on writing and beating of wings

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Nov 8, 2019, 6:40:37 AM11/8/19
to Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano





Gurdjieff described his physical condition 

immediately following the accident that 

happened to him as near paralysis to the 

point of complete self-immobilization if he 

did not perform some kind of conscious self-

actualized effort to drive himself. As follows 

on page 4 of the THIRD SERIES:

"I say with self-driving because, due to 

the consequences of an automobile accident 

which happened to me just before beginning to
write these books, I had been very ill and weak, 

and therefore, of course, had not had the 

possibility for any active action.

Yet I had not spared myself, and had 

worked very hard in such a state, chiefly 

thanks to the factors that formed in my 

consciousness, from the very beginning, 

the following ide'e fixe notion:

Since I had not, when in full strength, 

succeeded in introducing in practice into 

the life of people the beneficial truths 

elucidated for them by me, then I 

must at least, at any cost, 

succeed in doing this
in theory, before my 


While writing out in outline during the 

first year the different fragments intended 

for publication, I had decided to write three
series of books.

I had decided with the contents of the 

first series of books to achieve the 

destruction, in the consciousness 

and feelings of people, of deep-

rooted convictions which in my 

opinion are false and quite
contradictory to reality.

With the contents of the second 

series of books to prove that there
exist other ways of perceiving reality, 

and to indicate their direction."

Since Gurdjieff went into so much 

detail in the INTRODUCTION to 

the SECOND SERIES about his use 

of immoderate quantities of alcohol in 

connection with the subtly philosophical 

question discussed there, it is clear that 

he is presenting to us one of those 

other ways of perceiving reality 

having to do with the event that 

happened to him "which many learned 

and ordinary people and all those who 

knew me and who heard about it 

attributed with their usual superficial
understanding merely to a 'motor 

accident' . . . "

[page 80 of the

THIRD BOOK, p. 428:

Since I started on a spree and to 

some degree of intensity, seeing
this as a real aim, also to go the 

whole hog, I will get down to
business as follows:

". . . as regards the real, indubitably 

comprehensible, genuine objective truths 

which will be brought to light by me in the 

third series, I intend to make them 

accessible exclusively only to those
from among the hearers of the second 

series of my writings who will be selected 

by specially prepared people according to 

my considered instructions."
G. I. Gurdjieff,
Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson
(Third Book, p. 428)

Gurdjieff proceeded in the same way 

when he began writing the THIRD SERIES 

although with the difference, of course, by 

way of going into the details of real life 

situations, namely, the situation which 

even those near to him, his lineage, 

regarded mistakenly, the event which
happened to him, in that all those who 

knew him and heard about it attributed 

with their "usual superficial 

understanding" merely to a
"'motor accident'".

Gurdjieff even went so far as to go into 

the details of the use of immoderate quantities 

of alcohol according to the discretion of his
own changed states of consciousness at the 

time as well as, besides this, the fact that 

Gurdjieff himself described on page 6 of 

the THIRD SERIES that in his past life 

he had not in vain been known as a good,
above the average, diagnostician. These 

changed states of being and consciousness 

were transformed directly as a result of the 

"motor accident," or the "misfortune," that 

happened to him, and he also described 

the same situation from another angle in 

terms of what he called a 'subtle 

philosophy' on pages 2 and 3 of the 


REMARKABLE MEN whereby he 

thumbed his nose at those 

representing the minds of 

contemporary man, as he 

put it, of whatever level of 

intellectuality, but were "able 

to take cognizance of the world 

by means of data which, whenever 

accidentally or intentionally activated, 

aroused" in them "all sorts of fantastic 

impulses," and then to make judgments 

based on this same data on which their 

"firm convictions about medical 

matters" were based.



AND HIS TEACHING, there was a 

chapter on questions and responses, 

between Gurdjieff and one of his 


Dr. B: 

I would like to ask a question about 

the relationship between work and fatigue. 

It seems to me there is a difference between 

work efforts and automatic efforts. Outer work 

takes energy. Inner work is the opposite——it 

should accumulate energy. It should even be
restful if it is done correctly. But for me it is 

the opposite. At the moment of making an 

effort something believes that the gates 

through which energy escapes will 

close automatically. But it's the 

opposite. I become tired. I 

lose my energy.


Consciously, we eat the electricity 

that is in the body and transform it. 

This establishes in us a force. In ordinary 

life you automatically lose this. But here it's 

not the same thing; it's not the same kind of 

fatigue. This other fatigue has a future. It's 

tiring but it brings you a substantial result. 

