1 the sun neither lights nor heats 1

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Nov 6, 2019, 6:06:21 AM11/6/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

1 the sun neither lights nor heats 1

Sacred Cosmic Law is the basis of reality
the sun neither lights nor heats

then what? . . .

Gurdjieff Sun Neither Lights Nor Heats:

In order that the reader of
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
should have an "approximate representation,"
or fair idea, of the degree to which that
function of being known as "the 
instinctive sensing of reality"
has completely atrophied in three-
brained-beings of the planet Earth,
Gurdjieff showed another reality in 
Chapter 17, the arch-absurd.

It is remarkable to read his material
which says that the sun neither lights
nor heats in the way that we ordinarily
understand it in terms of what we
IMAGINE to be physical reality
according to the physical
earth senses such as are
seemingly evident according
to the varieties of apparatus
we call "satellites" and "probes"
that we launch into outer space
for the purpose of taking all kinds
of measurements and data of the
physical sun and other planetary
bodies, etc. . . . we consider to
be EXTENSIONS of our physical
senses and even consider them
to be as accurate as our own five
physical senses which we imagine to
transmit to our understanding of the
world what we "like" to think of as
our PERCEPTION of reality with
absolutely no doubt whatever
concerning this certainty of
ours . . .
and as Mullah Nassr Eddin
would say in such cases,
"no more hokeypokey
about it."

You may take all of this he
says as true or not true but,
either way, it doesn't matter
if what he is saying is ACTUALLY
TRUE OR NOT since THAT is not 
what he is talking about here and 
is, instead, applying his "form of
mentation" which is the manner
and style in which the entirety 
of the Tales are written and not 
just chapter 17 to draw your 
attention to something else 
that DOES happen to be true 
about what is reality. In other 
words, whatever he is saying, 
whether true or not, has reality 
at its base . . . . whatever that
is . . . and lo and behold!,
notice that he says the basis
of reality for all things
existing is in terms of law
beginning with the two
fundamental sacred
laws of heptaparaparshinokh
and triamazikamno. It is for
this reason that Beelzebub
explained at a certain
point in the discussion
the following:

"But do you yourself know,
my boy, in general how and
why in the atmosphere of certain
planets during Trogoautoegocratic
processes, there proceed those
'kshtatsavakht,' kldazacht,' 'tainolair,'
'paischakir,' and other such phenomena,
which your favorites call 'daylight,'
'darkness,' 'cold,' 'heat,' and so
on?" Beelzebub asked Hassein.

"If you don't clearly understand,
I shall explain this also to you a

"Although I have promised to
explain to you, only later, all
the fundamental laws of World-
creation and World-maintenance
in detail, yet the necessity
has here arisen, to touch upon,
if only briefly, the questions
concerning these cosmic laws,
without waiting for that
special talk I promised."
--ch 17, the arch-absurd

It comes as a shock to our
ordinary life-of-itself perception
of reality to read the material 
written by Gurdjieff in ch 17 of 
Beelzebub's Tales, the Arch-absurd, 
and then to see it written by him that 
the sun neither lights nor heats but 
that the supposed "source of heat and 
light" is itself almost always freezing 
cold like the "hairless-dog" of our 
highly esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin 
which is to say not in the way that 
we ordinarily think which he says 
here in the first paragraph of the 
chapter how it is that we as three-
brained beings on the Earth explain
reality to ourselves:

"IN ORDER, my dear Hassein, that you
should meanwhile have an approximate
representation also of just how far
that function called 'the instinctive
sensing of reality,' which is proper to
every three-brained being of the whole
of our Great Universe, is already
entirely lacking in the presences
of the three-centered beings
breeding on the planet Earth,
and especially in those of the
most recent periods, it will be
enough, to begin with, I think, if
I explain to you only about how they
understand and explain to themselves
the causes why there periodically
proceed on their planet those
cosmic phenomena which they
call 'daylight,' 'darkness,'
'heat,' 'cold,' and so on."
--ch 17, arch-absurd

It is in this writing of Gurdjieff,
that is to say, what he says is that 
almost all of us take for granted what 
is taught to us by ordinary life
institutions of "science" and
"education" regarding how the
world around us should be
perceived and the method
for this is in his statement
that it is "axiomatic" with
people, most all of whom are
weak minded, characterless
and will-less beings, that
all of those cosmic phenomena
which are called "daylight,"
"darkness," "heat," "cold,"
and so on comes completely, so
to say, ready-made, "d-i-r-e-c-t-l-y"
from the Sun and that absolutely no
doubt whatever concerning this
certainty of perception of
reality has ever, as yet,
crept into a single one
of them not even so far
as to fantasize about
it and not a single one
of those "sorry-scientists,"
not once has the thought entered
the head of a single one of them
there that between these two
cosmic phenomena which they
call "emanation" and "radiation"
there is any difference whatever.


