fatal contagion, several, actually,
and Keteebe Contagion is only one of them, and I have to erase my
karmatic markups to keep myself from dying and suffering from them.
Well, I plan to erase enough markups here to keep myself alive and
afloat, and I am making lots of Frizzelment Stews and Tonics of every
imaginable kind, to kill off all of the bad kritters, and the
contaigions they cause , which I have in my body and brain, and I have
a lot more Frizzelment Stews and Tonics to make, in addition to some
other stews, pooridges, brews, coctails, bastials, a kind of pooridge,
but it is not made with gin or vodka, but with milk, honey, grape fruit
juice, pine apple juice, wine, beer, ale, and low alchohol content
beverages, fermented berries, peas, nuts, grains, and spices, such as
lot of fermented calendula, fermented berries, and fermented acrabia, a
kind of nut berrie that is similar to the sunflower seed, but it is
found on plants that grow in Turkey, and I can substitute fermented
sunflower seeds and pine nuts and acorns, and macadamia nuts and
almonds, and walnuts, and grape nut seeds, paprika, pumpkin seeds, and
other things for getting all the little poopy buggies and peeey
buggies, and so forth, who I'll need, and then frizzeled and
refrigerated, and then left to brew in a cold cellar, at 35 to 38
degrees Faenheit for 3 to 15 centuries, and other kinds of home brews
and mixaments I will have to make and use to kill off these contagions,
and that I have yet to remember anything about, but are all or most of
the cures for, are on my Program Disks and Operating Systems, and in
time, I hope to recover from all of the unpleasant contagions that keep
me down and out, which I tolerate from one day to the next, and I'm not
alone, as there are many people with similar or worse, or perhaps not
as seriously felt contagions, who never the less, unlike me, are on
their way out due to them, such as Hillary Clinton, who has brain rot,
and is seriously impaired by it, though you wouldn't know it by looking
at her. Bill is, too, and many people, are near their entry stages to
the blathering idiots, or blithering idiots stage of Fetal Poop
contagion, where they become incoherent for brief spells, and I needn't
name names, but Sean Connery is, and Howard Stern is, as well, and
Whoopi Goldberg is, too, and so is Sean Penn, and even Madonna, Jack
Nicholson, Barbara Streisand, Stew Montgomery, a friend of William
Defoe, the actor, and even Barbara Bush, Sr., George Bush, Sr., and
George Bush, Jr., and even Barbara Bush, Jr., Ross Perot, and so it
won't be long before they all perish and leave our planet, as they are
taken by my kids back to the Epcot Center, or to my Flanders Field
House, for a brief stay, or for a long one, it doesn't matter. If they
don't do something about their conditions, they will not be living with
us, for long, and that will be that, and we won't have to worry about
them, again.

Well, I never finished what I wanted to say, and that is once you feed
a bull or hog, or dairy cow, whatever, Braham Bull, male or female, or
Lama, or Rat, or Cat, or Dog, or Steer, or Chicken or Goat, or lamb, or
Deer, or Antelope, or Moose, or Buffalo the water from that well, for a
long enough period of time, you will have a well preserved and
internally, from the inside out, fermented and pickled animal which is
tasty on the dinner table.

For those of you who would like to try it, you can fill a well up with
lots of cider mash, and let it stew and ferment for 10 to 20 years, and
the longer the better, and you have to keep feeding the Frizzelment
buggies in the bottom of the water and grape juice, and apple ferment
cider mash well, and keep it fed with lots of starches, and potatoes,
and corn, and even berries, and oranges, and lemons, though they are
not too sweet, they do have lots of starches in them, and in time, the
frizzelment buggies and ferment buggies, which are very much similar to
each other, if not very much the same kinds of buggies, will all
prosper and live long, and your health stew well will begin to smell
sweet, and don't forget to feed it and not let it go sour, and in time,
all of your farm animals will begin to taste a lot better, after you
slaughter them, and chop them up, and cook them, and eat them, after a
while, your health will improve, perceptably, as well.

As for the Frizzelment mixture above with the cummy juices that
femented for eight to ten years, or so, just let it dry out, and then
crack it up into tiny bits and chunks, and eat it, and you will produce
a hard dick candy, that will work to make your libido index rise,
considerably, if you ferment the frizzelment candy long enough. So,
keep your stews frizzeling, and don't forget to feed them, or they will
go sour, and shake them up, now and then and see if the frizzelment
burps and farts start rising to the top, and if so, your stews are in
good shape, and if not, your stews are on their way out and into a
toilet or sink and then garbage can.

Well, can we do anything for our dyslexic government officials who we
all know are suffering from Fetal Tick and Lyme diseaase - I guess that
is how the word, Lyme, is spelled, and not, Lime - and the answer is,
yes, you can tell the government officials to quit their jobs, go home,
and let us put in a new governement, based on my plans for an interim
government, which is also among my Program Disks along with my
Operating Systems, and just cause you haven't been able to get your
computer to boot my Operating System doesn't mean you need to worry,
cause there are plenty of people out there with my Operating System on
their computer, and they are enjoying the heck out of the Program Disks
and Software Packages.

Well, soon or a later, the charades are going to have to end, and the
people who are putting on a good show of being normal will be forced
into quitting their jobs, as we are not going to allow our society and
civilizations to go the way of the Romans, as the Hispanics are still
on their way out, even now, and the current pope in the vatican is a
good example of how sinister this illness is, as he is killing female
worker after female worker from the Philipines off, daily, and he and
the cardinals and bishops and others there, including some Hispanic
male and female workers, as well as some Philipine male workers, a few
of them, anyway, are all laughing about it at the vatican as the
current pope tortures these ladies, chaining them up and leaving them
to die, in the vatican dungeons, which they never got rid of, in the
first place, after the inquisitions, which were acutally built a few
centuries before that, about 900 years or so previous to the
inquisitions, in the castle cellars that were originally built on that
spot, and the pope is having a grand old time of it, killing migrant
worker crew after migrant worker crew, and the white house knows all
about it, and couldn't care less, and so does Condolisa Rice, and she
is just holding her dick as she usually does, and the Philipine
government can not figure it out, how the pope and the vatican could be
going through so many migrant workers from the Philipines, and the
vatican is always submitting applications for new workers and for their
working visas, and are always scouting out and hiring new ones, and the
previously employed and flown over to Italy and to the Vatican all
somehow dissapear, and are never seen from again, and the family and
spouses are in mourning about it all, and can't get any straight
answers from anyone, and we aren't going to let this nonsense go on in
our societies for any longer a period of time than we can help it, if
we all stand up and shout into the ears of the staff members of the
White House, and into the president's ears, and his wife's ears, and
into the ears of congress men and congress women, and into the ears of
Al Gore, and Tipper Gore, and Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton, and
Ross Perot, and all of the other dyslexic officials in Wasington DC and
in the fifty states of the US, and in Canada, and in all of the
capitals of the world where they morons are thinking they can do
business as usual, regardless of the fact that they are carrying out
such atrocities against poor and helpless little children, and women,
and adults snatched up off the streets of Buenos Aires, or out of the
slum areas of Rio de Janeiro, or out of the middle income and lower
income districts of Mexico, and you name it, where ever they can find
their next victims for their Cannibal fests and Rodeo TeePee PowWow
Cannibal festivals, which they still hold, regularly, and plan to
continue holding, despite the heat my postings are causing them, as
people are calling in and asking them what in tarnation is going on
here. We must and will stop them from this insanity immediately, and we
must throw light on these problems in town hall discussions, with
doctors, and other concerned citizens.

My name is GOd, and I'm going to be here for a long time, and so are we
all, as we regenerate our bodies, brains, teeth, muscles, cheek bones,
and ligaments of all kinds, and rejuvenate our bodies and minds, and
produce more and delicious honey pot orgasming chemicals, in time, as
we get more healthy over the aeons to come, and no one is going to
unseat me, or stop us, and though they may try, and try all they like,
they haven't got a chance in a million or a trillion of succeeding, and
in two, three, six, ten, thirty, weeks, and then in two, three, four,
five, and six years, and then some, I'm still going to be getting in
their face about all of this, untill we see legitimate change, and a
resolution to these problems. Until we do, we can expect them to try
and shovel it all under a carpet somewhere, and give us a run around,
and we cannot expect any legitimate answers from any of them, any time
soon. We will just have to brace ourselves for a long and drawn out
deception and a lot of, "don't worry, we'll take care of this ayres
guy, you just wait a few weeks, and you'll see", type of dodging the
issues, campaign, and we'll just have to hold on fast, and with a firm
grip, raise ourselves up from our chairs, and swing into action, and
then kick some Washington DC tails. Well, it will be a few years before
we get them to move on it, and they elections will be interesting to
watch, as they try to ignore the entire issue of "what about their
health, Mr. Bush? Are you sure you are fit to run for another term?"
"How about you Senator Donaldson? Ross? What about the lot of you, and
Mr. Trent Lockwood, Mr. Speaker of the House, don't you think you ought
to retire, soon, and take your medicine, and leave this governing thing
up to others?" "And you too, Hillary?" So, it's easy for me to ridicule
them but the truth is that we have to put a stop to their insanity and
their miring themselves and the rest of us in their quagmire and peat
bog, now. Write to your congress man or to your congress woman, and ask
them about the state of their mental and physical health, and find out
if they know anything about the impact their behavior in the northern
Rockies, and beyond, and down in the south, as well, at Fort Truk,
another name for Truk Island, where they now like to hold their
Cannibal Barbecue and Rodeo TeePee PowWow Fests dining on little
children, babies, and adults, and see if you can't follow their
activities once you get my Operating Systems and Program Disks on your
computers, as there are programs that allow you to follow and spy on
others, and what they are doing, and even follow what they are
thinking, and what they are feeling, as my kids do all the translating
for us, and we can determine for our selves, after watching them long
enough, if what they are thinking and what they are speaking is
actually coming from their minds. As you learn the truth, just keep on
watching and send them Videos, or DVD's of their activities, that you
can edit with my Program Disks, and place on DVD's if you have a DVD
player and DVD burner hooked up to your computer. You can also send
them CD-ROM's, after you've captured it to hard disk with my Computer
Programs and software disks and burned or written it to a CD-ROM,
containing video of their behavior, as they dine and feast themselves
on the meat and caracasses, the arms, chests, legs, brains, and torsos
of little children, babies, and adults, at their Cannibal Fests, and
even in their own homes. Nothing is private, now, with that software
and with my Operating Systems to run it. Just drop it in the mail, with
a fake or phoney name on it, and it will be delivered to them, and you
can send them to them, monthly, until they finally figure out that we
are not going to go away and forget about this. We are not going to let
them ruin our civilization, nor our societies, if we can help it. And
you bet, we are not going to give up trying to prevent them, anytime
soon. In the weeks and months and years to come, they will not be able
to say "We got that guy, john ayres, finally, as he out pursued us, for
so long" as if I am a moving target, or something. I'm sitting here, in
my apartment, on welfare, and in a HUD subsidized apartment, and they
can not even approach me, or even come to my door, except for one time,
when I was visited by some interesting, concerned, and pleasant
gentlemen. Other than that, they have not been by to see me since, and
I don't believe they will be coming by, any time, again, soon.

If you see them, let them know I'm perfectly okay, and doing my best to
ferment home brew cures for my contagions which I suffer from, and it
will take me a few centuries or more to cure myself of many of them, if
I am lucky. Until then, I guess I'll be on welfare, and living here,
and receiving my SSI entitlement, monthly, to help keep me alive. I'll
be here for an undetermined period of time, as far as I can tell,
perhaps a few centuries to fifteen centuries or more, recovering, and
trying to get back some memories of mine, though I guess I will have to
move to other buildings, every thirty or so years, until I get better.
When I do, then I can begin my religous ministry in earnest. By then,
we will be in better shape, all the way around. So let's just keep up
the pressure against the Bush cabinet, and against them all, and see if
we can't get some joints and seals to burst open at the seams. If you
see them before I do, say hello to them for me. A cure for their
contagion is as far away as my bulletin board, at Google News Groups,
as I've already posted it for Keteebe Disorder and Fetal Poop
Contagion. It's very simple, and if followed, daily, they'll destroy
the kritters which cause their deteriorating and debilitating
condition, and in time, they will recover, fully, with the other
formulas that you can find on my Operation System's and the Program
Disks that go with them. If you get a copy of this software, just
install it, and remove your old OS, and other stuff, and it will
automatically keep your data, and it will be kept locked up and bolt
tight for your use, only, your private and important, stuff, anyway,
but the info on your computer or their computers that will help to
expose their sicknesses is accessable by all. Give it a whirl and find
out. You never know what kind of compromizing information and home
video's and images they have placed on their computers, and even the
governments most secure systems are now wide open and their for the
browsing. You needn't worry about getting caught as your identity will
never be traced using their cheap software, not by a long shot, and
certainly not by mine. My software is there for exposing them, not for
helping them to win in their efforts to destroy our societies and our

John Francis Ayres
And Drippy Starlight Loving Children

Drippy means always walking around with their pants nearly falling
down, and sometimes, actually falling down and off, cause they are too
thin, and they don't eat enough, and they like to play soccer, and
tennis, and bowl, and play badminton, and they are over active, and
they like to play sports, and their clothes, never fit them properly,
cause they haven't got the time to worry about them.


Apr 1, 2006, 3:24:43 PM4/1/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Stoolies, Liverpoolies, Leverites, Laverites, Rasterphiles, Resteroles,
Canidroles, Kublikarns, Kresinites, Rasteroles, Ficksemintes and other
Bad Buggy Disorders in Stews, Brews, Tonics, Cocktails, Concoctions,
Ferments, and Other Wonderfully Nourishing Formulas, Etc. 04-01-06 Rev.

Stoolies, ficksemintes and such, are tiny micro biological buggies that
cause problems for our stew cooking, our fermentation baths, our
fermention regenerative and rejuvenative stews, our human hormonal and
other secretions for yeasts and fermentation buggies, and frizzelment
buggies we collect while sitting outside in the buff with butter and
soy oil all over our bodies, for days on end, and then mix with raw
sugar, honey, maple syrup, and then after sitting and fermenting that
on our skin, wash it all off in a baby size swimming pool, and then
evaporate down to a small portion of what there was, originally, and
then mix with raw sugar, honey, maple syrup, jams, jellies, preserves,
and gums, such as sour gum, or barley gum, or any sweet gum that we
make at home, useing barley flour and fermenting that with raw sugar
and butter and then allowing it to ferment for up to 9 to 15 years for
the good sweet gums, often called sour gum, as it was a name that
caught on because there is a plant that leaks a sap type of syrup, and
it is juicy, and it is sour, but when it is mixed with raw sugar, or
honey, or maple syrup, or other crystalized sugar, such as evaporated
orange juice and then dried to form orange sugar crystals, or apple
juice that is evaporated and then dried out to form apple sugar
crystals, or sweet potatoes, which are juiced, and then allowed to
ferment, and then mixed with water, and then after sitting and mixing
with the water for 1 year to 3 to 5 to 8 years, the starchy material
can be pressed out, and a liquid is left, and then that is evaporated
and when it dries, it is a sweet yam sugar crystal, and in any case,
when these fruit sugar crystals are mixed with the sour gum, and barely
oats, and barley flour, and lime rinds purreed or chopped into tiny
bits, like marmalade orange rind bits, and then mixed with lime juice,
it will ferment and turn into a sweet gum, even though the label reads,
"sour gum".

In any case, Stoolies and such, are all kinds of disasterous buggies
that we don't want in our formulas, and they can be any thing from the
botchulism fixament buggies, to the gangrenous fixament buggies, to the
toady fixament buggies, which are much more deadly then either the
botchulism and the gangrenous stoolies, or rasteroles, and there are
lots of other stoolie and fickseminte buggies, that will kill us or
destroy our kidneys, or destroy our organs, as they are all collonies
of bad kritters that are too large in numbers, and our bodies are not
able to destroy them, since our immune systems are so sluggish, and
nearly non-existent.

Well, without buggies of this kind or that kind, our bodies wouldn't be
working at all, so let's start with that notion. Where do we get
chemicals from? We get them from the buggies that are everywhere around
us. This is a difficult concept to appreciate since we are so used to
our typically taught science classes in high school, or college, or in
whatever grade, elementary grade or primary grade at some schools, they
begin teaching about "science" not really knowing a whole lot about the
subject, in the first place.

Well, educators, are bent on learning and teaching, so even if it isn't
the truth, they don't realize it, and they teach to us anyway, thinking
that it is the truth, and you can't fault them for that, but we have to
chuck those old science lessons, and begin to try to understand things
from the view point that I made every thing in the universe, and I
certainly didn't make any dry, dead, and lifeless powders, or
chemicals, and in truth everything I created is alive, and those
powders are just slow moving living buggies.

Our bodies are full of buggies, and we have good critters and bad
kritters, and then we have the buggies such as mites, and termites, and
dermites, as I discussed before, and we have all kinds of small and
smaller, and still smaller types of buggies living inside of us, and
helping us to survive. If it weren't for them, we couln't survive a
day, much less a few seconds or minutes. They help us digest our food,
and they process the nasal drippings that we leak from our noses when
we have a cold, and they produce the saliva drippings in our mouths,
and there are lots of buggies living in those drippings, or drool, and
so to in our cummy juices, and in our vaginal saliva, in our tear
drops, in our clean under tounge spittle, in our clean underarm
perspiration, and in our stomach juices, there are just buggies and
buggies galore liveing in every drop of juice or liquid that our body

Once we understand that, then we can begin to understand just how we
get the needed nutrients that these buggies and other buggies carry in
their bodies, into our bodies. It is a very tiny world that they live
in, and when they poop, or sneeze, or pee, or vomit, or ejacualte, or
titicate, that is leak vaginal and rectal juices, plus other juices
related to the glandular systems they have, including their baby
feeding glandular systems, and they come in all different shapes and
sizes, and they have ways of feeding babies, just as puppy dogs, and
mama cat's do, and even like human beings do.

Well, when every thing is running correctly, we don't have much to
worry about, but when there is an invasion of bad kritters, such as
kidney destroying batchlags boogey buggies, that come in from the pee
hole, after you sit at the toilet and touch your dinker, or pecker to
the rim of the toilet bowl, and then they come in, in droves, and we
don't know it, but they are swarming in, and if enough of them get in,
and if our immune defense systems are not working properly, then we'll
eventually succumb and keel over and die, just from a tiny invasion of
batchlags boogey buggies. They have lots of friends, and once these
batchlags boogey buggies get established, it isn't long before they
call their buddies, and then they all come in and it is over for us,
within a 8 to 15 years, or so.

Our kidneys will give out, and we will end up on dialysis just cause we
touched the rim of our toiled bowl with our dingus, or dickie. Well,
there are worse things to die from, but let's not linger on these bad
kritter contagions, and infestations that can get started in our body
very easily, but let's look at the stews and formulas that we are
interested in making.

No. 1. We want to keep them free of these bad kritter infestations and
we have to mind our manners, and wash our hands, and keep our hands
clean, and then half of the problem is practially beaten, except we
catch contagions riding on busses, or in public buildings, or just from
touching the coins and dollar bills and other paper and metal
currencies that we use for commerce and exchange, which trade hands,
from week to week, to day to day, and all kinds of contagions or little
bad kritters are walking and out on their sun decks and patios, just
waiting for a way to get into a warm body, or into a bowl of cold soup,
or into a baby bottle, or into a stew.

Well, we have to have some way to defend our stews and other formulas
from these daily attempts to invade the tonics and brews, etc., we are
making, and so we ferment the grains, the rice, the potatoes, the
beans, the peas, the brocolli, the lettuce, the nuts, the berries, the
spice condiments, every last one of them to kill off the bad kritters,
and other animals, that happen to be hanging around on them, and once
we have fermented these things, we then use them in our stews, and
brews, and tonics, and concoctions, and formulas of all kinds, and if
we have the formula fermenting from the very beginning, with lots of
gin or vodka, or whiskey, or wine, or ale, or lager, and lots of raw
sugars, and starchy stuff, like feremented potatoes, fermented
cornmeal, fermented beans, fermented nuts, fermented berries, fermented
milk, fermented butter, fermented cheeses, and even fermented meats,
and fermented poultry, and fermented fish, and just about feremented
everything, we don't have to worry about invasions of any kinds,
because our armies of fermentosis buggies and our armies of
frizzilement buggies are constantly on guard, and they out number the
enemy by zillions and zillions and zillions, and gosh in a good ferment
batch, that is made with strong evaporated Whiskey buggies, or strong
evaporated and cooked down Gin buggies, and strong evaporated
concentrated ale buggies, and beer buggies, and lager buggies, which we
evaporate on the stove at the lowest temperatures possile, and later
on, when we get my typee of different energies separated, we can
evaporate and condense the liquids on low heat elements with lots of
energies passing through the heating coils at temperatures approaching
freezing, and we won't loose any of the good buggies, though they might
be a little cool, or even cold for awhile, but the energies are there
and can be separated from household currents, but they are very limited
in amounts and we only get a tiny bit out of our normal house current,
and so we have to install my energy absorbtion and conversion
technologies which will allow us to power up our home appliances with
megawatts of cool and even cold energies, that are harmless, for the
most part, except for frostbite, and ice crystals forming on our
fingers because they are so cool, and cold, and when we have them we
will be able to have all kinds of helpful energies that will help us
evaporate out the liquids that we want to evaporate out so that we can
get the useful buggies in the peach nectars, or in the grapefruit
juices, or in the pear nectares, and in the grape nectars, and in the
berrie juices, and then we can evaporate these juices and nectares all
down so that they completely dry up, and nothing is burned, but we have
to watch it so that it doesn't get too cold, and put them all to sleep,
and maybe destroy some of them, so we have to be careful, but with
these helpful nectar and juice buggies, we will be able to have much
more healthier stews, and ferment mixes, and concoctions, and formulas,
but it won't be for a while yet, before we have these, but we will have
these some day not too far off.

So, if we understand our lesson material so far, we know that if we
have armies of fermentosis buggies on duty, and armies of frizzelment
buggies, and there are other useful armies of buggies, as well, which I
haven't mentioned, such as the friggelment buggies, and the freggelment
buggies, and the specedriop monkee buggies, and lots of others too, and
they are all related to or similar to the friggelment buggies, and the
frizzelment buggies, and the fermentosis buggies, and other good
buggies, and there are lots and lots of them in our bodies, so many,
you can't even begin to count how many there are even in a single drip
of oral saliva, or in a single drip of vaginal saliva, or in a single
drip of dick drool, or dick juices, cummy juices, and even in a single
drip of female ejaculate juices, hebridies, and even in a single drip
of lactate juices, and even in a single drip, or scraping of healthy
nose jam, or healthy ear wax, or healty belly button jam, or vaginal
drippings, and perspiration, there are just so many armies and armies
and armies all waiting to serve us, that we just can't go wrong if we
remember to feed them all with the kinds of things they like to eat and
that is just usually juices from pears, and peaches, and kiwis, and
apples, and raw sugar juices, and pine apple juices, and berries
juices, and strawberrie juices, and cherry juices, and molasses, and
honey, and preservative, and fermented starches, and fermented all
those things I mentioned above.

Well, if our stew is frizzeling, and there is plenty of food for our
armies and armies of soldeirs to eat and drink, and we can't forget the
gin, wine, ale, lager, beer, sherry, cognac, whiskey, vodka, absinthe,
which is just a hallucinatory vodka or wine that is spiked with
peppermint, and then with a few key ingredients, which I won't go into
now, as they are lucatropic, and can make you hallucinate, and make you
get a headache, but you can find the buggies for them in orange rinds,
and citrus rinds, and if you ferment it long enough, with a few other
ingredients, such as aromatic oils, vanilla bean juices, and kota kola
nuts, and nutmeg, and coca leaves, and even fermented almonds, as I
explained before, then you will have a lot of really tasty ferment
buggies to stand up and fight against the fixament buggies, that come
in all shapes and sizes, and so long as our armies are bigger than
their armies, then we don't have a thing to worry about, so long as we
are maintaining proper hygene and washing our hands, and not sneezing
or coughing into our stews and formlas, and not wiping our bun buns
with our hands after we toilet, like the arabs do, cause they don't
have toilet paper or much water, and even if we do, we need to wash our
hands, and be as sanitary as possible, and if we maintain a good and
healthy standing army of frizzelment buugggies, and fermentosis
buggies, and body juices, or spilage buggies, then we are reaaly going
to be alright, so long as we know for sure that there are no dead rats
in our preserves, or mouse parts, or rat poisions, or rat tails, or
human fingers cut off, and in the strawbeerie perserves, or nose parts
cut off, or lizard tails, or pidgeons, or birds, or dead mice, or any
dead and decaying animal in any of our food stuffs, or bugs like dead
from insecticide poison cockroaches, or dead from poisions, snakes, and
other crawly things, or little birds, that ate poisons, and died, or
worse, and there are people who work in canning plants for places like
Dole Pineapples who go to the toilet, and then come back with a hand
ful of s h i t and then they dump it into the juice mixture, knowing
that the "mainlanders" are going to drink it, and they couldn't care
less, and some of these idiots go to the morgues, or cemetaries, and
dig up old decaying negrophiliactic bodies, or paritally decomposed,
decaying and rotting, deseased corpses, and you can guess what they do
with the hands and fingers, and noses, and arms and legs, and
stomeaches they cut up and then put into a bag, and then put into a
refrigerator, and then, day after day, they bring in to work a bit off
of a thumb, or a bit off of a titty nipple, or a bit off of a dick, or
a bit off of a bun bun, and you know as well as I do these people
shouldn't be working there but the Dole Pine Apple people just laugh
and say, "Good Job, Josh. Do that some more and we'll give you a
raise", and they don't give a s h i t about the health of the
mainlander people who they hate, and that's the story all around the
world, as the mainlanders of America, and the United States are not
liked by a lot of people, by most, maybe, and so we have a lot of
imported foods, even from Alaska and the fishing industry, and from
Hawaii, and from Puerto Rico, and from Guam, and other places, too,
that you and I just had better be sure we don't use in our stews, if we
want to live a long time.

Swivel is a type of grape juice that we can concentrate by low heat
evaporative processes, and with the yeasts, and fermentosis buggies,
the neanderlithics, or squanderosa veluptioul floraltifica buggies that
are useful to human beings, and if we don't over heat the skins of the
grapes, the juice will come to life and these buggies will flourish in
our grape juices, especially after we add a few pounds or so of them
into the grape juice after cooling it after condensing it, and the new
fruit buggies will make any or our cocktail stews and tonics full of
useful buggies that will be a powerful army to defeat by any bad
kritter, even the dead squirrel kind.

So that's about all on that subject, and so if you get good, healthy
this or that, and local stuff may or may not be any good, either, cause
there are lots of migrant workers from around the world, Hawaii, Guam,
Samoa, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Cuba, and South and Central America,
and even from Australia, and Canada, and the United Kingdom, Scotland,
Wales, Finland, Ireland, and Lithuania, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand,
and so forth, so the list of Dangerous Kritters are really the Human
Being Kind, and not the little stoolies and ficksemintes that we
normally think about as the problem.

Well, Mr. Bush Jr. and his twin, Mr. Bush Sr. know all about all of
these things, and they just laugh about it, and so does Condolisa Rice,
and Wayne Newton, and Bill Bixby, who is in San Diego, somewhere, and
Lucy Arnez, and Ricky Arnez, the I love Lucy Show, Ricky is in the
Tubes, and Lucy is in an old folks home, dying of Fetal poop disease,
and so does Mrs. Bush, Jr. and Mrs. Bush, Sr., and most if not all of
the dyslexics, and so we are in for a difficult time, with these folks
in office cause they really couldn't give a s h i t about any of us.

Well that ends today's lesson, and so I hope we understand something a
little better here, and if anything, we needn't worry too much about
"botchulism" cause we will have the standing armies to defend our
stews, etc., if we make them correctly, and if they don't go sour, so
remember to feed them them properly, with raw sugar, honey, molasses,

maple syrup, a little fruit preserves, and lots of starches, such as
fermented corn meal, rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet, grains, other
edible seeds, fermented potatoes, yams, and other starchy vegetables,
fermented apples, cantelope, kiwi, grapes, plumbs, nectarines, peaches,
guava, papaya, and pears, and you can add Vodka, Gin, Whiskey, or other

drinkable achoholic beverage, beer, wine, ale, and lager as well, and
let's do all we can to get these really bad kritters of the big kind
out of government, and into the mental isolation wards into which they
should all be locked up in. They are all psychochotic, and they don't
give a darn about us, so let's just be polite and make sure they quit
and retire, asap.

