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Oct 21, 2019, 5:24:33 AM10/21/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano





Initiation is something individualistic

and very intimate. Each must fight intensely

and practice wisdom if results are to be

obtained. Nothing is born of theories

and, likewise, NO ONE IS BORN THAT


Yes, and Gurdjieff said this himself 

in Glimpses of Truth in terms of

demonstrating 2 or 3 facets of a precious 
crystal. Each facet can be a point of 
beginning. The inner work of soul 
formation then begins to take shape 
as a mandala, or enneagram, which 
can be seen by way of inner vision. 
There will also irrupt many visions of 
yourself as angelic or connected with 
some great angelic being in some way. . .
this is soul material needed for 
formation and crystallization so be
careful to not be led astray by the 
archetypal visions. The angelic
presence that appears is symbolic 
of something being delivered to you
by way of a messenger. Grandiosity is 
one of those inevitable involuntary 
manifestations that must be guarded 
against if we are to make ourselves 
hermetically sealed and "stealthy." 
Real "I" by its very nature is 
stealthy and totally invisible 
to all other I's.

"For instance, I was very much

interested then, and even now my
interest has not entirely vanished,

in increasing the visibility of
distant cosmic centers many

thousand times through the

use of a medium, and in the

cure of cancer by the power

of suggestion."
--Gurdjieff, page 26, LIR

> " . . . during what is called an
> 'ooissapagaoomnian exchange of
> opinions,' that is, during one of
> their conversations, the question
arose, 'Which forms of being-existence
can serve the welfare of beings of
the future?'"

--Chapter 30, Art

The liver, the heart, the lungs, the

stomach, and other organs in the body

are separate in existence and in function

and yet are unified and brought into

relation by way of a symphony of

activity through the medium of the

nervous system throughout the body. 

In the world such organisms as the 

kingdoms of nature also have their 

separate life and functions and yet 

are correlated and coordinated by a 

vast sensory system which is 

sometimes called the soul of all 

things, the anima mundi, the 

underlying consciousness.

This is the real world described 

by Gurdjieff; the world of shadow 

behind form, what appears as 

shadow from the outside 

looking in and is categorized 

by those outside as the

subconscious or unconscious.

"...Therefore, we may consequently

state that: this world is indeed a
living being endowed with a soul

and intelligence ... a single
visible living entity containing

all other living entities, which

by their nature are all related."

--Plato, Timaeus, 29/30;

--4th century B.C.

Gurdjieff's description of the
writer" in Chapter 12 of Beelzebub's
Tales to His Grandson can be compared
to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon 
as well as Smith's other books such as
the Doctrine and Covenants and then
comparing these to the Gospels.

> My Mon had us going to

> Pentacostal to Episco to Momon

> (I even was a Melcastic Priest).

> Trippy meanderings going on 

> Brother  .  .  .  if you don't get

> anal over the spelling, neither

> shall I.

> Pastor James Gillespie

It is a real question
if people know what they
are saying when they use
the word "spiritual." It
has a technical meaning in
the Gospels and is what belongs
to the true self, to Real "I"
for us. St Paul used it
technically in the sense
of "spiritual gifts"--
positive emotions
which are spiritual
gifts are a part of
our beingness, that
is, of what is spiritual
in us. We tend to think of
what is spiritual in worldly
terms as having wilful psychic
force over others but, in actual
fact, they have nothing to do with
"psychic energy" in this sense.

4 Now there are diversities
of gifts, but the same Spirit.

5 And there are differences of
administrations, but the same 

6 And there are diversities of
operations, but it is the same
God which worketh all in all.

7 But the manifestation
of the Spirit is given to
every man to profit 

8 For to one is given by the
Spirit the word of wisdom; to
another the word of knowledge
by the same Spirit;

9 To another faith by the same
Spirit; to another THE GIFTS Of 
HEALING by the same Spirit;

10 To another the working of
miracles; to another prophecy;
to another discerning of spirits;
to another divers kinds of tongues;
to another the interpretation of

11 But all these worketh that one
and the selfsame Spirit, dividing
to every man severally as he will.
--(1 Corinthians 12:4—11)

From the Book of Mormon
in connection with
1 Corinthians 12:

8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren,
that ye deny not the gifts of God, for
they are many; and they come from the
same God. And there are different ways
that these gifts are administered; but
it is the same God who worketh all in
all; and they are given by the
manifestations of the Spirit
of God unto men, to profit

9 For behold, to one is given by
the Spirit of God, that he may
teach the word of wisdom;

10 And to another, that he may
teach the word of knowledge by
the same Spirit;

11 And to another, exceeding great
faith; and to another, the gifts
of healing by the same Spirit;

12 And again, to another, that
he may work mighty miracles;

13 And again, to another, that
he may prophesy concerning all

14 And again, to another,
the beholding of angels
and ministering spirits;

15 And again, to another,
all kinds of tongues;

16 And again, to another,
the interpretation of
languages and divers
kinds of tongues.

17 And all these gifts come
by the Spirit of Christ; and
they come unto every man
severally, according as
he will.
--(Moroni 10:8—17)

And then consider all of the
above in terms of what Gurdjieff
wrote in chapter 12, the
first growl:


The first growl

Beelzebub's Tales
to His Grandson

Beelzebub continued:

"This story of ANATHEMA
reminds me of another story,
which may provide very useful
material for understanding the
strangeness of the psyche of the
three-brained beings of that planet
which has taken your fancy.
Furthermore, it may reassure
you a little and give you some
hope that, even if these peculiar
terrestrial beings did learn how
you had insulted them and should
ANATHEMATIZE you, things might
not turn out so badly for you
after all.