"All, without exception, of the
three-brained beings of that planet
who have attained the age of a
responsible being, and even
those many and various
'wisacrings' existing there
which they call 'sciences,'
are categorically certain that
all the said phenomena arrive on
their planet completely, so to say,
ready-made, 'd-i-r-e-c-t-l-y' from
their own Sun . . . and as Mullah
Nassr Eddin would say in such
cases, 'no more hokeypokey
about it.'

"What is most peculiar, in this
case, is that, except for certain
beings who existed before the second
Transapalnian perturbation there,
absolutely no doubt whatever
concerning this certainty of
theirs, has ever, as yet,
crept into a single one
of them."

"Not only has not a single one
of them--having a Reason which,
though strange, has nevertheless
some resemblance to sane logic--ever
yet doubted the causes of the said
phenomena, but not a single one of them
has manifested, concerning these cosmic
phenomena even that strange special
property of their common psyche,
which also became proper to
the three-brained beings of
that planet alone, and which
is called 'to phantasy.'"
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff said that the presence
of a three-brained being is normal 
and as it ought to be who has had an
education implanted intentionally
"from without" which is founded
on a morality based solely on the
commandments and indications 
of God Above.

And to continue with the
psychological effect of
"shock," Gurdjieff very
positively stated that
our Sun, like that of all
the ordinary suns of our
Great Universe, is perhaps
more covered with ice than
the surface of what on the
Earth is called the
"North Pole."

"In reality, the surface of their
'Source-of-Heat,' like that of all
the ordinary suns of our Great
Universe, is perhaps more
covered with ice than the
surface of what they call
their 'North Pole.'"
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff said something that
has psychological significance
concerning the being-function
called "the instinctive sensing
of reality" which is entirely
lacking in the presences of
people presently existing on
the Earth in connection with
the Earth itself in consequence
of the splitting off from it of
a whole side, that is, of that
cosmic misfortune which can be
be called a COSMIC BOO BOO 
having to do with the collision of 
the comet Kondoor with the planet
Earth from which was blown and
flown into space two fragments
the larger one of which was called
Loonderperzo, or Moon, and the 
other smaller one the beings of 
Atlantis called Anulios, and the 
Earth became a "lopsided monstrosity"
and is now a source of "offensive-shame"
for the Solar System Ors.

"Surely this 'hearth-of-heat'
itself would rather borrow heat,
if only a little, from some other
source of 'cosmic-substance,' than
send a part of its own heat to any
other planet especially to that planet
which, though it belongs to its system,
yet in consequence of the splitting off
from it of a whole side, became a
'lopsided monstrosity' and is now
already a source of 'offensive-
shame' for that poor system
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff already begins to

answer the question for us:

If the Sun neither lights
nor heats, then what? . . .

by saying that there proceed
on the Earth like on that of all
the other ordinary planets of our
Great Universe those "kshtatsavakht,"
kldazacht," "tainolair," "paischakir,"
and other such phenomena, which 
are called "daylight," "darkness,"
"cold," "heat," and so on
during what are called
processes" according
to laws of world creation
and maintenance. And so the
answer to the question is in
the "exchange of substances"
or the "Reciprocal-feeding"
of everything that exists
and the purpose of this is
thereby that the merciless
"Heropass" might not have
its maleficient effect on
the Sun Absolute on which
CREATOR ABOVE had and still
has the chief place of His

And then Gurdjieff comes to
the answer directly after a
preliminary discussion of laws
of world creation and maintenance
on a first degree fundamental level
and following this there is discussion
of the substance etherokrilno which is
that prime-source substance with which
the whole Universe is filled, and which
is the basis for the arising and
maintenance of everything existing
everywhere in the Universe, and
then comes the answer after all
of the aforesaid "preparatory
material" that what is called
"Omnipresent-Okidanokh" or
"Omnipresent-Active-Element" takes
part in the formation of all both
great and small arisings, and is,
in general, the fundamental cause of
most of the cosmic phenomena and, in
particular, of the phenomena proceeding
in the atmosphere such as "heat" and
"light" and it is these active elements
which have obtained and still continue
to obtain their prime arising from
this same fundamental prime-source
cosmic substance etherokrilno from
which arise what are called
"crystallizations": and also from
these crystallizations, but later,
and also under certain conditions,
there are formed various large and
small, more or less independent,
cosmic definite formations and
know further, that only one cosmic
crystallization, existing under the
name "Omnipresent-Okidanokh," or
"Omnipresent-Active-Element" obtains
its prime arising--although it also
is crystallized from Etherokrilno--
from the three Holy sources of the
sacred Theomertmalogos, that is,
from the emanation of the Most
Holy Sun Absolute, or God the
Word--obtains its prime arising
in space outside of the Most Holy Sun
Absolute itself, from the blending of
these three independent forces into
one, and during its further
involutions it is correspondingly
changed, in respect of what
is called the "Vivifyingness
of Vibrations" according to its
passage through what are called
the "stopinders" or "gravity-
centers" of the fundamental
"common-cosmic sacred
and this "common-cosmic Unique-
Crystallization" or "Active-Element,"
having several peculiarities proper to
it alone, and it is chiefly owing to
these peculiarities proper to it,
that the majority of cosmic
phenomena proceed, including,
among other things, the said
phenomena of "lighting" and
"heating" that take place in
the atmosphere of certain

