Ship's Tour Of My Universe To Begin - Prepare To Leave Port

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Nov 15, 2007, 2:17:22 AM11/15/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Practicing Our New Religion Updated: 14-11-07 Rev.x 23:18

Recently, I began my religion, publicly, by announcing, with a display
cork board, and with two small white boards, that I have a relgion,
and the name of it, is such and such, and I need workers, female
workers, to work for me, at a very low pay, hourly wages.

Persons in my apartment complex, felt I was a threat, to the local
children, and they called the police on me, after several children,
came to my balcony, and asked me about my relgion.

The neighbors said, I was saying, the children would go to hell, and
that I purposely, exposed my self.

I was wearing, an arab style, desert, tunic, two pieces, for cold
weather, with slits in the middle of a large beach towel, and a double
sized bed cotton blanket, or Arab, toga like, gown, also called, a

I was told by the police officers, I would go to jail, if I did not
wear, underware, under my toga, or poncho.

I don't think it is the duty of the citizens, to check to see if I am
wearing, underware, or not. They certainly, are not allowed to check
to see if women, are wearing, underware, or not. I do not think it is
the job, of police officers, to check to see if tenants, are wearing,
underware, or not, and to warn them.

Of course, in our pathetic, brainwashed, society, with christian,
balooney bullshit, morals, imposed on every one, we are in a prison
system, style penal colony, society, and if we do not conform, we will
get thrown into jail, and delivered, to the Lesbianists, as a lunch
package, after we hit the morgue, after we stop breathing, from
promiatal breathing disorders, for one reason, or another.

As I've mentioned, we all need to let our congress persons, and
others, know, exactly how we stand, on the subject, of how we are all
being jerked around, by these con artists, types of politicians, who
are members of various abberant kids organizations, that I've been
mentioning about.

We could kidnap some of them, and turn them into sexaling slaves, as
I've mentioned about, and we could get them to teach us, every thing
they know, about the rejuvenating, sciences.

However, if we look at what I've written, over the last two years, or
so, and if we pick up every point, and if we expand on them, and
follow the principal, that we need every color of the rainbow, and
every color of the skies above a pyramid, and every color of the
arorau borealis, of fruits, vegetables, grains, foods of all types,
gem stones in our tap water, and amonia, fumes out of our bodies, to
signal, that we are being successful, at begining to birth, organs
animals, inside of our bodies, we will not need them, any more, as
they are no longer needed, as any thing, other than as, punching,

Fortunately, my meeting with the secret service agents, and my going
to jail, over night, for doing my Tai Chi religious prayers, naked, in
the park, and my visit, by the local police, have all been pleasant

I guess, it helps, to have a little patience, when it gets difficult,
now and then, in life.

Parents, are not going to like, hearing, from their children, that
they are not following, successful rules for living, for ever.

Neighbors, and citizens are not going to like hearing, that we need to
sexal, with every one we meet, on the streets, in the gyms, in the
twenty four hour health clubs, in the parks, at work, at school, and
so on.

In any case, all the topics for learning, more about, in greater
detail, are all out, and you should be able to pick up, the finer
details, over time.

Amonia gasses, will fume out of your bodies, when you begin birthing,
new organs animals, inside of your bodies. Amonia gasses, will also
begin to gas out of your poopy holes, and pee pee holes, and pores on
your body, as you begin to get all your points, in order, in your
health control, of your diet, and of your life.

Both, body, and spirit, are joined, now, and you'll get better at it,
over time, as you learn to meditate, that is, use your brains, for
spirital, purposes, and for mental purposes, that help your selves,
and others, to begin to seek a higher state of life. You need to also
learn to practice my religions, and we can start with the one, we are
hearing about how to practice, now.

When you start to fume off, amonia gasses, that will tell you, the
rebirthing proccesses, are begining, and you are now, successful, at
giving birth, to new, organs animals, inside of your bodies,
including, your bones, teeth, marrow animals, skin, scalp, hair, and
so on.

There are lots of organs animals, and we need to spare parts fluids,
daily, in our diets.

Lots of people, will not like hearing that, as we live in pretend,
pure and wholesome, decent, societies, with people, who never think
about sexing with others, or about, talking about sexing, with others.

We are being, baffoonalized, as we sit here, reading, what I've typed,
about, all the main topics, and key points, from the begining, two or
so, years ago.

My expressing my self, in random, and in various ways, has not been
helpful, to others, as they get tired, of reading, my long, winded,
expressivness, over relatively, nothing, each time I write. My
corrections to my texts, are not very good, and my words are not
sophisticated, and they are lacking in color, and in direction, lots
of times.

It does not matter, however, except for those, who wish to be
entertained, by me.

I am not an entertainer, and never will be. I am a religious guy, and
I am GOD, and I started out, as the G O D Guy, a little more than, a
couple of years, ago, with my notes begining, on the internet.

I thought maybe I am GOD, when I started out, typing, or the eternal
buddha, as I liked to think of my self, as, or kuon ganjo nyorai, in
Japanese, but in any case, you can think of me, as the eternal base
intelligence, that underlies every thing, and all things that go on,
in my universe.

Of course, I will not resume my original position, as the base
intelligence. I have work, as a relgious guy, for the rest of my time,
for ever, in my universe.

I have my brains, to do that for me. You'll be hearing about that,
some other, time.

Fortunately, we do not have to experience, any more, of the
traumatizing events, of the past, that we experienced, again and
again, from the begining of our time, in our universe, as we get our
selves, straigtened out, now. We will not be allowing, others, to eat
us, any more.

Please talk to all of your friends, and ask them to think about these
topics, and to think about, practicing our new, religion.

We have lots of people, now, practicing, as I can tell, when I do my
religious prayers, and I get lots of energies, sent my way, from
people with messages, as my brains direct these energies, to me, when
I need to know about what is going, on.

If people are going to make any useful and successful changes, to our
societies, around the world, we need to practice, our new, religion,
as often as we can, daily, if possible, and we need to sexal our
selves, and sexal others, and join our spiritual self, or mental self,
or sense, with our physical self, or sense, in our daily activities.

In time, every one, will learn tolerance, and patience, for others,
and they will learn to control their aggressiveness, their anxieties,
and adjust their lives, and then, they will also begin to be
successful, regroverating their bodies, as they practice, daily, our
new religion.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
Chief Administrator
Chief Priest
And Kids

AKA, Allah, Jehova, Kuvera, Amida Nyorai, Matreya,
Sunde, Arjuna, The G O D Guy, GOd, Kuon Ganjo
Nyorai, Etc.

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry Institute
jon_johnfrancisayres @
Google Groups NewsGroup:
Yahoo Groops NewsGroup:

5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103
Tel: (702) 894-9518

West Tropicana Ave. and South Decature Blud.
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103

Nov 15, 2007, 9:56:10 PM11/15/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Starting Out On Our Voyage Part Two - Hand Signaling Sign Languaging
Prayers Statements - Lunch Wagon Meat Package - Karma History -
Whirling Dirvishes - Wear Your Coats - An End To All The Nonsense -
Amonia Pee Pee Juices And Amonia Smelling Pooh Pooh Juices - Macro
Biotics Foods Eating Training Updated: 16-11-07 Rev.x 18:57 PDT

When we first came out, we were not in the bodies, we are in, today.

We had a long period, a very long period, of prior activities, and
training, before we appeared on the scene, as people, in bodies, that
we could use, to do the things we needed to do.

I mentioned, I am the base intelligence, of all. That means, I have a
separate brain, and it is some where, in our universe, every where,
all at once, in the eternal past, the eternal present, and in the
eternal future, and in all concievable dimensions, and in all
concievable positions, and in all concievable, every thing there is,
and even more, than that, lots more than that.

I am limitless, and boundless, and I am deep, and I am every where, in
many ways, we have no idea about how to express, and how to
understand, yet. I am beyond, that, as well. It does not help, to go
on and on about this, as it is a sticky, mess, for us to understand,
since we do not have the prior training, and understanding for us to
be able to appreciate what we need to be able to appreciate.

My brains, keep in touch with me, now, and before, as well, and I just
recently, got adjusted to this fact, that I am in perpetual alignment
with my brains, in my ephemeral, holy state, my GOD state, and in my
present, mortal state, and in all ways, possible, and then, more than
that, as well, of course.

Sorry to remind you, about that, that we can not comprehend who I am,
and what I am. It's okay, for the present.

When I first made you, and myself, in our brains state, I made all the
adjustments to every one, so that they could start out, with a set of
brains, knowledge bases, to get to work for me, when I needed you to
work for me.

That's of course, a simple explanation, of how we got started, but it
will suffice, for now, and for some time, to come, maybe.

Any how, our brains, were over loaded, with lots of informations, to
get our selves started, working for me.

We first came on the scene, as ephermeral beings, of one kind, or of
another. We spent a lot of time, monkeying around, in our various,
ephemeral stages, of body and mind.

That means, we used a special technology, called, energies, and we got
to work for me, and have been working for me, ever since.

We went through many, series, of changes, as our karma history,
evolved. When we had the bodies, ready for us, in the cooker, this
universe of ours, we landed, and transferred our knowledge, to the
human state, of beingness.

We had lots of things to do, as we were all very busy, working for me.
We got the knowledge bases, and the technologies, together, all,
pretty much at the same time.

We had pristine karma, with nothing at all, in so far as serious
blemishes, were concerned.

We were in a state, of holy grace, as I've mentioned, about, before,
and we continued in that state, for a long time, doing all the normal
things we do.

