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Oct 30, 2019, 5:53:57 AM10/30/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

The reader only has to "sit
with" and "follow" this video
and the reason for posting this
video is a necessary part of the
experiment of this fourth way
method of "transmission by
progression" and it has
been the proof as well
as measure of the
method, that is to say,
each posting is a "sending"
as well as "receiving" of
substance with fresh
grace, as if the video
was made fresh only
yesterday. and is for
this reason that a
real sensation of
change will
begin to
happen for
the viewer.
I was in an
"very great psychological
state" of OBJECTIVE
at the time I first produced
this video and it is only with
real change of being that it
can be posted WITH

Cosmic forces have created the
state of affairs of the world
of today, the War on Terror,
etc., and it is the same
forces which control this
state of affairs of sex.

The teachings of Gurdjieff, the
fourth way, as we see it formulated
in In Search Of the Miraculous, but,
more importantly, the series of
writings by Gurdjieff's own hand,
are a guide for us to sit still
with these unusual cosmic
tensions that are happening
all around us and that you
are "sensing" for yourself
by way of sensing the "shifting"
with your head "spinning" and it
is all true. The spinning in the
head is the same cosmic tension
that all of us feel together at the

end of a Cosmic Cycle.

People deny that there are
these cosmic tensions or they
simply do not want to know
about them. No one is at

fault for this … it is unveiling 
everything TO THOSE WHO 
and it is those who deny
the cosmic tension that
are reacting more and
more with fear FOR NOT

So, what we actually see
happening is another flare-up
of temporary insanity which will
eventually pass as men and women
begin to reestablish more normal
relationships with one another.
A woman in terms of ordinary 
life can only be the active force in 
relation to men in an artificial 
world enforced by arbitrary 
"letter of the law". According
to Gurdjieff, there were groups 
of women who became separated 
from the men and the reason for 
this is because of what happened 
to Atlantis, that is to say, many of 
the three-brained beings of active 
and passive sex or, as is said, 
"men" and "women," were
compelled to exist apart.

In terms of the Fourth Way,
of course, it is as Gurdjieff said
in that both men and women have
equal chances for self-evolution.

And still you ask:

Can things be left the
way they are or should
it be changed?

Ponder on this in connection with the
forty-eight laws. The laws cannot be
changed, but it is possible to attain
liberation from a portion of them. In
view of the state of affairs that cosmic
tensions have created and control, there
is the possibility to escape from the
general law although you should be
reminded that in this case of the power
of sex over people as well as in all
other cases the general law itself
cannot be changed and is for this
reason, by the way, that the 
artificial power of women over
the men as it manifested in the
form of temporary insanity could
not last. But you can change your own 
position in relation to this law; you can 
escape from the general law. The more 
so in this case about the particular law of 
sex and this is to say that sex plays a 
tremendous role in maintaining the 
mechanicalness of life of itself so 
that everything that people do in 
ordinary life is connected with


The principal attraction to movies
equally as much as to church is
that there will be a lot of
women and/or a lot of men. It is
this that is the center of
gravity of all meetings and
"showings" as well as what 
we see by way of the "story lines"
in the movies. It is what brings
people to restaurants, coffee
shops, shopping malls, Wal-Mart,
and so on.

Sex is the principle motivation
of all mechanicalness as can be
seen on these forums AS WELL AS
shine a light on it is what the fourth 
way method of writing by progression
is all about --> NOT TO GET INVOLVED,

All sleep, all hypnosis, depends
on this situation of sex which
is greatly amplified at this
time by the cosmic tensions

at the end of a Cosmic Cycle.

It must be understood that
when sex, or the sexual center,
is conscious of itself and does
not cover itself up by anything
else it is not the mechanicalness
in the form of involuntary
manifestations which we
have been addressing on
these forums all along.
The evil lies in precisely
this involuntary
manifestation here:


Included in this power of sex 
over people as the chief form of 
slavery is also the chief possibility 
of liberation and the fourth way method 
of writing enables us to see more clearly 
what is necessary in the midst of conditions 
and circumstances of the world immediately 
around us, around town, at work, etc. for 
us to understand.