It refills your accumulators. If you continue, 

a certain substance will refill your accumulator.
Today, the more you tire yourself, the more 

your organism will produce this substance.

In the above, Gurdjieff provided material for 

understanding what is the second conscious 

shock. From this point of view, we can somehow
see here the beginning of understanding of a 

connection between what is Okidanokh and 

what is the second conscious shock but it

is important to understand that this is not to
say that one is the same as the other. This 

question is formulated by Gurdjieff in 

Chapter 17, THE ARCH ABSURD, 

Beelzebub's Tales, as follows:

"Now, it is necessary to touch also, 

of course again only briefly, on another 

question, namely, what relation the

Okidanokh' has to the common 

presence of beings of every kind, 

and what are the cosmic results 

actualized owing to it."

Before making any further 

attempts to understand Okidanokh, 

it is necessary to make a certain effort 

while reading the material in the style it 

was written by Gurdjieff. Reading aloud 

is a means for this, but not necessary if 

you realize that the aim in reading aloud

is simply to make some effort of inner 

separation from the separate "I"'s in 

you that are reading. It is a method for 

self-remembering and the possible 

entrance into a higher state 

characteristic of self-remembering 

which is suddenly to see yourself 

behind these separate "I"'s that 

are reading and, in this way, 

obtain a more inclusive view 

by seeing new connections 

between one thing and

In other words, it is seeing the material 

from different angles simultaneously and 

seeing where one angle conflicts with 

another and then separating out those 

elements manifesting in the form of
imaginary states which always lead 

to wrong understanding because by
eliminating the wrong elements you 

also eliminate the wrong connections 

between them and this corresponds in 

some way with wrong connections 

between the different parts of yourself 

in the form of the aforementioned 

separate "I"'s. New understanding 

is then possible to attain because 

you are seeing something you didn't 

see before, that is to say, you are in 

a state of non-identification with the 

separate "I"'s in you.

An inner alchemical process then begins 

having to do with the exchange of those 

wrong connections in the form of involuntary 

manifestations of the personality known in 

the fourth way as "buffers." The exchange
is for the law-conformable formation of inner 

connections, that is to say, law-conformable 

to letting go and letting God, or letting go to
higher influences as one would experience in 

a state of self-remembering, leading to right 

inner connections which form the soul, or 

inner life.

Self-remembering, or 'being-Partkdolg-duty,' 

makes necessary the process of 'Djartklom' 

to proceed within us as self-developing beings
in connection with 'Aieioiuos' or 'Remorse.' 

Otherwise, everything proceeds along the 

involutionary scale of Great Nature devoid 

of conscience, or, as Gurdjieff says in 

Chapter 17, THE ARCH ABSURD,
devoid of "all that 'Holy' which, 

incidentally, also aids the
actualizing of the functioning 

in these cosmic units of Objective 

or Divine Reason" and in another 

paragraph: "also as the means for
being whereby their conscious self-

perfecting is possible." And as
said here by Gurdjieff in the 

same chapter:

"And so, my boy, the chief peculiarity of 

the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, in the given 

case, is that the process of 'Djartklom' 

proceeds in it within the presence of 

every being also but not from being in 

contact with the emanations of any 

large cosmic concentration; but the 

factors for this process in the 

presences of beings are either 

the results of the conscious 

processes of 'Partkdolg-duty' 

on the part of the beings
themselves--about which 

processes I shall also explain 

to you in detail later--or of that 

process of Great Nature Herself 

which exists in the Universe under 

the name 'Kerkoolnonarnian-actualization,' 

which process means 'The-obtaining-of-the-


Gurdjieff elaborated further on the 

material in the paragraph above
with regard to the latter 

involutionary process 


"This latter process proceeds in 

beings absolutely without the
participation of their 


The letting go and letting God idea 

mentioned above is law-conformable 

with that commandment of Ashiata 


Faith of consciousness is freedom.
Faith of feeling is weakness.
Faith of body is stupidity.

. . . and then connecting this with 

understanding inner fourth way
alchemical changes, that is to 

say, with regard to how new 

connections are formed 


"It is chiefly necessary to touch upon this 

question because you will then have still 

another very striking and illuminating fact 

for the better understanding of the 

difference between the various
brain-systems of beings, namely, 

the systems called 'one-brained,'
'two-brained,' and three-brained.' 