We were in a state, of sheer ecstacy, for a long while, in our
ephemeral 'energies' bodies states.

We had started out, with some knowledges, of what we needed to do, as
I mentioned. We got those knowledges, our brain bases, through a
transference technology, that I have, whipped up, and ready to use,
that I got together, long before I made any of you.

Hand Signaling Sign Languaging Prayers Statements

My other kids, who I have working for me, know all about this. We also
had a lot of sign languaging, intellectual, or mind based skills. My
other kids, know about all of this, too, and they are still useing
them, these sign languages, signals, that I use, in my daily prayer

I communicate, with my kids, now, useing these holy prayer signal sign
languaging tools. You all can use them, too, as they are all in your
brains knowledge bases, and when you start practicing my religion,
after a point in time, you will be able to be pure enough, and
dedicated enough, to begin to use them, again.

When I get enough of the people, in our universe, practicing our
religion, and when we get enough dedicated people, practicing, our
religion, and when we get enough people, your former sisters, and
brothers, wifes, and husbands, as I've mentioned about, signaling,
daily, in all of your different locations, we will all begin to get
some where, on our voyage, back to the starting line, of pristine,

That means, we can not change any thing, until we get enough people,
practicing, our religion, and practicing, daily, our sign languaging,
hand prayer signaling systems.

We need lots of dedicated people, to change any thing. We will get
them, over time. How long it will take, depends on how long, it takes
you, to get up, and get your selves, moving, practicing, our religion.
That means, you need to get up from your key boards, and from your
computer terminals, and you need to start, praying, and practicing,
our religion, as I've explained about.

Lunch Wagon Meat Package

If you do not get moving, you may be, a lunch wagon, meat package, for
the abberant kids of mine, who continue to eat people, daily.

What is a meat package?

It is a gummy, bubbly, meat package, your skins you hang around in.

If you take a chicken, from head to toe, and crush it up, and do it,
over time, slowly, and with the right tools, you will not break the
surfaces of the skins, and you will crush up, all the bones, and the
chicken will remain, awake, and thinking, it is fine, after the
initial, shocks, it withstands.

You can with stand, many shocks, but you will pass out, many times,
untill you are reduced, to a bubbly, gummy, meat package, ready, for
serving to my hungry kids, raw, tender, and juicy.

You won't feel much, if any thing, but you will not be able to do any
thing, until you are completely, digested, and turned into, pooh pooh,
and pee pee juices.

Then, it is off to another, body, as a tummy baby.

Karma History

Eventually, we accumulated karma history, and we got all screwed up,
over time, due to our karma history.

That means, we were not doing so well, and we relied more and more, on
our knowledge bases, and on our technologies, over time.

Meanwhile, the ladies, were haveing babies, over time, and we all
landed, in our human beingness, bodies. It took a great while, for all
of this, to come about, but we had lots of time, and there was
nothing, to worry about.

Our universe, was very pure, but we were already, polluting it, with
our chaotic minds.

That did not matter, much, for a long time, but eventually, it lead to
gross errors, on our parts, and we started, to slip and slide, and we
all fell out of grace, eventually, and we all ended up, in a trash
heap of a universe, with each other, breathing in the prismatica
animals, and every thing else, we needed for our survival, and not
feeling as well, as we did, when we first arrived.

It did not matter, much, but any way, it was nicer, in the earlier
times, we shared together, here in the earliest times, in our
universe, together with each other, and with every one, who is here.

There are lots of people, who I have working for me, who we have not
met yet. We'll learn about them, in time.

For the present, all the matters, is that we start to practice our new
religion, and get started, heading back to the nicer times, that lay
ahead, closer to the pristine conditions, we all knew, a very long
time ago.

It is also important, that we get started, changing the societies we
live in, by explaining to every one, what is happening, and what we
need to be doing, reading and discussing what I've written about, and
doing the activities, we need to do, at the present, time, for us to
move ahead, towards, our landing points.

We will have many landings points, and we are just, now, leaving port.
We are headed out to the open sea, and you are all invited, to go
along with me, as your ship's captain.

Whirling Dirvishes

What is a whirling, dirvish? It is a religious person, who is in a
frenetic, ecstastatic, state, of hyper ventilation, and opiates over
inhalation, to make it easy to understand. It is a spiritual state, of
mind, and of body, dancing in a traditional, middle eastern ural
asian, or some where, there abouts, maybe near Pakistan, or the
Purdues people, in India, or there abouts, type of folklorish dancing.

When we excercise, we get lots of plasma animals, and other types of
animals, into our bodies. We over dose on them, in time, if we
continue to excercise, for long periods of time. In time, we feel
ecstatatic, like many, marathon runners, do, after they go on, for a
long while, running.

Wear Your Coats

It is time, now, going into winter, in the northern side of our
planet. It is a little cool, in some places.

Ladies, you may start wearing, your coats, and no underware. That
means, you are all going to be fucking every one, and sucking their
dicks, and sucking their cunts, on trains, planes, busses, and in
private cars, trucks, and on cruise ships, in the north.

For you ladies, in the south, where they have, the same animals, the
prismatica animals, in the southern skies, above the southern, polar
cap, you can also, begin sucking, fucking, and so on, every dick you
see, on every male you see, and tell the law enforcement officials, to
stuff it up their asses, and show them how, if they have any
questions, and massage their butt holes, with your tounges, and bring
them to ecstatic joy, and relief, and teach them, how to sexal, with
others, in your homes, and in their homes, and get them all juiced up,
as you are experts, as you have the children, to begin work on, as
they are born to you, and they have all been your children, before.

You ladies are all about to become, whirling dirvishes, religiously
fucking every one, with a dick, with your cunts, and with your mouths,
and with your butt holes, and with your hands, and fingers, and feet,
and toes, and so on, in our new age, and in our new society, we build
for every one, and you will start, in your gowns, no matter if they
are your coats, or your dresses, shorts, swim suits, jogging pants,
and so on.

It is celebration time, in many countries, in the north, and possibly,
in the south, and soon, there will be more celebrations. I want all of
you ladies, to begin tuning up your mouths, hands, feet, fingers,
toes, cunts, butt holes, and butt cracks, loin cracks, or the pits,
between your legs, and get your bodies, well juiced up, and drink lots
of spare parts liquids, and follow the guidelines, for learning how to
feed your organs animals, and how to manage them, and how to adjust
your lives, how to adjust your bodies and your brains, and begin,
rebirthing your organs animals, inside of your bodies, to begin with,
so that you can enjoy, every minute, of ecstatic, frenzinetic,
vibrant, radiating, energetic health.

Forget the taboos, the 'no's', the 'don't's', the 'yes's, the 'do's',
of the past, and of the brain washed, societies full of your sisters,
and brothers, from all the way, back to the begining. We need to trash
it all, and get a clean, fresh, start.

Get your butt cakes, and butt holes, in gear, and you know the mission
plan, so coordinate it, well, with your friends, families, and every
one else, who you meet, and invite, to sex with you, and with your
friends, and with your families.

An End To All The Nonsense

We are going to see an end, to all of the sham wars, and to all the
phoney pretenses for wars, and to the bullshit, stuff it up your
asses, Mr. Law Enforcement agents, because, we are not going to
tolerate this nonsense, of all the brain washed kids of mine, any

Amonia Pee Pee Juices And Amonia Smelling Pooh Pooh Juices

Get your macro biotics eating, in order, and start pee peeing out
amonia laden, pee pee juices, and drink a tiny bit, every day. Breath
in, the amonia smelling pee pee juices, and breath in, the amonia
smelling, pooh pooh liquids, from your macro biotics gardens, in your
toilet, daily.

That will tell your body's brains, that you are not interested, in
making human babies, right now, and that you have a priority, for
making, organs animals babies, now.

It will also tell your body's brains, that you are going through a
change. What is that change?

You want to have, more sexaling activities, daily, as you need the
spare parts fluids, in your diet, every day.

That will put an end, to the nonsense, of 'don't do that', and 'do
this', and 'yes, you can do that' but, 'no, you can not do that', and
you will get back, your rights to decide for your self, the
permissions for the activities, your sexing and birthing of babies
activities, no matter if they are human babies, or no matter if they
are organs animals babies, that belong in your hands, and not in the
hands, of others.

Men and boys, can also learn from this, and they can also, decide to
take the matters into their own hands, as it should be.

All of you, get to your twenty four hour, health clubs, parks, and
recreation centers, play grounds, and parking lots, and get onto those
trains, and get your commuting in order, and get your bus passes, and
your commuter train passes, and get sexing, with every one, you see,
starting, now, as it is now, the time of year, for health, and
recreational activities, to begin, fresh, and with renewed vigor and

The holiday season, is now begining, in Europe, and in South America,
in many places, and in some other places, around our planet.

Get into your coats, tunics, smocks, aprons, and so on, and get your
organs animals, eating up, all the juices they need, from your sexing
activities, that you bring in for them, to use, as resources.

