1 density and tempo of hanbledzoin 1

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Nov 1, 2019, 4:22:15 AM11/1/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano

1 density and tempo of hanbledzoin 1

> If a person is present with
> understanding, even if the
> sparks fly there can be alot
> that gets communicated above
> and beneath and between the text.

> C.

So- called "road rage" is something 

that we are not getting the full dope about 

in terms of what we hear happens to others 

on the highways in news reports, etc. because 

the only thing we hear about there is what 

happened in terms of the misfortunes of
It is not possible to understand 

road rage and what all of that is about 

unless you have been there and done 

it yourself! It has to do with what is 

actually happening in front of and 

around you and it is not necessary

to concern yourself about it "morally" 

one way or the other because it is 

not a right/wrong good/bad thing

in the ordinary life sense.

Getting over the false morality 

veil will then open you to self-

remembering and the degree of 

self-remembering is a function of
efforts to separate yourself from 

yourself. Self-remembering will 

increase your ability to rechannel 

energy from flowing outwards
thus redirecting it inwards to be 

channeled any way you wish. Since
the situation is a dangerous one and 

demands quickness of perception,
the energy will go there where it 

is needed. Nothing is left to the 

imagination if you are awake to 

what is in front of you.

I know it seems strange, but road 

rage is something that can be mastered

for self-remembering. In terms of self-

remembering and with the changes in
consciousness that self-remembering
can provide, you are no longer under
the so-called "law of accident" and
is not road rage at all, but another
form of conscious role-play. In a
state of self-remembering, there
are no demands on you for having
to "act" or "react" in any particular
way, that is, in the same way that 
others do who get caught up in 
seemingly uncontrollable "rage."
The whole "trick" of it is to not
react. In this way, you develop
abilities as well as sensitivities
in terms of the inner life, such
as a real and objective "sensing"
of what Gurdjieff called hanbledzoin
and, FOR THAT, you will be
willing to sacrifice any ordinary
life involvement whatever, therefore
not in any rage, just role playing like 
you are, and this can be useful for
developing inner senses which is
our only concern.

Who knows? It is possible that this
is what happened to Gurdjieff. Whatever 
happened to him on the road was no 
accident as he himself said and that 
is all we know about it. If it was 
something to do with 
Gurdjieff himself said, then 
it may be that Gurdjieff entangled 
himself with someone else on the 
highway. It is very easy to imagine 
this to be the case considering 
Gurdjieff's developed abilities 
with telepathy and he admitted
that he was depraved to the core 
with this ability of his and saw in 
it an invaluable means for 
remembering himself which 
he clearly stated in the Prologue 
of the Third Series.

And from Ch 48 of The Tales:

"Just as the separate
independent parts of
a 'hackney carriage'
are connected, namely,
the carriage to the
horse by the shafts
and the horse to the
coachman by the reins,
so also are the separate
parts of the general organization
of a man connected with each other:
the body is connected to the
feeling-organization by the
blood, and the feeling-
organization with that
of the thought or
consciousness by
what is called
namely, by that
substance which
arises in the common
presence of a man from
all intentionally made

"The deplorable system of
EDUCATION existing at the
present time has led to the
coachman's ceasing to have
any effect whatever on his
horse, at best he can
arouse in its
by means of the
reins just three
ideas—-right, left,
and stop.

"Strictly speaking, he cannot
always do even this, because
the reins are generally made
of materials that react to
atmospheric phenomena for
example, in a pouring rain
they swell and lengthen,
and in heat, the
contrary, thus
having a varying
effect upon the
horse's automatized
sensitivity of perception.

"The same thing proceeds in
the general organization of
the ordinary man whenever
from some impression or
other the 'density and
tempo of the hanbledzoïn'
change in him so that his
thinking loses all
possibility of
affecting his
--ch 48, first lecture
--Beelzebub's Tales

The following was posted
on another channel:

It was 1924. We cannot assume 
an abundance of traffic on this 
winding country road. G. was 
driving a Citroen, a masterfully 
engineered car even back then, 
favored by the wealthy and by 
mobsters for safety and special 
features. Most common people 
did not own automobiles back
then. I've long that that watching 
someone's driving was a good and 
quick test of their character and 
personality assets and flaws. 
When I used to date, I wanted 
the woman to drive, for that reason  .  .  .
to find out what she's really like.
With Gurdjieff, you have to look 
around for alibi for his personal
"flaws". He was a hard and frequent 
drinker [peppered vodka and
armagnac]; a chain smoker; 
something of a minor womanizer; 
player of mind games for shocking 
his pupils; and a very scary driver 
of cars. It frightened his students 
when they had to be passengers 
with him. He might likely have 
been drinking before his collision 
with a tree, or going off the road, 
or whatever it was. At least there 
were no passengers. He had asked 
that something about the car's 
steering wheel be checked. He 
either intuited some accident, or
planned it. He cancelled an 
appointment and told Olga 
de Hartmann not to accompany 
him, as she usually did. Olga 
had a feeling of floating
dread most of the day.
-- from John Shirley's 
"Gurdjieff: An Introduction 

to His Life and Ideas".