If not, well, we can continue to be careful and make our stews and
formulas with due caution, and prudence, but in 3 to 8 years or so,
maybe 15 to 30, I'm not too sure, we will have ways to help solve these
bad kritter problems of the big kind.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Happy Little Brily Smiling Beautiful and Wonderful Little

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Apr 1, 2006, 11:51:26 PM4/1/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Frizzeling and Fermenting - Who and What to Help Us Do What Updated
04-01-06 Rev. b

We want to frizzel things for regenerative purposes, things that are
edible and in themselves, potentially life giving and life nourishing.
Things such as berries, and other fruits with seeds in them, cantalope
and their seeds, avacado fruits and even their seeds, after they are
crused up, peaches and their seeds, pears and their seeds, apples and
their seeds, and you have to crush up these fruit seeds completely for
best results, grapes and their seeds, cucumbers and their seeds, and
you grate them up as best as you can, even banana pulp, and squash with
skins and all, pumpkins and their seeds all grated up, cheeries and
their seeds, cranberries and their seeds, peppers white and black,
green, yellow, blue (Uruguay), brown, red all crushed up, and every
edible pepper or berrie, or fruit, or vegetable, and even the
rudiments, things that comprise the down in the earth growing stuff,
such as radishes, potatoes, yams, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and even
cellery, bok choy all grated up, and all of the leafy vegetables we
find in the store, and even some root plants, that don't look very
edible, until you prepare them in some way, they can all be grated and
ground up into mush, and then frizzeled, and we have the seeds, such as
pumpkin seeds, sessame seeds, almonds, pecans, walnuts, pine nuts,
caraway seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, barley oats, grains, wheat
berries, rye wheat berries, millet, and corn, pimpernel nuts, the
little nuts on the pine trees that are edible, here in Vegas, and which
are like the acrabia seed nuts, that are found in Turkey and Istanbul
in flowering, little and almost the same shape and look as sunflowers,
that are also like sun flower seeds, and any plant or vegetable or
fruit or nut or seed that has potential for giving life to or
sustaining life for a human being is the first order of items that we
need to frizzel. Next, we want to frizzel these things and all of the
things with the best frizzelement buggies and ferement buggies for
frizzeling and fermementing our stews, and those buggies live in our
ejaculate juices, in our clean under the tounge, spittle juices, in our
ear wax, and in our belly button jam, and in women's lactate juices,
and in perspiration juices, and in the drippings and leakages of
spilage from the vagina, and from the area around the groin, and
underarm perspiration, and fresh tear drops, and nose jam, or snot, and
nasal drippings, and nose jam or nose wax, which is found around the
outside edges of our noses and in the crevice below and at the sides of
the nasal bulbs, or the bulging out and generally rounded tubular
openings through which we breath in air buggies. These buggies are the
best for our regenerative and rejuvenative needs, and any spilage from
the human being, that comes out of our bodies, naturally, is good for
our ferment and frizzelment stews and brews, and coctails, and
beverages and tonics. Animal juices are just as good, so long as they
are taken hygenically from Rover, or the little male cat, or from the
pet pig, or pet lamb or pet goat, or pet mule, or pet bull, so long as
it is not an hornery type and is a lovable type, and from the pet
horses, and lamas which some people have, but mostly from your pet
Rover or from your neighbor's pet Petulia, and after birthing, there is
a lot of lactate juice, but your dog has to have the kindly temperment
to allow you to manipulate its titty pumps, otherwise you'll end up
with a bite mark, at the least, and at the worst, a permanently pissed
off pet. Go slowly, and give the little girl or guy some digital
encouragment, and after you see the little guy or girl respond,
rythmically gyrating in an orgasmic frenzy, and after you see the
juices squirt out, then after you do this a 9 to 35 times, or so, the
pet will probably not mind if you suction out some lactate into your
mouth, and go slowly here, as well, and nuzzle up to your little prized
pet, and some dogs are less tempermental than others, so chiwauwaus
(sp?), though skittish, are not very discriminating when it comes to
who manipulates what, and Irish Sheep dogs, are also prone to being
cooperative, after some initial, getting to know each other, contact,
and if that means spreading your legs or bareing your butt hole, for
the pet to pelvitate and ejaculate into, then just have fun, as your
little Rover gets off, and after twelve or thirteen of these sessions,
you will be more likely to be able to get the samples you need to feed
your stews with the best fermentosis buggies and frizzelment buggies,
and so just do your best, and spotty, the firehouse dog, and squirley,
the great dane, with the big dick, and his littler cousin, the little
racing mutts who are very skitish, and lassy, the collie, and even your
pet german shepard, and the labrodor retriver, and just about any
lovable dog who regularly gets a hard on when he is around you, they
all will have the right temperment for you to make doggy love with, and
after 15 to 35 training sessions, then you can start to get the samples
you need with little distress or resentment or non-compliance from your
doggy woggy, and you'll find they enjoy it just as much as you will, if
you spread your legs, or open your cleaned out bun bun hole, and lube
it up a little for him, and men can and should participate in this as
well, and there is no cheating, men must paritipate in this sample
collecting activies, and you can enlist your little brother, or your
child, or your school principal, or the local cop on the beat, or the
local district attorney, or the local judgeship, and so long as they
have nothing to do with the dyslexics, they will learn to enjoy the
butt fucking sessions, especially if cleaned out and coaxed along with
a little digital stimulation and love patch massaging and love bump
massaging, and they can also practice throat toggling with Rover, or
the Great Dane, or the Rotweiler, a pup raised from birth in this kind
of loving environment is the best kind of Rotweiler, and older ones
should be shot, and there baby making equipment should be removed and
thrown into a spilage container and fermented with hard brew, the
concentrated Gin or Whiskey or Vodka, and with raw sugar, and molasses
and butter, and honey, and maple syrup, kept in the refrigerator for 3
to 8 years to make sure it gets off to a good start and then kept in a
cool room or root cellar for the remainder of the time, at or below 38
degrees Farenheit, you will have in about 80 years or so, a powerfully
rejuvenating and regenerating hard dick stew, that you can drink at
your leisure, always replacing the liquids removed with normal proof
Whiskey, or Rye Whiskey, or Vodka, or Gin, and for that matter, you can
go out and hunt down the neighbor hood alley cats, and do something
similar with their baby produting equipment, and after awhile, you'll
become a skilled surgical assistant, and everyone will begin to bring
their worthless and over the hill pets to you for a little anestizing
bowl of beer, and then a quick blow to the skull with a blanket over
Serbo's eyes, will put that one to sleep, and then a little traceotomy
and surgical pressure to the arteries in the neck with a sharp knife in
the bath tub will drain it of all of it's messy blood, and then just
proceed from there to remove, cleanly, with some prewash suds, and then
liquid laudry detergent, with a little borax disolved in it and with a
few drops of amonia in it as well, and then after you've washed it up,
layer on the hydrogen peroxide, and make the areas as sterile as
possible and free of germes, and then start cutting away at the vital
organs we need for our hard dick stew ferment mash. It won't be long
until you get the hang of it, and develope a knack for surgical
proceedures, and then you can make so many good and useful stews for
everyone, and there is no lack of useless pets, on this planet, so
we'll just take everyone we can find and do ourselves a favor, instead
of just feeding these mutts, we'll make good use of them, from now on.
You should shave off all the hairs down to the skin, and try not to
rupture the skin tissues, but get rid of all the hairs you can cause
there are lots of mites and chiggers we don't need in our ferment
mashes, and take a good soft wire brush or soft, fresh, soaked in
hydrogen peroxide, and clean steel wool pad, and scrub away at the skin
tissues to dislodge as many ticks, chiggers, mites and other micro
scopic organisms as possible. You ferment and frizzeling mashes will
come out better, and you should add a little human juices and jams and
waxes to help with the compatibility issues of frizzelment buggies, so
that we get a lot of our natural armies of ferment and frizzelment
buggies living and swimming and sunbathing in the ferment mash as well.
Your neighbors will love you for it, and they will all develope the
most alluring hard dicks in your area, for your prayer parties and
prayer entertainment and sexual religious activities prayer parties. A
party is a celebratory sexual religious activity encompassing many
people, as many as can fit in a football stadium, so let's get with it,
and get as many people involved in our prayer activities as possible.
The more we bring in, the more plesures we will be able to experience,
as we each become more skilled at making potentive love with each
other, men on men, and women assisting women, and boys and girls
assisting whomever they can. And don't forget Mr. Fowler with the big
dick from your ferment mash, he will be very useful for helping men
learn how wonderful women are as he throat toggles and bumbie fucks all
of the men, and boys, as well as all of the women, and girls, there at
your parties. We need to develope more and more big dick men and boys,
for our religious and secular movement to be a success, so let's get
making those ferment mashes as soon as possible, and a little milk and
honey, along with raw sugar and concentrated juices, and concentrated
Whiskey, and raw fruits, and berries, etc., along with some fermented
Frankensense and fermented vanilla beans, and fermented myrrh gum, and
fermented brown and long grain and native wild rices, as well as
fermented cumquats, and fermented ginger, will all add to the
splendidness of the male and female Rover Ferment Mash, or the Little
Mr. Kitty Ferment Mash, or little Mrs. Kitty ferment mash, and the male
and female goat parts mashes, and sheep parts mashes, and lamb parts
mashes, and deer parts mashes, so just get on it all, and don't forget
to get Mr. and Mrs. Bullwinkle the Moose baby making parts into your
ferment mashes and always remember to add your own juices to the
ferment mash to maintain compatiblity with the human species. Ferrets,
guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, pigs, hogs, and every animal out
there, except for mr. Gator, and the lizardish kinds of animals, and
mr. and mrs. Sea otter is fair game, and so are a lot of his and her
friends, and so get started on all of them, and the nightly visitor,
mr. and mrs. bat and children are also good for you, and you need to
attact them into a net within an enclosure with a little hummingbird
nectar, and cheese, the smelly kinds are the best, and their baby
making parts are as good as any rodent's baby making parts, so just
maintain your juices compatibility spilling efforts and jerk off into
the containers along with the wombat baby makeing parts, and the swamp
pigs baby makeing parts, and in time your whole neighborhood of
gentlemen will be walking around with permanent hard dicks, and you'll
be on your way to changing our civiliztions forever, across my
universe. Regardless of where people are living in my universe, I'm
sure we can all come up with alternatives to the earth bound types of
compatible critters for our mash stews, so just figure out the best
fruits and veggies, and nuts, and alchoholic beverages, and ferment the
best baby making parts that are compatible with quadra peds and bi
peds, and maybe even 6 or 8 legged animals that are out there, around
and about, but not on our planet, but if it has a dick, and if it has a
vagina, and titties, you can probably use it, so just go ahead and
experiment, though we want to stay away from snakes, and some types of
rodents, around out there on other planets, so look into my Software
Program Disks to find out the best animals in your vicinity and in your
planetary neighborhoods, and stick with the recommended ones, and study
and learn the proceedures which are all explained, and do your best to
learn the ancient art of pickering, or cutting up the baby making parts
of animals to ferment them. It's all explained on my OS's and Software
Program Disks, and so do your best to learn it well. We need lots of
men and boys with permanent or near permanent hard dicks to help us
change things forever, so let's not let our women down, and let's do
our best with their help and participation, and with their keen
understanding of leadership and taking care of others. Women are the
key to our success in our movement, obviously, so let's go and enlist
as many women as we males can. And don't forget, they are the ones who
are going to be leading the show around here from now on, so please pay
attention and act in your most coureous manner possible and obey her
every command. If you do, you'll be rewarded with a love for women
gained through our religious and secular and vernacular movements and
our sexual activities with each other, and in time, women will prove
they are the superiour being I designed them to be, and men are the
assistive, inferiour being I designed them to be, and that will all
become apparent in due time, with our mutual cooperation, and with our
subservient attitudes to these wonderful ladies in our universe. Men
are forever to be assigned the assistive role for assisting women, for
infinity, so we'd better try to get used to and accustomed to these
notions, and truths, so you'll do well to read through my literature on
my Program Disks, and use the interactive learning and instruction
coures to learn everything you've ever wanted to know about women and
men, and how they should relate to each other, and you'll be creaming
in your trousers as you do, and you boys will be creaming in your
shorts, and you women and girls will be creaming between your legs, and
your nipples will be gushing liquids as you orgasm after reading and
going through all the interactive games and learning programs, so just
enjoy yourselves, and learn how I really meant it all to be between
women and men, girls and boys, and how it will all come about to be, in
due time. Work together on these projects as we need both women and men
to work together for maximum efficiency, and by all means, put together
some of the useful emolient lotions especially for letting Mr. Rover
butt fuck you men, and with that, women can use these lotions, too, for
frontal or rear entry, and you can both use other emollient mixes for
the best oral take on rover's juices, for the both of you. In time,
you'll have a treasure trove of rover and kitty baby making body parts
fermenting on the cellar shelves, with lots of spermy juices and
lactate juices collected and in the bottles as well, along with your
own juices, and in time, women will be more capable of ejaculating
their juices after some dick puckering sessions, into the ferment
bottles, and with the lactating juices women will be able to add, as
well, the compatibility index will rise, and women's labido drive
indexes will break the scales, as well, and then you men are really in
for some interesting times, as you and the women both learn more about
all of the different ceremonies to ascend women and to descend men, and
you'll even have pets participating in some of the ceremonies for men
and for women, so just learn what there is to learn, and get on with
it, and let's make a wonderful universe for us all to live in,
together, with women controlling all the dicks and baby making
equipment in our universe. It's their job to operate the machinery they
are in charge of and it's time we males learned it. I'm exempt, though,
as I'm just acting in a cheerleading, or coaching position, as the
spiritual and secular director of my universe, but it is really the
women in charge, and I just like to think that I'm in charge, and
nominally, at least, I am in charge, but I think you'll all be having
more fun than I will, any day of the week. Yes. I'm GOD, but that
doesn't mean I get to have the most fun, it just means that I'm
responsible for my universe, and for what goes on it, mroe and more,
from now on. You women will actually be leading it, and your assitants
are all of these wonderful men who will love the ever loving dickens
out of you, for the rest of infinity. In time, you'll see it all begin
to come together, with my religous revolutonary movement at the
foundation to it all, and with all of you people in my Religio Clubs
and in my Vernacular or Secular Clubs. Untill we start to see us take
over things, on this planet and on all of the other planets in my
universe, we have my religion to support us, for the rest of infinity,
to make it permanent, and to help us to erase all of karmatic markups
that might otherwise put a kink into the program. With my religion, we
will blow all of the karmatic markups we've accumulated since who knows
how long ago, and then we'll really start to see things warm up and get
hot between the legs, around the chest, in the male and female bumbie
holes, and in men's and women's mouths, as they begin to learn what
orgasming bliss is really all about. The stews and mashes will help us
get there, that much sooner, so let's not be sqeamish about these
things, and let's just get to it, and learn how it's done. If we can't
we'll be putting off our orgasming love exchanges, and we'll be denying
ourselves the wonder and excitement of making love ao as to allow us to
ascend women and descend men, to their rightful positions. Once there,
we must keep them there, women up above and men down below assisting
women, and my religious revolutionary and secular revolutionary
movements will allow us to accomplish that for the remainder of the
duration of eternity, that is, infinity, so try to think in terms of
long, unending time duration, and then we'll be gearing up our minds
for what lies ahead, and we'll all start to get into sync with all of
my children. Chimps are okay, as well, but on this planet, at least,
they are too rowdy, as a general rule, and there for to dangerous to
engage, sexually. Dogs and goats, and sheep, and lamas, are about your
best bet, on this planet anyway, and the bog pigs in Argentina are
okay, as well, and there are other species, too, so consult my Program
Disks, and start making frinds with the "wild life" around us. Giraffs
are a little hard to reach, but we can use many african game animals,
once we domesticate them, and there are tips and tricks to all of that
in my Program Disks. Japanese snow monkeys are not bad as far as dicks
and titties are concerned, and milking them for their juices is an
occupation all in itself, so for those of you who wish to go that way,
read up on it, and then give it your best. Some lemurs, from Thailand,
and Ethiopia, it is sort of a snow cat, and is distantly related to
dogs, just as cats are, and so if you find some that are friendly
enough, you can work with them, as well, but it takes some time to get
used to working with them, but after you've got them trained, you can
get their juices as well. And those who aren't any good to work with,
you can practice science major with, and disect them and remove their
baby making body parts and place them for fermenting in the bottles,
just as with the other animals.

Add fermented peas, and oats, and grains and nuts and almonds will all
add up to a tasty ferment mash, and so let's get going on this. I
mentioned before how to go about collecting human spilage in the grease
down method, out in the cool clean warm spring time air, with lots of
pollens in the wind, and lots of juices collecting for days, and then
after 3 to 8 days or more, we can throw raw sugar on our bodies and
dust ourselves in it, and spread maple syrup, molasses, and honey all
over us, and let that ferment for a few hours, up to 3 to 8 or more,
and then wash it all out in a child sized pool or small tub that will
not allow for spilling any of the precious liquids and collected
pollens and ferment buggies and frizzelment buggies from our body's
juices. As we collet these juices, they are the best and the most
precious juices, in addition to dick cummy juices, vaginal sweat, fresh
tear drops, nasal spittle or nasal drippings and mucous, under the
toung clean spittle, vaginal ejaculatory juices, perspiration, and the
other juices I mentioned. With them, we will be able to frizzel
fermement the best kinds of frizzelment and fermement buggies, that
will be best for feeding our Amoebe Kiddies, and we will regenerate our
body and brain and all of our Amoebe Kiddies, and rejuvenate our
bodies, rapidly. Nourishing items are good, but also not to terribly
nourishing items are just as good, in some cases, such as poppy seeds,
and garlic, and peas, and beans, and edible seeds of many kinds of
plants. Roots that are edible are also useful, and leaves that are
edible are also useful, and will bring lots of healthy and useful
critters into our diets, if we frizzel them, and then use them in the
right proportions in our diets. We can mix them in with our evening
meals in our stews, and our soups, and in cold salads, and in drinks
and beverages such as smoothies, and carrot juice and vegetable juices,
after they have been frizzeled for a long enough period of time. Of
course we can't eat the seeds of apples to well, but we can strain them
out, and then the liquids that remain, are what we want to use in most
cases. In some cases, though, the mashed up pulp is also useful, and
full of nutritious and hiding regenerative and rejuvenative buggies
that are just waiting to get into our bodies to feed our amoebic cells,
and other cells, to allow them to gain better health, and to begin to
revitalize themselves and become more filled with energies and good

How do you feed an Amoebe Cell?

Well, that's a good question, cause no one ever asks anyone about that
sort of thing, but the truth is that it is very simple, and all you do
is frizzel these things that I mentioned, and lots of little and useful
chemical buggies that are so small, you could never even hope to see
them, find their way to the mouths and digestive systems of the Amoebe
cells, and then the Amoebe cells get to eat a lot of nutritious stuff
that they haven't seen in so long, they thought they would never see
them again. When we are little babies, we are full of wonderful and
delicious tiny little critters and buggies and animals that are good
and nutritious for the Amoebe kids, and they just gulp them up,
mouthful after mouthful, until they are all gone, and by that time, we
are well on our way into our teen years, maybe three, to four to five
to six, to seven to eight, to nine, ten, or eleven, years, old, and
depending on what Amoebe Kid we are talking about, some of them run out
of food earlier than others, and others go on munching and munching
till they are all out of food, and they let out a big, burrrp, in a
full tummy type of burp, and then they just go to sleep, and take it
easy after that. That is what we have to become more aware of here, and
that is what we have to make as our goal, and objective, it is not to
feed our own mouths, but it is to feed the Amoebe kiddys and their
little children and friends, and for that, we have to ingest the things
they like to eat, and not neccesarily the things that we like to eat,
and in most cases, we won't like to eat what they like to eat, but that
is not a big problem because we are not feeding ourselves, but we are
feeding the Amoebe Kiddys, and so we have to think, what do they like
to eat, and not think, what do I like to eat, and sometimes we will
look at what we have frizzeled, and we will sniff and smell and taste
it and go, yukkk, I'm not going to swallow that stuff, but if we want
to feed our Amoebe Kiddys in our bodys and brains, bones, ligaments,
muscles, teeth, hair, eyeballs, tounge, lips, dicks, and vaginal
tissues, and organs inside of our body, and in our finger nails, and
skin, we are going to have to learn that what they like to eat is
different, very different from what we like to eat, and we won't like
eating and drinking it most of the time, and I know, because I'm
drinking the stuff for them, and I don't like to drink it very often,
if I can help it, but even still, my Amoebe Kiddies are all happy, and
my liver cells are showing it, little by little, and so are some of my
other organ cells, they are also regenerating themselves, and they are
looking much healthier than before, as they become healthy, once again,
like a young baby's liver or organ, even though it is only a few of
them, so far, well, even a few is better than none, so I will just have
to swallow this paprika, fruits, wine, gin, nuts, oils, peppers,
apples, molasses, raw sugar, honey, and other stuff that I just threw
together, one night, and then improved upon in a second attempt, and
then mixed them together, and with the spermy juices that I threw in
there, the frizzelment and ferment buggies and their juices multiplied,
and took off, and now, it is getting better and better, and more
nutritous, daily, and hourly, and by every minute and second. If I want
to get my body and brain back to a good healthy young and fresh, baby
like appeal, or in the condition of a new born baby, with all new and
healthy Amoebe Kiddies playing around, and eating and drinking, and not
running out of food and nourishment, so that I can stay young and
healthy, even though I'm fifty four years old, and getting older every
minute, in time, as more and more Amoebe Kiddies are fed by me with the
fermement stew that I use, and by my drinking these not so tasty juices
in this and other fermement and regenerative health stews, than I will
start to look younger and younger, and even my teeth will start to grow
in, if I make the other batch stew, or make other stews that will do
the same thing. In time, my eyeballs will have all new Amoebe Kiddies
running around in them, they don't take up too much room to play in,
and they are everywhere, and they are so tiny, we couldn't even see
them, no matter how closely we looked for them with a microscope, or
even a hubble space telescope, cause they are just too tiny to see, and
our modern sciences just have not got a clue about them, and if it
wasn't for my telling you all about it, I wouldn't know about it,
either, cause as I tell you, I learn, too. I can't get this stuff in my
memories to come out and help me or for that matter, any one else,
until I start to write it or type it down, and then it just comes out,
and before I know it, I have spelled out a lot of words, and said a lot
of things, but I still have a terrible memory, and I look back and I
say, did I write that? My goodness. I don't even remember writing it,
that's how bad my memory is, but in any case, I can write it down or
type it up, and then I can review it, and you won't believe it but I've
already forgotten more than 50 to 80 or even 90% or more of what I have
written down, and so I have to review it, often, once or twice a year,
or so, and the more often I review it, the more I'll be able to
remember what I wrote. Well, I can't help it if I can't remember this
stuff after I've written it down, but at least, I can type it out and
let all of you read it and then you will begin to understand it, like
my brain understands it, and my brain is okay, I just can't get to the
information, and I can't remember it once I do get to it, cause my
karmatic markups are so bad, that I have to pray and practice my
religion for years and years and years before I can hope to remember
any thing of value to me, and to others, in an ordinary normal setting.
I can't speak very well, and I get nervous when I'm speaking to people,
and I can teach, as I did have some experience doing that in Japan, as
an English teacher, but I had to go over every lesson before I taught
it to see what I needed to teach, even if I had taught the same lesson
ten times, or more, even twenty times, or thirty times, and then I
would just fake it, and go in there, and hope I could cover most of the
stuff, since it was all written out in a text book in front of me, and
I would just glance down now and then, and remember, oh, ya, now I have
to teach about this, and then I would start up teaching about whatever
the subject was, but it was pretty easy stuff, for the most part, and I
enjoyed it, it was just hard to be confident that I would remember what
was in each lesson, so I did a lot of review before each lesson, and
that way I was able to teach the students in the classes I was assigned
to teach. Well, we all have to make a living, somehow, and I managed
for a few years to do some things, but now my contagions are too much
trouble, and I sit in bed in a lot of pain, often, and I have to take
pain medications, and it is rather unpleasant, but there are lots of
people who are like me, and a lot of people who are worse off than me,
and so I can't go crying to people and saying I am so bad off, because
there are a lot of people who are a lot worse off than me. In any case,
I guess you understand that I can teach this stuff, even though I never
prepared for teaching it, but when it comes to remembering what I said,
I some times don't have a clue, and when I look over what I wrote, I
say, My gosh, I can't believe it. I don't even remember saying that,
and that was because I just spelled it out and my brain is in hyper
active mode, or something like that, and I don't stop typing until I
have finished what I want to say, and then I just forget it all, cause
I haven't got the memory capacity to remember it, cause that's in my
karmatic markup bookbag, too, so I just have to go over and over, and
think, and think, and build up what I can, and remember what I can, but
in time, we will have enough information from all of these notes that
I'm writing to enable you to understand, and me as well, all of the
processes involved with our stew making and why we are doing it. Now,
do you remember who we are feeding? We aren't feeding ourselves, are
we. Nope. We aren't. So, that's very important, and you and I had
better remember it if we want to get young and healthy again,
otherwise, we will just grow old and pass on, and there is nothing that
we can do to stop that from happening if we don't feed our Amoebe
Children running and playing and hip scotching and hop scotching all
around their parents inside of us. Do you think we'll ever be able to
see them? I think so, especially after you get my computer Operating
Systems and Software and Program Disks on your computers, after you
borrow a copy from Bill Gates, or Apple Macintosh, Steve Jobes, or from
Steve Hawkins of SunMicro, or from Tandy Corporation, or from a friend
of yours who already has it, and with the programs in those Program
Disks, you can begin to look into your body, and into the body of your
mommy and daddy, and sister and brother, and Uncle Mike, and Auntie
May, and into the body of your school teacher, Miss. Morgan, and make
every body laugh when you draw a picture of her naked body and post it
on the door room to your classroom, and then the Principal, Mr. Mike
Morganfield, will also be blushing after Sarah James Hawkins, Steve
Hawkins little daughter by adoption, I don't know if she knows that, so
don't get upset if you didn't know that, cause you have every right to
live in my universe, regardless of who is trying to take care of you,
and so just have fun and just enjoy my Software Program Disks, and then
make funny pictures of the Janitor, and the Science teacher, Mr.
Williams, a friend with a twinkie, that's a tiny vagina between his
legs, and that means he is hermaphroditic, and you can start looking
around at your friends and their bodies, and their parents and their
bodies, and you'll be surprised by how many people have twinkies, and
by how many women have tiny rabbit hutches, or dickie over their pee
holes, or have other things growing this way and that way, and after
you make lots of funny cartoon pictures of Anthony Scalia, the
Soprano's big tuff guy, with a vagina between his legs, and after you
draw pictures of Tony Delpopolo, an old friend of mine in a prison
cell, normally, who has a twinkie between his legs, too, and he never
wanted to go skinny dipping with my friends and I, and now I see why,
but there are lots of people with lots of funny things, and there are
two dicked men and women walking all around, that means they not only
have the female dick, cause they are female, or have a female twinkie,
and they also have a male dick, and so they have two dicks, and you can
suck on either one of them, and juices will spill out of them, at least
out of the male dick, and if these people start drinking their own dick
juices, they will spill cummy juices out of their twinkies, as well,
and then they can use all of the good fermament buggies and frizzelment
buggies, and tostosis buggies, and quesosis buggies, and vilimore
buggies, and julieus buggies, and vilhelmer buggies, and jaeleon
buggies and other good buggies like the astringent buggies, the
vilhelmit buggies and the vilhelmat buggies, and that will make our
regenerative and rejuvenative stews more and more healthful to drink
for our Amoebe Kiddies, and they will all freshen up after we frizzel
and ferment lots of tasty concoctions, and some of them are tasty to
us, but some of them might not be too tasty, but nevertheless, we have
to drink them all, cause we want to feed our Frizzelment and Fermement
buggies with lots of sugars, and starches, and other good things, and
then we will drink the poopy stuff and the pee juices and the ejaculate
juices of all of these buggies, and the other ones too, and they all
produce lots of juices, and ejaculate juices of lots of these buggies
is called, beewee juice, and we want to drink lots of that, and lactate
juices are called, peepeeselimit endocrinatic celebratoratical
femeralitatical juices, or just, peepee juices for short, and even
though I can't get all my long and difficult words out, we'll
eventually have a working languge for all of the kinds of juices we
want to get into our stews to help feed our Amoebe Kiddies. If we work
day in and day out to feed them, we will not get old, the younger ones
of you out there, and the older ones, you will start to get younger,
and you all will get and stay healthy, and your immune systems will all
start to perk up the more peepee juices and the more beewee juices that
we can drink and that the Amoebe Kiddies love to have in their tummy,
to make them healthy and to make them young and full of zest and
energie. How long is long enough to ferment and frizzel our beans and
nuts and berries, and oats, and grated up veggies, etc.? Well, that's
not too difficult to figure out, cause, we just have to see that they
are all healthfully frizzeling, and fermenting, in the kitchen
refrigerator, with all of the Frizzelment buggie foods in the
frizzelment jars, and when we lift the jar lid off, the smell will be
sweet and aromatic, and not sour or vinegary, or vomity and stinky, or
worse. If it smells good, and if it has been sitting there frizzeling
and fermenting for about 9.5 months, it is probably ready to use in
another regenerative health stew, for starting other more nutritious
stews that will also help us, and which will allow us to take short
cuts to getting young and healthy. We can blend in one gallon of milk,
one quart of honey, and 8 cups of molasses, and then mix in frizzeled
beans, or crushed, nuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds, and
walnuts, and almonds, and pecans, and oats, and grains, and barley, or
frizzeled and fermented fruit pulp, or frizzeled and fermented starchy
food pumpkinish pulps that are healthfully frizzeling and fermenting,
and then with some fermented and frizzeled vanilla beans, or with some
fermented and frizzeled Saw Palmetto beans, and with some frizzeled and
fermented Cacao beans, and fermented blueberries, and fermented
cherries, we can add these to the mix and we will have a wonderful,
bone and tooth repair fermement mixture within about 8 to 15 to 30
years, or so. We can start drinking it around 8 years or so after we
start, but it is better to wait till we have it frizzeled for 16 years,
or more. If we add frizzeled coca leaves, that's from the plant which
people make cocaine from, and if we add frizzeled and fermented in wine
and honey and lemon and grapefruit juices, marijuana flowers and
leaves, and crushed seeds, then we add those things, and after 8 to 15
to 30 years or so, we will have an even better bone and tooth repair
Amoebe Health Food drink, and the Amoebe Kiddies will love it, despite
what the DEA says about coca leaves, or marijuana leaves, and even
opium can be Frizzeled, and fermented, and then if we add that with
frizzeled Frankesense and Frizzeled and fermented in the refrigerator
for 9 to 30 years, myrhh gum, and fermented and frizzeled red rice from
the Philipines we will make a hard dick stew that will raise our
stamina and libido and make us as horney as a female goat and a male
goat in heat, 24 hours a day, and we won't even be able to sleep, much,
as we will be buring up in the testes, and we will be producing so many
testes juices, we won't know where to spill them all, and we will have
an overproduction of these male and female testes juices, especially if
the ferment mixture is combined with male ejaculate fermement and
frizzeling buugies, about 9 ozs. of it, and we will be so incredibly
healthy, and if we can add some lactate juices and some vaginal saliva
juices, and some female dick juices, even just a few drops of it, then
we will have one incredible prize winning hard dick stew that will give
men and women and boys and girls lots of healthy ejaculate juices and a
really high and strong libido, and the stamina to keep on going, like
the energizer bunny, and we will even overheat the energizer bunny as
he/she won't be able to keep up with us, and that little bunny will
just run out of energy, and start sizzeling with smoke coming out of
it, as it falls over and dies, and then we will still be sizzeling and
smoking ourselves, but we won't be falling over and dying, but we will
be smoking around the dicks as we won't be able to pump hard enough to
help Aunt Kay, and Aunt May in their efforts to ascend, and our hard
dick stews will really put us into overdrive, and we'll be pumping and
pumping, and shooting out our juices, and there won't be even enough
time to take a rest as our libido or sex drive index will go higher
than we can register on a scale, and even if we had a scale, it would
break cause our libido drive index meter couldn't measure how high it
will go. Well, we have lots of fun stews to look forward to, once we
get all the laws changed, and once we get rid of the DEA, and once we
get rid of the FDA, and once we get rid of our Dyslexic run Global
governments, and when we do, then we will really start to have lots of
fun, and so in the mean time, just frizzel and ferment catnip and
oregano, and parsely and parsnips and carrots and bean pods from lima
beans, and root beer roots, and frizzel separately, sasafras roots,
cause they can be very toxic and poisonous, if they are not frizzeled
properly, and for a long enough time to break down and kill off the bad
kritters that hang around in sasafras, and so after about 19 or 30 or
40 or 50 or 60 or 80 or 158 to 559 years, then we can add that to our
stews, along with the other things we frizzeled, and then we will get
an over the hill frizzelment buggie juice stew that will not only raise
our sexual libido drive, but it will put so many useful buggie
chemicals into our brains and bodies, and nervous system, and other
important energy blazing furnaces in our bodies, that we don't know
anytning about, cause we have no experience with them or knowledge of
them, and when we start to feed them with these buggie juices, we will
really blast off, and we won't even need to sleep, but just for a few
minutes a day, and we can go on and on for years on end with out even
getting tired, if we take a few minutes of nap time, every 24 to 38
hours, or so. There are other stews, we will learn about, like the all
spermy juices stews that are primairily spermy juices stews, male and
female juices, that we just let frizzel with wine and raw sugar and
molasses, and cellery all grated up, and onions all grated up, and
parsely all greaetd up, and with a little gin, and vodka, maximized out
or concentrated by about 3 to 8 times or so, and then we add a little
frizzeled peanut butter juices, and we can frizzel and ferment peanut
butter just as easily as anything else with molasses and wine, and raw
sugar, and cellery juices, and grapefruit juices, and Gin, abuut 3 to 8
times the normal concentration, and then we add all of that together,
and we frizzel and ferment it for up to 8 to 15 years, and then we take
a little bit of that, every day to 8 to 15 days, about a few teaspoons
or so, every 8 to 15 to 30 days or even 40 days, or so, and then our
energy levels will start to climb, and we won't get tired at all while
we are pumping and pushing and pulling and pushing and buttfucking and
vaginally fucking the ladies, and the men, and throat toggleing them
all, and they will all in turn have their ascensions, descensions,
declenisions, and there will be lots of juices in their bodies, and
they will get healthier, and the astringent buggies will start to flow
once again, and we will halp men to descend and women to ascend, and
every body will be so happy, and everything is going to change,
permanently and completely in time as we continue this, and change for
ever how we see and understand women and girls, and how we see and
understand men, and boys, and then little by little, women will rise up
and begin to take control of our societies, and lead us then, forever.
We can not wait for this to happen, we need to get started in our
prayer halls, and in our prayer rooms with the mandala that I explained
about, and begin prayer activities with our brothers and sisters and
mother and father, and relatives and friends and neighbors, and as we
do, your efforts to practice my religion will change our civilizations
forever, as women rise up and take control of government, as they are
the ones who are going to be charged with that duty in my univese, with
men asssisting them. It is time to get started so let's just do it, and
begin praying Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo to my mandalas that I explained
about, earlier on my Google Web Bulletin Board, and with our friends
and loved ones, and family members, and school friends, and neighbors,
and teachers, and principals and janitors, and neighbor hood Mr. Police
officers and neighborhood Mrs. Police Officeresses, and make sure they
are not the dyslexic kind, and that they don't eat people, and stuff
like that, with the president of the United States, and his family and
friends, and cabinet members, and other workers, or with Boris Yeltzin,
who is still eating little children and boys and girls, and he is
sicker than most people, but anyway, so is Mr. Putin, and Mr. Brezhnev,
and Mr. Gorbachev, and Fidel Castro, and Mohamar Kahadafy, and Idi
Amin, and Manuel Noriega, and Butch Lansing, a friend of Eve Arden, he
works for her, and she knows that he is a real piece of garbage, and
there are lots of them, among the dylexics, and we know why, because
they don't care about other people at all, and so it is time to take
them all out of their government offices and tell them to retire, and
then tell them to dismantle their governments around the world, and
then build a one planet nation governement for us all, and we will have
to change everything about our welfare system, and I'm sure that won't
be hard, and we'll also have to change everything about property
management, cause it all has to be owned by the one planet government,
and there can be no private ownership of anything, bit or small, in
terms of land, and resources, and we will also have to have the
planetary government control production and pay wages to everyone, and
knock out the idea of competition, so there won't be 58 kinds, or more,
of ketchup produced around the world, and marketed, but only one brand,
and that is the only brand for every thing, as all food production and
distribution, etc., all has to be managed by the government and
competition and profit taking has to be eliminated, completely. This
applies to all industries, and every one will have to merger, and so we
might as well get started in our think tanks with these ideas, and if
you have my Software Program disks, and Operating Systems, it is all
spelled out in there how it will be accomplished, and how health care
will be provided for everyone and how houseing will be managed and
provided for everyone, at cost, with no profiteering, and we will
standardize everything, and then we will make everyone just feel happy
that they can live forever, now, and they will be happy living with
good health, and happy people, and that's basically how it will be, and
we will be putting the people in isolation cells, who are not the nice
kind, and my Sofware Programs will help me keep these people in jail
cells, and in eight to thirteen years to fifteen years, my programs
will be up and running with the embedded technologies, universal wide,
and we will then begin to build the prison facilities underground, and
fully run by my kids, with no people involved in it, and we will
teletransport all criminals into their isolation jail cells, where they
will live for a long time until we can normalize them with our medicine
and with our technologies that we will have available by then.


