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Oct 28, 2019, 1:23:28 AM10/28/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano


With practice and experience
can be discovered freedom in
action and discrimination in
this internet fourth way and
not by unquestioning obedience,
negative acquiescence, and blind

The "child" in me, what is 
spiritual, is role played through
prayer in this video.


"It is prayer about reaching a higher level.
'May thy kingdom come': May I come into thy
kingdom: May the will of heaven, of a higher
level, be done on me as earth. And the last
request not to be tempted too much, beyond
one's strength, concerns that endeavor, for
many things stand in the way, and, as it is
put in the allegories of the Old Testament,
God wrestles with Man and seeks to overcome
and even slay him. This is how the struggle
to lift oneself off the level one is at, up
to a new level, is expressed. It is as if
this very thing one prays for and wishes
becomes an enemy, opposing every step made.
But if we remember that the reaching of a
higher level means a transformation and
re-birth of oneself, the idea becomes
plain. A man AS HE IS cannot reach a
higher level. He cannot approach God
as he is. The higher level is bound
to oppose him as long as he remains
the same kind of man."
--Maurice Nicoll
--p83-92, new man


"I now say the same to you,
and add there is nothing to
be done. When faced with an
event arising from forces
immeasurably greater than
one's own, one must submit.

"The only question is,
which of the alternatives
you mentioned should be chosen—-
that is, to wait or add to our
journey by a detour."
--ch 3, cause of a delay

There are many people who have
experienced at some time or other
during their lives an "illumination,"
an "unfoldment," an "uplifting," a
beatitude which has convinced them
that there is a state of consciousness
so far removed from ordinary life-of-
itself consciousness as to bring them
a new sensation of another state of
being and level of awareness and
then it becomes a question of
how to make such higher states
of consciousness permanent and
then to realize that what is
permanent can survive physical
death, what is permanent is the
higher body, or soul.

It is what Saint Paul referred
to when he spoke of being "caught
up to the third Heaven," and of
hearing things there which it
is not lawful for man to
speak of and that this is
so is the reason for aim,
impetus and method, this
fourth way method of writing
by progression as an example,
and another example is as
Gurdjieff said in the available
material whether or not a man
can make coffee well, so we see
from this that Saint Paul is
saying that the things of a
higher level cannot be
"explained away" in the
same way that we talk about
everything else in ordinary
life of itself "language" like
we see in ordinary life news media
day in and day out about everything
under the sun.

Rev. 2:7 ... the tree of life
in the midst of the paradise
of God.

Saint Paul was permitted to
"hear" the things of paradise,
but to see also in some degree
the things in the third heaven.
The "third" is celestial as in
Eph. 4:10 "He that descended is
the same also that ascended up
far above all heavens.."."

2 Cor. 12:4 "How that he was
caught up into paradise, *and
heard unspeakable words,
which it is not lawful
for a man to utter."

Understanding is essential, and reading
material over these internet channels can
be useful only if you understand what you
read. It is impossible to say which is better
because everything depends on YOUR
OWN EXPERIENCE and, as Gurdjieff
said, what a man knows WELL (he
emphasized the word "well") ...
a man knows how to make coffee
well or how to make boots well, or
can perform well the functions of a
tech writer, then it is already
possible to talk to him. The
trouble is that nobody knows
anything well and this can be
readily seen here on these
channels and it is from this
point of view that we can
"understand" what Saint Paul
meant about how the things
of a higher level of reality
are "not lawful for a man
to utter."

What is meant by the word
"WELL" as Gurdjieff used it?

To know something "well" is to
know something inside and out. In
other words, to know something
about a higher order of reality apart
from mechanical laws of ordinary life
where everything is known anyhow,
artificially. It is then we are speaking
of "inner web communications" on
the order of 24, 12, and perhaps
higher depending on the level of

For me, a germination
process which I can formulate
here as involutionary and evolutionary
ladders proceeding through me and, at
the time, the ability to consciously
notice that the central axis of these
emanations that are streaming
simultaneously from Above to
Below and Below to Above, that
the central point around which
all of this is happening is
the Absolute.

The primary inner
mental method for this
is the power of analogy with
fourth way ideas which are
constantly present within my
psyche as a result of years of
previous efforts, that is to
say, it represents to me as
something analogous to
what we might consider in
fourth way terminology as
an evolutionary step
toward self-

Already, by communicating with me 
over the internet and by way of this
text-based format and method of
transmission by progression, a bridge 
has formed which you may actually be 
"sensing," only not in the way you 
might think, as though the internet 
of and by itself had anything to do 
with it.