"Just as the separate
independent parts of
a 'hackney carriage'
are connected, namely,
the carriage to the
horse by the shafts
and the horse to the
coachman by the reins,
so also are the separate
parts of the general organization
of a man connected with each other:
the body is connected to the
feeling-organization by the
blood, and the feeling-
organization with that
of the thought or
consciousness by
what is called
namely, by that
substance which
arises in the common
presence of a man from
all intentionally made

"The deplorable system of
education existing at the
present time has led to the
coachman's ceasing to have
any effect whatever on his
horse, at best he can
arouse in its
by means of the
reins just three
ideas-right, left,
and stop.

"Strictly speaking, he cannot
always do even this, because
the reins are generally made
of materials that react to
atmospheric phenomena for
example, in a pouring rain
they swell and lengthen,
and in heat, the
contrary, thus
having a varying
effect upon the
horse's automatized
sensitivity of perception.

"The same thing proceeds in
the general organization of
the ordinary man whenever
from some impression or
other the 'density and
tempo of the hanbledzoïn'
change in him so that his
thinking loses all
possibility of
affecting his
--ch 48, first lecture

> James Wyly - The Spammer
> Get him out NOW !
> OK - CMD ?
> OK - Valerie ?
> OK - Kumari ?
> "Formula One" Tom !

"In your favorites of the
present day this being-brain
is not localized in ONE WHOLE
UNIVERSE, but is split up
into parts and each of these
parts, according to its
'specific functioning,'
is localized in a different
place in their planetary 

"Although, in its exterior form,
this being-center of theirs now
has different places of concentration,
nevertheless all its separate
functionings have corresponding
connections with one another,
so that the sum total of these
scattered parts can function
exactly as is proper for it
to function.

"They call these separate
localizations in their common
presence 'NERVE NODES.'

"It is interesting to note
that most of these places of
concentration are located in
the very region of the planetary
body where this being-brain would
normally be, that is, in the
region of the chest, and the
totality of these nerve nodes
they call the 'SOLAR PLEXUS.'
--ch 17, arch absurd

> Hello Wyly can you put
> whole Beelzebub's tales
> on net?
> it is OK chapter by
> chapter but complete.
> or maybe there is already,
> but I didn't found...
> thanks
> zora "Ferrari"


"'"Although at that age this
laziness is still only automatic
in them and young people do not
have to make great efforts to
overcome it, so that on
acquiring their own
common sense they
can prevent it
from gaining
complete control
over them, nevertheless
the organization of WOMEN'S
PSYCHE is such that, owing to
results not dependent on our
will but ensuing from world
laws, the active principle
must unfailingly participate
in every initiative and in
every good manifestation
of theirs.

"'What a queer guy you are,
why, we have just been to

"And still laughing at my
naïveté, he explained . . .




More lunacy:

and skye-ollmann940,

entrapment with

> looking for Sugar Daddy!
> sugarjulia3065
> nuala-alexander322

> Just got my BS
> need a home?

> Wow!
> teisha-reifel306

> teisha-reifel820
> steelie-mcmath834
> junelle-coyne273

True apprehension of a brother's need, 
divorced from sentiment and expediency, 
will not be found in "wow" material as 
advertised by internet "tele"-marketers 
on these channels, so-called "e groups" 

and by "internet spam." This realization 

will lead to that silence of the tongue 

which grows out of non-reference to the 

separate and identified self and can save 

your real tongue from falling into a 

"wow" toilet.

Harmlessness brings about the ability 
to refrain from impulsive and compulsive 
action, and the demonstration of an 
impartial inner life to all with eyes 
to see and ears to hear.


With practice and experience can be 
discovered freedom in action and
discrimination in this internet 
method of the fourth way and not by
unquestioning obedience, negative 
acquiescence, and blind following
of idiots bent on "sharing" personal 
histories divorced from any kind of 
struggle whatever with vanity, self-
love, false pride, intolerant and 
prejudiced vindictiveness, etc. because
such "features" and "beauties" as these 
are not only dangerous without supervision, 
but also make of themselves into 

unsupervised targets.

