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Apr 12, 2011, 8:30:40 PM4/12/11
to Gummworld2
wouldn't you know as yesterday i started a scrolling engine that's
almost feature-to-feature the same as gummworld2? except that i only
have the scrolling and camera done. guess ill just have to switch to
you library. =) i look forward to messing with it for my next


Apr 12, 2011, 9:15:27 PM4/12/11
Hey, welcome. :)

Sorry you're scrapping your work, bitcraft. But I'm glad to see you over here.

I recognize your nick from PyWeek 12. Good luck to you!

Your message reminds me that I wanted to announce Team Mulitverse Factory's PyWeek 12 project, Fractured Soul. It is, to my knowledge, the first completed project using Gummworld2, and I daresay I could not have hoped for a better creation--or more fun.

This is good news for folks interested in Gummworld2. While the library's develop was on hold pending completion of PyWeek 12, when it resumes (very soon) I will bringing back many lessons learned. That will translate to some important bug fixes, enhancements, and a new feature or two.

In addition, I learned some very powerful tricks for using the incredibly robust Tiled Map Editor to do the things I was trying to implement in It looks like Gummworld2's editor may be obsolete already. I wish I'd taken the time to find out more about Tiled. And we're talking the wx version of Tiled, not the old abandoned Java version.

Also of possible interest, Team Multiverse Factory made a practice game the couple weeks before PyWeek. You can check it out here: Fort Izembo.

Cheers, folks!

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