And also in another part of Chapter 17:

"But the great terror of it, my boy, lies 

just in this, that although in those three-

brained beings who have interested you 

and who breed on the planet Earth, there 

arise and are present in them, up to the 

time of their complete destruction, these 

three independent localizations or three 

being-brains, through which separately 

all the three holy forces of the sacred 

Triamazikamno which they might also 

utilize for their own self-perfecting are 

transformed and go for further
corresponding actualizations, yet, 

chiefly on account of the irregular
conditions of ordinary being-

existence established by them 

themselves, these possibilities 

beat their wings in vain."

Gurdjieff wrote in a style which is 

difficult to follow if you are identified 

in any way with any of the separate "I"'s 

in you that are reading. Gurdjieff would 

write something in a way that forced 

you to see the inner connection 

between one thing and another 

which you would not be able to 

do in an identified state. An 

example is the following
paragraphs from Chapter 17, 


Beelzebub's Tales:

"And that is, that during the period of 

my many-centuried observation and study 

of their psyche I had occasion to constate 

several times that though 'science' appeared 

among them almost from the very beginning 

of their arising, and, it may be said, 

periodically, like everything else there, 

rose to a more or less high degree of
perfection, and that though during 

these and other periods, many
millions of three-brained beings 

called there 'scientists' must have
arisen and been again destroyed, yet 

with the single exception of a certain 

Chinese man named Choon-Kil-Tez, 

about whom I shall tell you later in 

detail, not once has the thought 

entered the head of a single one 

of them there that between these 

two cosmic phenomena which they
call 'emanation' and 'radiation' there 

is any difference whatever.

"Not a single one of those 'sorry-

scientists' has ever thought that
the difference between these two 

cosmic processes is just about the
same as that which the highly 

esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin 

once expressed in the following 


"'They are as much alike as 

the beard of the famous English
Shakespeare and the no less 

famous French Armagnac.'"

To see the difference between 

emanation and radiation is to see 

an inner connection by way of 

application of the formula: "As 

Above, So Below." Applying this 

formula, one of the things we see 

is that the "scientists" that Gurdjieff 

is referring to are those who suffer from
the delusion that there is nothing that 

exists in level of intelligence higher 

than themselves. To remember 

themselves would disturb their 

delusions and so they follow law-

conformably the involutionary scale 

of things whereby they are more 

concerned about advancing their 

ordinary life careers, positions in 

some kind of bureaucratic 

organization or other of public 

or private orientation, their 

ordinary materialistic 

life-of-itself wealth, 


The law-conformable consequences 

for not remembering ourselves are
described here by Gurdjieff in 

Chapter 17, THE ARCH 


"And so, my boy, the process of 

Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh
proceeds in the presence of each of these 

favorites of yours, and in them also, all its 

three holy forces are blended independently 

with other cosmic crystallizations, and go 

for the corresponding actualizations, but 

as, chiefly owing to the already mentioned
abnormal conditions of being-existence 

gradually established by them themselves, 

they have entirely ceased to fulfill being-

Partkdolg-duty, then, in consequence of 

this, none of those holy sources of 

everything existing, with the 

exception of the denying source alone, is
transubstantiated for their own presences.

Recall what Gurdjieff said above:
GURDJIEFF: Consciously, we eat 

the electricity that is in the body and
transform it. This establishes in us a 

force. In ordinary life you automatically 

lose this. But here it's not the same 

thing; it's not the same kind of fatigue. 

This other fatigue has a future. It's 

tiring but it brings you a substantial 

result. It refills your accumulators.
If you continue, a certain substance 

will refill your accumulator. Today, 

the more you tire yourself, the 

more your organism will 

produce this substance.

Gurdjieff described Djartklom as 

having to do with the evolutionary
process of individual self-change, 

self-perfecting, by way of reversal
of the blending of the three fundamental 

sources from which the "individual-in-

potential" originally obtained its prime 

arising in the involutionary sense. In 

connection with the process of individual
evolutionary self-change, referred to here 

as a "given cosmic unit," Gurdjieff 

formulated it according to the style 

of writing of his that we see in 

Beelzebub's Tales in general 

and in Chapter 17, THE ARCH
ABSURD, in particular, the 


"It must without fail be noticed also, 

that in every cosmic formation, the 

said separated sources, both for the 

perception and for the further 

utilization of this property of the
'Omnipresent-Active-Element' for 

the purpose of the corresponding
actualizing, exist and continue to 

have the possibility of functioning, 

as long as the given cosmic unit 


Gurdjieff described this substance, 

and the formation of it, in Chapter 17, 

THE ARCH ABSURD, as follows:

"And these blendings are 

called 'being-Impulsakri.'

"It is necessary to notice further that 

these localizations or brains in beings 

serve not only as apparatuses for the 

transformation of corresponding 

cosmic substances for the 

purposes of the Most Great
common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, 

but also as the means for being
whereby their conscious self-

perfecting is possible.