"If we compare the authentic data about the
events that took place in Egypt with the data
on this subject fixed in the being-
representation and understanding of almost
every responsible being of their famous
contemporary 'culture'— data which they
discovered, as it were, thanks to their
'already perfected Reason'—we will have
an obvious example of the kind of data on
which their 'logical mentation' is built
during their responsible existence. Besides,
this would allow me to note and stress once
more all the maleficence, in an objective
sense, of that practice firmly established
in the process of their ordinary existence,
which they dignify by the high-sounding
words of 'EDUCATION' and 'SCHOOLING' of
--Gurdjieff, chapter 34, Russia

All of this helps to avoid the inevitable 
and unfortunate consequences associated 
with the blind following of "wow" personals
as well as so-called "organizational" cause, 
crusade and agenda impersonal germs by 

way of an over-rated education system 

operating mechanically, today, similar to 

Bolshevism, as it has during certain other 

definite periods, forty times throughout

the history of human existence on the 

Earth according to Gurdjieff in 

Beelzebub's Tales, although not called 

the same but, nonetheless, has always 

manifested according to the same laws 

that governed the formation of such 

germs leading to the particular
functioning of the common presences

of the three-brained beings of the planet 

Earth which became inherent in them that 

same germ also in the form of "a teaching 

perspective" which also is a stimulating 

factor for the specific manifestations 

proper only to them.

"I am speaking about that germ of the 
'particular functioning of their common 
presence' which after several of their 
years was molded in all the beings of 
this community in a form that became, 
during certain definite periods, inherent 
in them, and was a 'stimulating factor' 
for the specific manifestations proper 
only to the three-brained beings of the 
planet Earth. And this time the totality 
of these manifestations among the 

beings of that large community 

was called 'Bolshevism. '"
--Gurdjieff, chapter 34, Russia

"And indeed, the mind of contemporary 

man, of whatever level of intellectuality, is 
only able to take cognizance of the world 
by means of data which, whenever 

accidentally or intentionally activated, 

arouse in him all sorts of FANTASTIC 

--Gurdjieff, page 2,

--Meetings with Remarkable Men

> I know some buddys who have met a few
> nice honey's off of this kind of thing
> vi-west946

> who here spent last weekend alone?
> georgette-murdock91 3

> Hey guys! Im getting married finally
> boni-greenslade246

> Hey guys! Im getting married finally
> vi-west741

> Hey guys! Im getting married finally
> diva-bensley619

"Doing" is substance; it is

material. Sometimes it may

happen that you can actually

"see" this substance by

sitting with tension and

not reacting to people

around you, that is, 


It is then that the Hidden Hand

reveals the one round that only

one who is quick can see and

then know what to do in order

to walk on the winds of change

that always prevail after. The

Hidden Hand can only do this

once, according to law. Your

obligation to that same higher

law is to remember yourself by

remembering your aim. If your

aim is a good aim, not for 

something worldly, then you

will see what is revealed, or

"unburied". One of us may 

see, the other may not see,

this also is revealed.

> James,

> I did not read the entirety

> because it was too long for

> me today, but what I did read

> toward the end hit the nail on

> the head. I often practice

> mentation in the face of an

> adversary, and it is so true,

> the things you mentioned

> about your fourth way

> experiment. Thanks for

> sharing. I also like the

> reminders you give from

> the great teachers. It's

> so true that we all have

> filters based on previous

> experience.

> Lisa

My hand waved over her breasts,

her breasts very gently floated, or

gravitated, of themselves, upward

toward my hand, a tension was lifted,

something passed to her, and also this

insured that I would be able to do the

necessary work later to seal myself

from any further retribution. What

appeared was a white horse, like

Pegasus, and then in order to

proceed onward to that great

crystal "within," there was the

Sphinx, the guardian, and it

turned into dust, like I was in

the Sahara Desert because

usually pyramids will appear

like in ancient Egypt.

It is then and only then you 

know you have been liberated

from a long line of tension across

space and time.

But that is another story, yet, to

continue, what was extraordinary

was she was full of treasure and

looking for more. I saw a baby 

angel child, from a "maker of

angels" no doubt, about one

year of age, inside of me, reach

with the left hand and throw the 

food she had just given me back

in her face, what otherwise would

have errupted like a King Kong

Volcano involuntarily, possibly

even at that moment, it was

unplanned, sometimes that

happens, only, in this case,

the inner child arose, and I 

then saw a lightning bolt

strike, it paralyzed her,

but she still had a hold

of me, while my eyes

were hopelessly locked

on her nipples which appeared

to me as sunflowers in my face.

