1 INNER EXERCISES of Real Men and Real Women 1

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Nov 9, 2019, 6:31:28 AM11/9/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

1 INNER EXERCISES of Real Men and Real Women 1

You think you have observed.

The difficulty is in observing


There is criticism of your action


long as there is the desire to change a

situation there is no observation that

is impartial ... objective.

It takes long work and longsuffering

and then you know what "makes" you .  .  .


You must get to know the pattern 

perfectly .  .  . the "Perfect". It is

through love and struggle that 

you get to know the pattern. To 

do that you must observe yourself

without intention of changing

anything, that is, without any

criticism whatever.

When observing, you must

try to control the situation, that

is, to make it last longer or become

shorter, to bring it about AT WILL .  .  .

In other words, you must try to start

interactions yourself without becoming

emotionally involved in them; you must

try to enter into interactions to make

them shorter or to prolong them. All

this you must learn to do AT WILL,

this will strengthen Real Will, and

harmlessness is the real measure .  .  .

then, and only then, you will

be free.

It is a question of finding where

you lose yourself. There isn't anyone

who can truthfully say that he remembers

himself ALL THE TIME. You cannot

remember yourself all the time; but

you must try to observe and find out

for yourself at which point it is that

you lose yourself. This constant,

continuous, consistent, and 

persistent effort will eventually

show you a pattern, a pattern

that is YOUR PATTERN, and

with which you must become

fully acquainted before you can

understand it. You must continue

the effort and refrain from asking



Preparation is necessary before 

one is able to transmit knowledge 

as well as to receive it. We cannot 

give or receive knowledge if we are

constantly testing everyone and 
behaving "testy" as a reactive and
mechanical response to those whom 
we imagine are testing us. If there is 
a real purpose for testing and for tests 
in general, it is not for the purpose of 
being an aim in itself; it cannot be our 
aim nor as a desire for any of us to 
want to test others or to be tested 
and then to feel reactively and 
mechanically, therefore, falsely, 
obligated to pass any test given to 
us by others as though that were 
an aim in itself and for no higher 
aim . . . as though there were 
nothing greater than ourselves.

It will not lead to anything if the 
testing phenomenon is an aim in 
itself and this reveals to us other 
very important features that people 
expose of themselves when they 
behave in this way. They are not 
working and preparing themselves, 
training themselves or receiving 
training, for when the time comes 
when all of their preparation will 
meet with opportunity ---> 

reciprocal exchange. 

It is one of those aspects of the 
horror of the situation regarding the
fourth way idea that we are all of us 
locked in a prison and if we  are truly 
sane beings, then our only desire is 
to want to escape. 

What is entirely in terms of
the creation of appropriate
inner and outer conditions that
would permit those "first degree
to take in impressions
furthering the crystallization
in themselves of the being-data
required for a responsible
existence worthy of three-
brained beings and such
participation from which
again grows the "enabling
now in a
position to constantly
enlighten the Reason of
fellow shipmate initiates and
provide practical explanations
about observing various
concentrations, the methods
of studying their reciprocal
influence, and the significance
of these influences themselves in
connection with the Cosmic World
Tension that is everywhere
present, and how to wield these
self-same "tensions" in a way
quite different than along
those lines of fantastic




"But since you, my boy, do not yet
have any idea of the exceptional
peculiarities of Time, you must
first be told that genuine
Objective Science
this cosmic phenomenon


"'Time in itself does not exist,
there is only the totality of the
results issuing from all the cosmic
phenomena present in a given place.'


"Time in itself no being can understand
by Reason or perceive by any outer or
inner being-function. It cannot even
be sensed by any gradation of the
instinct present in every more or
less independent cosmic


"It is possible to evaluate Time
only by comparing different cosmic
phenomena occurring under the same
conditions and in the same place
where Time is being considered.


"It should be noted that in the
Great Universe all phenomena, without
exception, wherever they arise and are
manifest, are simply successive, lawful
'fractions' of some whole phenomenon
which has its prime arising on the
Most Holy Sun Absolute.


"In consequence, all cosmic phenomena,
wherever they proceed, have an
'objective' significance.




"And these successive, lawful fractions
are actualized in every respect, even
in the sense of their involution and
evolution, according to the
fundamental cosmic law, the
sacred Heptaparaparshinokh."
--ch 16, time




"These substances share in the
characteristic of enablement:
if we have them, we can 'do'
and if we do not then wanting
to do is just wishful thinking.
In a word, these substances turn
our view of ourselves as free,
whole, creative beings from
fantasy into reality. We spoke
of 'wishful thinking' and might
consider that such substances
when added to the equation
produce a real result:


thinking + wish +
substance = real


1 The purpose of such an
exercise is to produce
an enabling substance
(or energy) that can
make life more real.


2 It depends on exercising
a free attention that can
be divided into at least
two parts.


3 There is an energy
or substance that can
be assimilated or made
available to us by bringing
attention onto our breathing.