I can only transmit what
I know, what is given to
me to know, and in obligation
to this method, I must transmit
the truth of what is given to 
me to know.

There is something taking place
in our communications between one
another on these channels and over the
internet that have nothing to do with
telepathic phenomena any more than such
a thing can happen even when standing
next to someone "in the flesh" as,
say, a "predator" with its "prey,"
and it is astonishing to me with
no end in sight that participants
on these forums do not see the
unavoidable sexual element in
these messages and posts and


> To be honest with you, I 
> don't care about Milky way
> what I care about is Reality,  me,  
> and God whom lives in me....  
> I know I am small,  yes, I 
> might be hypnotized even 
> by my own not I's,  and absolutely, 
> I do know that I cannot do this 
> alone,  but I disagree against 
> anyone who wants to help me 
> through hypnotism, or Drugs, 
> or some strange mental thing 
> they do.
> and what is normal?  what fits 
> to certain standards that are set by 
> Man?  It is not needed to do drugs to 
> achieve consciousness or be aware,  
> doing drugs is faking the real thing.  
> and what is the real thing?  
> disidentification is necessary and 
> it's only the beginning, without it, 
> one cannot go any further.... even if 
> it's done only 6 minutes a day.  There 
> is no technique, one either does the job, 
> or not. And at night, when I close my 
> eyes, the stars are starting to appear, 
> and I sometimes hear them.  
> "the not I's"  like an echo.  but I 
> don't talk to me no more,  like I 
> used to when I was a child, I'm 
> bored, and scared, and living by 
> what people told me was the 
> normal way to be, and I live by 
> my authorities, and when sometimes 
> I'm being mocked by something stupid  
> I said or that I acted like an idiot or 
> something, I try to improve myself, 
> and please people....  Because I 
> think I'm not normal....  
> And I'm bored....   
> No, I don't want to be normal, 
> because what people say is 
> normal does not work out 
> for me,  it enslaves me.  
> Do you see what's 
> in my heart?
> first actress
>Ana Lemay

By this method of progression,
I have been revisiting, that is to
say, "re-experiencing" every
state of expansion of
consciousness, full
circle, by what are
called "LSD flashbacks"
and which a doctor told
me years ago that this
eventually would happen,
that the material of consciousness
stored in the body via the physical
to the nervous system by
the LSD
catalyst would "transfer"
to real centers
later in life with
consistent, and
efforts of "unburying"
"clearing" because, as
you yourself said, Ana,
"doing drugs is faking 
the real thing" which
expresses clearly the
reason for separating
the false from the
true, seeing what
remains as a result
of distillation.  

So, conscience is the pearl, and
the undesirable factors abnormally
crystallized in our presence and
anything else that might arise 
from the results of external
perceptions received from the
abnormally established forms
of our ordinary being-existences,
all of this is the manure that we
must endure, that we must "process"
by being-duty, conscious labor,
intentional suffering. Work it
through, and God the Word comes 
through as the Help from Above
that we need, and coating for
the higher form, something
must be "sacrificed" for
this. But such a sacrifice
means to give up useless and
unnecessary unpleasant suffering,
usually associated with feelings
of regret about one thing or
In reality, what we are 
speaking of are "involuntary
manifestations" and, as Gurdjieff 
said, it is involuntary 
manifestations that
are the true cause of
so-called "evil" in the
world. Negative involuntary
manifestations for most people
are those associated with anger,
resentment and hostility.
All violence has its roots in not 
understanding one another. When a 
man acts through violence, he acts 
without understanding. A man is not 
his size, his money, position, birth, 
strength, or his prestige, reputation, 
or distinctions, or his religion, or his
internet channel. A man is his 
"Now when everything
corresponding to it
was acquired in the
new coating of these
two-natured formations
and all the functioning
proper to such cosmic
arisings was finally
established, these
new formations in
their turn—-on
exactly the same
basis as in the first
began to absorb and
assimilate cosmic
substances issuing
directly from the
Most Most Holy
after which,
of a third
kind began
to be
in them.
"These coatings, which are
the 'highest sacred parts'
of beings, we now call
--ch 39, Purgatory
With a "certain change of 
function" there proceeds 
what is called "clearing."
For most people there is no 
such effort of reversal, or 
clearing, chiefly owing to 
the abnormal conditions of 
being-existence. And all of this
is obvious and true for the simple
reason that almost all three-brained
so-called "normal" beings also
have ceased to make any being-
effort whatsoever to utilize the
substance consciously, the sacred
exioëhary, for coating higher
being-bodies, nor do they
ever even direct any
attention to such
an idea.
Read carefully the material in
chapter 39, Holy Planet Purgatory,
about "hidden factors" in connection
with cynicism, it is a key for seeing
yourself, what to struggle with. With
clearing comes "coating" and . . .
ahhhhhhhh . . . what a blessed
sensation, and also a feeling
of freedom, of liberation.