> It is so easy to "put the

> blame" on some outside

> esoteric force instead of

> looking towards oneself

> and look at the how and

> why of creation, according

> to laws of world creation

> and maintenance.

> Phillip

Conversion of the

Phillipian Jailor:

25 And at midnight Paul and

Silas prayed, and sang praises

unto God: and the prisoners

heard them.

26 And suddenly there was a 

great earthquake, so that the

foundations of the prison were

shaken: and immediately all

the doors were opened, and

every one's hands were 


27 And the keeper of the prison

awaking out of his sleep, and

seeing the prison doors open,

he drew out his sword, and

would have killed himself,

supposing that the prisoners

had been fled.

28 But Paul cried with a loud

voice, saying,

"Do thyself no harm:

for we are all here."

29 Then he called for a light,

and sprang in, and came trembling,

and fell down before Paul and Silas,

30 And brought them out, and said,

"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

31 And they said, Believe on the

Lord Jesus Christ, and though shalt

be saved, and thy house.

32 And they spake unto him the

word of the Lord, and to all that

were in his house.

33 And he took them the same

hour of the night, and washed

(their) stripes; and was baptized,

he and all his, straightway.

34 And when he had brought them

into his house, he set meat before

them, and rejoiced, believing in

God with all his house.

--Acts 16:25-34

> Hey everyone, just wanted to
> let u all in on my good news.
> suzan-johnston236
> Hi wow! wats new with everyone? 
> lily-gannaway698

> these girls like to fk yo
> georgette-murdock913
Good news? found her? down below?

> Wow, what a blast, what a trip
> brittney-steele206

> I'm a hot single, looking for
> better SEX partner.
> sexysingles9277

> I'm a hot single, I'm looking
> for a better SEX partner!
> sexysingle3250
> I'm a hot single, I'm looking
for a better SEX partner!
> maturewoman8989

> You say "self-study" is the way
> which leads to self-knowledge.
> Are you truely observing yourself
> as you post all this stuff here?
> Hestabani

> I didn't sign on to have The Whore
> blow in my ear. I can get that
> anywhere.
> Stephan W.

> The sky is not always blue-
> sometimes it is black, grey,
> white, pink, purple, red,
> orange and occationally contains
> a rainbow. The water isn't
> always wet- it is sometimes
> frozen, flakey snow, vapour
> in the air. Women keep secrets
> because men are not strong enough/or
> unable to hear them. 2+2=4 is not
> always what you think!
> Love Lisa


Not luv?

Down below?

> hey ppls just wanted to give

> u a helping hand

> thomasina-kirby253

Find love in YOUR area?

Down below?

> Search for Pen Pals, friends and

> lovers from your area or around

> the world.

> dating_115

Around the world and down below?

Look at THIS!!! Down below--->

> You say all this is about self-study

> but you tend mostly to post others

> commentaries to analyze. Why is this;

> is there a method to your madness?

> I am looking for it, but as yet have

> not seen.

> Hestabani

By entitlement? 

Looking for roast pigeons down below?

> Search for Pen Pals, friends and

> lovers from your area or around the

> world.

> dating_115

> I didn't sign on to have The Whore

> blow in my ear. I can get that

> anywhere.

> Stephan W.

Harmlessness is the expression of a 

normal man who realizes himself
to be everywhere. Harmlessness 

destroys all limitations.

> check out this place guys,

> its great,

> diva-bensley619

> Just thought I should pass on

> my knowledge to all you guys

> diva-bensley909

> Met my fiance here! hehe.

> Thought I should share it

> with any other guys who are

> worried about ending up alone

> like I was.

> kayarna-lopez932

> Are you truely observing yourself

> as you post all this stuff here?

> I can ask myself the same question -

> no, I focus on others, with very

> little commentary.

> Hestabani

> found this cool place, actually,

> not even sure I want to share my secre

> source hehe.

> georgette-murdock913

Harmfulness is based on hasnamussian selfishness.

> check out this place guys,

> its great

> georgette-murdock913

> check out this place guys.

