1 Djartklom in Ch 17 1

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Nov 13, 2019, 4:29:35 AM11/13/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

1 Djartklom in Ch 17 1

Djartklom seems to have
something to do with the
evolutionary process of individual
self-change, of self-perfecting, by 
way of the dispersal of the three
fundamental sources from which the 
originally obtained its prime
involutionary arising and then
according to the first peculiarity 
of the "Omnipresent-Okidanokh-Active-
Element" the said dispersal into the 
three fundamental sources from which 
it obtained its prime arising, and 
only then do these sources, each 
separately, give the beginning for 
an independent concentration of
three separate corresponding
formations, within the given
cosmic unit. And, in this way,
the possibility is created by
the "Omnipresent-Active-Element"
in every such new cosmic unit to
establish independently the 
sources for its own sacred
law of Triamazikamno. In 
connection with the process of 
individual evolutionary self-change, 
referred to here as a "given cosmic 
unit," Gurdjieff formulated it 
according to the style of writing 
of his that we see in Beelzebub's 
Tales in general and in Chapter 17, 
THE ARCH ABSURD, in particular, 
the following:

"Of these peculiarties proper to
the Omnipresent-Active-Element 
alone, there are several, but it is 
enough, for the theme of our talk, 
if we become acquainted just with 
two of them.


"The first peculiarity is, that,
when a new cosmic unit is being
concentrated, then the 'Omnipresent-
Active-Element' does not blend, as a
whole, with such a new arising, nor is
it transformed as a whole in any definite
corresponding place--as happens with every
other cosmic crystallization in all the
said cosmic formations--but immediately
on entering as a whole into any cosmic
unit, there immediately occurs in
it what is called 'Djartklom,' that
is to say, it is dispersed into
the three fundamental sources
from which it obtained its prime
arising, and only then do these
sources, each separately, give
the beginning for an independent
concentration of three separate
corresponding formations, within
the given cosmic unit. And in this
way, this 'Omnipresent-Active-Element'
actualizes, at the outset, in every
such new arising, the sources for
the possible manifestation of
its own sacred law of

"It must without fail be noticed
also, that in every cosmic formation,
the said separated sources, both for
the perception and for the further
utilization of this property of the
'Omnipresent-Active-Element' for 
the purpose of the corresponding
actualizing, exist and continue
to have the possibility of
functioning, as long as the
given cosmic unit exists.

"And only after the said cosmic unit
has been completely destroyed do these
holy sources of the sacred Triamazikamno,
localized in the 'Omnipresent-Active-
Element-Okidanokh,' reblend and they
are again tranformed into 'Okidanokh,'
but having now another quality of
Vivifyingness of Vibrations."
--ch 17, arch-absurd

Gurdjieff described this
substance, and the formation
of it, as follows:

"And these blendings are
called 'being-Impulsakri.'

"It is necessary to notice
further that these localizations
or brains in beings serve not only
as apparatuses for the transformation

SUBSTANCES for the purposes 

of the Most Great common-cosmic 

Trogoautoegocrat, but also as the 

means for being whereby their
conscious self-perfecting is

"This latter aim depends upon
the quality of the presence of
the 'being-Impulsakri' concentrated,
or, as is otherwise said, deposited,
upon the said corresponding 


"As regards the second
peculiarity of the 'Omnipresent-
Okidanokh,' equally proper to it
alone, and which it is also
necessary for us to
elucidate just now
for the given theme
of our talk, you will
be able to understand
about that, only if you
know something concerning
one fundamental cosmic second-
degree law, existing in the
Universe, under the
denomination of the
'Sacred Aieioiuoa.'

"In accordance with this law
which is now activated, there
then proceeds what is called
'Remorse' and said this is a
process when every part that
has arisen from the results of
any one Holy Source of the Sacred
Triamazikamno, as it were, 'revolts,'
and 'criticizes' the former unbecoming
perceptions and the manifestations at
the moment, of another part of its
a part obtained from the
results of another Holy Source
of the same fundamental sacred
Cosmic Law of Triamazikamno."

"And this sacred process 'Aieioiuoa'
or 'Remorse' always proceeds with
the 'Omnipresent-Active-Element-
Okidanokh' also.