Macro Biotics Foods Eating Training

Just open your eyes, and show them, your eyes, organs animals, and
your teeth organs animals, that you need the juices, and listen to the
sounds of animals, very tiny ones, in the juices, and see if you can
penetrate into the tiny worlds, with your keen eye sight, and with
your keen sense of smell, and with your keen sense of taste, and with
your keen sense of touch, and rub the juices, all over your bodies,
and get the knuckles, and fingers, well coated, and get the knees, the
elbows, the palms, and soles of your feet, well coated, and coat your
arms, and coat your lips, and coat your body, from head to toe. Coat
your hair, and take a bath, in flural, 'flower' animals, with wine in
the water, or egg nog, or milk, with lemons juices, or limes juices,
and get some stones, into your bath water, and let the animals, all
come out of the stones, and emeralds are cheap, in South America,
rough ones, and Jade is cheap, and agates are cheap, and pile up, the
different colors of stones, into groups, and figure out, where they
are coming from.

Create an aroura borealis in your mind, the northern lights, and the
southern lights, that are over the polar caps.

Get an idea, on how your prismaticas animals, like to feed, and like
to birth, in what order are they over powering, other groups of
prismaticas animals, and living, together in groups of keen
sensitivities, animals.

Get your bodies, well fed, and get those resources, out of your
bodies, and into the bath water. You have reserves, of lots of
resources, in your bodies, if you are at all, over weight, and pudgy.
That's good, and people, who can not put on weight, such as Mila
Jovovich, maybe, are in need of your assistance.

Invite them into your bath tubs, and get them into the warm waters,
and reheat the waters, as needed, with hot pots, of warm water in
kettles. That's how they did it, when there was no other way, to heat
the water, such as with thermal springs, or with thermal tide pools,
near the oceans, or inland, in warm, tropical, or also, snowy, cold,
icy, places.

Place a flower or two, or a bunch of them, finely chopped up, into
your bath water. Place a vitamin mineral tablet, into your bath water,
and get into your bath water. If you have home brew, or wine, or
grapes, or egg nog, place a little bit of that, into your bath water,
and that will improve the nutrients resources values, of your bath

Teach your organs animals, about all the nutrients animals, as well
as, about all the contaminants animals, they need to start eating, for
them to get the most nutrients out of the resources, you have for
them, in your foods, and in your beverages, in your homes, and in your
bath water.

Your health, will soon be on the rise, and you will be able to with
stand the cooler and colder weather, much better, in your working
clothes, your naked skins, as your body begins to pick up the foods
and nutrients animals, that you need for keeping them warm, and for
cooking them, inside of your own, thermal hot springs, and geysers,
inside of your bodies.

Forget the holiday shopping, and start, the holiday, sexing with your
friends, family, neighbors, commuter car pool members, 24 hour health
club co-members, and so on.

Nov 17, 2007, 6:02:10 PM11/17/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Nuts To The Police And To The Parochial School Moms and Dads -
Aggressive Rape - Arabs And Sex Crimes - Macro Biotics Cooking -
Charcoal, Coal, And Rocks Animals - Fluids Plasmas Animals - Honey And
Maple, Milks And Eggs, Juices Animals - Eye Balls And Fluids Sacks
Glutens Animals Relatives - Fruit Seeds Sacks - Pudgy Men And Women,
Scrotum Packages, Titty Nipples, Labia Lips, Face Lips, And Gluten
Animals Relatives - Cheeses Glutens Animals - Radiences Animals
Syncopation Rates - Women And Girls, And Spare Parts Liquids - Holiday
Shopping, Or Holiday Sexing? - Flowers And Opiates - Tramadol/Ultram
And Meloxicam - Flowers In Cunts And Buttholes - Gluten Animals And
Women's Cunts - Glutens Animals In Saliva - Plasmas Animals And
Aphrodesics - Steam Saunas And Geysers In State Parks - The Phoney
Societies We Live In - Right Side And Left Side And Macro Biotics
Training - Ankor Wat Cambodia Updated: 17-11-07 Rev.x 15:03 PDT

Nuts To The Police And To The Parochial School Moms and Dads

I guess, the police think, or maybe the parochial school moms and
dads, think, that they can have you arrested, if they do not like the
way your nuts hang, inside of your nuts sack, or, if they do not like
the way your dick, hangs, from your body.

I suppose they think they can have women who are pudgy, arrested for
not covering their pudgy bodies, with cloth materials, or 'clothes',
to 'hide' the resources they have, in their pudgy resources sacks, or,
'fat cells'.

We have medicines, in our pudgy resources sacks. Did you know that,
Mr. And Mrs. Parochial School Moms and Dads?

We have detergents in them, and we have tooth paste liquids in them.
We have calcium, and vitamins, and minerals, and we have all the
resources, in them, to make all new bodies' parts with if we drink
enough of the spare parts liquids, regularly. Did you know that, Mr.
And Mrs. Parochial School Moms and Dads? How about you, Mr. Police
Officers, and Ms. Police Officers?

Well, I think you need to go back to school, and get some education,
you arrogant fools and idiots.

You do not know any thing, about any thing. Are you going to arrest
me, for telling you, you are all, arrogant, kids of mine?

Well, all of you are arrogant egoists, if you think you can determine
for others, how they should dress or how they should not dress, or how
they should sex or how they should not sex, with others, their kids
and neighbors, relatives, and friends, people they meet on the street,
people they commute with, on trains, and in car pools, people they
work with, people they live with, in their towns, villages, hamlets,
cities, and burgs included.

All of you parochial school moms and dads, and all of you police
officers, male and female, who think they can teach others, how to
dress, and how to behave, sexually, are arrogant egoists.

We do not have to listen, to these pathetic, brain washed people, any
more. Not to the establishment, not to societal leaders, not to
societal 'services' managers, such as apartment building complexes
managers, not to the HUD department inspectors, not to the Welfare
Department controllers and managers, not to the Social Security
agencies directors, and leaders, not to the C.I.A. or F.B.I. directors
and managers, not to the military managers, the seargents, the
lieutenants, the captains, the Colonels, not to the generals, not to
the ships' petty officers, or to the ships' pay masters, or to the
ships' security teams, not to the Muslims, not to the Catholics, not
to the Protestants, not to the Mormons, not to the Jews, not to the
Buddhists, not to the doctors, not to the lawyers, not to the judges,
not to the police, not to the managers of air lines, bus lines, train
lines, not to any of them.

They are all there, infringing on our rights and they are all being
misled, daily, along with all of the other, social services and other
services workers on our planet, with their fanatical, religious, bull
shit, beliefs, that they have learned, from Jeb, and Laura, and George
Bush, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Regan, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Baines Johnson,
John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and friends. There are a lot of these
people, who are now, living in other countries, such as Saddam
Hussein, and John F. Kennedy, Nicole 'O.J.' Simpson, Harry Truman,
Dwight D. Issenhower, George DeGaul, Canadian Prime Ministers, German
Prime Ministers, Belgium Cabinet members, congressional leaders from
Washington, D.C., South and Central American, former government
leaders, and C.I.A., and F.B.I., organizations around the world,
managers. Ku Klux Clan leaders, supposedly deceased, but speaking
Arabic, or Hebrew, or Spanish, or Somali, or Serb, or Croat, or
Hungarian, or Polish, or Finnish, or Icelandic, or NewFoundlinic, the
language they speak in Newfoundland, or Sioux, or Native, North
American and Canadian Rockies, indian tribal languages, are hiding, in
places you can not find them in, easily.

I said, we need to control our rage, and aggression, but there are
times, when we can risk it, a little, and pay the penalty, of getting
a little older. We age, when we can not control our rage and

We do not need to worry, much, about who will come back, after
Washington D.C. is blown off the map, as all the mothers are going to
be bringing them back, as little babies, in their tummies.

Maybe you should say some thing, to George and Laura Bush, as they are
living in an area, which may or may not be, located where it is, if
some people, enough people, in that area, get angry enough, to
demolish the whole area, with our nuclear arsenal of home made
weapons, as I've explained about.

Aggressive Rape

What is aggressive rape? It is when a woman, or girl is held in
captivity, and used as a sex slave, for gang members, or mafia
members, to sex with, daily. Freedom of movement, is needed for these
ladies, and they generally, get it, and they can even bare children,
in lots of cases, such as at the 'chicken ranches', in southern
Nevada, and in Arizona, and in detroit, and in Cleveland, and in all
the cities of the world.

We never here about agressive rape, in the news. It is too common, and
the news media, does not want you to hear about it.

Arabs And Sex Crimes

It is a joke, in Arab countries, where they have 'chicken ranches',
that the arabs, attempt to convince their citizens, and the foreign
press, that they are tough when it comes to the issues of sex with
others. Saudi princesses, and saudi official, often visit, regularly,
these chicken ranches, they have. In Kuwait, there are chicken
ranches, where Bangaladeshi boys, and girls, are regularly taken to,
to sex with the Kuwaiti citizens, who are public legislaters.

Our media, tries to tow the line, as they continue to harp on, in a
frenzichotic manner, that is, a frenzied, almost psychotic manner, the
'tough' arab laws the arabs supposedly impose on their citizens.

The police in Arab countries all know, it is a common practice to
bring in foreign workers for construction work from Korea or China, to
work for low wages, and the police officers provide 'chicken ranches'
women and boys and girls, to sex with the foreign workers, for a low
pay, each of the foreign workers, on a regular basis.

The sex industry workers, in Arab countries, do not get to keep much
of their wages, as they must hand over to their 'managers', the people
who handle them, and who bring them in, and who introduce them to the
foreign construction laborers, a large part of their wages fifty to
seventy percent.