> its great

> barbi-elizabeth113

> check out this place guys,

> its great

> thomasina-kirby253

> check out this place guys,

> its great

> ziggy-millam861

> check out this place guys,

> its great

> brylee-stevens162

> check out this place guys,

> its great

> monika-overfelt623

> Wow.. i'm so happy

> kayarna-lopez932

> ive got literally no 'game'
> as they say, haha
> diva-bensley619


Men who are attracted by form may leave 

when the form changes. The serious and 

dedicated candidates remain through all 

changes of form no matter which way, 

upside down or sideways, they get turned,
whether yanked, hi-jacked, assassinated, 

tortured, or car bombed.

This is especially so during this time of 

War on Terror simply because of the cosmic 

tensions that are accelerating everything and
everyone to a very great degree!


> Damn, it has sure been a while...

> I just realized today that it's been

> 18 months since I went out with a

> special lady last, but I'm pretty

> happy to be heading out tonight.

> brenda-warnes318

> So anyway, wish me luck guys!!

> brenda-warnes318

Sit still! . . . Sit still! . . . Sit Still!!!


"And so, my boy, I shall not repeat these 

conversations word for word, but simply give 

you their meaning in our language, continuing
of course to use those 'terms' and 'specific 

names' or rather those combinations of sounds 

produced by the being-vocal cords of your
favorites on the planet Earth which, owing 

to their frequent repetition in my tales, have 

by now become familiar to you and easily

"Before going into this, perhaps I should warn 

you once and for all that my conversations with 

three-centered beings dwelling on the various 

planets of that solar system where I was 

obliged to exist for the 'SINS OF MY YOUTH' 

as for instance the conversation with Gornahoor 

Harharkh were all held in languages still unknown 

to you, whose consonances were sometimes 

quite 'indigestible' by the normal being-functions 

meant for this purpose."
--Beelzebub to Hassein, 

--chapter 18, the arch-preposterous

Those participants in such an enterprise do 

not find any real satisfaction that is impartial 

and, therefore, are reacting to their own neurotic 

approach to relationships in general. Harmfulness 

is the demonstration of forces concentrated for 

self-enforcement or so-called "empowerment," 

self-aggrandisement, and self-gratification.

The fourth way method of

writing by progression such 

as what is possible here on these

internet channels is a form of prayer

called RECAPITULATION, which 
is to say that by reading and 
pondering the material to 
himself a channel
participant struggles to
experience the content
of the material that
interests him with his
mind and his feeling.

As Gurdjieff has already
said, any man can make a
new prayer for himself.
But the most important
point here to consider
is in the quality of

"Although this liberation is 
possible, nevertheless whether 
any particular man has a chance 
to attain it—--this is difficult 
to say.

"There are a great many reasons 
which may not permit it and which 
in most cases depend neither upon 
us personally nor upon great cosmic 
laws, but only upon the various 
accidental conditions of our 
arising and formation, that 
is to say, chiefly upon 
heredity and the various 
circumstances during the 
process of our 'preparatory 
age.' It is just these 
which may 
not permit 
this liberation.

"The chief difficulty in the 
way of liberation from complete 
slavery is that we must, with an 
intention coming from our own 
initiative and a persistence 
sustained by our own efforts—-
that is to say, not by another's 
will but by our own—-succeed in 
eradicating from our presence 
both the already fixed 
consequences of certain 
properties of that 
'something' in our 
forefathers called 
the 'organ kundabuffer,' 
as well as the predisposition 
to those consequences which 
may again arise.

"To give you at least an 
approximate understanding 
of this strange organ and 
its properties, and also 
of the manifestations in 
ourselves of the 
consequences of 
these properties, 
we must dwell a 
little longer 
upon this 
and speak 
about it in 

"Great Nature, in her 
foresight, for many 
important reasons—-
about which theoretical 
explanations will be given 
in later lectures—-was constrained 
to place within the common presence 
of our remote ancestors a special 
organ, through whose properties 
they might be protected from 
the possibility of seeing 
and feeling reality.

"Although this organ was later 
removed by Great Nature from their 
common presence, yet owing to the 
cosmic law of 'the assimilation 
of the results of oft-repeated 
acts'—-according to which, from 
the frequent repetition of the 
same act there appears in every 
cosmic concentration, under 
certain conditions, a 
tendency to reproduce 
similar results—-the 
predisposition formed 
in our ancestors was 
transmitted by heredity 
from generation to generation, 
so that when their descendants 
established many conditions in 
the process of their ordinary 
existence that proved to be 
favorable for its law-
conformable manifestation, 
the consequences of the various 
properties of this organ began to 
arise in them and, passing by 
heredity from generation to 
generation, were gradually 
assimilated and ultimately 
engendered almost the same 
manifestations as in their 
--Ch 48, from the author

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