4 In a perhaps similar
way, there is an energy
or substance that can be
released from the thinking
process or head brain by
careful attention.


5 Such energies can be
combined together to
produce a new sense
of wholeness or
--Blake, inner exercises






"'In that soul which a man
supposedly has, as people
believe, and of which they
say that it exists independently
after death and transmigrates, I
do not believe; and yet, in the
course of a man's life
"something" does form
itself in him: this
is for me beyond
all doubt.



"'As I explain it to myself,
a man is born with a certain
property and, thanks to this
property, in the course of his
life certain of his experiencings
elaborate in him a certain substance,
and from this substance there is
gradually formed in him
"something or other"
which can acquire a
life almost independent
of the physical body.



"'When a man dies, this "something"
does not disintegrate at the same
time as the physical body, but
only much later, after its
separation from the
physical body.



"'Although this "something" is
formed from the same substance
as the physical body of a man,
it has a much finer materiality
and, it must be assumed, A MUCH
. The
sensitivity of its
perception is in my
opinion such as—-you
remember, when you made
that experiment with the
half-witted Armenian woman,
--2nd Series, my father


"what arises in the
brain is not important"

In terms of ordinary, as is said,
"involuntary" or mechanical life,
a so-called "real man" is defined
that way, as real, in connection
with the sex function. We see this
in Hollywood movies more so
than not that a man, as well
as woman, is defined in this
way. In the real world, such
is not the case at all. What
a real man and real woman
is has to do with the act of
separation of oneself from
oneself, that is, from the

Gurdjieff explained in Views
from the Real World, the trick is to
not change anything artificially in
any way, such as our breathing, but
to divide attention which is the
work of real men and real women,
that is, to divide attention
between the breathing and the
head brain and the results of
this are concentrated in the
solar plexus. Gurdjieff
said that this will enhance
the sense of "I AM", which
he couples with what he
calls "active mentation".

In terms of psychology, all
of this is akin to Gurdjieff's
saying that "what arises in the
brain is not important"; instead
he says that there should be a
flow into the solar plexus but
without expectation of results
which is always and in
everything the case when
thinking in "linear" terms. What
flows in the "I Am" presence from
the air called is an "active substance"
what John Bennett in later years
after his meeting with Gurdjieff
said can be derived from the sun
and what comes from the head
brain combine together in the
solar plexus WITHOUT
to say that this active
substance can only be
assimilated into us
if it is taken in

Ezekiel's greatest miracle 
was his resurrection of the 
dead, recounted in Ezekiel 37.

From Ezekiel 34:

"Therefore this is what the
Sovereign LORD says to them:
See, I myself will judge between
the fat sheep and the lean sheep.
Because you shove with flank and
shoulder, butting all the weak
sheep with your horns until you
have driven them away, I will
save my flock, and they will
no longer be plundered. I will
judge between one sheep and another.
I will place over them one shepherd,
my servant David, and he will tend
them; he will tend them and be their
. I the LORD will be their
God, and my servant David will be
prince among them. I the LORD 

have spoken."
Ezekiel 34:20-24

By way of the description of 
the weak sheep in the above as 
the "fat" and "lean" and the
judgment between them is what 
Gurdjieff meant by "suggestibility," 
that is, the suggestibility of people
who do not make the effort of
what is called "being-duty"
and so believe everything
they see, hear and read
as explained by Gurdjieff
in Beelzebub's Tales,
chapter 13:

"On the planet Earth this
particularity in the psyche
of the three-brained beings
arose only during later periods;
and it arose only because their
predominant part, formed in them
as in all three-brained beings,
gradually allowed the other
parts of their total presence
to perceive every new impression
without fulfilling what is called
'being-partkdolgduty,' that is to
say, merely as such impressions are
generally perceived by one or another
of their independent localizations
known as 'being-centers.' Or, to
put it in their language, they
believe everything anybody says,
instead of believing only what
they have been able to verify
by their own 'sane deliberation' ...
in other words, only those
convictions they have reached
as a result of confronting and
evaluating the data already
deposited in them, which have
given rise to different
conceptions in each of
their localizations of
diverse nature."
ch 13, fastasy as reality

The reality is this:

The way we are now, we are
already filled with imagination
and fantasy "perceived as reality"
about all kinds of things in
association with our vanity,
false pride, internal considering,
scandal, setting up or inventing
arbitrary standards and "requiring"
others to act according to those
requirements all of which is
neurosis, and everything else
that we are instructed by
Gurdjieff to separate from
in order that we can
remember ourselves such
as those properties as are
completely crystallized
and have become an integral
and unavoidable part of our
everyday common presence and
that we take for granted as
normal, such properties that
exist under the names of
"egoism,""self-love," "vanity,"
"pride," "ambition," "flattery,"
"conceit," "credulity,"
"suggestibility," "positive
thinking," "zeal," "enthusiasm"
and many others no less abnormal
and unbecoming to the essence of
any three-brained being 

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