> Beelzebub talks
> about God the Word
> (theomertmalogos). He
> also talks about Okidanokh.
> What is Okidanokh ? Is it
> the ray of creation ?
> S.

"In our youth all the ships, both
for intersystem and interplanetary
communication, were still run on
the cosmic substance
which is composed of
two distinct parts of
the omnipresent 'Okidanokh.'
And it was to produce this
substance that the earlier
ships had to carry such a
quantity of materials."

--ch 3, delay

Gornahoor Raoorkh, the son
of Beelzebub's essence-friend 
Gornahoor Harharkh, had taken 
as the aim of his existence 
the detailed study of the 
properties of the 
omnipresent cosmic
substance Okidanokh
and, as regards the 
knowledge he had
attained of the cosmic
substance Okidanokh, he
had already "smelled
out its very essence"
before he had even
begun. Beelzebub 
asked Gornahoor Raoorkh
the reason for the
crystallizing in his
presence of data for
engendering his serious
interest in elucidating
all aspects of the
omnipresent cosmic
substance Okidanokh,
thanks to which, like 
his producer Gornahoor 
Harharkh, he made great
cosmic discoveries:

Gornahoor Raoorkh replied:

"'Early in my existence, at
the period when I was still
preparing to be a responsible
being, I devoted the greater
part of my time—-as is
proper to all three-
brained beings at that
age—-to practicing in
order to acquire the
POTENCY to "deliberate
actively for a long time",
and it happened by itself
that during the intervals
for necessary rest, I used
to occupy myself with the
various experimental
apparatuses of my

"'And it was at that period
of my existence that I noticed
more than once that on certain
days the force and level of my
active mentation were
perceptibly lower.

"'This discovery aroused in
me a subjective interest that
engendered in my presence the
urgent impulse to acquire a
thorough cognizance of the
cause of this fact. From
then on, I began to pay
attention both to myself
and to what took place
around me in order to
seek out the causes, and
after one "khree" I became
completely convinced that
this undesirable state
occurred in me each
time our large
or "dynamo," was
in operation.

"'It was precisely this
fact, first observed by
me at that time, which
was the cause of my
growing interest in
the omnipresent cosmic
substance and of my
deeply absorbing
study of its

"'My experiments, from the
very beginning, brought me
an incalculable number of
proofs of all kinds, both
for myself and for others,
that the omnipresent
substance Okidanokh
is a part of the common
presence of the atmosphere
of our planet, and evidently
of the presence of the
atmosphere of other
planets as well, and
that it takes part in
the arising of all
planetary and
including of
course the
part of every being—-and
in the maintenance of
their existence.

'In the course of my further
experimental elucidations, I
also became entirely certain
that although our solar system,
like all the other solar systems
of the Great Universe, has its
own "Ansanbaluiazar," and that
each planet, with its
atmosphere, is the
specific place of
concentration of one
or another class of
cosmic substances of
the given "common-system
Ansanbaluiazar," the cosmic
substance Okidanokh is
nonetheless an
and even
part of the
presence of
each planet."
--ch 45, electricity

Connect the material in ch 17 with the
following paragraphs of material from
GOD THE WORD in VIEWS, that is, what
in Beelzebub's Tales is formulated
in another way:

"At the beginning of every
religion we find an affirmation
of the existence of God the Word
and the Word-God.

"One teaching says that when the
world was still nothing, there were
emanations, there was God the Word.
God the Word is the world. God said:
'Let it be so,' and sent the Father
and the Son. He is always sending
the Father and the Son. And once
He sent the Holy Ghost.