The teachings of Gurdjieff as we 
see it formulated in In Search Of
the Miraculous, but, more importantly, 
the series of writings by Gurdjieff's own 
hand, are a guide for us to sit still with 
these unusual tensions that are 
happening all around us and that 
you are "sensing" for yourself by 
way of sensing the "shifting" and 
it is all true.

The layer of communication is like 
inner layers of step core. In some 
places, concentric inward, like in 
any temple, or the causal body that 
is your own unique and individual 
temple, or Temple of Light. But 
remember also that the level of 
materiality of the substance 
necessary for the causal body 
is what connects us behind
the internet, behind the 
world of itself, behind 
our illusions.

The real connections are within 
us, and we are all of us One. Those
of us who attain to some inner 
sensing of the "shifting" of these
inner powders in the retort of our 
alchemical selves are finding each 
other over the internet and battling 
with illusions about whether or not 
psychic activity somehow or other 
can transit through hill and dale of 
electric waves and copper internet 

Separation from these illusions 
is what develops the real inner
world wide web connections 
between us on a level of reality
governed by a higher order of 
laws and so is transcendent of this
earth and the physical world wide 
web internet network, made up of
physical copper wires, rf satellite 
links, etc.

The important thing to remember 
about all of this is that the laws
that operate behind the scenes 
are everywhere the same and these
same laws apply between yourself 
and another in the courthouse as
well as simply standing in line 
waiting to have your groceries

voluntary attention

In order to understand the idea

of "voluntary attention" and the

hidden influence of higher forces,

we must become aware of the 

existence of what is called the

"stream of unconsciousness" an

involuntary series of automatically

arising moods and mentations evoked

by association, producing a continuous

dream state which we neither enter nor

leave, and in which we have continuous

existence with at least part of our 

unconscious attention.

It is into this stream of unconsciousness

that our conscious attention involuntarily

falls when our body is at rest, sometimes

more so than at other times. We refer to

this as our "dream world".

This unending series of events 

grouped together under the name

"dreams" occurs continuously both

day and night through our so-called

"sleeping" and "waking" cycles, and

that it has a definite and profound effect

on us which can be mental, emotional, 

organic, or all three.  The Higher Bodies

Astral and Causal can be deeply affected

by this continuous stream of imaginary


Under ordinary conditions the sequence

of events ... our subjective activities within

them, our participation in them, our sensory

perceptions of them including tactile, emotional,

and psychological and their effects on us ranging

from inconsequential to profound ... are totally

involuntary, that is to say, over the form and

content of our dreams we have no voluntary

influence, and over the personal and

impersonal phenomena of dreams

we have no voluntary authority.

Under ordinary circumstances we can

neither initiate action in the dream nor

alter the action and sequence of events,

once begun. The momentum of dreams

can be said to have greater Will than any

mental or emotional Will we can bring to

bear on them, although from time to time

our ordinary Will from the involuntary 

motor center can furnish the automatic

organic Will necessary to awaken from

a nightmare or during an organic


In order to separate our attention 

from the dream, the crux of the secret

depends upon the knowledge that our

dreams are continuous even in the so-

called "waking state", that they have

continuous and sometimes profound

mental, emotional, physical effects

upon us, and that under ordinary

circumstances we cannot exercise

either voluntary Will or voluntary 

attention over our dreams. It can

be easily seen that dreams are the

hidden source of our mental, 

emotional, and physical states,

even to the extent that they 

sometimes can cause 

organic illness, 

imaginary memories,

and sentimentality.

To exercise voluntary Will over

dreams is the beginning of formation

of the Astral Body, it is a definite sign

of its formation.  To the Higher Body

belongs "voluntary attention" and the

ability to isolate, view, as well as

participate in the events of the

dream world.

To produce this same form of 

attention with the ordinary attention

of the body, we would have to develop 

this ability completely artificially by 

way of "diffused" vision and 

attention by way of which all 

objects are equally present to 

our attention. Eventually, with 

continuous practice, this artificial 

form of a higher level of attention 

would produce effects contributing 

to the formation of the Higher Body.

And something was written about this

in Beelzebub's Tales to His 

Grandson in Chapter 18:

"My first meeting with the three-
centered being who later became my
'essence-friend,' and thanks to whom
I saw these experiments with the
'Omnipresent Okidanokh,' . . . "


Beelzebub's observations of
the experiments performed by
Gornahoor Harharkh helped him
to arrive at very important
"increases" of his understanding
of the omnipresent and everywhere-
penetrating Okidanokh by the
experimental, that is, "artificial"
blending and dissociating of all the
three fundamental parts of Okidanokh
from every kind of surplanetary and
intraplanetary process, including
the process of self-perfecting of
the individual three-brained being
man, and to study the specific
properties of each part separately
in its manifestations of a man, of,
namely, YOU, THE READER, 
which is a process of 


What is "artificial" stated above
and also by Gurdjieff in Views and
is why Gurdjieff wrote in the
subjective "chosen language," a
sort of "artificial language" of
Beelzebub's in his tales to his


"In most of us this common language
I speak about is irretrievably lost.
The only thing left us is to establish
a connection in a roundabout,
'fraudulent' way. And these
connections must be very subjective,
since they must depend on a man's
character and the form his inner
makeup has taken.