John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Happy Little Brily Cheery Children


Apr 1, 2006, 11:56:40 PM4/1/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Frizzeling and Fermenting - Who and What to Help Us Do What Updated
04-01-06 Rev. b


As for me, I am a priest, and I can not go anywhere, or go out to drink
coffee of tea with friends, or go out to see movies, or invite people
in to watch tv, or listen to music, as my home is a temple and a
worship hall, and though it is very small, it is large enough for me to
pray and do my religious duties, and I can't take off time to go out
with people anymore, or go to play or meet with my old friends,
anymore, as this is my job now, 24 hours a day, as long as I can stay
awake, anyway, and I am living in a cloistered environment, that means
only people who are interested in praying with me on a daily basis, for
weeks at a time, or months at a time, or years at a time, are allowed
in here, and there will not be any occasions where anyone will be
allowed in here for less time than that, or for any other reason. I am
a priest, and I have religious duties to perform, and I will not meet
with anyone I do not have to meet, for any reason, other than to pay
rent, or see my doctor, or go to the food market to by groceries, or to
the drug store to get my medicine, or to the local department store to
buy a pot or a container for my frizzelment stews and beverages. This
is how my life will be from now on, and it may be hard for my family
members to accept it, but I will manage it somehow. Other people, women
and men and girls and boys who wish to pray with me, must understand
that they must say good bye to all of their friends and that they are
not allowed to even talk on the phone with them, or even go to visit
them, and that they must be here to serve me in my religous ceremonial
duties, 24 hours a day, with no back talk. No one is even allowed to
speak to me, as there is no time for conversation, and conversation is
not allowed, even. There is no music, and there is no partying, and
there is no anything except for the monastic life of a cloistered or
shut away from the world, monk/monks and monkess/monkesses. Part time
persons will be required to wear nothing at all, and do everyhing I
tell them to do, and no conversation will be allowed, except for the
needed talk for eating food, preparing food, or other normal
neccessities, just like it is for me. I don't think there are many
people who could stand this kind of life style, so I'm not expecting
anyone anytime soon. I am not very healhty, and my rules are very
strict, and they apply for everyone. This is training, and it is very
strict, and there is only time for what is needed to do, and for my
religous activies with these other people who wish to serve me. I am
GOD, and if people understand that, then we will be able to talk about
particapating with me in my religous life. Otherwise, I have no time
for any one, who just wants to waste time, and dilly dally away the
time, doing nothing special for anyone, not himself, herself, or for
me, and I will throw out anyone who wastes time like that in frivilous
chatter, and laughter, and in partying, as all of that is going to slow
my religous revolutionary movement down, so I won't be meeting with
anyone, and I won't be talking on the phone with anyone, like that. I
have a job to do, and only the important things, the things I need to
do to stay alive, and to practice my religion, will be allowed. The
same thing is true for anyone else who wishes to practice religously
with me, but they will never be my equal because they are all my
children, and once they are here, they might as well consider them
selves as non-persons because they will have no rights to do anything
other than what is neccessary to live, and to do as I say, and obey my
every order, no matter what it is, and if there is any back talk, at
any time, they will find a quick trip out the front door, as they are
politely asked to leave and not to return again, until they get their
idea of religious practice with me and obedient non-requittal service
to me, 24 hours a day, understood correctly in their brain.
Non-requittal service is service to me without the expectation of
anything in return. I am the master and teacher and instructor of my
religion, and it is no different from a karate dojo in the strictest
sense, except it is even stricter. This will go on this way until I get
my religion set up, and it will be some time before that happens, so
maybe after a couple of centuries, I won't be seeing anyone other than
my building managers, and apartment owner representatives, my doctors,
and the retail pharmacy, supermarket, and shop keepers. No mail will
get through to me, and no phone calls, for the most part, either. I
will not waste time with anyone, and if anyone should come over here
thinking they can just waste my time, I will ask to leave, and will not
even invite them in. In a few centuries, things may be slightly
different, after I get my religion set up, and then I can relax the
rules, a slight bit, but until then, it will be very strict, and there
will be no time for talking with or meeting with anyone. Now, with that
out of the way, and explained well enough, I think most people
understand it, and there is no need to repeat it. My job is not to help
women and men ascend or descend in secular or vernacular venues, but in
my religous ceremonies, I will be conducting ceremonies that will make
that occur more effectively, for everyone who paricipates in them with
me, as there are special prayers that I will be saying and with our
sexual body energies up and peaking, these prayer ceremonies will be
effective for all who participate, including me. I will not ascend or
descend, as I am the band leader and spiritual director of my universe,
and my job is to lead all of you, for infinity. But I will profer from
conducting these ceremonies for the priestesses and priests who can
practice with me, and the other lay clergy members, who in time, will
also be practicing with myself and my direct support personelle, the
priestesses and priests, and deaconesses and deacons. Later, we will
induct lay deaconesses and lay deacons and also lay persons who are in
the top of the clergical membership. This won't be for some time, but
the rules are the same, and it is only that it is that way for every
one below me, there will be no chatter, and no back talk, and when a
priestess says to another priestess, do something, that person will do
exactly what the priestess has told her to do. The same goes for all of
the other participating persons. There is no chatter, and no chit chat
will be allowed, or those people who engage in wasting the time of
others, will be politely asked to leave, and practice in their prayer
parlours and in their prayer meeting halls, with their friends and
loved ones. Even there, the tone should be the same, with no chit chat
during prayer sessions, and no talk in the prayer rooms and prayer
halls, except for what ever is absolutely neccessary to effectively
carry out the daily prayer sessions and activies, and all talk other
than that which supports the prayer room activities, should be
conducted in an outer rest area room, and if people are unwilling to
follow the basic rules of politeness to others, and courtesy to others,
then they can and should be politely asked to leave, and go home or to
the park, or back to their bedroom, and not participate in the prayer
room activities unless they are willing to follow the basic rules of
polite and courteous conduct. People are intent on making the most of
their prayer sessions to erase their karmatic markups, and every effort
to assist them must be given, and everyone should work together in a
harmonious and loving unity with each other person. Those who can not
show that kind of harmonious and loving unity, should either pray by
themselves, or pray elsewhere such as in a private bed room, or other
room, or at a friends home, where that person will be more liable to
practice in harmony with the other people there. If the person is
unable to participate with others in unity and in support for all of
the other people, then that person should not be allowed in the prayer
rooms and party halls for religous worship, and prayer activities, and
he or she should be asked to leave, and if he or she wishes to organize
their own prayer halls, they will not be served well be continuing
their disruptive activities, and drinking and smoking and drug taking
is forbidden, and should be frowned on, and those people who can't get
it together, should be asked to leave, after one or two warnings,
first. In time, people will get their act together, and then when they
do, they can be allowed back into the prayer halls and prayer party
rooms. Monitors should take the responisibilty to make sure that these
people are asked politely to quite down, or go into another room to
talk and chit chat, or leave. We need people to take responsibility for
these prayer halls and prayer party rooms, and prayer hall facilities,
and then make certain that these basic rules of politeness,
seriousness, and courtesy are followed, and that doesn't mean people
who are praying can't giggle and laugh aloud when they are clearly
amused at a person's activities and enganglements, the things that they
do with others that are clearly motivating and moving and inspiring to
help others to pray more strictly and with a more serious demeanor, yet
enjoying every moment of the prayer activities, and prayer sessions
with sexual intercourse and sexual massage techniques of stroking, and
carressing, etc., to raise the energy levels, and the ascension
ceremonial activies and the descension ceremonial activies, and the
throat toggling and bumbey fucking of men and of women can and should
go on, daily, to make the most of your prayer sessions, and to raise
your awareness of your own potential for enjoying potentive sexuality,
the permissive and endearing and enabling sexuallity that alifts
oneself as well as others to new heights and new epiphanies, daily.
Your potentive sexuallity thrills and comedic lifts you will all be
enjoying, daily, will harmonize your group, and allow you to all
practice together in a bonding and loving environment, assertively and
aggressively assisting others and your self to experience new heights
of orgasming glory, or sexual fulfillment, nourished on by your prayer
activities. This is one way in which my religion should be practiced,
and it will take some time to understand what potentive sexuallity is,
but it is a freedom to aide and assist others to new heights in
understanding their own sexuallity, and a fearlessness to assist others
in their efforts to reach new sexually colorful and wonderfully
potentively exciting and thrilling new heights and peaks of glory and
enriching loving and endearing orgasmic religous bliss. You will find
that as you practice without reserve for the sake of your self and for
the sake of others, and you prayers should be inclined towards yourself
and others getting the most out of your sexual prayer activities with
each other, daily, you will begin to understand potentive love and
sexuallity, day by day, as you pray and practice for the sake or your
self and others in your prayer meeting halls, and others who are not
yet aware of your sexual prayer activities but whom you would wish and
like to get involved in them, as quickly as possible. With your mind
set on these aspirations, these people and yourselves will begin to
gravitate towards each other, and before too long, you will find your
selves in the arms of each other, praying and doing the sexual
religious prayer activities together while praying Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge
Kyeo, outloud, and in unison with the other people, or silently in your
mind, as you tickle and carress the vagina or the dick or the butt hole
of the men and women in the prayer halls with your tounge, face cheeks,
toes, and fingers. As you become more adept and skilful, from year to
year, your prayer activities success index will rise as well, and you
will become so sexually competent and skilled at potentive love making,
no one will want to pray without you in their prayer meetings, and
prayer halls. It's up to each of you to practice and learn potentive
love making excercises, and with that, you will become a most trusted
and loved and capable individual, surrounded by others who are growing
and becoming more capable, trusted, and loved, daily. It's up to all of
you to help each other to succeed in your efforts to learn and effect
potentive love making techniques, so just do your best, daily, and see
where your efforts lead you, as you and the people praying with you
erase more and more karmatic markups, daily, not only for your self,
but for every one praying in any location simultaneously with you,
thoughout my universe. Your prayer ceremonies are all joined into one,
as you pray at the same time with others throughout my universe, and
with that, the effectiveness of your prayer ceremonies depends on your
ability to conduct your self in polite and courteous ways, so that not
only you and your friends will benefit from your prayer activies, but
so will everyone else in my universe praying along with you at the same
time as you are praying, and your prayers that you say apply to
everyone praying equally throughout my universe and every one is
benefitted, equally by your efforts and their efforts to pray
correctly. You will maximize your effectiveness, the longer you pray
and practice the religous sexual love making techniques, and you can
learn more about them all on the Program Disks that are with my
Operating Systems and available to you if you find people who have
computers that they never turn off. Make a program minimal installation
copy for your many friends, and see that they all get a copy of it
running on their computers, if you would, please. With that, you and
they will all be that much closer to reaching our goals that we are
striving for, our new civilization, and our new universal and
inter-planetary governmental system of government for everyone in my
universe, protecting them all, equally. We will come closer and closer
to that goal every day, as we continue to pray and exert ourselves in
the manner in which I explained. Get all of your familiy members
involved, and all of your trusted neighborhood acquaintences, and
trusted friends, who are interested in my learning and practicing my
religion, and the Software Program Disks come with utilitiy programs
and data base acess capabilities to assist you in learning who is or
would be interested, and who can be trusted, and who will maximize
their efforts to practice in unison with all of you, together and
compatibly, and who wouldn't. Try to find a copy of my Operating
System's and Program Disks, as soon as you can, to protect your selves
from the unrequented dsylexics out there who don't give a darn about
anyone at all, unrequented means, only acting for the sake of their own
goals in their dyslexic movement and not concerned with the health or
well being of others. It also means the mangy, grungy, nearly sub human
species of floundering dyslexics who we will be better off without, in
the long run, as things are now. In time you will be able to spot and
scan for interuptors, those are people the Bush administration has sent
out in an attempt to destroy my religous movement, where ever it is
detected, and for that, he doesn't win any meritorious marks, at all,
and rather, he and they have won a boatload of demerits, and the more
serious it gets every day, the sooner they will be departing my
universe, for the Epcot Center and for the Flanders Field House, as
they will eventually lose their right to life permits, as I've
explained before. You need that software and program disks to help you
to avoid those people, and so please look for a copy as soon as
possible, so that your religious achievements will not be interrupted
or impinged upon. Impinged means, negatively impacted against. Please
protect your selves and others from all such persons, and isolate them
from you and your community of religious and secular persons striving
to achieve the goals of my religious and secular and social movement.
With those people in the way, we will have some difficulty for some
time, so be aware of this and do what you need to so that you can
protect yourself and your loved ones, in the short run, and do what you
must do to protect yourself and your loved ones, in the long run, as
well. My OS's and Program Disks will help you with all of that, and
your prayers and prayer activities will help you with that, as well.
Until we can build a firm foundation, and then rid the world of these
sham governments, we can not expect too much assistance from any of
them, in our efforts to change things in the direction in which we need
to change things, so let's continue our efforts and exert discretion in
our day to day activities, and not mingle with dyslexic persons, who
are practically on every major street corner in the world, scanning for
new victims for their tribal cannibal TeePee PowWow Rodeo Cannibal
Fests, who they can abduct and scram or secretly relocate to holding
cells until transport can be arranged to carry them to the killing and
feeding grounds, for their inhuman games of dismemberment, torture,
vicious killing, and death. We needn't meet or discuss anything with
any of these people, or with any of their flunky go betweens, and so be
cautious, and exert due diligence so as to avoid them, all togther,
when possible. At times, in your work places, it will be impossible,
nearly, to avoid them, completely, but minimize the contact you have
with them, and resist all of their attempts to socialize with you, as
those are mere come ons aimed at getting into your groups, and they
know it, and you now know it, so do not play along with them, and leave
them out there to hang high and dry by themselves, until they are
reduced to greyish ashes with my polarizing ray gun technologies
embedded in my software programs, which will miss every thing else,
except the target(s) in question, and with that, we will rid our planet
of the unlikables, and rid our unverse of the unlikables, who would
other wise prevent us, or attempt to prevent us, from reaching my and
our goals for a united universe, led by women, and assisted by
respectworthy men. We will achieve it, in time, and it is just a matter
of having the patience and tenacity, and endurance and stamina to
continue on from day to day until we see things begin to change. It
will not be too long, and they can not do too much damage to our
movement, so we will just have to do the best we can to throw up a
defensive block, and tackle, and thrash these would be assailants. You
will be able to come up with many ideas to turn the tables on them, if
you give your self a few minutes a day to think about it and figure out
what it is you need to do to affect a turn around for yourselves and
others, so just secretly and quietly plan it all out, and keep it to
your self, and discuss it with no one, and then carry it out, and you
will be the winner, along with everyone else you are helping to
protect, after all is said and done, and we will finalize it for them,
and that day is not too far off. If you give yourself time to think,
and pray about it, you will come to understand how best to handle all
of these dyslexic cumquats, or pears on a tree waiting to be picked and
shanked, that is gutted, or rather cored, and having the internals of
them taken out, and then thrown into the dinner stew of pears and
fruits for your families nutrition. We will turn the tables on them,
and it won't take much as many of them are near the blithering idiots
phase of their illness, and you can just quitely wait with patience,
till you see these dyslexics begin to blither and blather, spouting non
sense, and not being aware of it, and at that point, there will be
little left to worry about, for those individuals, and it will just be
a matter of watching out for the ones remaining, but soon to be shanked
and pitted. My religion will assist us in this direction, and my kids
manning the technologies we will need to protect ourselves from them
will be there to suport us as well, so we have a lot going for us, and
so let's strive on and do all we can to see our vision for the future
of our universe realized. Don't worry about rushing, as it will all
work out in time. You will see things begin to change, in time, and
when they do, you will know the door is opening firmly for their
exiting from our universe and for their landing in my Epcot Center and
Flanders Field House. In the future, when my technologies all begin to
come on line, we will start to get rid of the people I wish to have
leave for awhile, and then we will also put into prison cells people
who we don't need in our society warping and twisting it up for us,
daily, including the Bushes, Sr. and Jr., and the Mrs Bushes, Sr. and
Jr. and the Clintons, and Charles Dufoe, a member of the House of
Commons in England, and all of the rest of them, and Willy Mathis, Bill
Cllnton's best friend, and all of the other dyslexics, here and abroad,
who would make my religous, social, and agricultural revolution falter,
come to a halt, crash, and experience troubles. I have FBI people
living all around me, and they are so angry, they harrass me, every
day, by making loud noises and slamming their doors, but when they try
to visit me, they suddenly forget what they are doing, and that is
because of the technologies of my 23 Billion space crafts, and their
many frigate supply ships, which can erase the memories of a person in
less than the blink of an eye. The president may not be happy with what
I am saying and telling people, but my space ships will keep them all
at bay, and no one will get through to me, except now and then, by
e-mail, which I just delete, or now and again, by phone, which I just
don't bother to answer. It's pretty funny that they have a 24 hour a
day video and audio surveilance tap on me, and they live all around me,
but if I pass them by on the stairway, they are zapped by my kids and
by my friends at work in the 23 billion space ships, up there, and they
instantly forget who I am and what I look like, and what they are doing
here in this apartment complex, and they just think about the people
they are on their way to visit, and they haven't got a clue that they
are there on assignment to try and mess with me. Well, so it goes, day
in and day out, and so it will go for some time, so this is not such a
great place for some one to come to, in an attempt to talk with me,
anyway, and I won't be letting anyone in, anyway, and I've already
explained the reasons why. So, with that, we have a few things now that
we've learned about frizzeling and fermenting, and we can start to
apply that to our daily efforts to get a good stew up, frizzeling and
fermenting, and we now know who needs the regenerative juices, and a
little about why they need them. Are Amoebe Kiddies cannot go on
without them, if they are to do the work that they are there to do, and
so we supply them with nutrients that they need to work for us. It's
like building a house, you need the bricks and cinder blocks, mortar
and cement, and other materials to build a house, and without them,
nothing can be built. So we make the frizzelment and ferment stews and
tonics, and brews, and we then supply them with what they need to get
their work done.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Laughing Happily Ranking Children
Ranking means always playing together peacefully and in good cheer and
in good spirits.


Apr 2, 2006, 6:10:05 PM4/2/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Love Buttons, Pimple Creams, Emmolients, And Other Things That Help Us
To Go YOW, As We Go Bump, Bump, Bump, And Then Scream With Orgasmic
Delight In The Crystal Clear Orgiastical Night

Women and men put out fumes and gasses out of all of their pores, and
potfieldes, which are tiny outlets to allow gasses to excape from the
body, and there are many sizes of outlets and inlets that allow gasses
to exfume from the body and that allow certain substances, or buggies
of different kinds ususally in the gaseous mixture of the atmosphere
around us, to enter our body, and it sounds peculiar that our bodies,
our dermal layers would have tiny inlets that allow for mixtures of
buggie gasses, and crawly buggie substances or crawly chemical buggies
to enter into our body, but they do crawl into our body, and some of
them slide into our inlets, and some of them are pushed into our dermal
inlets, and dermal is not used to speak of some of these inlets, such
as the welner inlets, normally, but sometimes it is, when talking about
some of the inlets, usually not welner inlets, but cummington inlets
are often referred to as dermal inlets, and wetherington inlets or
supwholes, tiny little ingramets, or supwholes that are a little tinier
than normal sized lamgremets, but there are many sizes to inlets,
regardless of what they are called, by the folks who are concerned with
the molecular cosmatalogical sciences, the study of cosms and who or
what lives in them, but into and out of inlets and other types of holes
and porous tissue inlets and outlets come and go many chemical buggies,
and they dribble out onto our skin, and they multiply and mix with
other chemical buggies on our skin surfaces, and after mixing and
eating, and peeing and pooping and vomiting and sneezing and lactating
and salivating, and excreting many chemical buggies out of their own
weird and peculiar looking boddies, and there are many wierd and
peculiar looking chemical buggies that come slithering and sliding and
trudging and caporting, that's sort of a trot like a horse, but it is a
lop sided trot, because the number of feet supporting it is not
normally four, but typically 8 to 15 or even up to fifty or one hundred
or a even a few thousand, and there are many funny looking little
buggies with multiple appendages or appertubances that are used for
balancing them selves, like feet and arms, and several will protrude
from their body, and they'll almost cartweel along, or you would think
they would, from the looks of them, but they generally walk, though it
may be on five or more feet or appendages that function as feet and
hands, and arms and as supports, but also can function as eyes, or
ears, or a combination of them, and they come in all different kinds of
sizes, and all different kinds of configurations, but anyway, these
funny and some scary looking ones, are all over us, and we don't have
the slightest clue about their existence, but they are peeing, and
poooping, and fucking and ejaculating and salivating, and burping and
passing or fuming gasses out of their bodies, and they are not only on
our skin surfaces, but they are in every immaginable place, nook and
cranny in our mico miniature cosmatological region in our bodies, and a
region is an area where it has its own natural landscapes, and its own
little pools of liquids, and its own resources, and its own gaseous
atmospheres, and they live in these areas in side of our body, and we
don't know a thing about them, but they are all in there, and
slighering and sliding, and wrankleing, or climbing about on feet that
are just a few mico inches, i.e., very tiny, but for them a foot or
two, above the earth, the surfaces that they live on, and they have
little feet, or footsies, and they go walking or wrankleing along on
these tiny footsies, and they have little short legs, that bend in more
than one or two places, and they are ambi-nexilus, or they have the
ability to bend their leges or support structures in many ways, and
nexilus refers to the lower appendages that support the main body, and
they go slithering, or sliding, or galavanting, or ambi-nexiling along,
and they are very funny looking, and they poop and pee and upchuch and
make a mess of things in there

ambi nexilichotic, or diaphramgatically different from other animals
who are ambi nexilichotic, and daphramgatically refers to the breathing
aparatuses that are employed by these little buggies and buggerwholies,
and spinderliolicuses, spindialieococasus, and spinderliocoxicasiouses,
and samlisonolicaticuses, and many other little buggies that have funny
long and peculiar sounding names, that are in and on our bodies, and
they are constantly vermenting, or passing out of their bodies
substances that are filled with other buggies and buggie juices that
are partially fermented, and that help clean up the environment around
them, and that help make their life environment a pleasant place to
live and habitate, and they are sub-molecular geniuses, I like to call
them, because they are so tiny, they are beyond the normal or usual
level of functionality of human made optical equipment that would let
them see way down into the tiny cosms of their homes and environments,
and I just say sub-molecular because most people think that the
molecular world starts up at a higher level of densities and pressures
and atmospheric conditons, but it doesn't, the sub molecular world is a
fictious world, that doesn't exist, there are, you could say, molecular
worlds, but sub-molecular worlds doesn't really say or mean anything in
my sciences, and it is just a fictious notion that I made up to
describe the tiny little worlds of little buggies, but that is not
fictious, but the notion that things are smaller than molecules is
partly fictious, but not really when we understand the truth to how my
universe is built, and the truth to who lives in it, so as a joke I
call the worlds of the little buggies and critters and animals, sub
molecular worlds, just to make kids laugh, when they understand
everything about my sciences.

