Gunn 1991 Reunion Location and Time

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John S. Jacob

읽지 않음,
2011. 4. 7. 오전 1:53:4111. 4. 7.
받는사람 John S. Jacob
Gunn 1991 Reunion
The Gunn Class of 1991 Reunion Committee will be holding our 20-year reunion on Saturday, August 6 from 7 to 11 pm at First and Main Sports Lounge in downtown Los Altos. On Sunday, August 7 from 11:30 am to 2 pm there will be a complimentary family barbecue at the water activity area of Mitchell Park. To purchase tickets for the evening reunion event and RSVP for the family picnic, go to our web site  Given that we have not been able to locate everyone yet, we encourage you to reach out to other former classmates about this invitation. 

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