The data peculiarly personal to me 
has to do with a certain teaching handed 
to me by my mother when I was 8 years 
old in connection with what for her was a 
"serious" involvement on an organizational 
scale with others like herself of similar 
interests in the teachings of Blavatsky. 
Chiefly thanks to this factor formed in 
my consciousness from early life there 
arose the ide'e fixe notion, in the words 
of my mother: 

"All is a progression."

It wasn't until years later in my life, after 
having passed through extremely violent 
ups and downs beyond imagination including 
not just one but several near-death events even 
more severe and terrible than the ones described 
by Gurdjieff as well as by those near to him, 
that there arose a more precise formulation 
of the above ide'e fixe notion:

Conscious evolution is the continuous 
progression of the incarnation of God 
on the earth.

In connection with Gurdjieff, I am 
referring to what was called by his 
lineage of near followers, including 
those whom he called "in no wise hysterical 
Ladies," as "merely a motor accident."

It is interesting to note that in the beginning 
pages of the first Chapter of Beelzebub's Tales, 
the arousing of thought, Gurdjieff frankly 
confessed: "I myself have not the slightest 
wish to write, but am constrained to do so 
by circumstances quite independent of me, 
though whether these circumstances arose 
accidentally or were created intentionally 
by extraneous forces I do not yet know. I 
only know that these circumstances bid 
me write not just some trifle for reading 
oneself to sleep, but thick and weighty 

The extraneous circumstances that emerged 
independent of Gurdjieff were such that he did 
not know, at the time of his writing of the first 
chapter of the FIRST SERIES "whether these 
circumstances arose accidentally or were 
created intentionally" by outside forces.

Sitting at the bookstore
sipping on seven shots of
espresso taking conversations
overheard around me in public
in their exact word-and-phrase
sequences just as they are
heard regardless of their
ordinary sense and

A girl begins to say 
something to her
girlfriend sitting
next to her at the
table immediately 
in front of me . . .

Just then, before she
can complete her sentence,
someone at the next table
says something else, seemingly
entirely unrelated. If we string
these two conversations together
as they are heard and not as they
were intended, taking these 
unrelated ideas and thought 
fragments as one connected 
idea coming from one source-
of-all-thoughts, the source of 
all unity in diversity, then we 
begin to accept life as our 
teacher in terms of real 
world laws of world 
creation and 

Ideas regarding laws of justice,
good and evil begin to appear in
their objective form in terms of
real world laws, cutting through
letter-of-the-law veils across
space and time, and then what
happens is an opening into a 
sort of "time tunnel"
formed according to what
inner senses are able to
detect, nothing physical, 
and summoning forces of 
justice, good and evil along 
lines of involution and evolution 
that have already been played 
out before.


"Doubt everything you hear,
particularly what I myself
tell you."

