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Oct 26, 2019, 4:26:30 AM10/26/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

And reading this material can be
a guide of an internet process, of
self observation, a "distillation process" of
separation of psychopathy, of "the thing," from
actual "objective states" necessary for Real "I"
in this video, and laws are everywhere the 
same so it affects others evolutionary and 
involutionary, across space and time, and 
also across space and time everything 
must be paid for, what is "responsibility" 
is also an act of Perfect Love for I was 
in a state of self remembering and
I wanted some kind of record
and the viewer, if he or she
is familiar with such states
of consciousness, can
re-experience with me,
states of self remembering
that transcend time and 

> Indeed James, for we are here 
> now, and have moved somewhat 
> since before. Yesterday is 
> history, tomorrow a mystery, 
> but today is the gift which 
> is why it's called the 
> present - I know you 
> know that.
> D.


1] Knowledge of the past or 
> knowledge of the future can 
> be explained in other ways 
> than reincarnation or recurrence.

2] Why would the real "I"...the 
> true self, need to improve? Isn't 
> the battle simply to expose it, 
> from being hidden beneath false 
> personality, to see it's
> ALREADY immortal and 
> perfect?

3] What OF the controversy in 
> the work over whether real I 
> is hidden beneath, or must 
> be created? What are your 
> thoughts on this?
> S.
Remember, that the idea here
is to suffer to know, and to suffer
consciously which means "with aim"
or there will not be the substance 
necessary to know. You have more or 
less cognized the absurdity of ordinary 
life as it is and by participation on 
these channels you are continuing to
learn as many aspects of the objective
truth as possible. In correspondence 
with this you are struggling to 
determine what is your true 
Do you see?
You have answered your own
question, that is, you ask the
question in such a way that you
want the answer to be given to
you, ready-made.
How does it help God Above
if there is no reciprocal 

Increase our understanding, yes that's 
> right James, this is the important part 
> of all relationships with others 
> regardless of the sex-factor being 
> involved or not. I have had some 
> very intense sexual relationships 
> with women, and in the most involving 
> case it took me literally years, decades 
> actually, to disentangle myself from the 
> identification with her - yet something 
> (with her) remains even to this day, and 
> exists also in other relationships where 
> something akin to what I would call a 
> "Sacred Energy Xchange" takes place, 
> and this of course only comes out of 
> understanding, when two people 
> understand even a little of each 
> other in addition to understanding 
> themselves as they are and have been 
> up to the moment, something more than 
> the sum of two parts emerges and each 
> increases their understanding and 
> awareness.
> D.
If the sensation of sexual tension 
is mixed up in our interactions with
one another by way of writing letters
on these channels, then this suggests
a real opportunity for clearing 
ourselves, of "disentangling."
A door has opened, and it can only
remain open through "love and struggle,"
in terms of Islam is what is called "the
Perfect." It has nothing whatever to
do with terrorism, but is the true
meaning of "jihad," what is non-
violent struggle, spiritual.
This is not wishful thinking, but an
opportunity to give up more of what is
fantasy and imagination, of entanglement,
that is, to sacrifice useless suffering, and 
this will create a center-of-gravity, or "moon",
as man-to-man in terms of impartial and
conscious love.

Somehow I get the impression
that what you need to give up in order
that you may evolve in terms of greater
development of consciousness of your
Real "I" is such that we can draw
strength of will from each
other for a common aim.
Work will provide the
necessary choices for each
of us, and with each choice that
is made the work will proceed, or
not proceed. To be, or not to be,
to proceed or not to proceed, is 
the choice. We can then see,
or not see, the fathomless
ocean in front of us.
See it actually, that strength of
will is what is called Real Will,
and the development of Real Will
is to develop our consciousness
of our Real "I," because Real 
Will is a part of Real "I."
> Yes, in terms of the first 
> threshold, it is permanent in 
> that sense, and has a certain 
> permanent permanence in the sense 
> that something bigger and still more 
> real can be built upon I think - the 
> second threshold, leading to a 
> constant stabilisation in the 
> fourth state of consciousness - 
> which may or may not be 
> appropriate for me at 
> this stage, I yet do 
> not know regarding 
> that..
> D.
Sacrifice of useless suffering
is an exchange for real suffering
and then we will no longer suffer
about small things such as in 
connection with the sex
function, and we will
have energy beyond
imagination for suffering
on a greater scale. It is
then possible to share in
the suffering of Christ across
space and time having to do with
the state of the world, of humanity,
at various times in history, and, in
this way, you will be like Beelzebub
in his observatory on Mars, you will
know actually what "astral travel"
is, what a real "time tunnel" is.
Consciousness of Real "I" is
developed because it is only
Real "I" that is able to
observe anything.