"The peculiarity of this latter
during this sacred process is that
while the direct action either of the
sacred Theomertmalogos or the
emanation of any ordinary sun
is round about the whole of its
presence, this Active-Element is
dispersed into its three prime parts
which then exist almost independently,
and when the said direct action ceases,
these parts blend again and then
continue to exist as a whole."

--ch 17, arch absurd

Inner separation from
identification with one 
"I" or another. It is a
description of work
"I"'s and then a
process of
from life-of-itself
"I"'s with which we
are ordinarily identified,
makes necessary that we struggle
with involuntary manifestations
such as negative emotions and
states, inner considerings of
every kind, fantasy and
imagination, etc.

The idea is that
there can be the "I"
in a man that should
be his own "I." Only
then is a man "intelligent"
in the genuine sense and
meaning of the word--a 
law unto himself--that 
such an intelligent man 
should be developed in a 
corresponding way so that 
his separate being-parts 
will harmonize with one 

From Views:

Man is a plural being.
When we speak of ourselves
ordinarily, we speak of 'I.'
We say, "'I' did this,"
"'I' think this,"
"'I' want to do
this" -- but
this is a

There is no such 'I,'
or rather there are
hundreds, thousands
of little 'I's in
every one of us. We
are divided in ourselves
but we cannot recognize the
plurality of our being except
by observation and study. At
one moment it is one 'I'
that acts, at the next
moment it is another 'I.'
It is because the 'I's in
ourselves are contradictory
that we do not function

We live ordinarily with
only a very minute part
of our functions and our
strength, because we do
not recognize that we are
machines, and we do not know
the nature and working of our
--views, p75-81
--plurality of being


"For the further clarification of
the phenomena taking place in the
atmospheres and concerning the
'Omnipresent-Active-Element' in
general, you must know and remember
this also, that during the periods
when, owing to the sacred process
'Aieioiuoa,' 'Djartklom'
 proceeds in
the Okidanokh, then there is temporarily
released from it the proportion of the
pure--that is, absolutely unblended--
Etherokrilno which unfailingly enters
into all cosmic formations and there
serves, as it were, for connecting all
the active elements of these formations;
and afterwards when its three fundamental
parts reblend then the said proportion of
Etherokrilno is re-established.

"Now, it is necessary to touch also,
of course again only briefly, on
another question, namely, what
relation the 'Omnipresent-Active-
Element-Okidanokh' has to the common
presence of beings of every kind, and
what are the cosmic results actualized
owing to it."
--ch 17, arch absurd

What relation the "Omnipresent-Active-
Element-Okidanokh" has to the common
presence of beings of every kind, 
and in certain situations what
are the results because of it:

"It is sometimes said in
modern physics that we are
the products of electricity.
The three forces are assembled
in one--Okidanokh, electricity--
positive, negative, and neutralizing.
Gurdjieff says that two previous
civilizations have gone down
because of too much mechanical
use of electricity, ours may be
the third. Owing to this extreme
mechanical use there is less for
psychological use--hence the
will-lessness, the aimlessness
of people. Education is affected.
In our time education leaves off
where in ancient times education
began, that is, between the ages
of eighteen and twenty-one, the
idealistic period when youth is
waiting for something that will
give more meaning to life than
it sees manifested in the lives
of those around it. At this
idealistic period life is
full of electricity, but
there is no one to show
youth what to do with it.
The result is that the most
idealistic become cynical,
become cranks, or take to
drugs, or go for an over-
indulgence in sex, they
fall back on their
--A.R. Orage
--p 33, Commentaries on All and Everything

makes necessary the process
of 'Djartklom' to proceed within
us as self-developing beings in
connection with 'Aieioiuos' or
'Remorse.' Otherwise, everything
proceeds along the involutionary
scale of Great Nature devoid of
conscience, or, as Gurdjieff
says in Chapter 17, THE ARCH
ABSURD, devoid of "all that
'Holy' which, incidentally,
also aids the actualizing of
the functioning in these cosmic
units of Objective or Divine Reason"
and in another paragraph---> "also as
the means for being whereby their
conscious self-perfecting is
possible." And as said here
by Gurdjieff in the same

"It is chiefly necessary to touch
upon this question because you will
then have still another very striking
and illuminating fact for the better
understanding of the difference
between the various brain-systems
of beings, namely, the systems
called 'one-brained,' 'two-brained,'
and three-brained.'