"Everything in the world obeys the
Law of Three, everything existing
came into being in accordance with
this law. Combinations of positive
and negative principles can produce
new results, different from the first
and the second, only if a third force
comes in.

"If I affirm, she denies and we
argue. But nothing new is created
until something else is added to
the discussion. Then something
new arises.
--VIEWS, p. 195-198

> Is it the
> ray of creation ?
> S.

"Take the Ray of Creation.
At the top is the Absolute,
God the Word, divided into
three: God the Father, God
the Son and God the Holy

"The Absolute creates in accordance
with the same law. Only in this case
all the three forces necessary to
produce a new manifestation are
in the Absolute Himself. He
sends them forth from
Himself, emanates

"Sometimes the three
forces change their

"The three forces or principles,
issuing from the Absolute, have
created the whole multitude of
suns, one of which is our sun.
Everything has emanations. The
interaction of emanations produces
new combinations. This refers to man,
to the earth and to the microbe. Each
of the suns also emanates, and
emanations of the suns, by means
of combinations of positive and
negative matter, give rise to new
formations. The result of one of
these combinations is our earth,
and the newest combination is
our moon."
-Gurdjieff, God the Word
--VIEWS, p. 195-198

The above formulated in the
allegorical language of

"But do you yourself know, my boy,
in general how and why in the
atmosphere of certain planets
during Trogoautoegocratic processes,
there proceed those 'kshtatsavakht,'
kldazacht,' 'tainolair,' 'paischakir,'
and other such phenomena, which your
favorites call 'daylight,' 'darkness,'
'cold,' 'heat,' and so on?" Beelzebub
asked Hassein."

"If you don't clearly understand,
I shall explain this also to you a

"Although I have promised to explain
to you, only later, all the fundamental
laws of World-creation and World-
maintenance in detail, yet the
necessity has here arisen, to
touch upon, if only briefly, the
questions concerning these cosmic
laws, without waiting for that
special talk I promised.

"And this is necessary, in order
that you may be able better to take
in all that we are now talking about,
and also in order that what I have
already told you may be
transubstantiated in you
in the right way.

"It is necessary to say, first of
all, that everything in the Universe,
both the intentionally created and the
later automatically arisen, exists and
is maintained, exclusively on the basis
of what is called the 'common-cosmic

"The Most Great common-cosmic
Trogoautoegocratic-process was
actualized by our ENDLESS UNI-BEING,
when our Most Great and Most Holy Sun
Absolute had already existed, on which
CREATOR had and still has the 
chief place of His existence.

"This system, which maintains everything
arisen and existing, was actualized by our
ENDLESS CREATOR in order that what
is called the 'exchange of substances' or
the 'Reciprocal-feeding' of everything
that exists, might proceed in the Universe
and thereby that the merciless 'Heropass'
might not have its maleficient effect on
the Sun Absolute.



"This same Most Great common-cosmic
Trogoautoegocratic-process is actualized
always and in everything, on the basis of
the two fundamental cosmic laws, the first
of which is called the 'Fundamental-First-
degree-Sacred-Heptaparaparshinokh,' and
the second the 'Fundamental-First-degree-

"Owing to these two fundamental sacred
cosmic laws, there first arise from the
substance called 'Etherokrilno,' under
certain conditions, what are called
'crystallizations'; and from these
crystallizations, but later, and also
under certain conditions, there are
formed various large and small,
more or less independent,
cosmic definite formations.


"It is just within and upon these
cosmic definite formations that the
processes of what are called the
involution and evolution of the
already formed concentrations and
also of the said crystallizations
take place--of course also according
to the two said fundamental sacred
laws--and all the results obtained
from these processes in atmospheres,
and further, by means of these
atmospheres themselves, blend
and go for the actualizing of
the said 'exchange-of-matters'
for the process of the Most
Great common-cosmic

"Etherokrilno is that prime-source
substance with which the whole
Universe is filled, and which is
the basis for the arising and
maintenance of everything 

"Not only is this Etherokrilno the
basis for the arising of all cosmic
concentrations without exception,
both large and small, but also all
cosmic phenomena in general proceed
during some transformation in this
same fundamental cosmic substance
as well as during the processes of
the involution and evolution of
various crystallizations--or, as
your favorites say, of those active
elements--which have obtained and
still continue to obtain their
prime arising from this same
fundamental prime-source
cosmic substance.

"Bear in mind, here, that it is
just because of this that the
mentioned Objective Science says
that 'everything without exception
in the Universe is material.'"
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff from VIEWS,
page 195, "GOD THE WORD":

At the beginning of
every religion we find
an affirmation of the
existence of God the
Word and the Word-God.

One teaching says that
when the world was still
nothing, there were
emanations, there was
God the Word. God the
Word is the world.