It is known in the science
of biology that when we perform
certain experiments involving
physical tasks, substances are
produced within the body which
have nothing to do with the task
itself. If in digging a trench or
tunnel through the earth the muscles
in the body happen to be strengthened,
this is a secondary result, a by-product
of digging the tunnel. The by-product of
placing attention on activities of the
machine is the activation of higher
centers which results in the
production of higher


In the science of physics, a
quantum-mechanical process by
which a particle can pass through
a potential energy barrier that is
higher than the energy of the
particle is what is known as
the "tunnel effect": first
postulated to explain the
escape of alpha particles
from atomic nuclei. Unlike
the classical mechanics of
particles, quantum mechanics
allows light as well as particles
such as electrons and protons to
appear even where the "wall" of
potential should prevent them
from appearing. In terms of
psychology, all of this is
akin to Gurdjieff's saying
that "what arises in the
brain is not important";

instead he says that there
should be a flow into the
solar plexus but without
expectation of absolute
 as, for example,

the expectation of answers

to questions having nothing

to do with the inner life, which

is always and in everything the
case when thinking in terms only

of Newtonian mechanics, that is,

of life of itself. What flows in
the "I Am" presence from
the air called an "active
substance" in the air what
John Bennett in later years
after his meeting with Gurdjieff
said can be derived from the sun
and what comes from the head
brain combine together in
the solar plexus WITHOUT
WILFUL FORCE which is to
say that this active substance
can only be assimilated into
us if it is taken in

What is called "active mentation"
is "thinking with the whole of
oneself" and is not just our usual
"thinking" similar in every respect
to neurotic cell phone chatter
chiefly for an existence only
in terms of ordinary life
automatically fulfilling some
purpose whether "criminal"
or "police," doesn't matter,
and remember that it is not
police work that I am
speaking of here and
which is so important
but of "identification-
with-position," "promotion-
types," "money-changers,"
what is called "favoritism,"

also "organization-oriented,"
and, in the words of Gurdjieff
himself: "the cosmic substances
transformed through them during
their vegetation and not, as they
themselves believe it, their life,
serve as 'cathode elements' for the
maintenance on Earth of 'objective
good' in the life of all humanity",
etc., but either one or the other

whether police or criminal AND


because in terms of the inner

life in connection with Higher

Will Above either one or the

other serves NOT GOD but

only the GENERAL realizations

of Great Nature disguised in all

kinds of ways such as "altruism,"

"philanthropy," and "for the children"

all of which is psychopathy as has

been made very clear by Gurdjieff,

but it is, rather, still and conscious,

willed in a direction based on

understanding and is what thinking

ought to be . . . for "an existence

determinate and conscious,

impartially evaluating itself and,

in addition, gifted with the
capacity of all-round
perfecting and


Have you ever noticed that when
you cry, shout or laugh at the
idiocy and absurdity of others
as well as ourselves, for example,
chemical and biological by-products
are produced? Laughter is considered
an authentic medicine because it
produces certain substances useful
in the treatment of various ailments,
categorically grouped by so-called
"contemporary medicine" under the
general headings of "pain" and