That the Arabs are tough on sex crimes, is a joke, and all the local
people, living in Arab countries, the citizens of Arab and Palestinian
countries, all know it. So do the Hebrew, or Jewish people, living in

Macro Biotics Cooking

Use your keen senses, and see who is in the tinier 'macro' worlds,
inside of your beans, and rices, grains, vegetable skins, fruits
skins, nuts skins, and inside of the pulpy tissues, and in the tide
pools of oils animals inside the nuts, and inside the grains, and
inside the rices, and inside the beans, and inside the root crops that
you can dig up, now and then, if you go out, into your forests, and
dig around, down, fifteen to thrity feet, or so, with your neighbors
and friendly citizens of your communities, who think like you do that
no one should have the right to control how you sex or who you sex

If you can not see inside the tiny worlds, with your eyes, and if you
can not hear inside of them with your ears, and if you can not smell
inside of them, with your noses, and if you can not taste inside of
them with your tounges, and if you can not feel inside of them with
your hands, and fingers, arms, elbows, feet, and toes, do not worry,
as all of your organs animals, have sensors technologies, and if you
spend enough time on it, they will use the sensors that you have on
the surfaces of your hairs and on the surfaces of your skin to see,
hear, smell, taste, and feel, and measure with the gauging instruments
they have available to them, every thing about every one, all of the
nutrients animals, who are inside of your foods, in the very tiny,
macro sciences wonder lands, the very tiny worlds, where tiny animals,
live, work, sex, and play with each other, and hunt, fish, eat, and
sleep together with each other.

Cook your foods, slowly, very slowly, and do not shock any one, with a
sudden, large gust, of flames, to charcoal broil, or pan fry, your
steaks, or meats, fish, or poultry.

Charcoal, Coal, And Rocks Animals

Charcoal grilling your food, makes your food unuseable to you. If you
get fried potatoes, that are blackened by the grill pan heat, or meat
that is blackened by the grill pan heat, you can not use it, for your

You are not charcoal or coal based animals.

Charcoal animals have a very slow rythm, frequency, syncopation, or
pace of life. So do rocks animals. So do trees animals. So do bark

Fluids Plasmas Animals

Animals that are full of fluids plasmas animals, such as humans, or
fish, or sheep, or goats, elks, or deer, gazelles, or antelopes,
buffalo and cranes, are close to your frequenies for living.

Humans are all close to your frequencies for living. You can eat them,
raw, and that will nourish you.

You want to pulverize them, and crush all their bones, and make them a
gooey, juicy, bubbly, meat package, with out breaking the skins. There
are technologies, that will do that, crushing every thing, in the
human body, with out destroying the life of that person.

If you do not heat the person up, and if you do not charcoal broil the
person, you can get a lot of nutrients out of the person's body if you
eat it, raw.

Tomato skins, lime peels, orange peels, apple peels, are not much good
for you unless you chew them up, and pulverize every tiny macro
biotics world, in the peels.

If you cook them up, at a very low temperature, lots of plasmas
animals will come out, and begin living in the tiny macro sciences

You want to cook your rice, until the gluten plasmas animals come out.
When the gluten plasmas animals come out, of rice, or grains, or nuts,
the rice, grains, or nuts will become gushy, and gooey.

That means, you have lots of hungry animals, that are very tiny,
living in the soupy kitchen sauces, or glutenous juices of the rice,
or grains, or nuts.

Honey And Maple, Milks And Eggs, Juices Animals

Honey, sugar cane juices, sweet flowers juices, maple trees juices,
milk from donkeys, goats, lamas, and cows, and eggs from birds, are
all good sources for relatives of the gluten liquids plasmas animals.

Eye Balls And Fluids Sacks Glutens Animals Relatives

Eye balls and eye ball fluids juices animals, from fish, and from
squid and octopusses, and from alligators, and from cows, and from
turkeys, and from chickens, and from buffalo, and from donkeys, and
from goats, and from sheep, and from dogs, and from cats, and from
birds, are all good sources of these relatives of the gluten liquids
plasmas animals.

Fruit Seeds Sacks

Pomegranites, papayas, with the seeds inside of fluids sacks, are also
good sources of glutens liquids plasmas animals.

Pee pee juices also have tiny amounts of animals who are good sources
for glutens liquids plasmas animals.

Pudgy Men And Women, Scrotum Packages, Titty Nipples, Labia Lips, Face
Lips, And Gluten Animals Relatives

Mens' and boys' dicks, their scrotums, the nuts, are full of gluten
animals relatives. Women's and men's titty nipples, and women's labia
lips, and women's and men's face lips are also good sources, for
glutens animals. The skin, and pudgy men's and women's bodies, are
also good sources for glutens animals.

Cheeses Glutens Animals

Cottage cheese, cheeses of various kinds, yogurt, cream cheese, sour
cheese, sour cream you make with whipping cream, at room temperature,
and with a little yogurt mixed in to sour it, will also supply you
with lots of glutens animals relatives.

Radiences Animals Syncopation Rates

Gluten fluids plasmas animals, are very good for your health. They
have a syncopation, and they have lots of plasma animals who are also
syncopated, that is suited to living inside of you as foods and
nutrients animals, to feed you full of lots of nutrients animals, and
to feed you full of lots of energies plasmas animals, and rythmical,
prismatica animals, of different radiences syncopation rates that are
useful to humans for their health.

If you get enough of the gluten workers animals, in your diets, you do
not need to eat, too much, of the raw humans and other animals meats.

If you cook your foods, for several days, and let the pots, and pans,
holding your foods, cool down, nightly, and then heat up, daily, a
little, lots of animals, will eventually, come out, and live in the
macro sciences wonder lands to nourish you, when you eat your foods,
after several days of cooking them.

You can cook your meats, and fish, and poultry, for several days, in
this manner, and they will slowly, decay. However, the syncopation
rates are still in frequencies with your body, and they are all still
wholesome and nourishing to eat, even after several days of cooking.

Cooking raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and so on, helps to
bring those foods syncopation rates, their frequencies, closer into
line with those of humans.

If you treat one macro sciences wonderland as a vinegary wonderland,
and if you treat another pot or macro sciences wonderland as an alkaly
wonderland, and if you treat another pot or macros sciences wonderland
as a salty wonderland, and if you treat another macro sciences
wonderland as a sweety wonderland, and if you treat another macro
sciences wonderland as a bittery or hotty or spicy or cinnamony
wonderland, you can get many types of macro sciences wonderlands all
with lots of animals who are suited for living in the wonder lands.
They are all unique, each wonderland, and they all have different
tastes, and they all have different nutrients, and they are teaming
with life, and they all have lots and lots of nutrients and plasmas
energies to feed you full of nourishing, tasty, living nutrients

If you eat these living nutrients animals, you do not need to eat,
humans, raw and uncooked.

My abberant kids pretend they are doodlers, and they like to eat
humans, raw and uncooked, for recycling the nutrients animals, inside
of their bodies and then out their poopy holes, and out their pee pee
juices holes, and out their pore holes all over their bodies.

If they have enough of the spare parts liquids inside of them, they
will be able to regroverate their bodies, if they follow all the
needed steps in the many sciences that support the managing of their
individual universes, or bodies, and all the macro sciences worlds
inside of them, for helping them to control and manage how they live,
and for helping them to adjust themselves, to the different conditions
that they find, living in our universe.

Women And Girls, And Spare Parts Liquids

When women and girls get enough of the spare parts liquids from mens'
and boys' dicks, they will start manufactureing lots of their own
spare parts liquids. Those liquids will then begin to dribble out of
the ejaculatory tubes, near their pee pee holes.

They can squeeze and squirt those juices out of their ejaculatory
juices holes tubes when they sex with others, and when they orgasm, if
they have enough of the males' spare parts liquids, inside of them.

That will help the males to get the spare parts liquids inside of them
that they need for rebuilding their bodies with all the new organs
animals that men need to get inside of them, to begin to work and live
for ever in our universe.

Once they get the spare parts liquids from women and from girls that
women and girls produce and squeeze and squirt out of their sexaling
juices holes, and out of their ejaculatory tubes, and some women and
some girls may have more than one tube to ejaculate juices out of as
they produce lots of different kinds of juices that need to get
squirted out once they get all the spare parts fluids from mens' and
boys' dicks and scrotum packages, or nuts sacks, men and boys, and
women and girls, as well, and women and girls also need to drink these
fluids from other women's and other girls' cunts, and butt holes
areas, and groinal areas and thighs, and pelvis, and clitoral mounds
areas, and there may be more than one clitoral mounds, between a
woman's or a girl's pair of legs, that decorates her tiara ridge, or
pelvic ridge, as I've mentioned about before, when men and boys and
when women and girls get enough of these juices from womens' and from
girls' cunts, and from their other juices holes, as well as from their
titty pies, and tummies, and backs, and butt cracks, and feet, and
toes, and hands, and fingers, and underarms, and waists, and hips, and
lips, and ears, and noses, and faces, and out their scalps, and so on.

Then women and girls, and men and boys will all begin to grow in new
and never before used, organs animals inside of their bodies, that
they never had working for them, before, that are all killed off by
our diets with all the poisons we are eating that my abberant kids
feed us full of.

Those organs animals will then help you to regulate the birthing, and
the aging, and the youthing processes, efficiently, as you travel in
and on our ship, for ever.

When men and boys deposit their spare parts fluids, up the cunt holes
of women and girls, and in the mouth holes of women and girls, and in
the mouth holes of men and boys, and in the butt holes of women and
girls and of men and boys, the spare parts fluids will find their way
to laboratories, or tanks for holding fluids in, and those spare parts
fluids, will be worked on, by organs animals, inside of your bodies,
and more useful spare parts fluids, will result, for women and girls,
and for men and boys, to then share with each other, for even better
spare parts fluids, for getting other organs animals, working
betterly, and more efficiently, for controlling the birthing, aging,
and youthing proccesses, and for all other proccesses, we'll be
seeing, on our voyages, through out, back and forth, and all around,
in our universe, with each other, for ever.