"Know first that, in general, every
such cosmic formation called 'brain'
receives its formation from those
crystallizations the affirming
source for whose arising, according
to the sacred Triamazikamno, is one
or another of the corresponding holy
forces of the fundamental sacred
Triamazikamno, localized in the
Omnipresent-Okidanokh. And the
further actualizings of the same
holy forces proceed by means of
the presences of the beings,
just through those

"I shall sometime in the future
specially explain to you about the
process itself of the arising of
these corresponding being-brains
in the presences of beings, but
meanwhile let us talk, through
not in detail, about the results
the Omnipresent-Okidanokh actualizes
by means of these being-brains.

"The Omnipresent-Active-Element-
Okidanokh enters into the presences
of beings through all the three
kinds of being-food.

"And this proceeds because, as I
have already told you, this same
Okidanokh obligatorily participates
in the formation of all kinds of
products which serve as all three
being-foods, and is always contained
in the presence of these products.

"And so, my boy, the chief
peculiarity of the Omnipresent-
Okidanokh, in the given case, is
that the process of 'Djartklom'
proceeds in it within the
presence of every being also
but not from being in contact
with the emanations of any large
cosmic concentration; but the factors
for this process in the presences of
beings are either the results of the
conscious processes of 'Partkdolg-duty'
on the part of the beings themselves--
about which processes I shall also
explain to you in detail later--or
of that process of Great Nature
Herself which exists in the
Universe under the name
which process means 'The-obtaining-

Gurdjieff elaborated further
on the material in the paragraph
above with regard to the latter
involutionary process described:

"This latter process proceeds
in beings absolutely without 
the participation of their 

"It is chiefly necessary to touch
upon this question because you will
then have still another very striking
and illuminating fact for the better
understanding of the difference
between the various brain-systems
of beings, namely, the systems
called 'one-brained,' 'two-
brained,' and three-brained.'

In connection with the above,
there is the "BIRD BRAINED"
described here in another
part of Chapter 17:

"But the great terror of it,
my boy, lies just in this, that
although in those three-brained
beings who have interested you
and who breed on the planet
Earth, there arise and are
present in them, up to the
time of their complete
destruction, these three
independent localizations
or three being-brains, through
which separately all the three
holy forces of the sacred
Triamazikamno which they
might also utilize for
their own self-perfecting
are transformed and go for
further corresponding
actualizations, yet,
chiefly on account of
the irregular conditions
of ordinary being-existence
established by them themselves,
these possibilities beat their
wings in vain."


QUESTION: What is a higher
state of being?

ANSWER: There are several
states of consciousness:

1) sleep, in which our
machine still functions
but at very low pressure.

2) waking state, as we
are at this moment.

These two are all that
the average man knows.

3) what is called
It is the moment when
a man is aware both of
himself and of his machine.
We have it in flashes, but
only in flashes. There are
moments when you become
aware not only of what
you are doing but also
of yourself doing it.
You see both 'I' and
the 'here' of 'I am
here' -- both the
anger and the 'I'
that is angry. Call
if you like.

Now when you are fully
and always aware of the
'I' and what it is doing
and which 'I' it is -- you
become conscious of yourself.
Self-consciousness is the
third state.

QUESTION: Is it not easier
when one is passive?

ANSWER: Yes, but useless.
You must observe the machine
when it is working. There are
states beyond the third state
of consciousness, but there is
no need to speak of them now.
Only a man in the highest state
of being is a complete man. All
the others are merely fractions
of man. The outside help which
is necessary will come from
teachers or from the teaching
I am following. The starting
points of this self-
observation are:

1) that we are not one.

2) that we have no control
over ourselves. We do not
control our own mechanism.

3) we do not remember ourselves.
If I say 'I am reading a book'
and do not know that 'I' am
reading, that is one thing,
but when I am conscious
that 'I' am reading,
that is self-remembering.

QUESTION: Doesn't cynicism result?

ANSWER: Quite true. If you go no
further than to see that you and
all men are machines, you will
simply become cynical. But if
you carry your work on, you
will cease to be cynical.


ANSWER: Because you will have
to make a choice, to decide --
to seek either to become
completely mechanical or
completely conscious. This
is the parting of the ways
of which all mystical
teachings speak.
--views, p75-81
--plurality of being

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