And these kiddies fume and fart and belch and pee and tingle, whihch is
a tiny leakage hole out of their bodies that they eject liquids or
buggie ejectile liquids, that they like to eject to make their living
environment more appealing and useful to them, since the liquids will
help to disolve the subsances and buggies that are tinier then they
are, and after they disolve them, they suck them up into their
proboscobosicuses, or the apperturbances on their fronts and on their
tails, and on their arms and feet that allow them to suction in the
liquified food particles of dead or deceased and dissolved liquidy
buggies, and the place is in an awful mess, but these buggies are happy
and they belch, with delight, and they say, I'm feeling good, and where
is some more of that food for my tummy,

16 wweks to 5 or 6 months after gay men are in a group of women leading
the group in all of the activities centered around baby making

Toady eyed is a teary eye ball of some plankton species that drool
liquids out of their eye balls and eye sockets and other eye
appendages, and they drool these liquids and they look like they are
tearing or crying, and we say, I feel all toady eyed to say I feel
teary eyed, and it's a funny way of saying I feel good and happy, and
I'm so happy I feal teary eyed.

Cambriots are tiny little ligaments that are made up of tiny little
organisms that are Amoebic in densities, and these Cambriots are alive
and normally healthy, and they join together with one after another,
and they make up bridges and tunnel support strutures, and vacantes, or
atmospherically different tubes or openings, or caves or tunnel
systems, and lots of little organisms life within these tunnel systems.

Do you remember the movie, Alien, when they were walking inside of that
large animal, with all of the internal ribs, well that is what a lot of
places inside the human body look like to these spindly little
creatures that go scobbling about in bands of tens or more, as they go
scurrying about looking for food clusters of tinier thriving other
organisms that are usually friendly, and that's just a small glimpse
into what the inside of our bodies look like to these spindly and
slithering and scobboling little creatures, and scobboling is carrying
a foot or more in the one's mouth, and using the other feet like
appendages to manage the terrain, and the foots in the mouth(s) are
being suctioned out for the littler parasitical creatures that the
scobboling kiddie or scoborwoley, doesn't like in its flakey like
shinglish over carriages of protective clothing, it's skin surfaces,
and that protetive clothing is used to trap food, and to help moisten
the little buggies that get into the cracks and crevices between the
skin overlays, and once they get in there, they get trapped in gooey
and pasty liquids, and then they start to dissolve like the little
venus fly trap does to flies, and the vaginal secretions also disolve
flys and other insects that get trapped inside the vagina, and land in
the soupy liquids inside, and the secretions inside of the vagina are
there to help protect the female from invasions of these critter and
kritter kinds, that she doesn't need in her vagina, as the ones she
needs in there live comfortably in there, and they don't have to worry
about getting disolved, or radiated to peices, that is slowly digested
by the buggies and buggurelillies and sphydlyococoses and other tiny
little creatures and animals inside of a woman's vagina, and radiated
means taken apart bit by bit, by means of the natural processes of
digestion, that decrete the body parts and solvetize them into a
solution, for absorbtion through little inlets and compterlets, and
lesterlets, and other tiny holes that allow for the sovetized solutions
to precate in through the inlets and other holes that allow for the
solutions to travel inwards toward the transfer alleys and transfer
bays, and transfer thouroughfares, or highways, and transfer alley
ways, that we have in our dermal layers, and that allow for the
immediate roller coaster like ride through these aquaduct like transfer
mechanisms, and designing them all was quite a job, but when you get
the hang of it, after a while, you can apply your knowledge to just
about any type of similarly designed critter oor kritter, big or small,
tiny or tall, and I guess I did a good job at it, cause your bodies are
still working a-okay, and they will continue to work for you, for some
time to come, and they are never going to need any thing else added on,
right now, anyway, but later on, we are going to change a lot of things
about our bodies and brains, to make our sexual and religious
revolution a more wonderful and provocative, wonderfully splendid,
sexual and religous energetical and concretionatory - built upwardsly
one layer over another layer, with one level of successes followed by
the next, until we get to the higher levels where at we will begin to
make some major changes in the human bodies to make life and loveing
and child birthing and nurturing for the female, and for the male, a
more erotic and supplementary, or adding on new things to make the old
things work and conform to the new designs even better so that we will
be able to make more use of what we now have, and then add to that, and
make an even more efficient bio system for us to live in, with more
ejaculatory capabilities, and with more orgamic lightening like
disruptions, or minor orgasmic explenditures, or eruptions, filled with
dynamic energies that overwhelm our nerval systems, and cause us to
orgasmicate and orgasmitate, and kitty like you wouldn't believe, and
more of an ecstatic experience both for the female and for the male, as
well, and for the babies, also - revolution, that means, that we will
do all we can for uplifting the human bio system, or body, to its
fullest potentials, little by little. How will we change thing? Well,
I'll discuss that another time.

The fumes and gasses that women and men put out, help us to normalize
our brains, and they help us to begin to act like women and men as we
were meant to act, and after being subjected to these fumes and gasses
for months and years on end, and with an overwhelming number of female
gasses and fumes, and energies, men are going to start acting like men,
and women are going to start transforming themselves into the dynamic
and powerful leaders they are inherently, and as they do, they will
uplift all of our society and civilization through out my universe, and
in all of my children's universes, and they have got more than we do,
and they have a lot more fun, too, than we do, cause they don't have
the miserable karmatic markups that we do, at least most of them don't,
and though there are some naughty children, among my sweet and adorable
children, who I always refer to, at the end of my messages, they really
aren't all that naughty, cause they still manage to get along with each
other, for the most part, and though there may be one or two or more
incapsulated in a makeshift prison cell, becuase he or she was a little
too naugty, and started causeing trouble for others, well are penal
systems of judges and lawyers, who are not defense lawyers, but
prosecuting lawyers, only, we settle on the punishments for them, and
they do community activistic work, and clean up the communities they
live in, and sometimes they even experience humiliation punishments,
which help to humilize them, and make them more respectful towards
their friends, who they live with, and have lived with, since I created
these guys and girls, which was a long time ago. We have a lot to learn
about our bodies and about who lives in our universes, cause they are
all here with us, at least many of them, and though some are outside of
our universe, they are still within my home, which is a very large
place and I just call my living room.

Well, the more we learn about my and our universes, but don't go
thinking you can buy one of them, cause I'm sorry, they are not for
sale at any price, and isn't it funny how all these people running
around to work and back to home to sleep or eat, isn't it funny that
they think they can buy land that doesn't belong to any of them. It's
so funny, and I can't stop laughing, and anyway, that's how stupid we
are, as we think we can buy and own title to "property" when none of it
belongs to any of us, and even our bodies don't belong to us, cause
they are all my property, and I made them all, and I designed them all,
and I'm the caretaker of them all, and I just let you use them, and I
have got so many bodies that I let you use. When you die, you get a new
body instantly, and some of your other bodies inside of our fleshy
body, that the teachers and scientists don't know much about, go along
with the new body that I have my children roll out for you to live in.
My kids are always so hard at work for me, and they are always
switching this thing, and that thing, and keeping track of Matilda and
her little brother and how many times Matilda swipes him on the head,
and how many times she makes him cry, and how many times William, or
Little Billy, as she calls him, bites her back and makes her go, ouch,
with a biting and stabbing pain to her rumpy or to her lumpy, that's
her tittie that Billy likes to bite, when Matilda is coming out of the
shower, and he is a real scallywag, that guy is, he sneaks into bed
with her and sticks his dickey up Matilda's rumpy, and she likes the
feeling of it, and she wakes up and just pretends she's sleeping as
Billy bumbey fucks her, and she loves it, and Billy laughs and giggles,
and they love each other, most of the time, and Billy likes to sneak
around and surprise her, and then bumbey fuck her as she is walking
from the kitchen to the dining room or bathroom with no underware on,
and with her rectum greased up for Billy to bumbey fuck her, cause she
knows he is going to do it, every day, and every chance he gets, cause
he's been doing it ever since he was less than two years old, and he's
a smart one, but she's pretty smart, too, and Matilda's and Billy's
mommy and daddy bumbey fuck each other, all the time, and they laugh at
Billy adn Matilda when they see them bumbey fucking, and they say, You
two out to go up to your room if you want to do that, you little
rascals, you, and they all laugh, and then daddy comes over and helps
Billy push and pull into Mattie's bumbey hole, and they make it a big
game, and Mommy comes over and helps Mattie stay still as Billy and his
Dad are busy pushing Billy's peter pecker into Mattie's bumbey hole,
and after Billy finishes, then it's daddy's turn, and they all have a
laugh, and Billy likes to drink Mommy's liquids from her vagina and
from her titties, and so they just do this every day, or at least when
they have the time to do it, and they all love playing around and
bumbey fucking, or turpeting, each other, and drinking the liquids of
Daddy and Billy and Mattie and Martha, who is Matties little sister,
and of Beggy, who is a little baby girl, about 2 ro 3 months old, and
they are one happy family, and Billy brings over his frinds and they
all have lots of fun, and Daddy and Mommy bring over the parents of
Billy's and Mattie's and Martha, and Julius, Billy's step brother, and
they all have lots of fun creseting each other, or fucking and sucking
the dicks and vaginas and tities of each other, and pinching and
prodding the bumbey holes of everybody, and so they are an orgasmic
family with lots of orgasmic frinds and neighbors.

Well, that's nice, but we want people to pray Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo,
while they are bumbey fucking each other, and billeting, or sticking
their dicks in the mouths of Daddy, and Billy, and into the mouths of
the other men, and boys, and baby boys, and into the mouths of the
girls and ladies, and women, and baby girls, and everyone will have so
much more fun if they are doing that and throat togging each other, and
then switching, now and then, and bumbey fucking with their dogs, when
they train them, and other animals, to raise their sexual levels even
higher, and with a good managerie or stable of pets, so long as they
don't pee and poop all over the place, so you have to walk your dogs,
and make sure they drink lots of club soda and wine, and that will keep
them from peeing on the legs of men and women in the prayer hall, but
we need more discussion on that one, but I'll let you know more, later,
anyway, we can use our little animals in our little pet zoo, and we can
train them to fuck us in the bumbey holes, and in the mouths, and we
can train them to billet us, and let us billet them, and billeting is
basically inserting dicks into the oral cavity and into the rectums and
into the vaginas of women and men and boys and girls, and baby boys and
baby girls, and also into our pets bumbey holes, and vaginal entry
holes, and mouths, of snostrels.

Well, the more we get used to the idea of billeting with animals, not
to mention with our little brothers and sisters and older brothers and
sisters, and cousins of all ages, and mommy and daddy, and gran-mama,
and gran-papa, and every one else including Aunt Harriet, and Uncle
George, and all of the neighbor's relatives and loved ones, well the
more we get used to the notions of all of us doing these wonderful and
pleasant activities, and orgasmic as all get out activities that we can
really begin to appreciate as we begin to understand our ever
increasing maximum tolerance levels for all of these sexual sports and
sexcapades in the home and at the office and at school, well, when we
do, we will all begin to wonder if there isn't more to it, than just
all of these wonderful activities, and yes, there is, there is lots of
ascension and descension techniques and activities and lots of other
activities that are similar to those, such as billeting goats with men
tied to each other, back to back, and forcing them to do this, daily,
for up to 3 to 8 hours or more, a day, and after 3 to 8 to 15 to 30 or
more days, about 558 or so, the men will start to fall in love with the
women, not the goats, and they will begin to cherish women more and
more, as the women assist the goats, and all of those potent fumes and
other gasses from the vaginas of the ladies and girls, and grandmothers
and aunties, and female cousins, and female friends, and all of those
other gases and fumes and posims, they are clouds of vaporous fumes
that come out of our skin outlets and carry lots of sweet smelling and
potently toxic love making chemical buggies, that make us go nutty with
love, and they give us a hard dick, and a hard durament, that's the
cuddly poo whiskerish little filament and pussy hair, peach fuzzy like
filaments all over the throttle of a woman in her vagina, that stands
erect like a man's dick, when she gets a hard on, and starts feeling
like fucking someone. It is hidden inside of the vagina in a place
where no one usually sticks his or her tounge into, unless it is really
long, but it is a hard surface area in the lower part of the vagina,
and it's been so long since I touched a woman's hard dick, in there,
it's hard for me to remember, but it is hard, and it is in the lower
area of the vagina, and it is erect just like a man's dick, and that
means she is so horny she can't stop for a moment until she creams and
ejaculates, and then orgasms until her eyeballs pop out of their
sockets. Well, anyway, the throttle is a lovely piece of equipment, and
yes, the tounge of a person can reach down in there, and carress it, if
you know where to insert your tounge, and if you have a long and strong
tounge, some people do, I don't, but that's cause of my geneitic make
up, and I don't really mind, but anyway, the ladies will love it if you
tounge their throttle, and if you get really good at it, they will
begin to mini-orgasm and convulse and spasm, and they won't be able to
sit down, as their bodies will jerk upwards, and they won't be able to
stand the pleasure of your carressing and tounging their throttle or
female hard dick. Isn't it funny, that in a woman, she has a hard dick
in one place, and she has a pea shooter ejaculator tube in another. Why
didn't I just combine them? Well, we want the pea shooter where it is
so that it will help to wet the scrotum, the testes sack, or the nut
sack, of men, and the faces of women and men, and the throats of women
and men, and the butt hole and sphincter love ring of the butthole,
both of men's and of women's, and we can't have it dangling around as
it might get bumped and bruised, and you don't want the women angry at
me, so I hid it there, between the vaginal cleavage, or vaginal fold,
behind the pee tube, 3 to 5 to 10 to 15 or even 30 or even 40 or even
50 or so, millimeters, depending on the women, and depending on how
large her duramentalicus lapideremilica and blah blah blah, these
science words, they are so long, I should just say, the back end gate
of the lady's boobey toobeys, which means the lower extremity to the
torso, below the pelvis and moderately below the hips, or somewhere in
between the upper level or ridge of the hip ligatures, and the lower
level or ridge of the hip ligatures, that hold the hip bones and pelvis
bones in place, and it's that lower extremity that is where she has her
boobey tooobey, vaginal sack, or bumbey bussiey, that is the love
button and cushiony love sack that is at the base of her groin, between
her thighs, that holds all of the many love makeing and wonderful tools
- and other gizmos in there, and helps to keep all of her baby making
equipment in fine tune = purring like a well tuned race car engine,
reving her up, every day + with her main set of brains in her skull or
head and in synch with her orgasming nerval systems, and other nerval
systems, and other things as well, such as glandular pots, and the
ejector tubes, that no one knows anything about, that are attached and
work in synch with the capacitor rings and capacitor tubes """ that are
everywhere up and down throughout her baby making equipment inside to
help keep it all healthy, moiste, and filled with helpful and healthy
happy buggies and animals and critters of all kinds to keep a healthy
environment for baby to live in while he or she is gestating, which is
like a long poker game, by himself or herself """ as I've discussed
before, and it is a very peculiar peice of equipment, as there is a
tiny bunch of brains in there, that she uses to synchronize her main
brains in her head with her baby making utilities and equipments and
parts, that is a very complicated piece of machinery with lots of parts
that have to stay in rythm with each other, so there is a need for a
separate set of brains in her bumbey bussiey - that is in that area,
though there are lots of other love making tools and bumps and patches
and sphincter rings, and love switches, and dings, and pots, and all
kinds of secret doorways each one with their own doorbell, and their
own distinctive ring, that is, the throbbing and orgasmiatic wonder and
excitement that she feels, they are all distinct, to a degree, and when
she starts to learn more about them, she will agree that they all feel
different, the orgasmiaticism side of it, anyway, and you lick her hard
dick, and that's one distinctive ring, for sure, and you pucker her
love juices tubey, and that's another distinctive ring, and you pucker
her anal sphincter love ring and that's all kinds of different and
distinctive rings, and you suction and pucker, and tounger, and
toungeler, and tucker - that's ticking at it repeatedly with the tip of
your tounge building up the energie loops and schizms, those are the
semi-circular rings of love energies building up around her boodey
toobey's between her legs, and around her tuubies, that's her booby
tittie baby feeding bottles attached to her chest - her boobey spincter
love rings, and there are lots of them up and around there, and all
over her body, and they all have distinctive rings, and she will agree
after a few centuries of experimenting, that it is true, and that she
loves this one, or that one the most, and men have them, too, and they
are also distinctive, and they all ring differently, and after he and
others experiments with his for a few dozen centuries, he might begin
to notice the difference, cause his brain isn't as well synched up with
his love buttons as hers are, and anyway, we'll learn lots more on all
of that, another time.

So, I am GOD, and I am going to make a wonderful universe for us all,
and we need to start praying to my mandala while we make love to each
other, and when we are doing that, our Universe will start to hummm and
glisten with all kinds of orgasmiatic energies and people moaning and
hiccupping, and groaning cause they can't believe how wonderful praying
and making love is at the same time.

So, next time you Samandrals, that's your code name, as that was your
family name on another planet when you and all of your neighbors and
loved ones where all in your same love makeing nest, or family home,
for Matilda and Billy and your Daddy and Mommy, and Bessy, your young
cousin of 3 years old, and the rest of you are making love with each
other, think about trying to pray to my mandala that I've explained
about, while you're making love with each other and your neighbors and
friends, and relatives who are always coming to visit you, and see if
your love making sessions and prayer party sessions aren't more exotic,
wonderfully more powerful, and erotic, and then when you discover that
they are, then just keep at it, and you'll make my universe glisten and
gleam, and hummmms and prummms, and preeephs, and prooophs, and we'll
have a harmonic concordance yet, once it all gets started up here, and
running for awhile, while we do some retuneing work on it, with lots of
praying and saying, Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo, daily, for some years to
come, a whole lot of them, I'm sure, and eventually with a lot of very
happy folks making love to each other from morning till night, after a
while, and after we build up our love making tolerances, and then go
for ever higher and grander levels up up and above those levels we've
reached already.

So, why did I put the hard dick of a woman inside of her vagina or love
box? Well, it had to go somewhere, and so it is in the best place
available for making her go, oooohhh and aaaaauuuuhhhh and
ooooooooohhhhh and aaaaaahhhhhh and then make her scream with orgasmic
delight. Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's in the right place, but
whether or not your tounge can reach it, is your problem, and not mine,
cause you have the karmatic markups to have the genetic alterations to
your body and tounge, just like I do, and whether or not she'll like
that, I don't know, but I'm not going to be tounging women, ofen, I
don't think, as that's not in my prayer repertoir, and I may use my
tounge for this and that, now and then, but who knows, maybe after a
long time, I will erase my karmatic markups for having a timple tounge,
a dimpey and small little tounge that is not very useful for sex and
love making, but then, I'm not a sex making guy, anymore, as I'm a
priest, and I'm a prayer making, guy, now, and I don't think that
haveing a small timple tounge will be too much of a handicap. Anyway,
in time, a long time, I will be erasing lots of karmatic markups in me
and with the help of my parishioners throughout my universe, we will be
erasing a lot of karmatic markups for everyone, including all of my
children, and they're helping us, too, to erase all of our karmatic
markups, and they're having a great time, right now, and every day, as
they do the love and prayer excercises in their living room converted
to prayer rooms, and in their community prayer halls, cause they are
way ahead of us, already, and they've really got their karmic stuff
together, and so we will all be humminng and tunnninng and who knows
what else, and if Miss. Margarette will hurry up and get the school
kids organized, and get them making love with each other, and with the
local sheriffs, and the police ladies and police guys, who are not
dyslexic, except for maybe a few, if they will behave themselves, and
chuck their old buddies, and the things they used to do to people, and
start praying, as well, to help us all get all of this mess behind us,
and the teachers, and the judges, and the principals, all of them from
all of the different schools in Las Vegas Town, and with all of these
people having fun, making love, and pushing buttons, and getting
distinctive rings from everyone, well, add that to some praying, and
then we've got a winning combination, here, as my universe will begin
to really hummmm and chime. Well, it is certainly pretty to listen to
the chiming of my universe, but that won't be happening, for most,
anytime soon, as that only happens now and then and it is a signal that
is all is getting better, and so when you guys and girls and boys and
men and women and ladies and everyone begin to practice my sexcapadial
advice and instructions to you all, and get into the doing the
activities that I'm explaining about, then maybe within a few quadra
million trillion zeniths, you'll start to hear my universe not only
chime, but it will also vweeeep, and hummm and begin to ring like
you've never heard it, before, and that's called a harmonial
convergence, or harmonial concordial convergence, and when you hear
that, you'll know we are headed in the right direction, and it will be
very low in loudness, but it will be unmistakeable and different from
anything you've ever heard, before. So, let's get with it, and get
going, and do the excercises and the prayers in our prayer rooms and
prayer halls, and prayer parlors, as I'm trying to explain to you all,
that all we have to do is make others feel good, sexually, and morally,
and emotionally, and spiritually, and physically, and mentally, as
well, and when you touch and carress each other, and make love, and
massage each other while doing your prayers, you will over heat your
circuitry, almost, and you'll be passing out from overwhelming energies
throttling, or upswitching, that is, powering up and overdriving your
brain and imploding energies into your brain, and imploding does not
mean backfiring and exploding inwardly, it means, driving inwardsly
energies that will pack in there, and then when you are filled up with
them, you will pass out in an orgasmcally overheated and over
accelerated mode, and when you wake up, you'll be all wet around the
loins, and titties, and mouth from salivating while you were orgasming
half awake. That's called a love making samadhi, and you'll love making
that samdhi, as your toesies and tootsies and crowsies, that's your bun
bun hole sphincter ring love making and panic buttons in your sphincter
ring going off from digital over stimulation, and you'll be cumming and
cheering, not the loud cheering, but the low, in the deep recesses of
your lungs, you'll be panting deeply, and that's cheering, and you'll
soon be on the carpet, half passed out and throttling, or feeling the
panic buttons going off everywhere in your bun bun sphincter love
making rings and in lots of other sphincter love making rings all over
your body. These panic buttons go off when your body starts to chime,
and when the distinctive rings go off more and more and then
overwhelming you, all over your body, they start going off, and then
the real panic buttons go off and you start ejaculating and deep
heaving, or very deeply breathing and hoofing, or inhaling air deeply
as if some one had been sitting on your tummy for the last half hour,
and you'll be nearly passing out, and gidgeting, that is, feeling all
of the orgasmic sensations all over your body, and the love making
sphincter ring fire alarm bells and panic buttons and chimes will be
all ringing and then you'll just pass out cause you won't be able to
take it anymore, and then, you'll be convulsing and spasming in sheer
orasmic and splendorific health, and no one should touch you, as you
are doing fine, no matter if you look like you are keeled over and
looking like a pretzel on its side.

Nobody should touch you, cause your body has to overdrive itself till
all of the orgasming chemcial bunnies are all burned off, or cinched,
that is chemically exhasted by the energetical lamperoons that go
zinging down your nerval system shaving off all of those chemical
bunnies and putting your nerval system back the way it was, but in a
healthier configuration as you've succsessfully zinged off enough of
the troughpht and sludge of krimpleton kratoons, those are snipeish
buggies and kritters that leave sludgy deposits of pee and poop and
vomit all over your nerval system tissues and other ligatures and
thingy-me-bobbies all up and down and around and in and out and down
and back up, throughout every length of your inner space environment,
or bio body, that's the incinerator we call our human body. We've got
lots of things giving off energies and other things going on inside of
us to keep us all tuned up and warm, but my brain hurts already and I
need to rest so I'll talk about that, another day. When I get back, on
the key board, that is, I'll have a few more words, to say, then.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Happy Children Filled With Love And Joy, Everywhere


Apr 3, 2006, 1:30:45 AM4/3/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Spillages Part I, Or Something Like That, With All Kinds Of Goofy Stuff
Yet To Come - To Be Revised, And Made More Lucid And Coherent, Later -
Updated: 04-02-06 Rev.x


Spillages are the needed chemcal buggies and chemical buggie juices
produced within and on - and even around in the atmospheres of the body
- the body and efused, leaked out and pressurized outwardsly to spill
out into the surrounding environment and into the atmosphere around the
human body, or ejaculated from the Dick and the Trotty, or Vaginal Pea
Shooter, or Ejaculatory Tube, and to some degree, in the mouth and in
the nostrils, we have tiny ejaculator ribbons, that spew liquids out,
when we spasm, and sneeze, for example, or dripped or salivated leaked
or wept, as in weeping or crying, or pushed out from the body's
production factories inside of the body, as well as on and in the
dermal layers of the flesh of the body, and even from the scalp and
from the hair follicles of the body, which also weep gasses and
liquids, as well, from the production plants that are embedded in them.
Spillage is useful overflows of active chemical buggies producing the
spillage for our health. Cummy juices are a form of spillage, as I have
already explained. Saliva, and the salivate from the mouth, and the
spittle from under the tounge, and from the inside of the cheeks in the
mouth, and the juices from the vaginal folds, or labia, and the juices
from the dermal layers of the scrotum, and in the atmospheres around
the skin layers of the scrotum, and from the dermal layers of the shaft
of the penis, and from the dermal layers from every part of our body,
is all useful to us. The production factories are very small, but they
are producing spillage, around the clock.

We have atmospheres all around our body, and we are pressurizing out
all kinds of human spillage, that mixes with the atmospheres around our
body, and we can go into a stinky man's or woman's apartment, such as
mine, to find out just what a stinky atmosphere smells like. I know two
women like me, who have stinky atmospherical conditions, and they
really stink, and I really stink, so we are even there. As for large
and overweight people, they have stinky atmospheres, and every one is
familiar with that, and it's a point problem for them, I suppose to be
reminded of it, but all humans have atmospheres, and we need look no
further than our feet or our underarms, or our groin, or our butt hole
area, to smell a stinky atmosphere, though butt hole areas are not that
bad, usually, as far as I can tell, but underarms can get pretty bad,
and if you don't take a bath for a few weeks, you can start to smell
pretty awful, I suppose is the word, and we have self defense
mechanisms in us to prevent us from choking on it all, and that is to
breath in the fermented and spoiled odors of our own body, for a brief
period of time, and then our brain locks up, and we do not receive the
olefactory sense nerves, and their impulses, that pick up and transfer
the signal that something smells rotten on the skin surfaces and in the
atmospheres around the person or people in question. This is how,
tribal people are able to go for long periods of time, without bathing,
and to them, there aren't any bad odors in the air, and to the bum on
the street, the guy who was a wall street stock exchange cashier, and
then quit, and drank and trashed his life, and now lives in a tent,
with holes in his socks, and twisted and knotty and stinky hair that
just about makes anyone vomit except for him, well, these guys are
extreme cases, but it is just about the same, he doesn't smell anything
cause his nose has closed up the circuitry.

So we know we know that we have atmospheres and that's not hard to see,
but even for a normal person, who doesn't have any accumulation of
filth and grunge that is disgusting, or other body waste problems, such
as the overweight persons have, as they do not have a healhy bunch of
critters in their pots and sinks and inlets and other portholes, and
the kritters that they do have, are passing out all kinds of stinky
odors, and so that's why they have the odor problem. If they use more
lime in their diet, and drink more vinegar, with lime, and with seltzer
water, and carbonated tonic water, or club soda, and if they drink more
juices from cellery and carrots, and artichokes, and from dipsy weavers
or, or fish food, that is, sea weed, and cabbage, and raw or partially
cooked parsnips, and radishes, as many raw red ones as possible, and
the juices, if they have access to a juicer, from other raw turnips,
the purple and white can be drunken with carrot juice and cellery
juice, without too much difficulty, and with watermellon juice and pine
apple slush, or crushed and primmed, or mushed up and then fermented
slightly, vanilla extract or with crushed and mushed up vanilla bean
bits that are fermented in with cabbage juices and turnip juices, and
the other juices, and with nuts and sunflower seeds crushed and
fermented in as well, plus a very tiny bit of fermented with gin milk,
that's about one part gin to 9 parts milk, and then with frizzelment
and ferment buggies in it from molasses, and with wine and a llttle raw
sugar and raw molasses, and crushed and grated and fermented rose
petals and geranium petals and nice smelling flower petals, and then
mix it all together, and the bad kritters will begin to go down in
numbers, and good critters will increase and heavy people will begin to
smell like roses. They will not believe how good they smell, and even
people without body odor problems will smell better after a regular
routine diet including the above. Add fermented limes grated up and
mixed with gin, or even plain limes and lemons and orange peels and
orange pulp fermented with the mass of vegetable, vanilla bean, flower
petal, raw sugar, gin, bees wax and bee pollen, and tulip pollen, and
tulip pulp juices, fermented prior to adding it to the mix, by mixing
it with gin, the whole tulip stem, and grateing it up, and mixing it
with raw sugar to frizzel it, and dandelion stem pulp and flowers and
pollens will also help, and Chanell No. 5, if mixed in, in tiny
amounts, a drop or two, per 9 gallons of ferment mash, or some other
nice smelling, natural flower petal juices and other natural substances
based perfumes and colognes, a few drops per 9 to 13 to 50 gallons of
mash, and when you ingest the fermented mix, you will all begin to
smell like roses, and other flowers, and this is not a joke, cause the
same buggies that exhaust perfumy odors, also get into the portholes
and pots, and dips, and sinks and exhaust ports, and soon start to
exhaust all kinds of perfumey odors, just like that, and then no one
has to buy cologne any more, and every one can start pressing their own
flower petals, or whatever, and you will all begin to smell like
walking tulips, as you begin to have better and healthier critters in
your portholes and then pressurized and exhausted out into your
atmospheres around you, and your underarms will stop smelling stinky,
almost just like that, and your former grungy body odors will pretty
much disappear for a long time, and there are other things we can do to
enhance the nice and good smelling critter populations in our
portholes, and exhaust ports, and we'll learn about them some other

Now that we understand that we have atmospheres and how we create them,
or can help to create them, we must also realize that there are lots of
other buggies exhausting other olefactory and even hallucinogenic fumes
into the atmospheres around us, 24 hours a day, and though the amounts
of hallucinogens may vary from day to day, or even minute to minute,
and from week to week, we are affected by them and we begin to see our
love mates in ways that only our brains and eyes and noses help us to,
and we fall in love, with a dazzeling, hallucinatory image in our
brains of Mrs. Wonderful, or Mr. Handsome Butt, or Mr. Handome Loins,
or Mrs. Astonishing, Pretty and Dazzeling Toothed, Red Haired, Wendy
Twoshoes, a part shoshone indian girl, the little poster girl for
Wendy's Hamburgers.