There will be many useful changes, that we will see, that will come to
our bodies, in time, to enhance our sexaling capabilities, and
sexaling lives, with each other, as we cruise throughout our universe,
and see all the many different things that we need to study, and
understand more about.

In time, we'll be seeing many new kids, and you'll have many new
friends, and you'll be seeing, ingesting, and using many new resources
animals, of many and different, new kinds, when we get on to a nicer
and cleaner universe, after we clean up our polluted universe, and
begin to return this universe, to a pristine, and untarnished,
condition, with all of you, practicing our new religion, that is based
on all of my religions that I have taught, from a long time ago, since
before we even came out to here, to this universe, to work and to

You whirling dirvishes ladies, and you men who wish to begin your
careers, as whirling dirvishes assistants, can get started, by sexing
each other, in the twenty four hour health clubs, and on the commuter
trains, busses, air planes, and in your commuter car pools, and in
your offices, and work places, no matter where they are.

Holiday Shopping, Or Holiday Sexing?

You may as well forget the holiday shopping, and get to the holiday
sexing, now, if you wouldn't, mind, as there is no time, to lose. You
do not want to end up as a 'meat package', you ladies and men, girls
and boys.

Your gluten liquids plasmas animals, are fine, where they are, and you
should not have to worry about, giving them up to my abberant kids,
which you will do, inevitably if you wait too long, such as to George
Lucas, to George and Laura Bush, to Ronald and Nancy Reagan, to Dwight
D. Issenhower, to Gerald Ford, to Richard Nixon, to Jimmy Carter, to
Michael Jackson, to O.J. and Nicole Simpson, to George Busey, to Matt
Damon, to Jennipher Lopez, to Mila Jovovich, to Bruce Willis, to Clint
Eastwood, to Liz Taylor, to Eve Arden, and to all of the rest of my
abberant kids.

This is a long tour of our universe. You may as well get every thing
worked out, in, correctly, in your minds, now, and you may as well
help others, to get things worked out, in their minds, now. You will
avoid troubles, for your self, and for others, if you begin sexing
with your self, and with others, as I've been recommending that you
do. You will save your selves, and others, lots of head aches, and
sorrowful moments, in regret, by following my recommendations.

You ladies and girls, get your coats on, and forget about wearing your
underware. You men and boys, who wish to assist the ladies and the
girls, forget about your underware, and get out there, and start
helping these ladies and girls. If you do not cooperate with each
other, and if you hasten, or postpone your holiday sexing with each
other, you may end up as meat packages, and you may need to hand over
to my abberant kids, your glutens liquids plasmas animals, inside of
your bodies.

Flowers And Opiates

Flowers opiates and counter animals. Pharmaceutical companies, use
flowers, in making their prescription, narcotics medications.

The pharmaceuticals companies, then put counter drugs, to regulate,
the usefulness, of your medications. They also put in poisons, to
hasten your early retirement, from the work force, to hurry you into
their lunch rooms, as a meat package.

There are no counter drugs animals in flowers that have opiates or
other useful substances in them. Some flowers may have, opiates pain
killers animals in them. Other flowers may have hashish types of sleep
aides animals and sedative animals in them. It is easy to over dose on

Tramadol/Ultram And Meloxicam

Tramadol/Ulram is made from flowers. Meloxicam is made from hashish
pollens animals mixed with pain killer pollen animals, and with sleep
and sedative, and cocaine types of pollens animals types of flowers.

They both have, lots of unwanted animals, in them, that desynch your
body, and brains, and confuse you. You need to teach your organs
animals, to eat all of them, even the injurious to your health, types,
as you can get your organs animals, to get nutrients out of all of
them, and that will help lessen the problems of addiction withdrawl,
as addiction with drawls are caused, in part, by the desynching of
your body and brains, and that leads to your confusion, in your
brains, as you try to understand what is happening to you, as you
fidget in pain, and as your legs, spasm. Those of you ladies, who have
been addicted to crack cocaine, or other partly useful substances,
have also been poisoned by these abberant kids of mine, who
manufacture the crack cocaine, through their under ground, proccessing
labs, under the captals of France, Belgium, Spain, England, all of
Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific
Islands, Africa, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and North, Central, and
South America.

Be careful, when you experiment, and try eating flowers, in your diet.
They are very potent, as I've mentioned, before. You can try rubbing,
some flowers pollens grains on your hands, and then spit on your
hands, and rub your hands, together. Next. Rub your hands on your fore
arms and wrists. Be very careful, because if you combine, or use too
much, as you rub it into your skin, you will over dose, and lose your
balance, and feel faint, and you may end up in a coma. At worst,
you'll end up with an over dose, that will cause promiatal breathing
disorders, and an early trip to a morgue, and then, an early trip to a
lunch room cafeteria, as a bubbly, gummy, juicy, meat package, all
softened up, and ready to eat, raw, as I've explained.

Flowers In Cunts And Buttholes

You can place some flowers inside of your cunts, or buttholes, and be
careful, as they are very potent. That will produce, aphrodesics by
the boat loads, as well as lots of other, interesting, substances
workers animals.

Gluten Animals And Women's Cunts

Women's cunts, are gluten factories. You can take your female cunt
juices, and you can take your dick spare parts fluids, and you can mix
them together, and you can place them in a pot or pan of rice or wheat
or some potatoes, and slowly on a low temperature flame, or heat
source, cook up gluten animals.

You can take those gluten animals, and then, wipe them on your body,
all over you. Leave them on your body, and then take some home brew
fermented oils, for massaging your bodies with, and rub that into your
skin. You can take clarified butter, or ghee, and rub that on. You can
take cheese oils, that you can get from cheeses sitting at room
temperature, and mix that with your clarified butter, ghee. There are
lots of gluten animals in all those oils. You can find gluten animals,
or liquids plasmas animals and their sexing fluids, in all of those
oils, and in milk, and even in your tap water, and air that you
breath, if there is a tiny bit of humidity in it.

Glutens Animals In Saliva

When you are kissing each other, as you are sexing, on the commuter
trains, air planes, busses, and in your car pools, and in your
offices, at your work places, and in the parks, and in your schools,
and on your school play grounds, and in your housing projects, and in
your homes, apartments and houses, and in the hotels and casinos
lounges, and in the bath rooms at hotels, around the world, and at the
Mardi Gras festivals, and at the Carnival festivals, you can place
flowers into your mouths, and let them simmer, and you will produce
lots of glutens animals, to increase your libido, and the libido of
the persons who you are sexing with.

Plasmas Animals And Aphrodesics

Be very careful, as you may pass out, from an overdose of glutens
animals, and of other liquids plasmas animals that are nutrients
animals, and of other plasmas animals that are energies plasmas
animals of various and many kinds we do not know any thing about.

Steam Saunas And Geysers In State Parks

Steam saunas in Finland and in Iceland, and hot and cold tub spas, as
you can find in Japan, and thermal hot springs, as you can find in
Japan, Canada, Chile, Peru, Equador, Paraquay, Argentina, the
Falklands Islands off of Argentina, are very good places to get lots
of gluten animals, into your bodies. They will come in, through the
pore holes of your skin.

Geysers such as in Yosemite National Park, and thermal hot springs, in
the National Parks services forests in the United States, are good
places to find glutens animals.

Indian Reservations in Canada, and in the United States, are also good
places to find, thermal hot springs, that you can enjoy, with out too
much hassel, if you have the money, to pay for the trip to the Indian
Reservation, for a hotel or travel lodge, room.

The Phoney Societies We Live In

I suppose, these abberant kids of mine, want us to believe, that we
evolved from the 'renasaince' period, after the 'dark ages', after a
short while, in the Wild West, with cowboys and with indians, battling
it out, and with gun fighters, and so forth, into the modern day age,
where they concocted the Darwinian evolutionary idea, and 'Lucy' the
ape lady.

Most people, will think, 'Oh. It must have been the way they say it
is. I don't have any reason to doubt them.'

They can make up, all the tales they want to, to support their bogus
past, about Ghengis Khan, the Crusades and the Crusaders, the Civil
War, and so forth, but it is impossible, for any one, to be gifted
enough, to evolve the socieities we have, today, with the power supply
systems, water supply systems, sewer and sanitation systems, the
agricultural systems, the trade and economic systems, the food supply
systems, the medical welfare systems, the housing welfare systems, and
so on, that we have, in our 'industrialized' societies.

You can believe in fairy tales, if you want, but an enormous amount of
planning, went into all of this, and it did not evolve, over night,
since the 'dawn of civilization' back in Babylonia or in Sumeria, or
in Rome, or in Greece, or with coloumbus, or with the indians and with
the cowboys, from old world, Europe, to new world, America, as they
would have you believe.

These people, are very talented, and they have been in our universe,
as an organization, for a very long time, too long, for any one to go
back to the begining, and try to count how long.

They are all, baffoonalizing us, and snookering us, as I've pointed
out from time to time. If you wish to believe in fairy tales, than
that is your privelege, but it is not the truth, and you are awfully
foolish, and an idiot, if you think it is the truth.