"The story I am going to
tell you is about something
that happened quite recently
among the three-brained beings
of that planet, and which came
about as follows:

"In one of their large
'communities,' there existed
quite peaceably an ordinary
being who was by profession
a 'writer.'

"Here you must know that
in long-past ages one could
occasionally run across beings
of that profession who still
invented and wrote something
really by themselves, but in
later epochs, and especially
in recent times, writers have
been of the kind that only
copy out all sorts of ideas
from many books already in
existence, and fit them
together to make a 'new'
book. And in general they
prefer books that have
reached them from
their remote

"I must point out that the
books fabricated by contemporary
writers, taken all together, are
the principal factor in diluting
the Reason of all the other
three-brained beings there
until it has become, as the
venerable Mullah Nasr Eddin
says, 'thinner than air.'

"And so, my boy, the contemporary
writer I was speaking of was just a
'writer' like all the rest of them,
and was nothing particular in

"One day, after finishing one of
his books, he began to wonder what
to write about next, and decided to
look for some new 'idea' in the
books piled up in his 'library,'
which every self-respecting
writer there feels obliged
to have.

"As he was rummaging about,
a book called 'The Gospels'
fell into his hands.

" 'The Gospels' is the name
given there to a book written
once upon a time by a certain
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
about Jesus Christ, a Messenger
from our Endlessness to that

"This book is widely circulated
among the three-centered beings
there who nominally exist
according to the
indications of
this Messenger.

"And when this 'writer' happened
to come across that book, the notion
suddenly popped into his head: 'Why
shouldn't I also write a gospel?'

"According to certain investigations
that I had to make for quite different
needs of mine, he must then have
deliberated as follows:

'Am I any worse than those ancient
barbarians, Matthew, Mark, Luke,
and Johnnie?

'At least I am more cultured than
they were, and I can certainly write
a much better gospel for my

'What is more, a gospel is the
very thing that is needed just
now, because the "English" and
"Americans" have a great weakness
for this book, and the rate of
exchange of their pounds and
dollars is "not half bad"
just now.'

"No sooner said than done.

"From that day forth he 'wiseacred'
away at his new gospel. And from
the moment it was finished and
given to the printer, there
began a whole series of
unexpected events.

"At any other time, perhaps
nothing would have happened
and this new 'gospel' of his
would simply have slipped into
its niche in the libraries of
the bibliomaniacs there among
the multitudes of other books
expounding similar 'truths.'

"But fortunately or unfortunately
for this writer, it happened that
certain 'power-possessing beings'
of the great community in which he
existed had just been having rotten
luck at 'roulette' and 'baccarat'
in various resorts abroad, and
kept on demanding what is called
'money' from the ordinary beings
of their community, whereupon,
thanks to these inordinate
demands, these beings at
last awakened from their
usual 'torpor' and began
to 'sit up.'

"Seeing this, the 'power-possessing
beings' who had stayed at home
became alarmed and took
appropriate measures.

"Among these measures was the total
and immediate destruction of anything
new that appeared in their native land
that could possibly keep the ordinary
beings of their community from
falling back into their torpor.

"It was just then that this
writer's 'gospel' appeared.

"In the contents of this new 'gospel,'
the power-possessing beings found
certain things which, in their
understanding, might keep the
ordinary beings from hibernating
again, and so they immediately
decided to get rid of both the
writer and his 'gospel,' for by
now they had become past masters
at getting rid of native 'upstarts'
who did not mind their own business.

"But for certain reasons they could
not treat this writer in that way.
This threw them into a quandary,
and they hemmed and hawed about
what to do.

"Some proposed simply to shut him
up in a place teeming with 'rats'
and 'lice', others to send him to
'Timbuktu,' and so on and so forth,
but in the end they decided to
anathematize both him and his
'gospel,' with public ceremony
and according to all the rules,
no doubt in the very same terms
in which they would have
anathematized you had they
learned how you had
insulted them.

"And so, my boy, it was there
that the strangeness of the psyche
of the contemporary three-brained
beings of that peculiar planet
showed itself; in the case of
this writer, when he and his
'gospel' had been publicly
anathematized, the result
was, as the highly esteemed
Mullah Nasr Eddin says,
'just roses, roses.'

"What happened was this:

"When the ordinary beings of that
community saw what a fuss was made
over this writer by the power-
possessing beings, they became
greatly interested in him, and
bought and read avidly not only
this new 'gospel' of his but
also all the books he had
written before.

"Whereupon, as is usual with
the three-centered beings breeding
on this peculiar planet, they gradually
neglected all their other interests, and
talked of nothing but this writer, some
praising him to the skies while others
denounced him.

"The upshot of all this
discussion and controversy
was simply to increase the
number of those interested
in him, not only in his own
community but in others as

"And this occurred because some
of the power-possessing beings of
that community, their pockets bulging
with money, continued to go to foreign
resorts where 'roulette' and 'baccarat'
were played; and, still arguing about
this writer, little by little they
infected the beings of other

"In short, owing to the strangeness
of their psyche, it has gradually
come about that even today, when
this 'gospel' has long since been
forgotten, the name of its author
is known almost everywhere as that
of an excellent writer.

"Anything he ever wrote is seized
upon and regarded as indisputable

"Everybody now regards his writings
with the same veneration as was felt
by ancient Kalkians when they
listened to the prophecies of
their sacred 'pythonesses.'

"Here it is interesting to remark
that if at the present time you were
to ask any of the beings there about
this writer, he would certainly
recognize his name and speak of
him as an extraordinary being.

"But if you went on to ask what he
had written, it would turn out that
most of them, if of course they
confessed the truth, had never
read a single one of his books.

"All the same they would talk
about him and discuss him, and
splutteringly insist that he was
a being with an unparalleled mind
and a phenomenal knowledge of the
psyche of the beings dwelling on
the planet Earth."
--ch 12, first growl

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