"This latter aim depends upon the 

quality of the presence of the
'being-Impulsakri' concentrated, 

or, as is otherwise said, deposited,
upon the said corresponding being-


Gurdjieff then described the process 

of awakening, death and rebirth as 

necessary for "the said cosmic unit" 

in the form of the self-evolving and 

self-perfecting individual and does 

this again in the peculiar style of 

his as written in Chapter 17, THE 

ARCH ABSURD, as follows:

"It must without fail be noticed also, 

that in every cosmic formation, the 

said separated sources, both for the 

perception and for the further utilization 

of this property of the 'Omnipresent-

Active-Element' for the purpose of 

the corresponding actualizing, exist 

and continue to have the possibility 

of functioning, as long as the given 

cosmic unit exists.

"And only after the said cosmic unit 

has been completely destroyed do
these holy sources of the sacred 

Triamazikamno, localized in the

Okidanokh,' reblend and they 

are again transformed into 

'Okidanokh,' but having now 

another quality of 

Vivifyingness of 


With the event of rebirth comes the 

awakening of conscience and the
individual is then subjected to 

higher influences according to 

the law described by him as 

the "Sacred Aieioiuoa" as 


"As regards the second peculiarity 

of the 'Omnipresent-Okidanokh,'
equally proper to it alone, and 

which it is also necessary for us 

to elucidate just now for the given 

theme of our talk, you will be able
to understand about that, only if 

you know something concerning 

one fundamental cosmic second-

degree law, existing in the Universe, 

under the denomination of the 

'Sacred Aieioiuoa.'

In accordance with this law which 

is now activated, there then proceeds 

what is called 'Remorse' and said this 

is a process "when every part that has 

arisen from the results of any one Holy 

Source of the Sacred Triamazikamno, 

as it were, 'revolts,' and 'criticizes' the
former unbecoming perceptions and 

the manifestations at the moment, of
another part of its whole--a part obtained 

from the results of another Holy Source 

of the same fundamental sacred Cosmic 

Law of Triamazikamno." Gurdjieff is 

describing here the situation we are 

in whereby we are identified with one 

"I" or another and each one of
these "I"'s are separated by buffers. 

The process here is a description of 

work "I"'s beginning to separate from 

life-of-itself "I"'s with which we are 

ordinarily identified. This process of 

inner separation makes necessary 

that we struggle with involuntary
manifestations such as negative 

emotions and states, inner
considerings of every kind, 

fantasy and imagination, etc.


The work of self-remembering is to 
separate out what is false by way of 
observation. The aim here is not to 
change anything, but only observe. 
Observation of ourselves in the midst 
of our ordinary life activities must not 
be done with the aim of change because 
this will interfere with the taking in of 
impressions. Impressions must be noticed 
if they are to be received while in a state 
of observation but you will not be able to 
observe anything if you are carried away by
imaginary states and dreams of self-change. 
This will not do. Ignorance and illusion are 
twin sisters of all that is unreal and so
only useless suffering and mistakes 
can follow in their wake.

Do not be dismayed by the 
making of mistakes because 
mistakes are valuable to help 
us to remember what to avoid. 
If you repeat the same mistakes, 
then you are not observing and 
remembering anything.

If we are ignorant of laws of 
conscious self-evolution, then our 
work is to destroy that ignorance by 
studying and attempting to understand
these laws taught to us in the fourth way. 
Without struggle, the tendency is to 
follow the easy path of the animal 
which is the case for the majority 
of humanity, seeing only the 
illusions of the outer world, 
and falling prey to every snare 
and every net through ignorance
of the understanding of laws that 
govern all worlds, above and below,
from behind the scenes. The laws 
that govern the universe are the 
same as those that govern our 
inner life. All of this is in
connection with what Gurdjieff 
said in the Prologue to the 

The only thing we can do 
in view of the laws that govern 
all worlds, above and below, and
from behind the scenes is to follow 
these same laws that also govern our
inner life as a guide for formulation of 
our own aims personal to us; what aim 
is personal to you and what aim is 
personal to me. Our aim with regard 
to these communications with one 
another over the internet is to 
form a conscious bridge of 
communication by 
application of fourth 
way ideas bearing in 
mind that the fourth way, 
of itself, cannot pursue any
definite aim. The fourth way 
is a system of ideas organized 
in such a way that we can apply 
extremely quick methods for 
the attainment of our 
personal aims, and this
is especially so after a 
period of long suffering.

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