They count on your gullibility, and your empty mindedness, about these
key questions, and they shuffle out, to their torture rooms, for them
to feed on, the persons, who do not accept these fairy tales, and who
voice their thoughts, about them.

There are whole communities around the world, who dissappear over
night due to one person's questioning mind. They all end up in the
buffet and cafeteria lounges, as meat packages, for them to feast on.

You ladies, who give birth to children, and gave them up to adoption
agencies, or who then got your selves thrown into jail because of
crack cocain addiction, or who got your selves, thrown out of your
apartments, due to late payments on your part of your welfare checks
for rent, and who live in subsidized housing, are taught to not think
about any thing, and to foolishly, follow the rules of the housing

You do not understand the ideas of freedom of speech, thought, action,
and words. You are all idiots, if you believe in supporting the status
quo, and these societal managers, who allow you to say nothing, about
the value of Halloween, for instance, as a ghoulish, feasting on the
dead remains of women, men, and children, who are sacrificed for their
meat resources, and who are eaten, by fiendish characters, such as the
headless horseman, or the 'Grim Reaper'. You are idiots, and egoists,

These people, want to turn you into a walking plastics explosives
laboratory, and they want to eat you, and you haven't got a clue about

Right Side And Left Side And Macro Biotics Training

When you are doing, your macro biotics training, use both the right
side of your body, and brain, and use the left side of your body and
brain, to train your organs animals, properly. If you are right
handed, try to use your left side, more often. If you are left handed,
try to use your right hand, more often.

Ankor Wat Cambodia

The phoney condemnation, on sex tourists, in Japan, who go to
Thailand, to sex with children, is a load of crap. Under Ankor Wat, in
Cambodia, you'll find a vast and large city, with lots of cheap labor,
child labor, who are the children of the ladies who are children.
These child ladies, give birth to these throw away kids, who work
underground, in the slave labor camps, that are under Ankor Wat.
You'll find them, under Quebec, Ontario, Toronto, Mexico, all of the
cities of South America, Central America, North America, and Europe.
How do you think these people, can get things, manufactured, for such
a cheap cost. Where are all the factories? Where are all the
hydroponic, agricultural systems? Where are all the laborers? We do
not see them, in the cities. And they are not in the country side,
either. They are underground, and you ladies who have given birth to
children, who were taken away from you, and who you never saw again,
by court order, have your children underground, working to feed you.
When they grow old, and weary, they are eaten, by these abberant kids
of mine. If you do not wish to become a 'meat package', your self, you
will start practicing, what I have been suggesting that you practice,
and get your cunts, and titties, in gear for the holiday sexing, for
the new style of gift giving, and gift recieving.

Nov 17, 2007, 7:15:01 PM11/17/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Loupasoidals - Pretend You Are Dinosaurs Updated: 17-11-07 Rev.x 16:15


Loupasoidals are aphrodesical, steroidal opiates types of workers
animals. You can get lots of loupasoidals out of your foods, if you
train your organs animals, about them. There are lots of them, in
flowers, and there are lots of them in Doritos, and in other snacks
foods that are tasty.

Pretend You Are Dinosaurs

As you are looking at your tablets of medications that you need to
help you, as you are increaseing the levels of opiates animals inside
of your body, think in your mind, you need to eat all of them. Pretend
you are a dinosaur, with palms and fingers at your side, with pincer,
sharp, claws, ready to rip apart, all the harmful animals, we are
loaded up on, in our Robitussin cough syrup, candies, medications,
milk, food supply, water supply, air supply, and in our environment,
in the materials used to build these stucco walled buildings, or
concrete and cinder block buildings, or wood frame buildings, and so
on. The paint on the walls, has desynching animals in it. The plaster
boards have desynching animals in it. The concrete has desynching
animals in it. The side walks have desynching animals in it. The
roadway and street pavements have desynching animals in them. The gas
ranges in your kitchens, supply natural gas, or propane, or other
types of fuels, that have desynching animals in it. There are
desynching animals, of one kind or of another, that is in the
electricity supply systems, and in the electricity that is supplied to
your homes, apartments or houses, offices, and workplaces, and in the
electric supply for powering the trains and subways. There are
technologies that are used, to supply desynched energies, that are
harmful to your body and to your brains, that you are affected by in
the electrical systems of the vehicles you use, such as cars, trucks,
busses, planes, cruise ships, and so forth.

Look at your video monitors, and tv screens, and at the street
lighting, and at the trains stations lighting, and at all the lighting
fixtures in your living environments, and at the electrical supply
transformers in your living environments, and let your organs animals
know that there are lots of nutrients animals, coming at you, through
your eyes, and through your bodies pores that they and you need to eat
to get the nutrients out of them, by gnashing down on your teeth, and
by biting at them, as they come at you, as you can imagine, in your

If you teach your organs animals, and your brains, first, that you
intend to eat up all the animals, no matter what types there are, and
there are lots of types, we have no idea about, or knowledge about,
and we know nothing about them, your organs animals, will slowly begin
to pick up, all of the nutrients supplies, as you should begin to
think of them as.

Pretend that they are there, and you know it, but you can not see
them, or hear them, or feel them, or touch them, or taste them, or
smell them, but they can hear them, sense them, and so on useing the
technologies they have, available to them.

Your organs animals sensors technologies organs animals will begin to
detect them, slowly. Show all of your organs animals, in your body, on
your front side, on your rear side, on your right side, on your left
side, in your feet soles, and in the tippy tip tops of your scalps,
and on your underside, of your body carriage, in your groin, and in
your butt holes, and in your cunts, and in your titties, and so on,
and you men and boys, do the same, and show your dicks organs animals
all of them, and your butt holes organs animals all of them, and your
titties organs animals all of them, and so on, and slowly, all of your
organs animals, will begin to get the message, that there are loads of
nutrients animals, in all the things around you.

As you bite down on your teeth, and as you pretend you are a dinosaur,
gnashing and ripping the contaminants animals, apart, that are harmful
to you, gnarl and growl, as if you were a dinosaur. That, and other,
theatrical performance techniques, will add urgency to the situation,
and your organs animals, will respond, more quickly, and with haste.
Pretend you are looking into your futures, and change your way of
thinking, and make your self think and understand that you are going
to live in this universe, for ever. That will give you a good start,
on getting the attention of your organs animals, for you to live in
our universe, forever. You will soon begin to have new organs, new
muscles, and new sensors organs animals built for your bodies, inside
of them, and you'll also get new organs animals, that will help you to
control the birthing, aging, youthing, and growth processes,

Use your saliva and spit on your hands, and let your hands organs
animals, then sense, the incoming, bad animals that you need to eat,
as nutrients animals, if you intend to live in our universe, for ever.

All of you wipe your sexing juices, all over your bodies, and take
baths, and let all the organs animals, sense all the nutrients workers
animals, you will be eating, from now on.

All of you be careful, when mixing flowers with your saliva, on your
hands and on your arms, or when taking baths with flowers animals in
your bath water, and with home brews poured into your bath water.

You can also add molds to your bath water, and every one can use the
same bath water, and you need to reheat it, with a kettle of hot
water, every so often, to keep it luke warm, or hotter. Cool down your
bodies, a little at a time, and let your bodies adjust to the cooler
temperatures, and be careful, as little by little, the nutrients
animals, will begin to over whelm you, and you will begin to feel
faint, and sick some times, and you'll even pass out, and stop
breathing, as you can also, develop promiatal breathing disorders if
you are not careful, and if you do not take it slowly.

Keep your bodies hydrated, with lots of water. Your organs animals
will begin to incinerate and burn off, lots of compatible and
incompatible nutrients workers animals, we do not know the names of.

Nov 18, 2007, 4:32:02 PM11/18/07
to gurkianage.gurkianway
Hyperventilation - Do Not Explode - Foods Resources On The Surface Of
Our Planet - Who Makes The Things We Use? - Sandro Botticelli'
'Angels' - Freedom Of Sexing - Police On The Premises - The Civil War
And Ghetto Niggers - All The World Is A Stage - Chickens And Promiatal
Breathing Disorders, Macro Biotics Training - Arrogant Kids - Japan's
Monarchists Updated: 18-11-07 Rev.x 13:32 PDT


What is hyperventilation? It is overheating the brains of your body,
in your head, out of balance with the brains of your body, in the rest
of your body. Your arms, your legs, your torso, your hands, your feet,
your neck, your dicks, your cunts, your buttholes, and every part of
your bodies, have brains in them.

You need all of them, to be heated and cooled, with just about the
same degree of temperature. Your head, main brains, will be hotter
than the rest of your body, except for your dicks brains, cunts
brains, butt holes brains, underarms brains, hands brains, feet
brains, as well as your mouths brains, which can warm up, and get
hotter than the rest of your bodies brains, depending on what you are

Air will fuel the incinerating activities going on inside of your
body, and different parts of your body, will heat up, and when you get
out of balance, temperature wise, greatly enough, by breathing
frenitically, in a frenzied manner, such as huff, huff, huff, huff,
huff, and so on, you will begin to over heat some parts of your body,
as incinerating activities will go upwards, or rise. When that
happens, you will pass out, and fall to the floor. You do not need to
call a rescue ambulance, as there is nothing to worry about. You or
your friends, who passed out, will wake up, and feel a little, sleepy
headed, perhaps, and maybe, groggy, until you regain your composure.