Treasure hunting is an ordinary
life-of-itself game if all we do

is chase after the treasure. If we 
truly wish to "penetrate" treasure
hunting, we must have a
discourse, an ideal, or
"inward occupation." In
terms of inward occupation,
we must be willing to harmlessly
sit, if necessary, for the rest
of our lives and without
expectation of absolute
results, in order to
elucidate the real
question of treasure


In treasure hunting there
are the elements of risk,
danger and discovery. Suppose
I am indiscreet, go to Barnes
and Noble, meet some people
and start to talk with them,
telling them that I am a
real treasure hunter.
Two hours later, people
would arrive with shovels.
Discretion is a necessary
part of treasure hunting;
and also a part of this
work with the ideas of

Jesus made a certain choice
to serve God at the end, during
the drama in the Garden. Even 
then, all of his disciples went
to sleep while Jesus was in
an awakened state.
"Many people regard
Christ as a pathetic 
figure--a SICK Christ.
This conception of Christ 
usually goes with the view 
that he was brutally treated 
and dragged to the Cross. Of 
course, everything in the 
Gospels shows quite the
opposite. The Gospels show 
that he deliberately suffered 
on the Cross. He predicted his 
crucifixion. He told his 
disciples that he had to
undergo this fulfilment of 
his end
. And although he 
prayed in the agony at 
Gethsemane that this end 
might be altered, calling 
it a cup that he must
drink, he said:
'Nevertheless not as I
will but as thou wilt'."
--Nicoll, marriage at cana
Peter, most of all, did not
want to face the reality of
Christ's destiny and even resisted
Him on it. The apostles tried to
prevent the soldiers from taking
Jesus, and then Peter drew his
sword and whacked off an ear 
of one of them. Jesus said 
for Peter to put up his sword,
healed the soldier who had his ear
cut off, it was restored by Jesus
the ear completely and one can only
imagine such an osmosis as this with
force of understanding so greatly
concentrated and yet HARMLESSLY
APPLIED since it is true that 
there exists a property, which 
is inherent in every ordinary
man, to whichever class he may 
belong and whatever his age, that, 
whenever he thinks about 
something concrete outside 
himself, then his muscles 
instantly strain, that is
to say vibrate, in the 
direction taken by his
"We all must do just what
Christ did. We must make
our experiment. We must make
mistakes. We must live out our
own vision of life. And there
will be error. If you avoid
error you do not live; in a
sense even it may be said
that every life like this
we know Christ as a
brother, and God indeed
becomes man. This sounds
like a terrible blasphemy,
but not so. For then only
can we understand Christ
as he would want to be
understood, as a fellow
ordinary man."
--C.G. Jung
--from C.G. Jung Speaking,
--"Is Analytical Psychology a Religion?"