"Are you really still disturbing
the remains of people who died
long ago, and collecting the
utterly worthless rubbish
supposedly once used in
their stupid lives?"
--Prince Yuri

"I must tell you that your
favorites, for some reason
or other, are very fond
of putting on what are
called 'puppet shows.'"

--ch 43, war



"I think, my boy, that before I continue to
speak about the observatory and other structures
erected for the welfare of the being-existence of
your favorites, you should know that the 'conscious
 of the three-brained beings manifested in
the creation of those great artifacts that I saw
with my own eyes—-unparalleled before and after
that period—-was also a result of the attainments
of ordinary three-brained beings, members of the
learned Society of Akhaldans, which was formed on
the continent of Atlantis before the second great
terrestrial catastrophe, and so it will be
appropriate if I first tell you, even
though briefly, the history of the
arising of that truly great
learned society.

"It is absolutely necessary to inform you
of this history, because in the course of
my further explanations about those three-
brained beings of the planet Earth who have
taken your fancy I shall probably have to
refer more than once to that society of
learned beings.

"And I must tell you about the history of its
arising and existence so that you may realize
that if something is attained by the three-
brained beings on your planet thanks to their
'being-partkdolgduty'—-that is to say, their
conscious labor and intentional suffering—-
not only are these attainments utilized by
them for the welfare of their own being but
also, as with us, a certain part of these
attainments is transmitted by heredity
and becomes the property of their
direct descendants.

"You can perceive this law-conformable result
in the fact that, although abnormal conditions
of ordinary being-existence had begun to be
established even before the disappearance of
the continent of Atlantis, and although after
the second great catastrophe they worsened to
such an extent that the ableness to manifest
the possibilities proper to the presence of
three-brained beings was soon totally
crushed in them, nevertheless, at least
part of their scientific attainments
passed by inheritance, even though
mechanically, to their remote


"I must first tell you that I learned
about the history of this society through
what are called 'teleoghinaras,' also found
in the atmosphere of your planet Earth.

"As you probably do not yet know exactly what
a 'teleoghinara' is, try to transubstantiate
in the corresponding parts of your common
presence the information concerning this
cosmic actualization.

"A 'teleoghinara' is a materialized idea or
thought, which after its arising exists almost
eternally in the atmosphere of the planet where
it appeared.


"'Teleoghinaras' can be formed from being-
contemplation of a quality such as only those
three-brained beings have and can actualize who
have coated in their presences their higher
being-bodies, and have brought the
perfecting of the Reason of these
higher being-parts up to the
degree of the sacred


"And a sequence of being-ideas materialized
in this way concerning a given event is
called a 'korkaptilnian thought-tape.'

"The 'korkaptilnian thought-tapes' concerning
the arising of the learned Society of Akhaldans
were, as I found out much later, intentionally
fixed by a certain eternal Individual,
Asoochilon, now a saint, who became
coated in the common presence of a
three-brained being named Tetetos,
who arose on the continent of
Atlantis and existed there four
centuries before the second great
transapalnian perturbation.

"These 'korkaptilnian thought-tapes' are never
destroyed as long as the given planet remains
in the same 'tempo of movement' as at the
moment of their arising, and they are
subject to none of those transformations,
whatever the cosmic cause, to which all
other cosmic substances and
crystallizations are
periodically subject.


"And however long a time may have passed,
every three-brained being who has acquired
in his presence the ableness to enter into the
being-state called 'soorptakalknian contemplation'
can perceive these 'korkaptilnian thought-tapes'
and become aware of their contents.'

"And so, my boy, I myself learned the details
of the arising of the Society of Akhaldans partly
from the texts of these 'teleoghinaras' and partly
from numerous data I gathered much later when I
made my usual detailed investigations
concerning a highly important fact
that interested me.

"From these two sources of information it
became evident to me that this learned Society
of Akhaldans, which arose on the continent of
Atlantis and was composed of three-brained
beings of the Earth, was founded 735 years
before the second transapalnian
--ch 23, fourth descent

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