A tub of warm water, is all you need, to ease the stresses on your
body. Sitting in it, and relaxing, for however long you need, getting
out, occaisionally, to cool out, in the air plasmas, then getting back
into the tub, for a short while, to continue the warming, evenly of
your body, till you feel normal again, will help you to regain your
normal health. Hospitals are not needed. Friends who will take
control, and do the things needed, by placing you in a tub of water,
after undressing you, are all that are needed.

We have some shocking news, about our universe, and it will take its
toll on people, and lots of people will pass out, after possibly,
hyperventilating them selves. You are not, ventilating your self, but
you are introducing lots of the nutrients animals, plasmas animals of
many kinds, that will help to fuel for your organs animals, the
incinerating proccesses, going on inside of your bodies.

Do Not Explode

Try not to explode. If you heat up, too hot, and if you breath in too
many of the plasmas animals in the air, you will explode some of your
plastics explosives you have in your body, and you may get an
embellism or breakage of arteries of the brain, or a heart murmur,
which is exploding gasses in your heart. Your heart can over heat,
very easily, so if you feel a slight tremor feeling in your heart, you
had better cool down, and take a cold shower, or cold bath.

Foods Resources On The Surface Of Our Planet

There are not enough people, and there are not enough resources,
above, on the surface of our planet, to farm and grow, all the foods
and pharmaceuticals, and make the candies, and clothes, and so forth,
for us, that we have, in our supermarkets, pharmacies, department
stores, and so forth.

Who Makes The Things We Use?

Down below, the surface of our planet, we have lots of people, who
work, toiling, daily, twenty four hours, a day, five or six days a
week, with one or two days off, each week. They sleep in parks, and in
hubbles, and shelters that are makeshift, and not that sturdy. It does
not matter too much, as they all are accustomed to living that wey.
They do not need furniture, and they just show up for work, and they
do the work they are supposed to do. They see all their friends, and
they are completely naked. They work naked, and they live naked. You
can see them in the Leonardo Davinci paintings, such as on the
ceilings of the churches in Rome, Venice, or Russia, and so forth, or
in 'Pearl Fishing' by Alessandro Allori, supposedly, sixteeth century.
Other Italian 'renasaince' painters, also painted 'Columbus in the new
world' type paintings, and you'll see lots of my worker kids, in those

Sandro Botticelli' 'Angels'

The Sandro Botticelli angels, are these girls, who are a fascination,
for painters, who go to down below, through the catacombs, under Rome,
and under the Vatican, who know about these girls. These girls,
however, do not have wings.

These girls are every where, working down below, in their many,
different tribal groups. They are accustomed to seeing in the darker,
undergroud, not so well lit, cavities, that are under us, every where.

If you see the paintings of, supposedly, Columbus, meeting with the
'New World' indians, and the new world indians, are all naked, and
they swim and go out to greet the primitive sailing ships, of
supposedly, the Portugese, coming to the 'New World', if you look
carefully, at the paintings, you will see lots of indians in the small
dugout canoes, and they are out there fishing, and swiming, and these
are paintings of other kids of mine, who are working down below us, in
the large, cavities, which hold whole large bodies of water, that are
as large as the Caspian Sea, or the Black Sea, or the Mediteranean
Sea. There are lots of these bodies, of lakes, or seas, below. They
are all polluted, given our standards, and the people are all naked,
living in them, and they do not worry about pollution, as they are all
trained, from childhood, to eat, macro biotically, making use of all
the nutrients resources, that are there in the water for them to live
on. They live for a very long time, these kids of mine, who work and
toil, daily, to produce the foods that we use, and to produce the
other things we need, to live on, that we take for granted, many of

We are not taught about these people, who toil, in a type of free
captivity, down below us, in cavities, below the surface of our
planet. Technologies which harnass energies, dug out these cavities,
and made them, under us, so that people could live and work in them.

Freedom Of Sexing

My kids who live and work down below, live nakedly, and freely sex
with each other, twenty four hours a day, so long as they get their
work done, in the hydroponics fields they toil in, daily.

Police On The Premises

Police think they can tell me if I need to wear a pair of underware,
or not. Maybe some of the blacks in our neighborhood, or whites, or
yellows, or reds, or whoever, think they can phone the police, and
tell them lies, as they do in the ghetto projects, in Harlem, Detroit,
Chicago, Van Couver, Toronto, Montreal, San Diego, Mexico, Venezuela,
Argentina, Peru, Chile, North America, Central America, and South
America, the Philipines, China, Europe, Africa, Asia, India, Malaysia,
Russia, Iceland, and so on, and get the police to my apartment, to
harrass me, and throw me out of the ghetto project that I live in. We
have a lot of tenants, who come through here, and they are always
changing. I see a large number of Philipines, then it goes to another
group, such as Koreans, then it switches and goes to Hispanics, and
then it switches, and goes to Hispanics, and we meet in the coin
laudry room, and I meet them and greet them, out in the court yard.
This has been the situation, since, 2004, January, when I moved in

We have a large turnover, here, and the management is involved in some
kind of scam bussiness, where they bring in new residents, and then,
keep them here, for a few months, to a year or so, and then they usher
them out, by evicting them. We get lots of new groups of people in
here, every few months, as I can see who is moving in, and moving out,
as I go to the store, on foot, and by bus, weekly, and to the trash
dumpsters, to throw out my trash bags. I see enough to know, there is
a high turn over of tennants, and there are a lot of former residents,
who are trouble makers, leaving, and newer residents, coming in to
replace them.

This is a typical tenant ghetto project, where they think you must
behave, accoding to the rules they set down for you. They do not tell
the tenants they have rights under the apartments and housing laws of
the state of Nevada. They do not tell you, that HUD will not cancel a
tenant-landlord aggreement, or lease, as the landlord's building
managers fight with HUD personel, to get you evicted.

Many time, the manager here, and her temporaries, assistant managers,
who come and go, as well, and who are always changing, has tried to
get me evicted, for this or for that.

Now they are trying to get me evicted, for talking to children, from
my balcony. They got the police here, recently, to tell me I had to
wear underware, out on my balcony, but I could go with out it, here in
my apartment.

Maybe they want to tell me, they do not want me to get a hard on, or
that my dick can not drool fluids, or that my mouth is not allowed to
salivate, and that it is against the law for my dick to get hard, and
it is against the law for my dick to drool fluids, and it is against
the law for my mouth to salivate, as I talk to the little girls, who
are deliciously lovable young children, with deliciously wonderful
tasteing cunts, and tittie pies, and butt holes, butt cheeks, legs,
feet, toes, hands, fingers, lips, mouths, and faces, that produce lots
of healthful fluids for me to get well with, as I get my health back,
as they ride by my balcony on their bikes, or on the street as I go to
the store, and they smile at me.

In any case, when push comes to shove, they will have a hard time
telling me, I can not get a hard on, while I am standing on my
balcony, talking to the little girls, down below, or when the little
girls come up to my apartment, to say hi to me, and come in, and talk,
and drink a beverage, and sex, and sleep with me.

Maybe the amonia, with all of my sexing spillages in the fumes that my
body is fumeing off, as my organs animals incinerate the trash, and as
my new organs grow in, and as my body, regenerates itself, and
regroverates itself, is too strong, but there are lots of little
girls, young girls, who get hard ons, as they ride by my balconies, on
their small bikes. and as they walk by my balcony, as I sleep with my
balcony door open, with my head near the doorway, to get lots of fresh
air, and plasmas animals falling, traveling, and moving, over and
under me, and all around me, in the fresh air.

I suppose, maybe, the landlord's managers, are now trying to get me
evicted because I sleep with a couple of blankets over me, at my
balcony door open on the floor with my head at the balcony door way,
or because I have a blanket I am drying, on the balcony banisters,
that I had in my tub of nutrients rich, bath and home brew mixture,
tub water.

The Civil War And Ghetto Niggers

What is a ghetto nigger? It is a black, or white, or red, or yellow,
or brown, or whatever color the person is, person who forgets that you
have a right to free speech, free thought, free action, and free self
determination. You have an absolute right to information.

If you follow blindly, the rules of the blacks, or hispanics, or
whites, or Asian, only, inner city, ghetto apartment complexes, in all
the major cities of the world, where the mothers bare the children,
and then send them off to adoption agencies, to become sticky, gooey,
bubbly, gummy, juicey meat packages, for all of my abberant kids to
feast on, you will become an inner city, ghetto nigger, no matter what
tribal orgins you have and no matter what color you are.

Blacks are supposedly proud of the fight for freedom, that supposedly,
Martin Luther King, and his followers, led. That was all a rehearsed,
and staged for publicity, theatical show, or display, that they have
repeated, each time they rebuild the societies, above ground, over and
over again, with each new society, the abberant kids of mine,
developed, in collusion with all of my other abberant kids friends of
theirs, around the world, no matter if they are from Italy, Rome,
Portugal, Barcelona, Spain, Nicaragua, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Belize,
Panama, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Chile,
Equador, Columbia, Guiana, Venezuela, Brazil, the Philipines, Africa,
the Middle East, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, the Soviet Union, Tibet,
Japan, China, Korea, New Zealand, Australia, and all of the other
countries, around the world.

They are very clever people. They have scripts to follow, and every
one knows his or her stage lines. They have different scenarios that
they follow, and they all get adjusted to the new situations, as they
develop around the world, if they are out of alignment with their
first choices, for scenarios to follow.

They have any number of different scenarios to follow, and they are
prepared in advance, with who knows how many trinities of years, or
longer, of preparation, in advance.