God said:

"Let it be so," and sent
the Father and the Son.

He is always sending the
Father and the Son.

And once He sent the
Holy Ghost.

Everything in the world
obeys the Law of Three,
everything existing came
into being in accordance
with this law. Combinations
of positive and negative
principles can produce new
results, different from the
first and the second, only
if a third force comes in.

If I affirm, she denies
and we argue. But nothing
new is created until something
else is added to the discussion.
Then something new arises.

Take the Ray of Creation.
At the top is the Absolute,
God the Word, divided into

God the Father,

God the Son and

God the Holy Ghost.

The Absolute creates in
accordance with the same
law. Only in this case all
the three forces necessary
to produce a new manifestation
are in the Absolute Himself.
He sends them forth from
Himself, emanates them.

Sometimes the three forces
change their places.

The three forces or
principles, issuing
from the Absolute, have
created the whole multitude
of suns, one of which is our

Everything has emanations.

The interaction of emanations
produces new combinations.
This refers to man, to the
earth and to the microbe.

Each of the suns also
emanates, and emanations
of the suns, by means of
combinations of positive
and negative matter, give
rise to new formations.
The result of one of
these combinations is
our earth, and the newest
combination is our moon.

After the act of creation,
existence and emanations
go on. Emanations penetrate
everywhere according to their
possibilities. Thus emanations
also reach man.

The result of
the interaction
of emanations
is new frictions.

The difference between the
creative activity of the
Absolute and subsequent acts
of creation consists in the
fact that, as I have said,
the Absolute creates from
Himself. Only the Absolute
has Will; He alone sends
forth the three forces from
Himself. Subsequent acts of
creation proceed mechanically,
by means of interaction based
on the same Law of Three. No
single entity can create by
itself--only collective
creation is possible.

The direction of the
creative activity of
the Absolute proceeding
toward man is the direction
of momentum. According to
the Law of Seven, development
can go on only as far as a
certain point.

We have taken the line
issuing from the Absolute
and passing through us. This
line, able to proceed only
as far as a certain point,
ends in our moon. The moon
is the last point of creation
on this line.

The result is something
like a ladder, and the moon
is the base of this ladder.
The main points of this line
of creation are Absolute,
Sun, Earth, and the last
point, Moon. Between these
four points there are three




Each of these points
is a do. Between them,
at three points, there
are, as it were, three
machines whose function
is to make fa pass into mi.

All through the cosmic
octave the shock at fa
must come from outside,
and the shock at si comes
from inside the do. By
means of these, involution
proceeds from top to bottom
and evolution from bottom to
top. The life of man plays
the same role as planets in
relation to earth, earth in
relation to moon and all suns
in relation to our sun.

The matter which comes
from the Absolute is hydrogen,
resulting from a combination
of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.
One hydrogen combining with
another turns it into another
kind of hydrogen with its own
qualities and density.

Everything is governed by
law--which is very simple.
I have shown you how the law
works outside; now you can
find out how it works in you.
In accordance with the law,
you can follow either the
law of evolution or the law
of involution. You must put
the outside law inside.

In our system we are
similar to God--threefold.

If we consciously receive
three matters and send them
out, we can construct outside
what we like. This is creation.
When they are received through
us it is the creation of the
creator. In this case, all
three forces manifest through
us and blend outside. Every
creation can be either
subjective or objective.


What is the neutralizing
element in the birth of man?


Some kind of color mixed
with the active and passive
principles; it too is material
and has special vibrations.
All the planets project their
vibrations on the earth, and
all life is colored by the
vibrations of the planet
nearest to the earth at a
given moment. All planets
have emanations, and the
emanations of each
particular planet are
strongest when it is
nearest to the earth.
Planets project special
influences, but each special
influence stays unmixed only
for a short time. Sometimes
the totality has special
vibrations. Here, too,
the three principles must
correspond to one another
in accordance with law;
when their relationship
is correct there can be

{Question about the moon}


The moon is man's big enemy.

We serve the moon.

Last time you heard about
kundabuffer. Kundabuffer
is the moon's representative
on earth. We are like the
moon's sheep, which it
cleans, feeds and shears,
and keeps for its own
purposes. But when it
is hungry it kills a lot
of them. All organic life
works for the moon.

You must choose.

But there is a principle:

in one service you can
hope for a career; in
the other you receive
much but without a career.
In both cases we are slaves,
for in both cases we have a

Inside us we also have
a moon, a sun and so on.
We are a whole system. If
you know what your moon is
and does, you can understand
the cosmos.
--Gurdjieff, VIEWS, p. 195-198

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