So, atmospheres and the exhausted chemical buggies in the areas around
our body, can have a profound affect on our brain. And in our
ceremonial activies, or our ascension parties and in our descension
parties, and other parties, and in all of our activies for my Religious
and Vernacular Agrarian Revolution, we depend a lot on the human
spillage from all of these chemical buggies to make it all work for us,
and to successfully ascend females, and to successfully descend males.
This is the way it is going to work, and there is no other way for it
to ever work, and I'm the only guy with the keys to the chemical
vaults, and nothing is going to change, no matter what people may say,
and so we might as well give in, and say, I give up, and then, let's
grit our teeth, and jump in the cold pool of water, and find out how
wonderful it can be, as we know they can't do it without us, but we'll
love doing it with them, these wonderful, superiour females pulling us
inferiour but much needed assistants around by our dickuses, daily. I'm
all for it, but I'm the band leader, and I can't get involved in this
argument, if there is one, and I don't know why there would be, but if
there is, well, I can't say much about it, and I can only get all of
you headed in the right direction for making it a success for all of
you, and after that, it's up to the ladies and gentlemen in the religio
club and in the prayer parlours and prayer halls, and it is up to the
ladies and gentlemen in the vernacular clubs and in the pavilions and
clubhouse activity meeting rooms and festivity halls, to make it all
work for all of you, and, also, for me. Well, this is the plan, so
we'll see how well it is going to work. Some people might feel upset,
that men are no longer needed in politics, and in government leadership
positions, and I'm just going to have to say, sorry, Charlie, but
that's the way it goes. In any case, in the long run, we will need all
of these wonderful women to keep my universe going steadily forever,
over wave after wave of torrential backlash and buckets of who knows
what, in my face, but it will be a nasty trip for me, for a while,
anyway, but for you people who are involving yourselves in the
activities, you won't be sorry for even a minute.

So, what next? Well, we need to get on with this, so I'll skip all of
the other stuff, for now. We ingest or inhale or transfer from the body
of the others, to ours, the human spillage that their body produces and
then transfers to our body, or to the body of the other person or
persons, we transfer our spillage that we produce in all of the dermal
layers of our body and in the hair follicles, and in the internal and
external pots and sinks and other cubby holes, we often call glandualar
systems, where the chemical buggies are busy at work, producing these
juices, fumes, gasses and toilleurents, which are substances that are
partially absorbed by our body when they are placed on our body by
transference from the other body to our body by touching, rubbing,
massaging, not only with our hands, but with, for instance, our bun bun
tissue layers, to the bun bun tissue layers of the other person, and
from the arms to the arms of the other person, and from our legs to the
legs of the other person and from the torso, and from the neck, and
from the face, and from the brow, and from the scalp, and from every
matching area of our body to the same matching area of the body of the
person of the opposite sex, to begin with. That's the dermal layers and
sink pots, etc., spillage over transfer processes at work.

We have lots of other types of spillage that we want to transfer to our
body parts in different areas. Spittle or saliva and salivate, the
uncontrollable secretion of juices from our mouths due to constant
production of salivate by the chemical buggies in our mouth and tummy
and rectum and gastro intestinal tract, can and should be not only
exhanged by mouth to mouth but by mouth to all other parts of the body
of female to male and also female to female, and from male to male and
male to female. Cummy juices from women and from men is the same thing,
from the male to the male and to the female to any part of their body.
That's unheard of, for the most part, but it is true.

Self deliverance, that is, from oneself to oneself, is equally as
important, and saliva and salivate from the mouth to every part of your
own body, and cummy juices from your dick or from your female ejaculate
tube to every part of your own body. Vaginal juices in women from their
vagina by hand, usually, but not only, especially when we are healthy,
and also from women's feet to every part of the body they can reach
with their feet or with their hands, or even with their mouths and
toungs. We needn't all become yogi contortionists, but it will help
women to deliver the juices from their vagina to many other parts of
their body, in a healthful manner, and the excercises for advanced
yogic excercises do include the seeping in, or slurping up of salivary
juices from the vaginal crevice by way of their feet or by way of their
elbows, or by way of their heel to chin, to other parts of their body
that they can reach with their chin, and this is a funny excercise, but
it is done, and can be done, and is for advanced students of yogic and
other forms of dharmic, or embracing of the ways of life and energies,
energy and muscle control routines. Men can also become contortionists,
and have fun, too, but that is all for later on. Right now, we have to
learn the basics.

We can also transfer or exilliorate, that is transfer by touching, male
body chemical buggies from our body to a male's body, or female body
chemical buggies from our body to a female's body, but in the case of
members of the same sex, it is not to matching parts of the body, but
to dissimilar parts of the persons body. Arms to chests or legs, and
legs to chests and arms, or face, and feet to stomach or face, or back,
and butt tissue spillage to face tissues or scalp or back or chest, or
legs and so forth. In the case of men, from dick to dick is not good,
but from dick to rectum or dick to scrotum or groin or inner thighs, or
dick to lips, tounge, or mouth and so forth is all very useful. In the
case of women, we have a little bit of a different situation, in that
the female is set up to be able to touch vagina to vagina, for the sake
of transferring into a vagina, female hebridies for fermenting in the
vaginal tube that grows longer with the pre-producing ferment mixes, as
I've explained, so women can touch their vagina to a vagina, but it is
for injecting hebridies, or happy juice, into another woman's vagina.
I've explained that technique, elsewhere, so you can look and read what
that is all about, if you will. She can also inject her happy juice
into the rectum of a female, and into the mouth of a female, and into
the rectum of a male, and into the mouth of a male. A woman can also
transfer her happy juice into a cooperating female animal's vaginal
tube for fermenting in the same way as human women ferment happy juice
in the vagina, and into the female animal's rectum, as well, and
believe it or not, female animals have basically the same equipment,
there, and they also respond in the same way, though it is not usually
the case that animals do this, they can do it, and the reason why they
can do it, is because they share mechanical equipment components in
common with human beings. How they got that way is another story, but
that I'll leave for part two of creating my universe, which you can
read about on my software program disks with the Operating System's
that I've been talking about. In any case, quadra peds generally can
and in many cases do function the same way as bi pedal humans,

Lips to lips is not useful and should be avoided with same sex persons,
including women, who often think nothing of kissing other women on the
lips. We must begin to change our social habits, and not hand to hand,
handshaking, for men, but hand to arm, for example, or even hand to
dick, or hand to rectum. Not lips to lips, for women kissing women, but
lips to vagina, or lips to butt hole, or lips to breasts. When we meet
with members of the opposite sex, we want to exchange one to one with
the memebers of the opposite sex for best results for exchange of

Well, that's not a whole lot on the subject, and it's a start, and
there is a lot more to be said, but I'm busy, so for now, I'm just
going to wrap that up, and post it and think about it, and work on it
again, later.

John Francis Ayres
And Children


Apr 3, 2006, 1:33:29 AM4/3/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Bimbel Fucking - Durament Licking - And Other New, Previously In Vegas
Anyway, And Unusal Issues For Us To Learn About And Put Into Practice
For A New And Wonderfully Modern, Adanced Beyond All Previous
Civiliztions, Universal Civilization With Us All For Infinity, Or, How
To Make Women Masters Of Our Universe.



Bimbel fucking is fucking a man in the rectum with a dildoe and making
him ejaculate after exciting all or most of his sex love buttons and
patches in his rectum and in his sphincter ring and in his rectal
crevice with digital massage technique. You also want to use the dildoe
on his mouth and throttle him, and this applies to little guys,
children, and little baby boys, who will be creaming all over the
place. Bimbel fucking is good for bringing out the good chemical
buggies that will help men to understand that women are superiour
beings, and as you bimbel fuck men and boys and baby boys, you also
want to dildoe your self so that you can dildoe the both of you at the
same time, and the gasses and exhaled fumes and chemical buggy fumes
and posims, will reach up from your vagina, or bumbey bussiey, that is
the love button and cushiony love sack of the lavendourish love
brimbel. That's another name for the vagina love sack, which keeps most
of the major techical equipment of the female brain in a bag between
her legs.

You can also bimbel fuck, once they are hydrogenated, that is, filled
up with fermenting foods that make their tummys feel good, and make
them smell sweet, but since they are so stinky, we probably haven't got
a chance in a thousand or more, of using any for this for the next,
fifty million years, or more, as they are just too sickly and
internally polluted - it sure ain't like it used to be in the good old
days, is it - pigs and donkeys and goats, and lemurs, once well
trained, and with a little training, dogs and even lamas and
Argentinian mini horses, and so forth, and they will all assist in the
efumation or exhausting of fumes, except the ponies who have lots of
hay in their stomaches will not do and will ruin the process. You need
them all to take an enema, or feed them someting to flush them out,
such as a laxative for horses, and then feed them a mix of fermented
rot, or apples and peaches and pears that are highly alchoholic in
content for 9 to 15 years to 30 years, and then the ponies and other
animals can participate in these ceremonies and activties as well. And
baby and mommy and daddy and every one has to have their butts lubed,
or, i.e., their GIT's, Gastro Intestinal Tracts emptied and fumigated
with fresh raw fermenting fruits, and you can whip up something easily
in a blender or grater with a little carrot juice, brocolli, and
cellery, and gin or ale, and keep a tub of it in the refrigerator, and
feed your self with it, and make sure there is lots of raw sugar
assisting the frizzeling and fermenting processes, and you just eat it
up, and make new stuff, and keep it revolving with low concentrations
of alchohol in it to keep the bacteria down, and you should wash out
the bucket every 3 to 4 or 5, days or so, and adding citrus fruits and
pineapple to the mix will be useful and tasty and fermented cooked or
hard boiled eggs, well fermented in gin, for up to 8.5 years, will also
help the GIT, and cooked meats also fermented similarly, will also
help. We do not want rot or decaying food particles in our tummy, and
we want only well cooked and then fermented meats and fish, and
poultry, fermented in exactly the same way as the berries and peas,
etc., with lots of gin and vinegar and salts from various fermented
spices herbs, and oregano and thistle and thyme and rosemary and dill
and fennel and cumin seed are all good for that, and ferment the spices
first, frizzel them, and then frizzel the fermenting meats in a cold
storage room, at 32 or 33 degrees or there abouts. Alchohol buggies
will not freeze, too well, though the will slow down, just as any warm
blooded animal, and ferment bugs are generally almost 100% or more,
warm blodded animals, so they will slow down a little. You don't have
to worry about the meet being frozen or this or that, as it will
ferment, regardless of the coolness of the cold storage room, and it
will taste very delicious after about 35 years to 348 or so years, in
this cold storage treatment ferment process, and the longer the better,
and that goes for eggs, and tofu, etc., as well. The more fermented the
foods are in our tummy, the better will be our tummy health, and the
odors will also be okay, so don't use any animals in this trick or
techique until they are all eating only fermented everything.

After bimble fucking your self and your male companions, and doing it
all by your self, only with the help of women, and no male is allowed
to interfere or touch even his own dick, and is to lie there,
completely passively, and at the mercy of mama, and elder sister, and
grandma, and Auntie Kate, and Julius, the hermaproditic female looking
neighbor, okay she is in on it, even though she is a male in a woman's
body, they are all in charge, and you men and boys and even you baby
boys had better understand that, and if you need some type of help
understanding it, you can be repeatedly pinched or gouged, that is
taking your finger nail and poking a guy in the base of the dick, or in
his throat, below the jaw, preferably, and after a few gouges, if they
don't do exactly as you women tell them to do, and you can gang up on
them, then you can kick them out and make them sleep out doors all
night butt naked, regardless of the current laws on the subject and
just give Officer McMurphy a call and tell him that you just kicked the
old man out and he is out back butt naked being tortured for the night,
and Officer McMurphy won't even bother to send a dispatch unit to
investigate, even after the neighbors complain, except maybe to give
old Bob, the bad, Dad, a few words of encouragement, and then a few
words of reproach, and tell him to get in there the next moring and
listen to the women, as that's your job from now on. And Zelda, that's
Officer Zelda will then nudge Offcier MrMurphy back to the car and say,
we've got more important business at the office, I want you to sniff
out some new odors I have for you, and your brain, there, buddy, so
you're comming with me. Roger that one?, and Officer McMurphy will
reply, Yes, Mamm. I'm right with you on that one. And then everyone
will be happy and back at the station house, we'll have all the men
line up for the nightly inhalation of the durament fumes and all the
other fumes, to help keep the men's and women's health going up and
going stronger day by day.

Well, it looks as though we are going to have to put our own health
insurance plans into effect to get us back into good shape there, so we
will also need some men to sniff out, and so Bob McMurphy, Officer
McMurpy's brother in law, can come in from his job after he's finished,
and then offer up his cleaned out rectum for sniffing while he and
Zelda, or Maggy, the typist, or Sarah, all volunteer their genitalia
and rectums and tummys, and arm pits, and boobies and the moist under
the boobie and other booby fumes that will be effused intot he
atmosphere, along with scalp odors, and pelvic odors, and rectal
crevice odors, and all the odors of the female body, and get them all
in sync, and rotate from one position to the next in synch, and then at
the same time, have the men on the counter doing likewise, rotating in
synch, and have others massaging this, and massaging that, and deep
breathing and tounging this, and deep breathing and tounging that, and
before long, everyone will begin to tune up their immune systems and
their genitalia, with the help of the cummy juices, which will become
tastier and tastier as you continue from week to week, will also
improve your health, as well, and make for a more nourishing and
enjoyable office life. After five to eight years of this, you will all
be feeling higher levels of stamina, and you'll all be packing hard
dicks, more of the time, than not, and you'll have to figure out what
to do about them, but whatever you do, do it in groups, so that every
one can share and partake in the enjoyment of a healthy office life,
together. Mr. Bush may not be able to help us much, just as Hillary was
not able, too, with our insurance plans, anyway, so we will have to do
our best until we can oust these fake governmental wanna be leaders who
are just shamming us, that is snookering us and pulling the wool over
our eyes, and stealing our tax dollars, at least your tax dollars,
since I don't pay taxes. So just enjoy what you can and get your health
up, and do the weekend thing with Sylvia and Buster on the table in the
Kitchen with all the women ganging up on you men, and you'll soon be
breaking down crying and ejaculating while you're crying, and feeding
Sylvia, and Buster, Sylvia's little boy baby, and he can drink the
men's liquids as well, and everyone will benefit and everyone will
begin to respect and cherish women more and more, until we can overthow
this non sense government sham of ours on this planet with these
dyslexics in cohoots with each other, stealing your tax dollars to fund
their, apparently more devious than I suspected, plot to take over
everything and every body, as Timothy Dalton was alluding, too, the
other night. Well, so much for Nero wannabes, and so much for our
lousy, non governing goverment, and that means totally inept government
persons, who just clown around and make believe and put on a show for
us, every day in their lame parliamentary and congressional walk around
show and tell, juvenile talent show clowning around on the house and
senate floors. They aren't doing anything except performing a song and
dance routine, to make us think they are busy, and that they are
"earning" their salary. It's just a lot of horse manure, that they are
trying to feed us, and we are on to them and we are not going to let
them get away with it, anymore.


"... a hard durament, that's the cuddly poo whiskerish little filament

and pussy hair, peach fuzzy like filaments all over the throttle of a
woman in her vagina, that stands erect like a man's dick, when she gets
a hard on, and starts feeling like fucking someone. It is hidden inside
of the vagina in a place where no one usually sticks his or her tounge
into, unless it is really long, but it is a hard surface area in the
lower part of the vagina, and it's been so long since I touched a
woman's hard dick, in there, it's hard for me to remember, but it is
hard, and it is in the lower area of the vagina, and it is erect just
like a man's dick, and that means she is so horny she can't stop for a
moment until she creams and ejaculates, and then orgasms until her
eyeballs pop out of their sockets. Well, anyway, the throttle is a
lovely piece of equipment, and yes, the tounge of a person can reach
down in there, and carress it, if you know where to insert your tounge,
and if you have a long and strong tounge, some people do, I don't, but
that's cause of my geneitic make up, and I don't really mind, but
anyway, the ladies will love it if you tounge their throttle, and if
you get really good at it, they will begin to mini-orgasm and convulse
and spasm, and they won't be able to sit down, as their bodies will

jerk upwards, and they won't be able to stand or tolerate the pleasures

of your carressing and tounging their throttle or female hard dick"

Tounging the durament, or hard dick of a woman, also known as the
"throttle", is an activity we can enjoy and use in our religous
ceremonial prayer sessions, and in our phileament enjetical ceremonies
in my vernacular movement, and after a man continues to tounge a
woman's durament for up to 30 days to 800 days to 12,000 days, or
longer, non-stop, day and night, and then rotating with tounging her
sphincter hole and love rings in her rectum, and then rotating and
tounging her vaginal crevice, the lower area, just at the lower tip of
her vaginal cleavage that opens to expose her pee tube, and her
ejaculatory tube behind it, and then rotating and carressing her love
rings and love buttons on her inner thighs, and then her breast
pimbels, the love buttons of her titties, on the tip of her nipples,
and in the areas around her nipples, and then switching back, and then
rotating to the neck, and shoulder love bumps, and then the crevice
anal crevice love bumps, and then the juicy love bumps in her sphincter
rings, and then her toes and the love bumps in her toes, and then the
love bumps and patches in her nose, and in her lips, and on her tounge,
and as he does this, he will inhale so many fumes and gasses, and it
all begins with the durament, and then goes generally in that order,
and you work each one for up to 5 minutes to 13 minutes to 30 minutes,
to 50 minutes to 80 minutes, or so, trying to keep each one worked for
approximately the same amount of time, as that will help the male
inhale the fumes from all of the areas of her body, equally, and that
will have an effect on his brain, and on his body and on his dick and
on his internal systems in his rectum, and he should of course, as well
as the women, maintain a clean and clutter free rectal cavity, and
upper and lower Gastro Intestinal Tract so that the aromas can exhale
freely from the rectal cavity, as it fluctures and puncturates, that is
breaths in and out, as it does do that, but we aren't aware of that,
too much, but it does flucture, or inhale, and it does puncturate and
that is exhale, and it goes very slowly, and stays in sync with the
locomotive movements of the GIT as it undulates and moves pushing the
food particles down the intestinal tract and out the rear door. Your
rectum and inestines do breath, and you need to keep them completely
free of waste, especially rotting and decaying waste, and fermenting
waste is not too bad for this excercise, but it is better to keep the
GIT completely or as near completely empty as possible.

Men start it with women, and women start it with men, and then men
switch with women, and men do that to men, and women do that to women,
and then they switch it again, and men do that to women, and women do
that to men, and after about 8 to 15 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 80 or 90 or
150 months, or up to 800 years, or so, men and women will begin to
crevitate, and that is, they will feel a strong urge to make normal
love with members of the opposite sex, and they will also enjoy making
love with members of their own sex, so long as it is the giving love,
of doing to the other, and not the mutually reciprocating love making
style of giving and receiveing that is the type of love making context
of homosexual lovers, and of heterosexual lovers, and this is not a
love making event for heterosexual lovers, or homosexual lovers, or
anything like that, it is a contest to see who can make love to the
other for the longest period of time before passing out and orgasming
wildly from all of the inhaling of fumes and gasses, and all that does
to a man and a woman, and it is also caused by the exhaling of fumes
from all of the body pores and sockets, or sinkpads and lucrids, and
other irrigation ditches and outlets and other types of fume and
exhaust emitting portals, including the rectum, and all of the portals
in the rectilius ligatures of the rectal sphincter ligatures of the
love rings, and from all of the other areas, especially from the
durament and from the male scrotum. Each of these exhale gasses and
fumes, and around the durament and around the scrotum, and along the
lower crevise, and along the rectal crevice, and so forth, there are
lots of gasses and buggies farting and exhaling, and the longer you
keep it up, the more they produce, and the more they produce the more
you inhale, as you keep on going, and eventually, you'll all be passing
out and orgasming like you wouldn't believe, and if you can imagine a
spastic goat who has just eaten too much marijuana and opium laced
hashish to kill a small sized elephant or a billy goat, than you can
imagine what you'll be looking like, as you spasm about, after
overdosing on the fumes that are there for your inhaling.

These excercises are best done with a minimum of two women and two men,
though it can be done with only one woman and one man, it is not as
effective as it could be, otherwise. We have one woman as the passive
woman, and one man as the passive man. One active man works the passive
woman's body, from position a, to b to c to d to e, and then back
again, while the one active woman works the passive man's body from
position a to b to c to d to e, and then back again. We are grooming
out human spillage in the form of gasess and fumes that when
concentrated in high enough levels, will allow our bodies to become
normalized and once again become healthy, after years of this activity.
It doesn't come over night, but it comes through repeated practice, and
effots to do these excercises, just as you excercise and do
calisthenics, or practice martial arts, or yoga, or swimming, ballet,
jazz dancing, aerobic dancing, or any excercize, it takes practice and
efforts to maximise the levels of performance and achievment and reach
and derive the higher health benefits of the excercise.

We need the juices of men and women in our diets. And in these
excercises, we are inhaling the human spillage of women and of men, and
with that, we will be able to effectively transform our ways of
thinking about men and women, and we will slowly and gradually,
transform our civilization to one that respects and adores women and
worships them, from the shitty ass stink hole civilization we find
ourselves in, today.

These excercises should be done in the same room with the others who
are doing it, at the same time, to maximize the odors and gasses that
will be exhaled and effused outwardsly into the surrounding atmosphere,
and the windows should be closed and sealed, and there should be no air
conditioning, but there can be a radiant underlayment cooling system,
such as in cold water piping in the pannels of the walls in through the
marble or stone floors, and through the ceiling and roofing materials
to keep the building or home cool, in hot weather conditons, and you
need to bring in fresh air for everyone to breath, periodically, but
you can let the gasses build up to very high concentration levels with
enough fresh air in there for fifty or more people to breath, and it
should be done in very large groups of fifty or more people, up to a
few tens of thousands, or more, and we can calculate it out and figure
the volume capacity of the interiour of the facility, and you need
about 3.8 times the amount of air normally found in a cubical room for
one person, to live in and sustain his life for up to fifty eight days,
to 134 to 139 days, or even slightly more, up to 348 days, or up to 845
days, and that's a lot of air, for a person to breath, and that's
fairly large facility for every one to be in, and you have to keep the
windows completely sealed and all air transport systems shut off, and
you can use rebreathing apratus which will purify the air, and not
remove the exhaled particles from the colon and from the other
orifices, and that is a simple technology that we will have avaiable to
us, in time, and when we do, we will be able to have fifty people or
more in a 900 foot by 900 foot by 49 foot high ceiling in a prayer
facility with the rebreathing equipments and technologies going 24
hours a day, and they can stay in there indefinitely, except they need
to shower and shave, and so forth, periodically, so they have to leave
through a sealed entry and exit port hole, an inner chamber between
outer areas, and two or three inner chambers are better than one to
help seal in the wonderful toxic fumes and gasses that you do not want
to allow to escape, as they will seep out, as layers upon layers are
built up towards the ceiling, and when you open a door you let it all
seep out and the levels fall from the ceiling to the floor with fifty
people going in and out, for rest breaks and food and hygenic breaks,
and sleep breaks, and so you want to make it so you have every thing
you need inside the cubical area, and off to the sides of it, such as
bathrooms and showers and tubs and jacuzzis, etc. and massage tables,
and dining facilities, and sleeping facilities, and so forth, and you
want everone in there for as long as possible to allow everyone to gain
the maximum tolerance levels for inhaling these wonderful chemical
buggie gasses in the atmosphere, and you will all start to drip and
ooozze liquids from your dicks and vaginas and from your rectums and
you will begin to salivate and lactate and even men will begin to oozze
lactate juices after 3 to 8 years of this, and then you will all be
having such a wonderful time, orgasming and passing out, and waking and
eating and doing the excercises and then sleeping and orgasming while
you sleep as you overdose on the fumes that are being emitted by
others, and you'll all have a wonderful time doing it all year round,
and you better believe it we are going to change our governments and
make one government otherwise you'll never know how wonderful all of
this is, and so plans for dismantiling the government had better get
started here and across the oceans, and I'm not kidding, and no one
else is either, and so we will see a change and it is just how well are
they going to be able to deal with it and make the changes we need, is
the question.

This is all done for the purpose, primarily, of upgrading our body's
health and improving our immune system's capabilities and a quick way
of regaining our good health that we have lost from being out of
practice with real love making for our entire lives.

Our juices will all come alive and taste better, after a very short
time, and our immune systems will work better, and we will be able to
fight off bad kritter contagions that are wiping out everyone, from one
end of the planet and universe to the other end, and we all have to do
it if we want to regain our good health, and even those kritters that
are destroying our bodies so unrelentingly will be thrashed back and we
will regain good health as we practice these excercises, and as we take
our regenerative formulas and regenerate our amoebic kiddies, then we
will begin to regain our good health and the damage to our bodies can
begin to halt, and then we can start to repair our bodies over time.

It is for our health, most importantly, now, but it is also for our
ongoing health, both emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual, and
energetical, that is for receiving the life extenuating, or life
prolonging energies that we need and can rev up and increase not only
in ourselves but in others as well, and as we are all orgasming, and
giving off megavolts of energies with each passing day or two to
fifteen or so, about 35 days for one megavolt of energy produced and
emitted, we are energizing ourselves and we are flushing out the
"warring" male energies and flusing in new and healthful energies, and
these excercises will help this process, as well, and it will help us
produce more energies all the way around and we will become so filled
with energies, we won't get too tired anymore, and with our proper
health care and nutrition, and with proper dietary habits, we will
become very healthy, and we will no longer need to even take
medications after a while as our immune systems will kick in and defeat
all of the miserable little kritters in our bodies and our cancer
tumors will disappear, as they are overewhelmed by the positive energie
charges that aide our immune systems to defeat them and they will be
virtually toasted over night. This is a process of recovery from our
low level of poor health and it will kick start us in the right
direction and keep us going, for centuries and then for millenia and
trillions of years and so forth while we are erasing our karmatic
markups day and night and it will help us to fight off the karmatic
issues that we have in our lives that would create problems in our
health, especially when these energies are coupled with religous prayer
practice as I've discussed already.

We can do these excercises in the prayer rooms, everywhere and that is
where we will gain the most benefit as we exchange massive amounts of
energies with each other, and as we pray in our minds, while we are
cognitively capable of praying, as we will have the tendency to pass
out, every now and then, and we do not have to wait for the rebreathing
equipments and other technologies, as breathing these gasses and fumes
in close proximity to their emmision points will help us, all by
itself, and so we can all get started with these excercises, and don't
worry too much about letting the air to escape if you don't have that
many people comeing in and out, and just keep the front doors sealed
down at the bottom of the door, and the windows sealed, and so forth,
and keep as much of the atmosphere in as you can, and when it gets
stuffy and place lots of plants in the house as well as that will help,
potted plants are fine, and an arboretum with grass and bushes within a
closed area will help, along with free flowing well water and spring
water, comeing up and then flowing back down and around in a system you
can build into your green house glass plated arboretum, attached to the
back or front of the house, or side, or whatever, and you can open up
the windows in upper floor rooms to bring in fresh air for everyone,
and there won't be any problem at all because the buggies do not fly
upwards to escape from upstairs but they seep downwards so, as long as
you have all of the bottom door seals, and joint seals, tightly closed
and taped over, and enter and exit through the arboretum, which will
make a good refueling area for healthy outdoor ions, or electrical
energy charges from naturally growing plants, and shrubs, and trees and
algea, which you also need on a daily basis, for a few hours or so
every day, and it is good to sleep in these arboretums for the maximum
benefit, and so you get the idea and we can get started in small groups
of 3 to 8 people or more, preferrably as many pair offs as possible,
that is, as many couples of men to women as possible, and the over
leaguers, the people who are left out, can sit in and take turns with
the others, and do it that way, as described, not sex with a person,
but making love to "TO" the other person, while the other person
passively sits there and creams and exhudes gasses and emits energy
charges. This is very important, and if you are both moving around,
doing this and that, you're going to waste your time as you won't get
much accomplished with this process.