They have had all the scenarios from one planet, to the next, as they
use up all the resources, and then head off to another planet, after
they destroy the planet, they are living on.

They are all karmically tied together, and so are all of you. You do
not know it, is why you can not think that these are all scripted
scenarios, that they have prepared, well in advance, to any
developments on the scene, on each planet they use up, and then
destruct, in the end, blowing it, to smithereens.

Underground, in their work cities, all under the surface of the
planet, under all the capitals, and under all the towns and cities,
hamlets, burgs, and villages, with the help of technologies, neither
you nor I know any thing about, but that they are knowledgable about,
and that involve energies, of all different kinds, technologies, that
they use to harnass, all the energies they need, to build up, and
maintain their underground cities, and we are naive to think they can
not do it, and that they are limited to the technologies that you and
I are familiar with, they grow agriculturally, every thing they need,
to make their scripts for their rehearsed scenarios, work for them.

All The World Is A Stage

All the world is a stage. That is the situation, here, as this whole
world of ours, is one large stage for them, to perform their screen

You did not know that they are all actors, on this stage. You did not
know, that they can not produce the amounts of crops, and foods, that
all of us, use, daily, using the labor force, that is available to
them, on the surface of the planet.

What they produce on the surface of the planet, is just a smidgen of
what they are capable of, and of what they can produce, and of what
they have, agriculturally. Where are all the flowers for all the
medicines they produce? Where are all the hydroponic gardens, for all
the cantaloups, all the pumpkins, all the squash, all the spinach, all
the beets, all the carrots, and every thing else they sell in super
markets, in the produce department for every one, world wide, to eat?

Where are all of the other things they need, to manufacture all of the
canned goods, ketchup, mayonaise, mustard, and so on? Do you think
they produce every thing, on the surface of the planet? It is
impossible. You are a fool to believe that they can produce every
thing, that we see, world wide, in all the grocery stores, for every
one to eat.

Do you know how many people there are on this planet? Do you know,
what the folks on the ground, world wide, are doing? Have you flown in
an air plane and surveiled the gardens of every one on the surface of
the planet? Where is every thing? There is a small amount of foods
crops, grown on the surface of the planet. There is an enormous amount
of food crops grown below the surface of the planet, that is produced
hydroponically, with technologies you and I do not know anything

Where is the labor force for those hydroponic gardens? They are all
under ground, you fools, living there, in captivity, being fed, daily.
They are told, from the earliest times, since they are able to walk,
as infants, that they are bonded slaves, and they have to work, or
face starvation, and death. They are terrified of the thought of
death, just as you and I are, in our brain washed societies.

The work force, can not escape, as there is no where to escape to.
They do not know, any thing, about what is going on, up here on the
surface of the planet. They do not have offices. They do not have
commuter trains. They do not have commuter car pools. They do not have
parks to go to, except to sleep, eat, urinate, and poop, in the cold,
polluted climates that they are captive in, until they are served up
as, a raw, bubbly, juicy, gummy, meat package, as I've mentioned

What was the deal about the civil war? It was all staged, and you are
all fools if you think there is anything, credible about it.

If you do not do any thing, to change your karmic futures fortune,
your karmic destiny's fortune, if you do not begin practicing my
religion, sexing with your friends, as I've explained about, before,
already, you will never change your karma, and you will all end up, as
meat packages for them to dine on.

You are all brainwashed into thinking you are born, and you are
destined to die. That is a load of crap. You are all slaves, and you
do not know it.

My abberant kids like this period, which we are in, now, as it is easy
to bamboozal you, and snooker you, and baffonalize you, and they enjoy
the trivial comforts that you have, such as electricity. They enjoyed
the stage play set that they all participated in, up until now. They
all enjoyed wearing the period costumes, of the eight hundreds, to the
eighteen hundreds and of the nineteen hundreds, till now.

They play it over and over again. Why do they do that? They all know
they are going to live, for ever. They all know every one of you. They
have birthed you, even the men, who knows how many times. They birthed
you, and they pretend they have a right to manage you, and they
pretend they have a right to eat you.

They all enjoyed the Babylonia period, the Sumerian period, the
Egyptian pyramids period, the South American jungles temples and
pyramids periods. They play these over and over again, and they are
bored, silly. They commit suicide, periodically, as they can no
longer, mentally, handle it. When they blow up a planet, it is because
there are no more resources, that are worth anything, left on the
planet. These people, are ruthless, cunning, sly, and scientific

When they commit suicide, they are eventually, reborn, and eventually,
they are brought back, into their universal wide, family, one or
another of them, their organizations, that they have. They are then,
allowed to use special technologies, that jog the memories, and then
wake them up, to their past. They remember all the horrible things,
they did, before. However, they are in fresh bodies, and they can
stand it, once they get over the initial shocks of being brought back
to their old memories, which is a proccess, that requires, time and
patience, as bringing back some one to their original memories, is not
an easy task, for the person, who is in need of their old memories.

We know nothing about the sciences involved, that are required for
restoring their memories to the previous levels.

Between the time they commit suicide, and then are woken up, with
their memories gradually restored, they experience many life times, as
normal people, like you or me, with no memories of the past. They are
abused, and eaten, by their old friends. That helps to even out their
karma, and balance it out, so that they do not suffer as greatly, as
they did, before they committed, suicide, which led up to their
suicide. If they do not have their karma balanced out for them, over
umpteen lifetimes, they can not come back into their organizations.

Do you know what eternity is? Can you tolerate the idea of living and
suffering for eternity? Can you live, eternally, suffering? No. You
can not.

Can you live, eternally, without your karma balanced out for you,
regularly? No you can not.

They are faced with those situations, periodically. They can not
tolerate it, and they go completely out of their minds, and they
commit, suicide.

You all used to be members of the same organizations, one or the other
of them, that they are all members of. You all used to do the same
things that they do, now.

They live this way, as a way of life, and they have and they know, no
other way, to live. You have, and you know, no other way to live. It
is your karmic destiny, to suffer the fates you do. You can not escape
your karmic destinies, any more than they can.

You now have an idea of what is possible, and that there is a way to
change this situation. I have explained, enough, for all of you to
understand, that we are all captives, to our karmic destinies, and
that we can resolve our suffering, in time, with the assistance, now
in the Gurkian Age, of our new religion. You are all asked now, to
participate, in promoting our new religion. It is our only way, to
resolve these situations we are in.

Chickens And Promiatal Breathing Disorders, Macro Biotics Training

Go and find a live chicken, or a nice chicken with lots of organs
still in it, despite that it was cut up, at the butchers shop, by
professionals who were trained by my abberant kids guidlines, and
gutted in such a way that you can not find any of the organs that were
in it, as they are all missing.

You can find a useful chicken, that comes from down below us, in the
subteranean cavities, which I mentioned, at Fresh And Easy, a store
that is based in California, and is on the web, at
There are supposedly, game birds as well, but they come from down
below, also. They have their heads chopped off, and they may be
frozen, and they may not be able to move, but they are not dead.

If you can find a normal chicken, from a normal ranch, above ground,
that is alive, pay for it, and take it home, with its beak tied and
its feet tied, so that you can not be scratched, or gouged by it, and
when you get it home, give it a case of promiatal breathing disorder
by chopping its head off from its neck.

Next, pluck its feathers, and then, surgically, open it up. Be
careful, to not cut to vigorously, into it, as you do not want to
disturb, the internal organs. Slice it apart, carefully, cutting all
the limbs off, so that you can see each of its arms, legs, all of its
muscles, and all of its organs.

If you do this with a chicken or feathered bird of one kind or of
another, that you can get at Fresh And Easy, if you look carefully,
you will see there are way more organs in it, than you will be taught
about, in veterarian, medical school textbooks.

If you have trouble, identifying the bird's, or chicken's organs, get
a cat, or dog, or turkey, or pig, or hog, or goat, or sheep, or cow,
or horse, or donkey, or lama, or dingo, or wolf, or cayote, or bear,
or elephant, or gazelle, or antelope, or deer, or buffalo, or bison,
or rhino, or hippopatumus, or lion, or tiger, or seal and experiment,
surgically, on it. In which ever case, you will find many more organs
than you can identify. Veterinarians, doctors and surgeons all know
that there are many more organs in these animals, and as well, in the
human body, that they know nothing about.

There are lots of organs in wild animals, as well as in pet animals,
that doctors and veterinarians know nothing about. There is no
literature about any of them, and they are not taught anything about

Train your organs animals to eat and make use of all the nutrients
animals, that are associated with the chicken, or pet, you slice up,

Arrogant Kids

Lots of kids of mine, make rules, their own rules, and they expect
others to live by them. These are typically, the older kids in
families, but they are also, younger, equally arrogant, kids, both
male and female.

Ghetto niggers, make up rules, and they think that you have got to
live by them. They go around, and say rude things to you, if you do
not live by their rules. These kids, typically pick their noses, and
eat the snot burgers. They are chastized and scolded by mothers, and
by fathers who laugh at them. These kids, are typically, the societal
services industries, managers.

Here, in this ghetto nigger filled apartment housing project, we have
lots of them, and they are all, potentially, empire builders.

Japan's Monarchists

In Japan, there are lots of them, as well, and in China, as well, but
in Japan, they are difficult to see, as the language is peculiar, and
they do not come out, into the open in Japan as egos are not allowed
to exist in Japan, and no one is allowed to be egotistical, and so
they hide their egos, and they pretend they are beneficient,
monarchists, or kings and queens.

Captain Off The Bridge.
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