"So now we must establish this
subjectivity, and find a program
of work, in order to make connections
with the other parts. Establishing this
subjectivity is also complicated; it
cannot be arrived at at once, not
until a man is thoroughly analyzed
and pulled to pieces, not until one
has probed 'as far as his 


"Therefore on the one hand we shall
go on establishing this subjectivity
for each man separately, and on the
other we shall begin general work
possible for everyone--practical
exercises. There are certain
subjective methods and there
are general methods. So we
shall try to find subjective
methods and at the same time
try to apply general methods."

--p221-227, views


Djartklom has to do with the
evolutionary process of individual
self-change, self-perfecting, by way
of the dispersal of the three
fundamental sources from
which the "individual-in-
potential" originally
obtained its prime
arising and then
according to the first
peculiarity of the "Omnipresent-
Okidanokh-Active-Element" the said
dispersal into the three fundamental
sources from which it obtained its
prime arising, and only then do
these sources, each separately,
give the beginning for an
independent concentration of
three separate corresponding
formations, within the given
cosmic unit. In connection
with the process of individual
evolutionary self-change, referred
to as a "given cosmic unit," Gurdjieff
formulated it according to the style of
writing of his that we see in Beelzebub's
Tales in general and in Chapter 18, THE
ARCH PREPOSTEROUS, in particular 
and in connection with self-study, the


"'All these special appliances that
I invented have enabled me to obtain
certain extremely important clarifications
about the omnipresent and everywhere-
penetrating Okidanokh, because they
made it possible for me first to
collect all three fundamental parts
of Okidanokh from every kind of
surplanetary and intraplanetary
process and then to blend them
artificially into a whole; and
finally to dissociate them, also
artificially, and to study the
specific properties of each part
separately in its manifestations.'"
--ch 18, arch preposterous




"And only after the said cosmic unit
has been completely destroyed do these
holy sources of the sacred Triamazikamno,
localized in the 'Omnipresent-Active-
Element-Okidanokh,' reblend and they
are again transformed into 'Okidanokh,'
but having now another quality of
Vivifyingness of Vibrations."
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff said that it is not possible
to perceive directly the results of the
blending of higher influences with those
processes that connect affirming forces
together with denying forces
. . . this may explain the irruption
from the "collective depths" of clairvoyance
and archetypal phenomena and other so-called
"psychic phenomena." The danger here is
putting meanings on the visions that arise
archetypal and clairvoyantly in terms of
ordinary consciousness, in terms of life
of itself, but must be regarded as a thin,
light and airy "something," as a sort of
"artificial light,"
 and that this something
that arises is not important but we must
direct our attention to help this
something in the brain to flow towards
the solar plexus. What arises in the
brain is not important. The moment you
start doing that, then you are no longer
remembering yourself and it is only by
self-remembering, either from conscious
sources or from accidental mechanical
results, that you have any ability at
all to observe and separate out what is
false in association with the aforesaid
psychic phenomena . . . only then is the
real world revealed to you and you are
then liberated from the unfortunate
results of conscious-evil-manipulations
of living archetypal phenomena, that is
to say, living law-conformably according
to laws of a higher reality transcendent
of the ordinary. Angels, for example,
can appear winged archetypal from
within and all around you as



"'But since an "able Reason"—-my own,
in this case—-has by intention artificially
excluded the third part of Okidanokh, known
as "parijrahatnatius," the process is now
taking place between only two of its
independent parts, which science calls
"anodnatius" and "cathodnatius."
Consequently, instead of the law-
conformable results that would issue
from the blending of the three parts, a
non-law-conformable result is now being
actualized ensuing from "the reciprocal
blending of two opposite forces," and
ordinary beings call this result "the
cause of artificial light."

--ch 18, arch preposterous






"He pointed to 'something' very much
like the apparatus called a 'voltmeter'
on your planet and said, 'One of the
advantages of my new invention for the
demonstration of this phenomenon is
that in spite of the extraordinary
power of the "force of striving"
now proceeding there, the
"salnichissinooarnian momentum-
 which should issue from 
this process, and which most beings 
regard as "rays,"
 do not issue from 
the place of their arising, that is, 
the interior of this apparatus, 
where the particularities of 
the Omnipresent Okidanokh
are being studied."

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