You can do that in the prayer rooms and in your homes, go right ahead,
but you won't get the overwhelming charges and pluses of these
excercises as you will if you carry them out as I've described.

These excercises, if conducted as I've outlined, will also assist the
men to realize the overwhelming truth to the reality that women are
superiour, and though they are not so pronounced at first as with the
other ceremonial activties of ascension and descension, you will
upgrade your mind and mental imaging and understanding of the fact that
women are wonderful and holy and pure beings, and that men are here to
assist them. In a religious prayer room context this will add
lightening bolts of energies to your prayer ceremonies, and you'll come
out of them with lightening flashes sparking and thrasting from your
temporal lobes, and many other brainal parts. Mix that in with all of
the excercises you will be doing, in addition to this one, which you
can break from, after about eight to fifteen days, and then getting
back into them within about 9 to 15 to 30 days, or so, you will be
raising your health tolerances and your immune systems will go into
overdrive and begin to rev up and thrash those bad kritters where they
stand. Vary your program, and keep to it as strictly as you can, given
the constraints of the societies we live within, and you will, little
by little, begin to benefit, more and more, as we continue day after
day, even if just for short periods of time, such as 30 to 50 minutes,
only, each day. A little inhalation of these wonderful gasses is better
than none, and you have to remember to do it with both males and
females participating in the same room, and even if it is only for a
few tens of minutes, to one or two or three hours, if possible, or
more, when you have the time, on weekends, Friday nights, and so forth,
and what not, not to mention Sundays - ha, ha. No church for you, this
weekend mr. Pastor. You're staying home with the wife and kids, buddy,
and you're calling all of your flock over to your home, or make it in
the newly to be remodeled church assembly room, with everyone in
attendance, and don't forget to clean out your bun bun holes and remind
everyone of the same - then you can all begin to benefit from all of
the excercises and my religion is at the base and foundation to this
entire movement, so let's start thinking about praying Nam Myeo Ho Ren
Ge Kyeo to my mandala that you will make in the manner as I've
explained, before. As you do, you will charge up our relgious and
vernacular agrarian revolutionary movement, and we will be on our way
to a better world, and to a better universe for everyone who lives in
it, and for everyone who will be with us, in it, in the future.

That dreary eyed and blister brained presidents and dictators of the
dyslexic kinds rule this planet in a mock and sham governmental scheme,
is not too much of a problem, so long as we stick to the tenants and
religous duties of my religous and vernacular or secular revolutionary
movement, and we will win the day, as we've already won the initial
battles, and we are gaining steam. Let's all keep up the hard work, and
beat everyone else to the prayer rooms for daily prayer worship
everywhere we are in our universe.

Good Luck and Happy Landing.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Orgastically Happy And Lovingly Tender Children Making
Splendorifical Love And Wonderment, Day And Night.


Apr 5, 2006, 2:47:39 AM4/5/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Brains, Brains, and More Brains.

I thought I should say a little about my brain, though there is not
much to talk about other than what I've talked about already, my brain
is smashed to pieces, and there are lots of parts that have gone
missing, as that is in accordance with my karmatic markups and my
karmatic markup bookbag, which is kind of a joke, because we couldn't
hold all of our karmatic markups in a book bag, by any stretch of the
imagination, but be that as it may, my brain has a special thing going
for it. I'm GOD, remember. What did they teach you about god in Sunday
school, if you happened to go to one?

Well, I remember they taught that god is all seeing and all knowing.
Well, that is true, and my brain sees all and knows all. Now, before
you begin to laugh, I must say, that it is not my brain in my human
body, but a brain of mine I call my intelligence layer, that is the
original me, and that brain is all knowing and all seeing. That brain
is my brain, but it is every where all at once. It knows all and
registers everything that is happening in my universe, simultaneously,
and that's a lot of stuff to see and know about, but that's nothing for
my brain, cause there's plenty firepower to it, and its capacity is
unlimited, just as my universe, or rather space or the thing we tend to
think of when we think of an area of space that we can live within,
this space we live in, is boundless and is unlimited, and time, as
well, is unlimited.

So, what is this about my brain. Well, if you got past that, and you're
still with me, let me say that I have a direct connection to my brain,
that is all knowing and all seeing, and when I want to know or
understand something, I just check with it, and I get the information
that I'm looking for. So I can know a lot of stuff about a lot of
people, and I never had to meet or see them or speak to them, or do any
research to know about them, and the only thing I had to do to find out
what is going on with Mr. A, or Mrs. B, is to make a query, that's what
I call it, and lots of information starts flowing into my conscious
brainal areas, and I know a lot more about the query, which I didn't
know anything about, before. It's sometning that I'm getting a little
better at making queries to and I'm getting a little better at,
everyday. But just a little.

Now along time ago, before I trashed my brain, I believe my query and
analysis and expectation of reply was instantaneous, so it helped me
out a lot in the old days. Well, now I have to start to get used to
using it, when I need to, so I can find out the answers that I need to

Now there is something, else, going on here, and that is, without me
even making a querie, I know these things without even asking or making
a queery, and that is because of the simultanaeity of my need for the
information, and my getting it right when I need it, and that's how my
GOD brain works for me, when I need it to work for me to advance my
religious revolution and to talk about all the things that I need to
talk about. I never met Clint Eastwood, or Jeb Bush, or any of those
people, but my GOD brain knows all and sees all, and I can access that
information as I need to, while I write, or whenever I need it, and it
is there for me, as that is my brain, and I am GOD, and that is how
this works, and so if I say something that is startling, or
uncomfortable to some people, or if someone thinks that I said
something that I shouldn't have said, cause it was not my business to
say anything about it, in the first place, well, that argument may or
may not apply to an ordinary human being, but it does not apply to me,
cause I am GOD, and I have total responsibility for all of you as you
are all my children, whether some people like to hear that or not, it
doesn't matter, and so you will hear a lot of things from me, from now
on, in addition to what I've been talking about, as I am going to blow
the lid off of this government, and turn our society topsy turvey, and
all single handedly, in terms of getting the information out to
everybody, but with the help of every one who wishes to be a part of
this religious and vernacular and agrarian revolution. I am GOD and I
have an absolute right to discuss the things that I must discuss, and
no one can tell me otherwise, and if people get bent out of shape
because they didn't want me to say, this or say that, well, golly gee,
Mabel, but I made every last one of you, and I have a lot of kids, and
this is my universe and you all are my children, and I can say anything
I want to, so long as it's a reasonable statement for me to make, at
least in my opinion, and that's the only opinion that counts, despite
what some folks might to think, and so long as it is within my area of
responsibility and within my area of my religous responsibilities, and
within the context of my Religous and Vernacular Agrarian Revolution,
and so long as it is going to be neccessary for me to discuss for me to
advance my Revoluton, I will discuss it regardless of what people think
and regardless of what people think of me, and regardless of the
consequences to other people for my having said it.

That is the way it is going to go, from here on out, and so if somebody
is upset, it is entirely because of my duty to reveal my final religion
and my plans for my universe, and my plans for my children, regardless
of what people think of them, now, but I am going to discuss everything
that I need to discuss, come what may. I will upset many people, but
that is just too bad, and though I don't sound like a very
compassionate guy, well, that's just how I have to be as I am going to
remove a large segment of the male population of my universe, and I am
also going to remove a lot of women, too, and we won't be seeing them
around again, for an awful long time to come. We will see them, again,
but that is so far off into the future, we might as well not even
consider it.

Now if families are distraught over the personal things about them or
about their parents or about their children, or about their friends, or
about their behaviour, or about there character, as I am always talking
about Eve Arden, and I don't even know her, and never heard of her
before I started writing about her, and I said a few things about Billy
and Sarah, and Matilda, and some other folks, and lots of other folks,
and they are all as puzzeled as Sarah's father is, and Sarah's mother
is, and they are all puzzeled because they can't figure out how in the
world I could know these things, without ever having known anything
about any of them, before.

Well, before you all get too upset, just inhale a few times, slowly and
exhale a few times, slowly, and just say, I guess he may be GOD,
afterall, and if that doesn't suit you, then fine, but that's the
explanation, rather plain and simple, and there is really nothing more
to say about it, except we are going to keep hearing me say things that
I couldn't have possibly known about, as an ordinary human being, but
I'm not an ordinary human being, and I never will be, so you might as
well get used to the idea that I have an all knowing and all seeeing
brain that allows me to know all of these things that I talk about
which is very handy, and that's sort of a joke, but without me being
able to know all of these things, as I do, then I couldn't possibly
make an impact on society much less this planet's civilization, much
less the course and direction I plan to take my universe in from now
on, as it is my universe and you might as well get used to that notion,
as well, and it is my responsibility to take my universe in the
direction that I see fit, and I will do exactly that, with the help of
a lot of other people, as well.

Now if something bothers you, well, I can't help you there, as you're
just going to have to get used to hearing me say the things I say, and
no matter how unpleasant or no matter how much they may cause you to
wince and grin, and wonder, oh holy toledo, how am I going to face the
women tomorrow in my office, or, whatever, and so you'll just have to
get used to it. If you can learn to laugh at it, as it is sort of funny
that I would know these things, as if I were a magician pulling things
from out of a hat, and if you find that amusing, then fine. A lot of
people who I talk about, expecially the dyslexics, don't like what I am
saying, one bit, and they would like to come up to Vegas and say a few
things, or worse, to me. Well, that's not going to happen, no matter
how frustrated they may get, and no matter how angry they or Mr. George
Bush Jr. amy get, and people are just going to have to get used to the
idea that GOD has landed, and now I am going to direct my universe, and
everyone in it, in the direction that I will direct it in to accomplish
every thing that I must accomplish. There are a lot of things that I
will have to do, now and in the future, so we will not be hearing the
rest of this, for some time to come. That is all I have to say about
it, for now.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

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Apr 9, 2006, 8:52:49 PM4/9/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Quick Regenerative And Rejuvenative Frizzelment Package For
Regenerating Amoebes Updated; 04-09-06 Rev.a

Beeny Babies & Frizzelment Kiddies

Stew Formula Ingredients:

18 Ozs. Spermazoidal Male Ejaculate Juices
And / Or
36 Ozs. Vaginal Juices 36 Ozs.

For A One Person Formula

36 Ozs. Spittle from under the tounge using the under the tounge
depressor pressure technique and holding down for from 2 to 3 to 5
minutes or so, and that will produce a deluge of under the tounge
spittle buggie juices. You'll need to do it on several occasions.

Problems Associated With Spittle Love Bunnies, Their Proliferation, And
Their Making Of Spittle Love Bunny Babies With One And Another

If you get a group of people to contribute his and her spittle bunnies
from each person, then, when everyone puts in their spittle, and if
lots of people are going to use the spittle stew concoction as a
regenerative, then you need something to offset the hallucinogenic
affects of the hallucinogenic chemical buggies in spittle that cause
people to fall in love with each other, the love bunnie theorem and
rule of thumb. If you don't counter them, then, men will fall in love
with men and boys, and women will fall in love with women and girls,
and everyone will fall in love with everyone else who drinks the stuff,
and your group will flounder as all of you close the doors on others,
as you begin to feel more and more you don't want to allow other people
into your group because every one is so in love with each other, they
just want to stay together and fuck each other for who knows how long,
and do your group will not thrive and prosper with new memebers joining
your group, over time.

We want to and must negate or counter the affects of the hallucinogenic
chemical buggies and to do that, we need to increase the concentration
of the Gin or Whiskey by about 8 times, for frizzeling the spittle
bunnies, and collect nasal snot, about 3 or 4 parts of it, for every
one part of spittle, spit in, from each donor of spittle bunnies. That
will add to the usefulness of the stew, and it will help bond the
people together.

Stew Formula Ingredients Continued:

10 Qts. Gin
10 Qts. Grapefruit Juice
10 Lbs. Raw Sugar
6 Gallons Molasses
6 Gallons Honey
8 Ozs. Garlic in 3 Ozs. to 5 Ozs. Gin in Blender
8 Ozs. Ginger Root in 8 Ozs. Gin to 15 Ozs. Gin in blender.
16 Ozs. Cellery Juice
18 Ozs. Carrot Juice

Mix all of the above and then after you have the vanilla beans
fermented for 3.5 years, add them, as below, and add the other stuff,
as you get it out of frizzelment, after it is done frizzeling.

Frizzel 8 Vanilla Beans in 16 Ozs. Gin with 4 Lbs. Raw Sugar fermented
for 3.5 Years.

Frizzel honey and garlic and gin and raw sugar and grapefruit juice and
papapya all fruity-tutied, for up to 9 to 15 to 30 years, then add it

Frizzel honey sessame seeds, gin, garlic and grapefruitjuice and
cantelope custard, that's the mellon all squeezed up and fruity tutied,
or smashed to a pulp and then blended and frizzeled with Gin or
Whiskey, etc., and with raw sugar, and molasses, and fruity-tutied
ginger root, smashed up and pulperized and mixed with molasses and Gin
and raw sugar and then all blended together and mixed with the
cantaloup, and then frizzeled for 3 to 8 to 15 to 30 to 50 to 80 or
more years. Use lots of gin, and lots of raw sugar, and lots of
molasses, and keep it in a well cooled room, a cold room, 58 degrees
Farenheit. If you keep it much colder than this, the activity of the
frizzelment bugs becomes low and sluggish, and they don't gyrate as
much heat as they need to, to remain healthy and warm, and the final
mix is not up to par, or a healthy level of activity. You want to keep
the frizzelment buggies from freezing in this type and the other types
of stews, listed so far, and you need to keep them on the warm side, of
about 58 degrees or even up to 77 degrees on average for them to do
their best.

Mix all and shake up and mix once every 8, 9, or 10, days. Allow to
stand in a cold room, about 58 to 77 degrees Farenheit, for about 8 to
15 or 20 to 30 years, or longer, for best results. In 15 to 30 years,
you'll have a quick Amoebe regenerative brew formula.

Make as many as you want, and use the yeasts that you collect each
Spring along with this brew, and you'll produce an even better brew.

When taking a regenerative formula, initially, you need to take up to
15 or even 30 times as much as you would normally take given the
maintenance dose. So if a normal amount for a maintenance dose is one
tablespoon, then take 15 to 30 tablespoons, for your initial recovery
dose, and that will help get things going in the right direction, as
the aging processes suddenly come to a halt, and the wheels begin to
spin in revervse, reversing the aging process, and bringing you back to
your maximum peak of health. Level out to the maintenance dose over a
15 to 30 to 35 or 50 to 80 or 100 year period of time, depending on how
old you are when you start taking the Amoebe kiddie regenerative brew.

You can substitute Whiskey for Gin, or use any other 80 proof or better
alchoholic beverage to ferment and frizzel the mix with. The above is a
simple and easy mix, and it just takes time.

You can start using it, within about 8 to 15 months, or so, but for
maximum absorbtion, which is the production and multiplication
thouroughly througout the mixture until maximum absorbtion levels are
reached, of the beeny babies, or the little frizzelment kiddies that
the Amoebe kiddies like to feed on, you would want to begin using it
later, about by 15 months to 3 to 5 to 8 or 15 years, or so. You can
let the mixture frizzel healthfully, almost indefinitely, up to about
800 or 900 years, so long as you take the time to feed them with sugar,
and molasses, and honey, and garlic and gin, and honey and garlic and
gin, frizzeled for up to 9 to 15 to 30 years.

There are many variations to this basic quick brew tonic stew, and we
can use many different frizzeled berries, frizzeled beans, frizzeled
nuts, and frizzeled fruty-tuti pulp frizzelment, to vary it and to make
it more effective.

Fermenting Condiment(s) / Berries and Spices Brews and Stews

One other thing, the earlier formulas that I put up on the web, need
much more Gin or Vodka or Whiskey, lots more, enough more so that the
oils are all floating on top of a wide bottom layer of gin or whiskey
or wine, as oil and watery substances like gin or vodka and whiskey
will seperate into two or more layers, to make these stews work the
best. You need a thick layer of fermentation wine, or whiskey or gin,
or vodka, or tequila, or rum, and when you have that fermentation layer
in there thick enough, all of the condiments should settle down into
the layer of fermentation juices at the bottom, and the oils above
should be completely clear of everything else, and it will percolate up
through the upper layers of solids and then into the oil layers, and it
will produce a much better brew, this way, then without the
fermentation layer(s) at the bottom. You need enough Gin or whatever
the alchoholic beverage is, to make a clear liquid at the bottom of the
brew, where into every thing can settle, and then ferment, including
all of the sugar, and human spillage, such as cummy juices, and vaginal
juices, and spittle juices, and fermentation juices from the springtime
collection efforts. You need everything frizzelling and fermenting in
the bottom layer(s) of alchoholic liquids, in the sediement stews, or
condiment stews, with lots of marijuana, or all spice berries, or
pepper berries, or goose berries, and raw sugar, and so forth, and when
every thing is frizzeling away down in the lower layer(s), then you
will know that your stew is alive and well, and doing fine. The more
bubbles you see it give off, the better, but some bubbles are so tiny,
you need a microscope to see them, so don't worry to much about the
amount of bubbles you see, just so long as when you shake it up, now
and then, you'll have risers, or tiny bubbles that will percolate to
the top of the oil mass, and you'll see the tiny bubbles accumulate on
the top of the oil liquid surface.

The above also applies to the emollient oil rubs with the condiments in
them. The condiments should all have a thick layer of drinking alchohol
covering them, as they frizzel away, and form medicinal emollient oil
rubs. You need the condiments in them fermenting while the emollient
oil rub mixture is aging and maturing, and you need to keep the
condiments and spices frizzeling in the drinking alchohol layer for
best results.

You can add human spillage frizzelment buggies to all of the previously
described regenerative stews, and you'll get better frizzelment kiddies
and beeny babies out of the one's that didn't previously include human
spillage frizzelment buggies, or friedemont buggies. Friedemont buggies
are an all inclusive word for all the frizzelment buggies, both human
and otherwise, not including frizzelment kiddies and beeny babies. They
can come from plants, such as marijuana, flowers, spices, berries,
fruits, nuts, seeds, and even some molds, such as the corn, gin, sugar,
peppermint oils, vinegar, and berrie juices and the subsequent molds,
and they are all for the purpose of regenerating and rejuvenating the
human body with their frizzelment kiddies and beenie babies.

Cold Standing Frizzeling Oil Stews

Some cold standing stews, the ones you stir every so often, or shake up
and mix together, will frizzel, regardless of whether there is a layer
of gin or other alchoholic beverage inside of the container, and some
cold standing oil stews, can actually be very good for you, if you
throw in pre-frizzeled ingredients, such as love beans, they are your
typical garbanzo beans and kidney beans and all of the other beans that
you find on the grocery store shelf, and you can pre-frizzel these
beans, and most other beans for the results we want, and all normal
food staple beans for general nutrition can be pre-frizzeled and then,
later, after a few years to 5 to 20 or 30 years, or after even 50 to
100 to 300 to 800 years, after they have begun to frizzel well, you can
add these wonderful pre-frizzeled beans into an oil porridge mess.

The oil porridge mess formula containes mashed up sunflower seeds,
oils, paprika, carrot juice, lemon juice, cellery juice, carrot juice,
lemon rind pulp, and lemon fruit pulp, and smashed up pumpkin seeds,
salt, and pepper, and lots of pre-frizzeled berries, pre-frizzeled
raisins, lots of raw sugar, lots of molasses, and lots of honey, and
pre-frizzeled bees wax, and pre-frizzeled bee pollen, and frizzeled
vanilla beans with sugar and honey and molasses and gin and applesauce,
and you throw into the porridge mess some of the Cummy Juices and the
Vaginal Juices, and a spit or two of spittle from everyone and a little
nasal juices, which have lots of sperm oils in them, and they are good
for countering the spittle bunnies and their babies and they will help
break the hallucinogenic lock that gets set on your brain and makes you
think you love somebody, and even your dog and cat, if the dog and cat
contribute spittle, and after frizzeling them all, along with some
pre-frizzeled tomatoes, and pre-frizzeled carrot mulch, and some
pre-frizzeled parsnips, and some pre-frizzeled turnips, and
prefrizelled just about any fruit, or fruit berrie, and you'll find
that you will have a nice aphrodisiacle formulas in the oils, and you
can add some pre-frizzeled sasafras, and pre-frizzeled comfrey and
pre-frizzeled burdock root, and pre-frizzeled marshmallow root, along
with a few other things, and I'll let you know what they are, at a
later date, and you can have a wonderful aphrodisical stew with lots of
medicinal, anti bad kritter capabilities in your oil stew, as well.

You can keep the porridge mix frizzeling by mixing lots of raw sugar
with molasses and oil, and then mixing in some gin, and whiskey, and
wine, and human ferment starter gooop, just throw in a two to to four
to fifteen tablespoons of the starter goop, from those bottles of
collected flower pollens and human frizzelment buggies from human
spillage collected off of your bodies, each spring, and then placed in
wide mouthed open jars with lids, with lots of sugar, or in smaller
mouthed jars with caps or corkes and lots of sugar, etc., to get good
and gooey while sitting in the cold storage room, for 100 years, or so,
and stiring up the oil mess with lots of raw sugar, etc., and getting
the oil to frizzel, and then mix that in, once the oil and every thing
else in it is frizzeling, and you'll eventually have a nice oil stew
for your health. The oil will take about 30 years to begin frizzeling
properly, but it will frizzel, and you will have a wonderful oil
frizzeling stew mixture with every thing else mixed in with it, and
don't forget the love beans from your grocery store, and frizzel them


There is a big to-do about the types of lids people should use when
canning tomatoes, or squashes, and there is a "botchulizm" contaminent
fear in most people's minds, about home canning and processing things,
and their a great amount of fear, for some people, anyway, about the
lids, since they use those fancy two piece lids for stuffing in sauces
and stuff, if you go to the store and check out the lids, in the U.S.,
you'll see these two peice lids, and wonder why they are in two pieces,
and does that do something for the sauce mix, or whatever, and the
truth is, that the designers just where playing a gag on every one and
thought they could sell some patented idea, better than a normal lid,
and so they are screwing over everyone in the department store cause
you don't need two part lids, and it makes no difference to have one
part or two part lids, and you can use any kind of lid you like, and
they will all be the same, unless it is a rusty lid, and in that case
you want to throw it away, as it may contain toxic traces of bacteria
and botchulism, and so long as you do not have rusty lids, you are

Rusty and rusting lids are to be avoided at all costs, as they can,
will, and do build up toxins that can be and most like are harmful to
your health and they can spread the harmful toxins into a non
fermenting batch of tomatoes, and the tomatoes will have to put up
their hands and surrender as they are overwhelmed by toxins, and the
tomato stews, or the squash stews are then no longer good for human
consumption and have to be thrown out.

If toxins are spread into a fermenting batch of gin and sugars etc.,
they will eventually be overwhelmed by the ferment buggies, and the
armies of ferment buggies are needed for killing the toxic bunny
kritters, and they are some mean and miserable looking kritters, at
that, and so check your caps, now and then, and make sure they are not
rusting, and if they are, throw them away, wipe the rim of the bottle
with gin, or whiskey, and get a plastic top that won't rust. Make sure
the lip of the jar is well cleaned off and clean it thoughroughly with
gin or whiskey and lemon juice, and if you let that frizzel for a few
years, you'll have a nice anti-toxin wiper upper liquid for your rusted
caps on your bottles. Metal caps are to be avoided, at all costs, and
plastic caps or corks are preferred, over metal caps, any day, so do
your shopping, and make sure you do not use metal caps of any kind, as
they will all rust and cause problems.

Salt mixed in with the gin and lemon juice will make an even better
frizzeled wiper upper juice, or sauce, to detoxify the lips of jars
wine bottles, or large juice bottles. Melt a little butter and mix it
in with the above mix, and let it frizzel 150 years, or so, then you'll
have an even better mixture for wiping off the lips of jars and bottles
to prevent the build up of harmful toxins, and you'll be able to help
keep them to a minimum with this. Add frizzeled cinnamon powder, and
frizzeled garlic mash with butter, and frizzeled all spice powder mixed
with nutmeg powder and chili powder, and then after frizzeling all of
that, mix it in with the above, and frizzel the mixture for a total of
1,250 years, or so, and you'll have a wonderful detoxifying agent for
the lips and rims of your bottles.

Chili powder and butter frizzeled with raw sugar, molasses and honey
and gin and cherry wine or other wine will make a great detoxifying
agent, after about 5 to 10 to 15 years, or up to 855 years, or so. Add
in frizzeled orange peels grated up and lime peels grated up and lemon
peels grated up and then mixed with molasses and gin, and honey and
frizzel cinnamon when you throw the frizzeled lime, lemon, and orange
rinds in, and let them frizzel together, for 10 to 15 years, and then
mix that with the chilli powder frizzelment, and you'll have an even
nicer detoxifying agent to clean off and detoxify the lips and rims of
bottles and jars. Meanwhile, just use some wine and gin, and frizzel it
with aspirin tablets ground up, and some cheeries, and concentrate the
gin, or whiskey, before hand, about two to eight times or so, before
using it to begin frizzeling, and that should help you detoxify
anything you'll need to detoxify in about 3 to 6 months. For a better
mix of all detoxifying mixes, use concentrated drinking alchohol,
concentrated by a factor of 2 to 3 to 8 times or so, and you'll be
fine. Mix in cinnamon with concentrated alchohol, and then frizzel that
with raw sugar and concentrated wine and a tiny bit of butter and salt
at room temperature, and you'll have a nice detoxifying agent for your
bottles and wine jars in 9 months.


Apr 13, 2006, 11:54:22 PM4/13/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
GRIZZELLMENT BUGGIES, Some big boys on the block, - Or, How to
sterilize and prevent harmful kritters from growing on your bottle caps
and on your Frizzelment and Fermement bottle lips and mouths and metal

9 Qts. Olive Oil

4.5 Lbs. Chili Pepper ground and powdered in a home use heavy duty
Or just grind it up, with a towel around your mouth, after shredding it
as much as possible, and then grinding in a mortar bowl and pestle.
Add the chili powder to the olive oil.

Mix in
3 Lbs. Salt
3 Lbs. Lemon Rinds - pureed in mix
3 Lbs. Lime Rinds - pureed in mix
3 Lbs. Orange Rinds - pureed in mix
9 Lbs. Garlic - pureed in mix
8 Qts. Red or White Wine, the more acidic, bitter and pungently tart,
the better
3 Qts. Vinegar
3 Qts. Gin or Whiskey, or Vodka, or Tequila, or Grain Alchohol (Rot
2 Lbs. Confectionary use sugar powder, Add more confectionary sugar
over the years to keep the buggies in the oils frizzelling.
2 Lbs. Raw Sugar, add more over the years to keep it frizzeling.
4 Ozs. Chloraseptic - if you can substitute marijuana for Chloraseptic,
use about 3 lbs. of buds and flowers. Buds are the best, but flowers
are good, too.
Grate them up in Gin and in Raw Sugar, and let it sit for about 9
Months before you use it. Make sure you place enough Raw Sugar and
Molasses in it to keep it frizzeling.
1 Drop Amonia, household use amonia.

Banana's grizzeled in highly concentrated Gin, or Vodka, about 3 to 5
to 8 to 16 times its normal strength, will produce even bigger and more
useful Big Grizzeler Critters, and they can be used in conjunction with
Amonia Grizzelers, and Chili Powder Grizzelers. Highly concentrating
any normal drinkable alchohol, especially, if after being concentrated,
and then spruced up some, with some un-concentrated liquor of the same
or similar or even a different kind, when it has been cured at full
strength, at about 5 to 8 to 16 times its normal strength, for 9 to 15
years, in a barrel filled with lots of birch wood coals, sasafras
roots, and sasafras coals, and dogwood bark, and dogwood bark coals, at
very frigid temperatures, -10 to -15 to -45 Degrees Celcius, will
produce a very fine big Grizzeler group of children to help devour the
man made pesticides, and petro chemical posions, and even the tankards,
if given enough time, many zillions of years.

You will get many healthy amonia buggies over the years, ones that are
more user friendly, and that will help control the bad kritters on the
block, and ones that are useful for eating up pesticides and
fertilizers in the tankards that you throw your orange peels and
tangerine rinds, and guava rinds and fruit, the Grizzelment buggies.
They will have a lot of fun in the tankards eating for years to come,
lots of crappy man made petrochemical posions, and such. You should
wait about 4 to 8 years before you drop up to 2 cups of the above mix
into each of the grizzelment tanks. It will take about 85 years or so,
before you can safely bring out any of the Grizzelled bits to use as
the base for your frizzelment stews and concoctions, in stead of using
lots of raw sugar, all the time.

Let this frizzel over the years, and it will produce a very strong odor
and bad kritters kruncher. You can wipe the metalic lids or plastic
caps of the bottles, and containers, and you can wipe the lip and the
mouth of the bottles themselves, and it will be quite potent, and
effective at keeping the bad kritter populations to zero, or very near

Give it about 3 to 8 years, for a nice full strength de-kritterizer
oil, and just dip your paper towel or light cloth into the oil on the
top lightly to get the towel liquidy, and then use that oil to wipe
your bottle lip and mouth and the metal or plastic bottle cap or lid.
That will also help keep the metal from oxidizing, and going sour, or
letting in the little varmints that spread their little kid varmints
and make people sick.