Jesus was the only one who
could see his own destiny
unfolding. He resisted the
temptation to reject the
suffering he was about to
endure when he said that not
his will but Thy Will. That
was a big choice that Jesus
faced, a choice of such
magnitude and power that
none of the other apostles
wanted to see, so they
"chose," or "allowed,"
themselves to sleep.
It was only later, after
the cock crew three times,
that Peter understood what
Jesus was teaching him all
along. For this reason, Peter
Christ foretold at the Last
Supper that Peter would deny
him, and this is connected
with why Peter wept. He wept
because, for the first time,
he realized his true brotherhood
with Christ and, therefore, the
unburying of Conscience and the
feelings of remorse that go
with it.
"There is nothing new in
the idea of sleep. People
have been told almost since
the creation of the world
that they are asleep and
that they must awaken. How
many times is this said in
the Gospels, for instance?
'sleep not.'
Christ's disciples even
slept when he was praying
in the Garden of Gethsemane
for the last time. It is all
there. But do men understand
it? Men take it simply as a
form of speech, as an expression,
as a metaphor. THEY COMPLETELY
it is easy to understand why.
In order to understand this
literally it is necessary to
awaken a little, or at least
to try to awaken. I tell you
seriously that I have been
asked several times why
nothing is said about
sleep in the Gospels.
Although it is there
spoken of almost on
every page. This simply
shows that people read
the Gospels in sleep.
So long as a man sleeps
profoundly and is wholly
immersed in dreams he cannot
even think about the fact that
he is asleep. If he were to
think that he was asleep, he
would wake up. So everything
goes on. And men have not the
slightest idea what they are
losing because of this sleep.
As I have already said, as he
is organized, that is, being
such as nature has created him,
man can be a self-conscious
being. Such he is created
and such he is born. But
he is born among sleeping
people, and, of course, he
falls asleep among them just
at the very time when he
should have begun to be
conscious of himself.
Everything has a hand
in this: the involuntary
imitation of older people
on the part of the child,
voluntary and involuntary
suggestion, and what is
called 'EDUCATION.' Every
attempt to awaken on the
child's part is instantly
stopped. This is inevitable.
And a great many efforts and
a great deal of help are
necessary in order to
awaken later when
thousands of sleep-
compelling habits
have been accumulated.
And this very seldom
happens. In most cases,
a man when still a child
already loses the possibility
of awakening; he lives in
sleep all his life and he
dies in sleep. Furthermore,
of such cases we will speak
later on."
--p144 Gurdjieff, ISO
"The third religion, founded on 
the teaching of Jesus Christ
, soon
spread so widely in its original 
form that almost a third of all 
the three-centered beings of 
this planet became its 
"But before long they also began 
to mistreat this religious teaching
based on 'resplendent Love,' and 
transformed it into something
equally resplendent, but now, as 
our dear Mullah Nasr Eddin says,
into a 'resplendent Terasakhaboora 
from the Kasoaadjy fairytale.'
"Furthermore, it turned out 
that the followers of this great
religious teaching split up, on 
account of some unimportant external
details, into various sects, and were 
no longer called just 'Christians,' 
as were the first followers of this 
teaching, but 'Orthodox,' 'Zevrodox,' 
'Ypsylodox,' 'Hamilodox,' and various
other cognomens also ending in 'DOX.'
"And into this teaching of truth and 
verity they also began, for various 
egoistic and political reasons, to 
mix fragments taken from other 
'religious teachings' already 
existing there—-fragments that
not only had nothing in common 
with the teaching of Jesus but
sometimes even flatly contradicted 
the truths revealed by this Divine 
"They mixed into it a great deal 
from the teaching of Saint Moses,
which by that time had been thoroughly 
distorted, and much later, during the 
period that contemporary beings there 
call the 'Middle Ages,' the so-called 
'Fathers of the Church' inserted into 
this Christian religion nearly the 
whole of that fantastic doctrine
invented long ago in the city of 
Babylon by those learned beings
belonging to the school of the 
dualists, about which I have 
already told you.
"The 'Fathers of the Church' in 
the Middle Ages probably concocted
this mixture for the benefit of 
their own 'shops' and the 'shops' 
of their assistants, because of 
the famous 'Paradise' and 'Hell'
contained in that doctrine.
"So at the present time, in
place of the teaching of the divine
teacher Jesus Christ, which revealed
the power of the All-lovingness and
All-Forgivingness of our Creator
suffering for beings, a teaching
now exists that our Creator
torments the souls of His
--ch 38, religion
--Beelzebub's Tales

It is in this way that 
the inner content, or 
"essence," of the Great
Knowledge, knowledge of
Being, becomes lost for most
people. For example, what
happened with the Sermon
on the Mount, the way it is put
together, is more like a collection 
of many things that Jesus said. So,
a lot of things were going around at
the time that sounded good and
immediately it was ascribed to
something that Jesus said. How 
could it be otherwise? They could
have picked up some material from
Buddhism, or Confucianism, and
there were a lot of things known 
like this in those days that came
up through Asia Minor. The people
there were not ignorant of other
religions in the world, so there
were sayings, or aphorisms, that 
were going around, and it got to
the point that when the Christian
religion started, and people started
promoting the Christian religion, then
people would adopt those ideas and
put them in the bible, or in their 
communications with each other 
like with Paul and his letters 
to the Corinthians, etc.

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