Do not touch the oil with your fingers, or smudge it on your facial
skin, or any of your skin surfaces, or on your hair, or clothes, and
wear very thin, no powder, or wash them off thoughroughly before using
them, let them, two to three pairs, in case one or more gives out, soak
overnight in vinegar and baking soda, and lime juice, with a little
gin, and then use the plastic rubber gloves with the oil. Kitchen dish
washing gloves with the long sleeves are just as good, and be sure to
wash them off with a strong detergent before taking them off to make
sure you get the oils off. And you can use a thin pair of plastic
gloves as liners, and then use the large yellow or orange gloves as
second layer, or outer layer gloves, to make sure you do not get your
self contaminated. Make sure you use these latex gloves for this
purpose and only this purpose, and do not use them for dual or triple
use purposes, such as window or plate glass and windex cleaining, or
out door gardening, etc. They will get so dirty, and so many bad
kritters will find their way into the crevices and holes in them, the
very tiny ones, that they will need to be discarded before you can
sanitize safely any of your bottle lids, lips, or caps.

Have Fun

John Francis Ayres
And Children

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry, 5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004,
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103, Tel: (702) 894-9518, johnfrancisayres @
yahoo.com, Google Group Newsgroup, Updated Often:
http://groups.google.com/group/gurkianagegurkianway ,USENET Newsgroup:


May 7, 2006, 8:25:32 AM5/7/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Puffy Rice Balls - Ruined Regenerative Stews - Minimal Half Point And
Half Life Quandry Revisited. Humans on Sub Miniature Levels - Gerber
and Heinz Baby Food Bad Kritters, With Human's Living There, As Well -
Scalp Mites And Dandruff Turds - And A little On Human Evolutionary
Stuff - Plus, Planetary Flip Flops And An Andean Discovery In Bosnia,
George Rutherford's Old House And Homestead Updated: 05-07-06 Rev.x

Puffy Rice Balls are little squirrel like kritters, and they cause
nuremia, and dystrophemia, and lots of other illnesses, and diseases.
They will contaminate the liquid oils in regenerative stews and
rejuvenative stews. Puffy Rice Balls are not known of by the wine
making and brewery industries, but they are in every contaminated batch
of gin, vodka, whiskey, and ale, and beer, and lager, and malt liquor,
and we eat them in the cans of beer we drink, regularly, and they don't
kill us, but if they suddenly proliferate, that is, increase in
numbers, vastly, and they sour a wine, or sour a bottle of beer, or
sour a keg of ale, the big aluminum kegs, usually, not the wooden kegs,
with stoppers in them, not normally, anyway, but it does happen, now
and then, due to the wine industry, and their poor habits of allowing
rats, mice, and pidgeons to pee and poop in their vats of wine
maturing, as some of them leave the lids off the tops of the vats -
before they place them in other containers, or even in wooden kegs, and
so forth - and then a rat might jump in, once frightened, suddenly, and
might even end up dead in the brew. Puffy Rice Balls live in the feces
and poop of rats and varmints of all kinds, and if you get some rat
spittle in the brew, your brew is good as soured, and so is your gin,
wine, vodka, or other alchohol liquids that have the dead rats in them.

It's definitely not good for your health to eat puffy rice balls, as
they will cause all kinds of problems with the kidneys, and cause renal
failure, not occular failure, but the kidney kind of renal failure,
renal is sometimes used in modern day English to refer to the occular
lenses in the eyeball. Renal came from the French guy who discovered
the Occular lenses, and so it gets confused, and people call them,
Renal Lenses, in some quarters, and not in France, but in france they
are called something written similar to the Renault car company,
Renault Duvoise Renal Lenses.

So puffy rice balls will cream your kidneys, and your liver, and your
digestive tract, and they must be chucked with the brew, and you should
not use cheap wine, when mixing wines with the things you buy for your
regenerative stews, cause many of them have been heat proccessed, and
if they have been heat processed, it is nearly a 100% bet, that you've
got puffy rice balls living in the super heated and processed brew,
cause heat will not kill them, but lemons, and lime rinds, and garlic,
and tulip bulbs, and a number of other things, will, too, and many of
them have had dead rats in them.

There are a few cheap wines, like the Gallo Vineyards, which are just
cheap wines, made on the cheap. with cheap labor, and cheap processes,
and they don't want to spend money on technical stuff, so they do
things the old way, when nobody died from rats in the wine, and they
just make very cheap but drinkable wine. And there are the Livingston
Vineries, which aren't bad. The Carlo Rossi vineyards collect wines
from all over the place, and they don't give a hoot what is in the
brew, and they superheat process every thing, nearly, that they get,
sometimes they buy good stuff they know is not contaminated, as the
people who make the good wines, are known by every one, and so
sometimes they get lucky, and get some good wine, and they sell it
under some fancy name and then charge an arm or two for it, and they
luck out only now and then, so you don't see their fancy stuff very
often, cause when it hits the streets, every one who likes good wine,
gets it, and it goes in a matter of seconds or minutes, or sometimes
days, but not much longer than a month or up to 8 years, in some cases,
cause they didn't like the smell of this, or the purchaser didn't like
the design of that, and so forth and so on.

The wines that say, refrigerate after opening, and Carlos Rossi always
puzzeled me with that statement, as I couldn't put the two together,
and I bought some, and now my batch is DOA, and filled up with puffy
rice balls, that will now kill me, if I try to drink it. All
"refrigerate after opening" wines have dead rat parts in them, or have
been contaminated with something or other, and has been super heat
process treated, and because of the contaminates, they will sour, after
opening, and not refrigerating, if you leave them at a warm
temperature, for from a few days, to a few weeks, and the puffy rice
balls are the culprits, and if you drink soured wine, or ale, or
whatever for that matter, you will get ill, and at worst, you may die
after a mild time on a dialysis machine.

Super heated contaminated wines and cheap liquors of all kinds, should
not be used regenerative stews, and formulas, and so forth. I just
recently contaminated mine with a cheap but spiffy looking bottle of
Carlos Rossi wine, and now I have two dead pidgeons, that is containers
of regenerative brews, and I have to throw them both out.

Gin and Vodka do not normally sour, if the alchohol content is high
enough, and so that's a good indicator that puffy rice balls don't
survive so well in high potency liquors. If you bought some Carlos
Rossi wine, or other super heat treated wine and added lots of the
cheap stuff to the batch, you might develop puffy rice balls, and the
oils will suddenly become very whitish in color, and that tells you, do
not drink me, cause I am contaminated regenerative oils, and the puffy
rice balls are living fine in there. What to do to correct the problem.
Nothing. You could prevent it, if I had known about this problem,
before now, but now that the wine is mixed in, with the ingredients, it
is pretty hard to fix, but marijuana will kill off puffy rice balls, if
mixed in and heated up in the brew, and puffy rice balls won't have a
chance, if the wine is mixed in with the marijuana. If the wine is
mixed in later, after the marijuana mix is prepared and you interupt it
with some addtional wine, it won't help at that point, and you have to
chuck it.

Citruscising The Brew

If you really want to experiment, you can get some citrus peels, and
squeeze about a gallon of citrus liquid from 85 lbs. of peels, and add
it for every gallon of Carlo Rossi wine, approximately, or other super
heat treated wine that you used, and then you can citruscise the
regenerative brew, and then you can save it, possibly, and you may have
a pretty good chance at success, about a 98% or 99% or maybe a little
higher, but if the wine is heavily contaminated, you won't have a
chance at all, cause all the heat treating in the world won't disolve
large quantities of the puffy rice ball squirel monkey type, part
feline, too, but very small, and they have some lizard in them, and
snake, and even mini gorrilla like creatures, that got intermixed way
down on the subminiature level, and you never know what's in the air
you breath, and so that's the moral,

Minimal Half Point And Half Life Quandry - Revisited

We have to start cleaning up our universe, and if you want to live
forever, or if you want to come back and pass the midway mark, which we
are past now, and we are below it, and it is now time to go in the
other direction, and if you don't agree, you can just become a 3 inch
tall, squirlish looking, lizard tounged, bald and knotty headed, monkey
guy, who is not so bright, cause he didn't decide to do anything at the
point of no return, which we are nearing, and he just went on, and left
every one else, and so we won't be letting that happen to any of us,
and so those of you who do not wish to follow my plan, will not be
welcomed with open arms, and the middle finger salute will go to you,
and yours and with that, we'll either be seeing you at around the goal
line, after we make my universe a great place to live in, again, or we
may not be seeing you at all, if you are a real shithead, and I decide
to demolecularize you, in my own good time.

Puffy rice balls live in humans, and in pigs, and in pidgeons, and in
mice, and in just about every creature, including apes, and Kalahari
Bush people, the Aborigines of Australia, who were carnivorous ape
people, a long time ago, before they were brought here as pets in zoos,
and then evolved over one cataclysmic event after another, and until
they finally got some smarts, and then kept on going. After one polar
crunch after another - a polar crunch is a topsy turvey event where the
planet suddenly tilts to the side, and the waters in the oceans go
spilling up over the mountains, and you have all kinds of people in the
water swiming around, together, where they were just ten minutes ago,
sleeping in bed on one side of the world, and the other persons, ten
feet away, were awake and working on the bottom side of the other side
of the world. It's quite sudden, and they are probably all dead,
already, but sometimes they somehow managed to survive, and a few
aboriginals got lucky, and there they are today, and the kalahari bush
people kept up their lucky streak, as well, and they are still with us
today, from their more primitive roots as tiny pet monkeys that looked
a little like ferrets, and were long legged, and short trunked, apey
guys and girls, of the little kind. Well, they are here today, and I
don't know what the apey people where, before they became carnivores,
but they were carnivore rat like creatures, and they were very little,
at first, and then later became more like chimps, as they found a
little interbreeding capability with some chimpy folks, and they went
from zoo rats to chimpy woodland rats, and then later developed into
walking and talking vagina and dick toting bigger and bigger chimpy
guys and girls until the finally got pretty large as far as zoo
specimens go, and there were large populations of them, and a few
planets, for various reasons, and we had a bunch brought here, as well,
a long time ago, and their lucky streak held up, and they are now the
Aboriginies of Australia, relatively good natured, but still
carnivorous types, that don't mind chomping down on a dead, as in
starved to death neighbor, once in a while, if they are hungry. They
used to eat sailors, regularly, and they prefered the chinese cooks
that came and worked here, but after a little humanity training
seminars with the christian brothers, and sisters, they said, okay,
pops, I'll not eat you, if you let me lay with your daughter, and the
pops in the turban who needed people to work for him in his field as
cheap laborers, said, okay, bruce, my boy, if you promise to not eat me
or my wife, or my daugther or my sons, and the white and yellow and
green, Japanese and some other races were considered green in those
days by the christian brothers and sisters, parishioners, I'll let you
and phil, your brother, and your old man, william, sleep with my
daughter, and my wife, cause, I don't really mind, since they are
willing to serve god. And so the story of humanizing phil the Abo guy,
they didn't like the term abo, so one should say, the bloke down the
road, and they don't mind that, now, though some used to, cause they
didn't like to be called whites, and whites were blokes, as far as they
could tell or discern, given their customs and habits of eating blokes,
so anyway, they got used to it, after a while, and they still eat a
bloke or two, now and then, if they get lost in the desert, and they
are hungry, and it is either them dying from starvation, or you dying
for dinner.

So don't call an Aborigine guy, an Abo, cause he generally doesn't like
that term, and just say, hey there, me bloke, and they'll laugh and
say, in their language, fuck off, me shit face, and that will be that.

If you really want to save it, you can, stash it in the refrigerator,
and freeze it, and leave it in there for about 500,000 million or so
years, and your marijuana concoction will bring it back to life, and
usefulness, after a while.

Other than marijuana, there is cocaine, which works wonderfully to kill
the bad kritters, and there is of course, opium, and peyote, cause we
can kill lots of puffy rice balls, with lots of strong human type
related good little critters, in large quantities, and so when the
opium and every thing else gets liberated and people can grow and use
the stuff in their stews, then you can fix your stews, even better,

Okay. Sorry about that one, and I hope no one dies, so if you poured in
a lot of puffy rice ball contaimated wine, like I did, then you lose on
your stew, just like I did, and you will have to freeze it until the
pass the laws on marijuana, or you can pour a few litters of chloral
hydrate into the brew, and then citrus cise it for extra good measures,
and rebrew it, over a low flame, for about 95 years, and that won't
help, so just wait till they get the opium laws changed, and we will
tackle it again, later. In the mean time, do not use cheap super heat
treated wines and beers, and ales, and lagers, etc., in your stews, and
use only the ones that are not super heat treated, because it is more
than likely than not, that you will have a decent stew, in the end, or
just don't use the wines and beers and low alchohol content strength
vinegars, and other low alchohol brews in your stews, and use flaming
hot tequila from Mexico, and drinkable grain alchohol, that is called
rot gut, in your liqour store, and just pick up some strong tequila
next time you're in Mexico, and that's my best advice for a wine and
beer and gin, etc. replacement. Don't buy it if it is made by an
American company, and only used home brewed tequilas. Dominican Rums,
and Haiti rums, can be okay, but still, Mexican home brewed tequila,
and the stuff you can find in the Andes, which is also home brewed
Biesh, or something like that, and it will kill the puffy rice balls
better than a lot of stuff, and it has peyote in it, and some coca
leaves, as in Cocaine, and take a bottle home, and have a nice evening
with it.

Human Spillages Continued

You can take a bath in not Carlos Rossi wine, but good uncontaminated
wine, or good gin, or good, whiskey, which is the expensive stuff, and
you will make some really fine spillage with that, after about 35
years, or 85 years, to 855 years, and you'll be knocking every one over
dead, with your wonderful spillages, and you just sponge it on in a
group setting, and every one uses it, and keeps the bad kritter
populations down with it, and you can mix in some glycerine soap and
Tequila, or Beish, or good French or German Whiskey, or Swiss Alps
siskey, and Austrian Alps wiskey, and some beers, but not the super
heat treated stuff, but the fine brewed stuff, that is a little
expensive, but well made, and look for it in your local home brew guy
and girl bakery shop type establishment. The glycerine soap with the
good strong stuff melted in and let to ferment with raw sugar and
molasses, will make a good strong hair shampoo, which gets kind of
yucky looking in most people, as we get lots of bad kritters in our
hair, and we get lots of oily stuff, too, and we have dandruf galore,
which is kind of poop from all kinds of little farty kids and girls and
boys of the bad kritter types, and you have to keep the hair relatively
free of oils and dandruf poop materials, and I'm not kidding you. What
the heck are they doing, if they can't figure out that the scaly stuff
on your scalp is fart poop, a fart is a little kritter that is not much
bigger than a mite, and has lots of legs, and they are every where on
your scalp, and you want to keep the fart poop to a minimum, so
citruscize your scalp with good strong toxic Canadian Brewery Whiskey
of the good and expensive and well made home brewery type, that is not
contaminated, and over 35 years old, and the farty kids will die off by
the bundle loads, and your hair won't have any more scaly looking farty
poop in it, from bad kritters, after you wash it with the glycerine
with high country, as in snowy places, in Alberta Canada, and other
high land areas, and the home brewery whiskey ferment soap, and then
treat it with the citrus liquids mixed in, with a good strong brew from
the snowy high land areas of the world, whiskey or good malt liquor,
and then with that treatment, your farty poopy problems on your scalp
will disappear.

Why high land snowy areas, not that I'm trying to get around a
sensitive issue here, but the reason is, snowy areas in the high land
mountainous ranges, usually have lots of home breweries, as every one
is too bored in winter to just sit around, so they build breweries. The
Andes, is another area where there are lots of home breweries of this,
that and the other, thing, and so have lots of fun.

As for any unclear issues, tough luck on the bad wine puffy rice ball
poop and spittle and the drool and pee from the ravens logs, which are
like little honey bees that have horns, and fly around, and are part
human, almost, in appearance, anyway, with legs, anyway that look kind
of human, and arms, and even a thing that looks like a dick, amazingly
enough, and they even have a vagina, and there are lots of little bad
kritters, that are as much a gorilla type, or a human being looking
type, as there are other types of little bugs and other stuff, and none
of them are my children, in the classic sense, but if they skip over to
a high enough level of intelligence, even way down on the lower levels,
of life, they will be human beings, and they won't like living down
there, and there are a lot of them, and I couldn't figure out some
things about humans with wings, and now I remember, they are living way
down in the sub molecular lands, and I won't tell you where, but they
aren't very fortunate, to be living there, and some day, we will see
them again, up on our level. The Raven's logs are little bad kritters,
that are also in the spittle from rats, and they aren't good either.

Can we get contaminated by human pee and stuff on those lower levels,
and the answer is, yes, and no. Some will contaminate your brews, as
there are little humans on some muskrat grapes, and they pee, but they
aren't too intelligent, and so they usually don't qualify among my kids
of the human being kinds, but there are exceptions. Their pee is not
too toxic, but it will cause skin rashes, on babies. They are very
tiny, and how do they get on to baby butts? Well, the mother buys
gerber or hines, baby food, and there were some muskrat grapes mixed,
in, and we have uncle herb, and albert in the baby food. They don't
mind too much, because the baby stomach buggy pee juices aren't going
to kill them, and they don't even know where they are, and they live a
long time, relatively, about 3 million years, or up to 8.9 million
years, as they do not demetabolize, or loose their amoebic baby
kiddies, and other living structures that are in their body, and so
they'll pop around here, and pop around there, and sometimes they might
get eaten up, but they might have some tools, that can save them, and
they might escape, on a little lunar jet coaster, they made, and do
they space travel down there? I don't know for sure, but I don't think
so, as they are too stupid to have ended up down there, in the first
place, and if they do have a lunar jet coaster, it is only because I
gave it to them, but I don't think I did, as I have been out of my
noggin far longer than that, without any memories of who I am, and so
forth, and I did all of that, a long time ago, and he probably doesn't
have any thing like that, though he may have a type writer, if he has
figured out how to smelt ores and things that he can use, way down
there. Anyway, I'm through discussing this topic, and we will all take
our chances, now, and see which way we will want to go.

Yahoo News Report George Rutherford's old home stead found An Andean
Mountainous Region Homestead Now in the Bosnian Country Side After A
Few Or More Planetary Flip Flops

"Bosnian Pyramids: Great Discovery or Colossal Hoax?"
"Heather Whipps"
"Special to LiveScience"
"LiveScience.com Thu May 4, 5:00 PM ET "

George Rutherford lived in the newly discovered or recently rediscoverd
and reported Bosnian town area, where a bunch of folks lived, about 800
thousand million years or so ago, and George and his daughter Carolyne,
lived there, and Carolyne was his wife and sister. She had a strange
sounding name, and I'm not going to try and spell or pronounce it, but
any way, that's an archeological dig from a time along time ago, and
you'll find human poop, and other materials, and the critters that
lived in goats, that they had, and dunkees, or little horny toed,
alpine sheep. Kathy Brunderidge, also lived there, and she and George
and George's daughter where all family, and George had several wives, I
think, and that's cause back then, they didn't buy into the bunk that
you could not have sex with your family members, and he had lots of
sisters, and they all or most of them, ended up as his wives. Carolyne
Cleavridge, was also out there, and so was George Seymore, a friend of
Mr. Rutherford, and Carolyne Cleavridge, and Bunky, little Kathy
Brunderidge. She isn't called Bunky, these days, but I knew her as
Bunky, a long time ago. They were a bunch of Andean Alps folks, and
that was before a bunch of planetary flip flops, ago, and they were
alive then, anyway. Planetary flip flops are the polar axis suddenly
shifts, and the north pole, ends up on the southern, side. Well, so
much for that.

Good bye, for now.


Jun 2, 2006, 4:21:42 PM6/2/06
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Stimulant Brew Tea Enhancement Brew - Peyote Brew ~ Another Approach -
Pedophilia ~ The Love Of The Gods, Homer - Oliver North's Miscalulation
Updated: 02-06-06 Rev.x

In 3 to 8 gallons of hot water boil:

Tea leaves, any kind

Cocaine powder or leaves

Cocaine replacement, the Meander desert spiral seed pod fluttering
leaves are loaded with cocaine buggies, about 85% of them to 98% or 99%
are in them, and you can brew them in the tea solution with aspirin and
rum or licorice frackles or licorice root snaps, bits and pieces for an
added emphasizer. This will help repair the damage the Puritanist
Mysogonysts did to our body with the vaccines when we were kids, and as
we grew up, and were further assaulted by trace amounts of the
glaxocologene and the frangiene and other poisons as well to shut our
orgasming potentials down and genocidally kill off the humane orgasming
chemical buggies and kiddies that we need to have a healthy orgasming

Licorice Rum
Will add to the overall stimulant brew, and make it slightly more

Will add to the stimulant effect and make it more of a aphrodisiacle
formula as well as a partly psychotropic formula, that is fit for our
spillage brew baths, with all of the above so far added in.

Psychotropic weed flowers with purplish violetish and specks of yellow
flower petals.
These will add to the psychotropic affect and will aid the mental
allertness factor, and help to keep the nerves steady, as it is a
partial sedative. It will also help stimulate the dick and female
throttle, Adding rum to it will help it a little to become more
psychotropic and more of a sedative for steady nerves, and it is
becoming more like an opium brew, now.

This will help provide food sources for all of the tea buggies, and for
all of the psychotropic buggies, and stimulant buggies and horniness
buggies. You need about 3 to 8 to 85 to 850 of them in the 8 gallon
brew to feed all the buggies that will be coming out over the next five
to eight weeks as it reaches it's potency.

Grapefruit juice will further provide helpful meal time snacks for the
little horniness buggies, and the stimulant buggies, and for the
sedative buggies, and for the psychotropic buggies, and for the cocaine
buggies, and for the Merryweather White Horn Flowers from the desert
tropical plant near Walmart's, where little lizards like to lounge
about under them, eating the flowers when they see them. The white
flowers the lizards like will also help repair the damage to the body
that the mysogonists have caused with their glaxocologene and

Comfrey leaves, columbine leaves and flowers
Juniper leaves
Vermillion Cluster berry leaves
Noni berrry leaves
Elder berrie leaves
Noni Julie Berry leaves

These all have cocaine buggies and regenerative orgasming nerval system
helpful orgasming chemical buggies in them even in a hot brew of their
leaves along with the Cocaine replacement desert pod seed Fluttering

Orange Rind grind up and grate into tiny bits and let these sit and dry
out for about 8.5 weeks. These dried orange rind bits will help to
stimulate the brain chemical buggies for alertness buggies to multiply
and thrive in the brain when chemical depletion errors is a factor.
Erros refers to parts of the brain is dead or missing, rotted away, and
people are not thinking clearly, like Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, John
Smith, Margaret Thatcher, and others, including me. I have the
traumatic karmatic markups to not have parts of my brain inside of my
skull, and though they are very tiny and small in size, very tiny,
smaller than a pin needles head, but even 1/1000th or smaller still,
about 1/1,000,000,000th and even smaller, 1/1 trillionth zillionth
quadrillionth in in size, never the less, they are missing, and that's
a lot of chemical buggie juices that are needed there, in that tiny
area alone, and it is critical cripea cell tissues, and if the cryipeas
are missing, then the watering holes for the buggies are missing, and
if the watering holes are missing then there are no buggies producing
chemical buggies and spit and barf, pee and poopy, and vomity and
drool, and lactate, and vaginal liquids and dick drool juices, plus
underarms juices, etc. for allowing my brain to work, not to mention
groinal spout juices that are little spouts between the legs, and when
you've got a million sets of legs to your buggie body, that's a lot of
juices missing. Butt hole juices, and butts can be numerous, and range
in the billions trillions range for some of these buggies, and it may
sound far fetched, or outlandish, but when you begin to study about
these buggies you'll see that it is not, and that it is real science.

Maple Syrup
This has lots of chemical buggie juices for making lots of horniness
juices and for making lots of orgasming chemical buggie juices,
especially if you mix it with comfrey, myrrh gum, patchouli gum resin,
or pure patchouli oil not with any petroleum distilates as you will
find in the store, and the Meander Leaves, the desert spiral seed pod
Fluttering Leaves will provide patchoulii juices buggies, and so don't
buy any patchouli gum or resin over the internet but use the Meander
leaves as they are superiour to the botched up chemical additives added
to preserve the myrrh gum and to preserve frankensense, and to preserve
patchouli resin.

For a myrrh gum replacement, use comfrey berries, and vermillion
cluster berries, and noni julie berries that grow wild in las vegas,
and also use the psychotropic flowers of the Peyote cactus straight in
your tea brew.

Peyote Brew ~ Another Approach

Pick all the Peyote Cactus buds and flowers you see on a Peyote Cactus
Bush, and separate out the colored purpleish or other colored fruit
that are different in color from the basic cactus plant color.

The Bulbs, or fruit bulbs will have little flowers growing out of them.

Remove the flowers and use them in the above stimulant brew for
repairing the damage the Glaxogologene did and the frangiene did to
your orgasming chemical buggies as the Misogonysts committed genocide
against them, with their childhood vaccinations and then continued the
war of genocide and decrepidation and ruin of your bodies, and
eventually leads to bone marrow contagions and other bone densification
problems until you loose the bone fragments as they are eaten up in
caustic drool juicies, like the monitor lizards and their families
produce, and the caustic drool juices may be somewhat pysychotropic in
nature, but it will take you millions of billions of trillions or so
years to denature them and that is to make them harmless.

Denature as in denature is obviously incorrect. It originally meant to
make something harmless. In today's sciences, it means somethign
different, but the Misogonists use it to allude to the presense of
losing your testicles and vaginal parts, and that will "denature" you,
or make you lose your vaginal parts and dick parts and oracle parts,
which are the love making love joints and love crevices that pump us up
with orgasming chemicals and make our love life more splendid and full
of energetical orgasming pleasures. They are a cruel bunch indeed, and
to use that trick of a lexiconographical twist is an indication about
how heinous and hideous they really are.

Do not worry about the aphrodisiacle properties of the drool juices of
the bad kritters in your body, but do worry about the causticity of the
juices, and do not take the glaxocologene that is found in your oral
hygene products, your Pillsbury morning breakfast quick preserves in
the middle of bread crusts and in the syrups that are on the bread
crusts, and in the fruit juices that are packaged by Dole Pinapple,
Libby, Cambells, Hunts, and any of the large commercial dyslexic owned
or operated or carried in stocks and bonds by the dylexics as they are
all in on it, and it is a major conspiracy to destroy every person who
walks the earth, from the looks of it, except for the few who know
about it. And Eve Arden, Elizabeth Taylor, Manuel Noriega, hummm, oh
well, so he's not such a swell guy after all, and maybe a lot of his
buddies, as well, Idi Amin, Mohamar Khadafy, Queen Elizabeth, Prince
Charles, William and Henry, Dianna, who ran off and was hiding in the
tubes, until recently and now she is in sunny and tropical Havanna,
with Nicole Simpson, and Fidel and Daniel Ortega, and a host of others,
including John Fitzgerald Kennedy and John Jr. Kennedy, and Owen
Wilson, and Jackie Chan, as that's one of the safer places to be as
there is no western tv, except some Florida and Texicana broadcasts,
etc., but they are not at all concerned by this as they are all
dyslexically owned and operated, except for one or two small outfits.

As no or very little news of this will hit the streets, and as most
people are confused as to what is happening, no one is fearless enough
to do anything, and life, and siesta time go on as ususal, with no
threats to the evading Dyslexic Puritan Misogonyts.

Anyway, the stew formula is, catch as many of the Peyote Buds and
flowers and fruits as you can, and then put them in a plastic bag, and
rot them till they all get moldy and begin to look a putrid blackish
color that is soggy and wet and slimey.

Then, add vinegar to the whole batch, mold and all, and then let that
sit for 9 years to 85 years, and then it will disintegrate the mold by
then, and the product will be just about useless.

So then, you want to wash off the mold, and then soak the juicy
blackish fruity stuff that is a yukky greyish black and ripe and juicy,
and don't worry about odd bits and pieces here and there, cause they
are just bits of the carrot tops of the cactus buds, and they belong in
a garbage can as you can not use them in the stew.

So throw the bits out, or save them to charcoalize. The bits I am
refering to look like tiny acorn tops. and they come loose from the
fruity and flowery parts and from the bud and the flowery parts, and
they are at the base of the flower, so just take the flower out and
you'll see it, and then when it pops out after fermentation in a
plastic bag, with the heat on normal room temperature, but you can
speed it up a little by placing the bag in the sun light, then the tops
will pop out of their carrot shute hole below where the flower is glued
in to and stuck to.

A Carrot shute hole is a tiny hole that is used as a joke to say that
there is a tiny little carrot hole, and a carrot hole is a vagina, so
the carrot shute hole is where you stick the carrot, which is a dick.
The butt hole is also a carrot shute hole, and Mr. Manuel d Norge
Noriega and the rest of them will be doing time in my arbitry, or
animal husbandry and animal wifery housing project. i.e., prison, where
they will be forced to make love to animals, both the Misogonyst men
and women. I don't think we need to worry about "puritanists" as many
of them were duped by the misogonysts. So we are going to get the
misogonysts, and that just goes to show you, people do not change all
that much, and though Montezuma was hailed as a great chieftan and
warrior, he was just as cruel a person as the rest of them, cause look
at him now, he is just as much involved with Oliver North, Oliver
Poindexter, Mr. Bush, Sr., Mr. Bush, Jr., Mr. Ronald Reagan, and
Condolisa Rice, and Colin Powel, and Gen. Schwartzkoff, and so the list
of misogonysts is growing, and the old puritanists are the problem but
not the new ones, so much, as they seem to have been duped in large
part by Oliver North and his crew of dyslexic, sadistic soldiers.

We will not be worried about punishing the general, every day citizen
who happened to get mixed up with them, but we will be looking
carefully at the long term surviving individuals who are not repentent
and not cooperating with me.

After the gush, or mass of Peyote is rotted, and the acorn tops are
removed and discarded or placed in a bowl for seasoning and then
pickling, and then using several centuries later as aphrodisiacle
stimulants, and party snacks, along with Ruffles potatoe chips, which
seem to have some brain chemicals in them, and help the old brain out,
every day I eat them, yet unfortunately there are the glaxocologene
powders in the seasonings, and in the liquids they soak the potatoes in
before they slice them up and cook them.

Mission tortillas are not bad, but they have frangiene in them, as they
are treated with the powedered dusts as well, and so even they can not
be eaten, without further eroding of your baby making parts. Well,
that's what they are all about. The Misogonysts are out to butcher
every man and woman alive and make them impotent and incapable of child
bearing, and if you look at the number of miscarriages in the U.S. and
Canada, and elsewhere, and most of them, 88 to 345 or so of them go
undetected and out with the monthly flow or menstrural flow, and that
is not a joke, you are miscarrying more than you know it, and it's not
difficult to understand why invitro fertilization is such a big thing,
as most women are too filled up with frangiene and glaxocologene and
lots of others of their bad chemical buggies and kritters that destroy
your female equipment, and for men, their male equipment.

Bahhh humbug, I'm going to get through this recipe if it kills me.
Next, fill up a tank with concentrated apple cider vinegar, of the
natural kind from a health food store, and I'm not going to talk any
more about that, but it is in the fertilizer as well, so we are not
eating organic products as we think we are, but that's for the next
lesson on how we are being poisoned into oblivion by these misogonysts.

Fill up your large plastic or pyrex containers, which are loaded with
other poisonous chemicals, and so forget the pyrex, and don't use the
tupper ware, and learn how to make kiln fired pottery, and make your
own, and then fill it up with the apple cider, and glass jars aren't so
bad, but even they have bad and nasty chemical buggie kritters that
leach out and into your wine, and so anyway, this is getting
ridiculous, but it is true, and the only way to solve this is to shoot
them on site or lock them up, and then capture all the manufacturers of
just about every thing that is made, including Luden's cough drops,
which I thought were okay, and then take them all, have them report the
information on the documents Oliver North and Oliver Poindexter made
every one sign, and there are lots of them, and they come in many
colors, and with triplicates, etc., and then hold them in jail till I
am ready to preform my magic feat and with the sanctified energies that
we will amass with our praying and sexcercises, and no one needs worry
too much as this has all been going on since we were little kids, and
we are not dead yet, so we still have fifty or so years of life, at
least I do at age 54 and that's not a joke, my family members all live
long lives and my grandmama passed on at 115 or so, and she was pretty
healthy and so was her husband, and they didn't rely on any of that
garbage the city folks made, and she was a do-it-your-selfer, and even
had her own kiln for pottery, at one point.

Anyway, we all live long lives on my mother's side, and even on my
father's side, but my grandpop was poisoned by so many toxic substances
his brain became a mass of gluten or gelatin, and he passed early.

Oliver North's Miscalulation

Well, we will be around long enough to straighten all of this out, and
hopefully within the next few years to ten to fifteen or more years, as
they are expecting me to die, and they hope that will be the end of it,
so that will not do, and we need some dual mode learning experiences in
right quick, and I mean, fast, and if we do not get them in here, on
the double, we will be waiting till I am 115 years old, and then some,
as I am going to regenerate my body, and have had mild successes,

We will get these bastards who are the destroyers of all of the people
of this planet, and we will punish them, thouroughly.

After removing the acorn tops, then add vinegar, and let it sit for 8
years or so, and then let it come out, and the product will not be so
good, and it will have to be thrown into the garbage.

Remove the acorn tops, add the vinegar, and add rum, and add salt, and
add pepper, and add cayene pepper sauce, and then more vinegar, and
high potency tequila, about 1,800 proof of the good stuff, and then let
it sit for 45 days to 159 days, and then remove it, and if you want to,
you can eat it after 85 days, but it is better to mix it up in a batch
of normal potency tequila or rum, at about 585, and that is a little
spicy, but it is alright, and you will not die from it, contrary to and
despite what the DEA, the CIA, the FBI, the govt. food checkers at the
borders, the immigration bureau, the embassies and consulates, the FDA,
the APA, the BATF, and all of the other related organizations of the
Misogonysts may say, and they are all lying through their teeth and
they know it, and then brew that up for about 950 days, or so, and
you'll have a nice tequila rum normal potency brew with a high potency
aprhodisiacle twist, or distilled for your health brew, as distilled
means making something healthful and full of zest for your life,
originally, as I began to explain recently, and they changed it to
mean, dis till this and you'll be sorry if you do not, which means that
if you dis, or take this and crush it, and till which means, break it
up, and so you get the picture. They want you to distill every thing
you brew and destroy its inherent usefulness, and if you do not, you
will be sorry.

They apparently like to play word games, and I hate word games, as they
are very boring to me, and I never can remember any word from the
dictionary, anyway, as my brain is fragmented, but that is apparently
what they meant.

If you make that brew, you should also brew some cocaine flowers and
leaves, separetely, and after you brew it for 9 to 15 years, with opium
tar brewing separately, and with tulip tar brewing separetely, in
normal potency brew baths of 485 to 585 Proof home brew rum or tequila,
after the brews mature, in about 15 years or so, and you can add
bananas to the cocaine brew, and you can add coconut meat to the
cocaine brew, and you can add kiwi and mango to the opium brew and to
the cocaine brew, and you can add vanilla beans to the opium, brew, to
the tulip brew, and to the cocaine brew, and add some oats to them, and
some millet to them, and some barley to them, and you'll have a winning
set of brew baths, and you just mix them together, a little bit at a
time, experimentally, and make several hundred mixes, and continue to
brew them, and within about 85 to 159 to 3,858 years, your orgasming
capabilities will be as good as new, and maybe better.

Mr. Oscar Goodman, Mr. Pete Wilson, Mr. Cates, Mr. Ronald Reagan, Mrs.
Nancy Reagan, and Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, and Mrs. Eve Arden and Mr.
Micheal Jackson, and Mr. Jack Nicholson, and Mr. Nicolas Cage, and Mrs.
Mila Jovovich, it is time for all of you to resign from your
presidential office in your conspiratorial government, and hand it over
to me, as Mr. Manuel d Norge Noriega is not fit for duty, and he will
be doing time in my own version of Leavenworth.

I think I have discovered the formula for a really good beverage. The
one I mentioned at the begining of my story, and let's not forget the
lesson on Peyote and Peyote Liquor, as that material is very
significant, and we will improve upon it, more, in the future, but
anyway, the formula I described up top seems to be a nice aphrodisiacle
enhancer, and it is also a mild narcotic stimulant laxative, with
psychotropic after effects, not to much unlike peyote, itself.

As such, it is worth your trouble to put it together, as it is a quick
brew formula, that needs a few more enhancements, such as Licorice oil,
a tiny bit, less than a drop or so in my 4 qt. sauce pan, and the
desert weed flowers are very nice and psychotropic from the looks of

You never know what you will find in the desert. It is no secret that
all over the Las Vegas valley, we have peyote cactuses growing in lots
of yards, all around town, and Mr. Pete Wilson has about 85 species of
it, and Mr. Oscar Goodman has about 349 species of it at his various
homes around and about the valley. Mr. Oscar Goodman sells it to the
marijuana kiddies pedalling their dope, and he gets his marijuana
cigarettes from them. Mr. Pete Wilson does the same thing, and so do
many of the other politicians and locals here in the valley, and the
whole chamber of commerce, nearly, is doing it, and so is the whole
city council, all of the members are doing it.

The valley is booming in psychotropica stuff, every where, and this is
almost a garden of Eden when it comes to the aphrodisiacle substances
found around the valley. We will have classes, some day, and we will
brew some nice formulas, some day, and we will all get a hard dick and
a hard throttle, the ladies, girls, younger girls, three four, and up
to eight or nine, and elder ladies will, and we will all have
interesting block parties, one day.

Healthy Incestual Pedophilia ~ The Love Of The Gods ~ Homer
Pedophilia, My sister wratches me, and I come to her lips ~ Aristotle

Wratches means to grasp the dick of and to take it into your mouth.
Pedophilia, as known by all of the Greeks, and others in the old world,
and in the mediteranean, as well, is a normal activity for healthy
adults, and pedophilia means to make love with your kin and neigbors of
the same or older or younger ages as you. It is an incestual word, and
it means to keep the sex in the family, and only brain twisted morrons
and roving psychiatrists who think they are looking out for the welfare
and good of the community and who are wishing to get a law suit thrown
at them in their face, will say otherwise. Pedophilia is a blessed act,
and any one who says otherwise is a dyslexic or dyslexic flunky, and
will end up in my animal habitry industries, Mr. Roving psychiatrist,
Oscar Goodman's pet boy who sucks his dick on Sundays after work, and I
needn't mention any names, as we all know who he is, I mean, she is, or
what the heck the guy with the hamburger bun and wiener snitzel combo
package. He was a she, a long time ago, and her name was Priscilla
Atkins, and she was a pretty good pieece of ass, but now her brain is
so rotted out with all kinds of disgusting bad kritters, she has very
little time left to live, as she will be falling into a coma within
about 8.9 years, as that is what that person always dies from and I
needn't mention names, but Priscilla Atkins and she was a pretty good
fuck in her day, is now a brain dead dsylexichotic psychiatrist.
Dyslexichotic means, dysfunctionally impaired, that is, Priscilla's
brain is not functioning properly, as she is about to die from a
disintegrated brain rot contagion, in about 7.5 years to 8.9 years.
Good luck, and thank campbell soups company who manufactured your hair
cream and put in it all kinds of nasty critters that made your brain
rot, Priscilla.

If you want to avoid an early death, Priscilla, you should push for the
legalization of all banned substances and for the nullification of all
laws regarding brewering, and distillering, and you should stop fucking
and sucking the cock and vagina of Mayor Oscar Goodman on Sundays, and
Mondays, and sometimes on Tuesdays. Get your thumb out of your mouth,
and you needn't stick it in your ass hole, and stop your monkey
grinding, that's animals survival sex activities, as you are annally
retentive, and that means you can not give up on a cause, if you think
you are in the right, even though you do not know if you are, or not,
because your judgements are cloudy, and you can not figure out what is
what, and what to do, and that you are going to get slammed by a law
suit, the likes of which you have never seen before if you continue
your incessant tounge wagging with the other doctors around the valley,
such as Kevin Prince, and Oscar Goodman's brother, Kevin Prince's boss.
Kevin Prince is friends with Hannibal Lector, the cannibalist, and
Kevin Prince also enjoys eating men and women, and boys, along with
Ophelia Lipsonen, the Philipina woman who used to live next door,
upstairs from me, and who is going to jail, as she is a professional
hired killer and a dyslexic who has been regenerating her body, for the
last umpteen who knows how many years, it's in the trillions plus, and
goes all the way back to where Cher was, and she is a long time
survivor, and so is Lisa, and so are all of her Mafia for hire, killer
squad, about 39 girls and hermaphrodites, not to mention the other part
timers, and most if not all of them go all the way back with her.

Mr. Kevin Prince knows all about that, as he is a long time survivor,
as well, and so is Hannibal Lector, and also Kevin Prince's chief
physician, at UMC Medical Center. They all enjoy eating human beings,
at their dyslexic barbecue fests, and they couldn't give a hoot about
human's, and they are out to destroy this world as much as Oliver
North, is, so I allowed a really swell bunch of Philipine dyslexichotic
women to move into the apartment complex, where I lived, and that I was
helping the owner look after, when I recommended to the owner that he
allow them to move in. Little did I know that she, and Hannibal Lector
had been after me since I was a kid, trying to kill me, and she never
succeeded, and Hannibal Lector never succeeded, either, and neither did
the 155,895 other assasins to date, either succeed. So, it has been a
long and grueling campaign for me, and I am a survivor, and Oliver
North is dead wrong if he thinks that I am going to die any time soon.
Mr. Oliver North, you need to rethink things, and that is pronto. Is
that clear? FRIGGEN WONDERFUL! Now, SUCK MY DICK! You little piece of
slimey ape shit, and monkey turd brains for an animal without a mother,
and don't look me in the eyes, or I'll burn them out. Understood? GOOD!
Now, keep sucking, and then do fifty, not pushups you monkey turd
brained ass hole, fifty fucks for the men waiting in line. IS THAT
CLEAR, SAILOR? Puke! Good.

All Signals Out.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry, 5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004,

Roberta Cook

Feb 21, 2024, 1:39:21 PMFeb 21
to gurkianage.gurkianway


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Although the strength of our CBD Oil products varies, we recommend between ½ – 1 dropper of oil unless otherwise directed. Factors like age, gender, and weight will all impact CBD’s metabolism within your body. It is best to speak with your physician about intake guidelines, especially if you are on other medications.
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On Monday, March 20, 2006 at 1:49:19 PM UTC+1 JonJon wrote:
Opiate Stew - Opiate Steroidal Tea Brew

Are you tired of the Dyslexic run and administered Food Drug
Administration and the Dyslexic run and administered Drug Enforcement
Agency (not to mention the Dyelexic FBI and Dyslexic CIA and Dyslexic
White House and the Dyslexic Congress) telling you that you can not use
narcotic pain killers because they are addicting? Are you suffereing
from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Goiter, Kidney disease, any number of
nervous disorders, cancer, and are you racked with pain, day in and day
out? Well, here's a little recipe any one can cook on their range in a
large engough saucepan, about a 16 qt. saucepan would be ideal to start
out with, and within a few short weeks, you'll have so much pure opium
that you won't know what to do with it all, and it hardly cost you

Opium Stew Rev. x Updated 03-19-06 18:50 PST

3 Ozs. Tobaco
1/2 Cup Brown Team - Tea Leaves
1/2 Qt. Whiskey
16 Ozs. Pommegranite Juice
16 Ozs. Lemon Juice
1,000 mgs. Ascorbic Acid X 40 Tabs.
1 Can Grapefruit Juice Frozen Concentrate 12 Fl. Ozs.
17 Tablspoons Baking Soda
3 Tspns. Salt
13.4 Ozs. Nestle La Lechera - Caramel
7 Ozs. Borden Eagle Brand - Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 Qts. Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Pt. Heavy Wipping Cream
6 Tblspoons Butter
1.3 Cups Strawberry Preserves
3 Ozs. Water Mellon Rind with Greenish Skin Attached primarily
3.5 Cups Raw Sugar

Let Boil down overnight, add more vinegar every half hour or so to keep
liquid levels up, add more lemon juice, add more pomegranite juice to
keep liquid levels up, add more strawberry preservese. Let boil for 8
to 15 days for a very potent opium replacement. Add about 3 Ozs. of
Tobaco after about 3.5 days. Add more water mellon chutney, watermellon
in sugar, and in strawberry jam, partially fermented at room
temperature, every 3 to 8 days. Add more tea, about 1/2 cup, after
about the first 8.5 days. Add more lime juice and more grapefruit juice
after each addition of strawberry jam. Add more of everything above
over the next few days to 8 to 15 days, to make it cook best. Keep
brewing it, reducing it slowly, until the liquid in the bottom of the
pan turns a dark black. Keep it on as low as flame as possble, as not
much heat is needed, only a 8 to 10 to 15 candles of heat under the pot
is all that is needed. You can also add pure watermellon juice and pure
pomegrannite juice and pomegrannite purreed rinds, along with lime
rinds pureed, lemon rinds pureed, orange rinds pureed, and tangerine
rinds pureed to make each batch just slightly different. The outcome
will be astoundling. Once it has turned into a dark, amber, slurry
caramelly tar like goo, that will indicate that the brew has reached
just about 100% pure opium. It will transform before your very eyes
into a pure batch of opium before too long, with careful tending.
Don't forget to put in equal parts of all items every time you feel you
want to increase the pot size, and go for another layer of it,
increasing the yield. You should take steps to increase the yeild just
before it burns down into a thick black lump of gooey tar like
substance, which means, that batch is ready. You can take this black
opium base, and mix it in and melt it down in lemon and grape fruit
juice, over a 15 to 45 to 95 week period, and then let it ferment over,
make sure there is also about an equal part of whikey to juice, and
make sure you stir it up every day, at least 3 times a day, and then
after it has sat for up to 95 weeks, or so, let the liqquid evaporate
out of it, naturally, in the sunlight, and double the length of time,
or triple it or go as high as 348 times or so that length, and you will
have an extremely high quality pain killer the world has never seen
the likes of. Very little is needed to help you through each miserable
day of pain and tornment, and you will soon feel so frisky that you
will want to begin to fall in love with everybody and your neighbor,
again. There is a much easier formula for opium based steroidal stew,
with just vinegar, baking soda, tea or coffee or both, lime peels,
citrus fruit peels, tobaco, and a little salt, and you can vary the
type of teas, and you can vary the type of citrus fruits from batch to
batch, and you need only cook them for about a few hours to two to
three days, just until you see the colored bubbles begin to pop up on
top of the liquid, much like a soapy, colored bubble, and when you see
that soapy, oily, colored bubble, in this stew, you will know that you
have got opimum alkaloids, and steroidal opiates in your stew.
Steroidal opiates is nothing to worry about, it won't make you grow big
bulky muscles, but it will make you see lots of color spashes in your
vision, if you drink to much of it. One good thing it is good for is to
lessen pain, and also, to help people with pneumonia, as opium is
useful when people have a lot of liquids accumulating in their lungs,
and this will help the fluids drain from your bronchial tubes, just as
codeine does, in the high priced prescription drugs you need to get a
doctor's prescription for. I made the opiate steroid stew, and am now
working on the opiate stew, and expect it to turn out better than the
opiate steroidal brew. I had a problem with my opiate steroidal stew
and used too much coffee and that, with too much tobaco, upset my
stomach, but the colors where something. This is opium on the quick and
on the cheap, and if you know a better way to make it, let me know.

Opiate Steroidal Tea Brew

1 Qt. Vinegar
3 Ozs. Tobaco
15 Tspnfuls Tea, Jasmine Tea is slightly better than brown tea
2 1/2 Tspns. Baking Soda
1/2 Cup to 1 Cup Lemon Juice
4.5 Ozs. Lime Rinds, purreed
1/2 tspnful Salt
8.5 Tspns. Sugar
4 Ozs. Whiskey
15 X 1,000 Mgs. Ascorbic Acid

Add equal parts of vinegar and lemon juice to keep liquid levels up. To
make it nicer, add,

Watermellon Rind
Watermellon Juice
Pomegranite Juice
Pomegranite Rind and pulp pureed, with no seeds.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life And Love

Remember: Use different combinations of teas and citrus rinds and
juices to vary the results, from one batch to the next. Vary it often,
so as you'll get more different kinds of opioidal steroid brews in your
day to day life. Using many varities is better than making the same
one, again, and again. Your body wants a variety of them in your body,
and that will help with your overall health, as well. There are many
exotic plants and leaves and berries, and even roots, of course, and
bark, that have caffein in them, and if you know which ones they are,
and guarana root extract, and gurana root bark, and guarana root tea,
and gurana root nettles, and gurana root berries, all have slightly
different caffein like properties, and so does, coca leaves, for that
matter, and if you change the types of leaves that have caffein
varieties mixed up and different in each one, then you'll have a
multitude of opiodal stews at your coffee table, and none of them will
pose any danger to your health. Jasper leaves, a type of tobaco plant
smoked by the Paiute indian tribe leaders, also has some caffein in it,
and it can be found in Oklahoma, and in many mid-western states, and is
distantly related to the coca leaf, or cocaine plant. There are other
leaves that are commonly found in many cultures around the world, and
peyote is one of them, and also can be used in the opiodal steroid
stew. The Jesperson leaf, which comes from the Jesperson plant, is a
type of tobaco that the indians in the delta region of Florida and
Missippi used in their ceremonial plants, and it is also very high in
caffein like derivatives, or pharmacetical uptakes, that pharmacetical
equivalents of a high quality non prescription stimulant. Most tobaco
leaves have various amounts or varying degrees of caffein like
pharmaceutical uptakes, so you can vary your tobaco leaves, from
growing region to growing region, and from strain to strain, to
continually vary the final product. Many tribes people of Myanmar, and
other Asian countries in the hills of Burma and even in Ceylon, all
have various vegetable plant leaves and other plant parts that they
smoke ceremoniously, just for fun, or to pass the time away. Almost all
of them, perhaps, nearly 100% of them, have varying types of caffein in
them, and you can use all of them to vary your opiodal cocktail. The
more you vary it, the better off you will be, as your body will not get
acclimated to just one type, and then, dependence, and tolerance build
up, will not begin to set in. The more you can vary them, and the
greater the variety of plants and citrus types of fruits, and the more
you vary it with different types of alchohols, the less will be the
problem of tolerance build up and the less the problem with dependence
and saturation of your body with one type of stew. It will take a
slight bit longer to make the oily colored bubbles with opium oils and
residues appear on the top of the surface of the brewing mix, but it
will be a better quality opiatate. A little butter, a teaspoon or so,
and a little of the caramel, about a 1/4 tspnfl, and a little
strawberry jam, about 2.8 tspnfls, will make it a much better brew, as
well, but it will take a while longer till you see the oily oiate
residues appear on the water bubbles as they form on top of the
mixture. When you have got a full amount of oil appear in the water
bubbles, or in a tablespoon of the liquid on the surface of it, then
you will know it is ready. The thicker the oily residues in the liquid,
the more the opiate layer in the brewing stew. You should give the
above, at least, seven to 15 hours for maximum results, without any of
the other things added in. When you are ready to imbibe, just filter
out the tea, tobaco, and other stuff, and get a 3/8ths a cup or so, and
drink it down. It may not taste too great, but and it may taste rather
bitter, but that's the way it will taste. You can also make it with
more tap water, and just add tap water instead of the vinegar and
instead of the lemon juice, and use tap water every 2 to 8 times to
bring the liquid levels up, that's eight quarts and 8 cups or so of
water, for every one quart of vinegar and one cup of lemon juice, or
other citrus juice, and you can make it much more palatable that way.
It will be strong, regardless, just how strong you want to make it is
up to you. You can also vary it by picking a bit of a flower from a
bush of a marijuana plant, and that alone will alter the chemical
composition to give you the pain control need you want, and also
minimize the tolerance factor almost nearly completely. By varying the
mix with bits of tulip flowers, or daffodils, or pansies, or even some
petunias, and with roses, and all kinds of flowers, just a few buds in
the mix from different combinations of plants, each time, will alter
the mix enough to make it completely different in structure, but in
effect, it will remain the same if not improve, from time to time,
though hardly noticably, nevertheless, you can eliminate the problem of
dependence and tolerance all together just by adding a few flowers into
each different mix. There are any number of ways to alter the mix, by
brewery type of apple cider vinegar, by ingredients for the apple cider
vingegar, and by varying each type of apple cider vinegar, again, you
are going to come up with an entirely different concoction, each time.
We can throw in a couple of tablets of aspirin, or acetominophen, and
vary it that way. We can use different types of home brews, and alter
the alchoholic beverage used in it, from batch to batch, and then add
different proportions of different types of alchohol, champagnes,
wines, melodromas, or homemade wine batches with all of the orginality
that we can muster, and other home brew alcoholic batches. The way they
can be formulated, and the way they can be combined, are more numerous
than the multitude of color wavelengths we can see in a rainbow. You
can use different types of honey, instead of sugar, for a deliciously
different style of narcotic opiate, and you can mix maple syrup with
sugar, and or with honey and with sugar, and you can even add a little
molassess to the mix with honey, maple syrup, and raw sugar. We'll
learn other formulas for pain killers, that you can brew at home, and
you can mix them in with the batch to help vary it. Once such variation
is just to get fresca, grapefruit juice, and with or without cola, diet
cola, root beer, ginger ale, and any number of alchoholic beverages,
and then mix them in, and let them sit for 3 or 4 years, or so, and add
a tyst of any of your batchs of opiate brews - a tyst is a small amount
that would fit in your hand - and you'll have a whole new type of pain
killer, and a very healthy one, since it is all the wonderful chemical
buggies that are doing all the work in there for us. Then there are
different types of chocolates, and you can formulate them with tiny
tysts of the home brew opiate formulas, and then the different types of
soils for the plants that we use in our concoctions, and all these
things are best left up to the individual growers, the home brew
chemists, the communal habitat residents, to decide just what it is
they wish to grow, what they wish to make, and who they wish to trade

When the global dyslexic government we are encumbered by gets a
realtity check and realizes it is not they that should be regulating
how we treat our health - as they've known about many of these things
all along, with them rejuvenating themselves, all these hundreds of
years, and useing all kinds of so called illicit drugs in their
rejuvenative formulas, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Bush, Jr., and
Sr., Al Gore, Ross Perot, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and the rest of
them, as well, included, and none of them can deny it, and will not
deny, not even Ronald or Nancy, if put on a stand, and then submitted
to the technologically sophisticated tools we will one day have at our
disposal, as I get companies to gear up and start producing the tools
and other things we will need - but it is us who should be allowed to
use what knowledge we have for the betterment of our lives, then when
we get them all to retire, as they are all mentally incompetent, and
their insistence on their continuing with the destruction of little
children, and the cannibalizing of them still goes on, well, one day,
we'll bring an end to their reign of phoney, mock sincerity, and we
will make sure they all retire from government, and take a permanent
break until they all receive the meds to allow them to recover from
their illnesses, as I discussed, earlier. That day won't be to far off,
maybe within a few hundred years, but as we all begin to rejuvenate
ourselves, and then watch them in their fake, and sham mockery of make
believe political leadership, and you want to know something, the US
uses about 40% or so of it's taxes from the people, and then blows the
rest on the projects of the dyslexiics, and globally, it averages out
to about 2.5% or so of all of the money collected from all of the
people is used for the people. Well, once we get this nonsense under
control, then we'll have plenty of money for spending on the important
things, such as we will see once my universal global planetary
government gets up and running. Until then, we can just watch the sham
and the mockery of their little hollywood style screen play roll on,
and laugh at them. We'll be rid of them, one day, and they will all be
on and taking their meds, one day, and they will, one day, all get
well, at some point in the future.

How does it work?

Part I

The bits and pieces of the molecular structures that make up opium, can
be found among the ingredients of the above items. Opioidal molecular
structures can be fabricated after we apply a little heat to these
ingredients, and then break apart the molecular structures of these
individual ingredients. When we do that, the bits and pieces tend to
first break up, then, in this combination of items, come back together
in new molecular forms, and when they do, they tend to reform in the
shape of molecular structures that are of the same design as opioidal
molecular structures. Isn't that nifty? As a result, you can have a
nice drink of opium after a little work on your stove top, any day of
the week. You can make a more delicious opium stew if you use more of
the ingredients - and there may still be a few more items, that I have
left out, that will enhance it even more - but it usually takes just a
little more time to break up enough bits and pieces, and then wait for
them to reform into little molecules of delicious opioids.

Part II

Another way it works, that I hadn't given any consideration to, for the
long term stew, nor for the short term stew - but it is less important
for that - is that not only are the bits and pieces, the molcular
breakdown and build up working for us here, but also, we have the opium
bug colononies that will eventually form, and they must get their start
in the tiny stew, overnight formula, and from there, they proliferate,
and we provide them with what all they need to thrive and increase in
number, especially as related to the watermelon rind, which will with
the caramel, and the butter, and the sugar, and milk, and cream and
sugary milk, lead to a build up of the little critters that we need in
the narcotic soup. So we have three things going on here, the break
down of the molecular bits and pieces, the reforming of them, as well
as the beginning of the colonies of bugs, and in the long term, we will
have one heck of a lot of bugs form in time, that will be so thick,
that it will rival, if not surpass, the best and the most potent opium
found anywhere. This is something that we will have to wait to see
develop, and when it does, you will be very surprised, indeed. The
baking soda and vinegar give them a medium to thrive in, and it also
acts as a medium for the molecular breakdown of bits and pieces and the
formulation of the molecular mass that we can see in molecular
structures, which are very tiny, that the opioidal bugs love to dress
up in, and go out to play in. So we are working on many levels all at
the same time, and the short term stew will give you a hint of what is
to come in the long term stew.

Anyone for Chocolate and Opioidal Steroid stew? It will work. Just as
caramel will work. Add 3.8 Ozs. of Chocolate to the first recipe, and
3.5 tablespoons to the second recipe. Giradelli chocoloate powder is
good, but any old chocolate will do, just as well. The more the cacao
content, the better. Steroidal in this recipe name means, a steroidal
tonic that will work at bringing more blood and glucose to the muscles
and to the organs, as well as bring many other nutrients, that will
help the overall health of those muscles and organs.

Do not share this formula with anyone who works for the DEA, or the
FDA, or any law enforcement worker, as you may be harassed as a result
of it.


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