Tampa Bay Study Group Update

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Jan 8, 2010, 8:21:11 PM1/8/10
Hey everybody!!!

My intent was to post this on New Years, but I guess better late then
never...My name is Joshua and I am a GC training group leader in the
Tampa Bay area of Florida. I am currently a civilian, with several
years of military experience and still work for the military (which
includes deploying overseas). Apologies for taking so long to write
this up. I have been writing some after-action training reports and
sending them to individuals within our community, but this is my
first, all encompassing review. This review is very generic as I
waited to long to write and now don’t know how to put in all the
information from each training event. For more in-depth information,
please ask. NOTE: Not all of my trainees want to learn GC. They
simply want to train with me, or learn to defend themselves and trust
me not to lead them astray, or they just want a training partner that
doesn’t play the same game as their regular training partners. This
leads to some interesting training sessions as I am always working on
my CC/GC skills, and I think that it helps that my partners, while not
hostile, are not acting like training dummies and letting me do as I

Over the last three months I have led training group sessions in
Guided Chaos and GC Close Combat. All of the sessions are one on one
“instruction” (although this is mainly due to scheduling conflicts
between me and the various people involved in the training). I
personally use these training events to better myself via various
forms of contact training (contact flow, two person stepping drills,
etc) which then leads into a cycle of emphasis in my solo training. I
also use these training sessions as to better understand the GC
concepts and materials via internalizing them enough to be able to
teach them.

All of my “students” know and understand that I am not an authorized
instructor in GC/CC nor am I even ranked within the art. I have been
working with three people; all of whom have different needs and
requirements. One individual is a 2nd degree Akido player. His
understanding of the 5 principles (Balance, body unity, looseness,
sensitivity and freedom of movement (anything goes) is good, but he
only trains within context of his Akido so his execution is limited.
We train at least 2 hrs a week and focus on Contact Flow
(reeeaaaalllllyyyyyy slow to medium slow).

The second individual is not currently studying martial arts of any
sort and the focus of training for him is working on the principal
development drills (especially Balance) and basic CC work (based on
the CC curriculum). The training is slow going, but he is
experiencing definite improvements in his movement and ability to
defend himself. We train together approx 3-4 hrs every 2 weeks.

The third individual I was able to work with for only 4 hrs, which was
unfortunate because he was deploying to AFG as a civilian and I would
have liked to have trained with him further. This person had over a
year’s worth of Tai Chi Chaun and Kung Fu (I don’t know what kind) as
well as some Hapkido training taught to him while he was in the
military. We delved into CC work and blade butchery, and while was
able to quickly pick up the physical aspects of CC his mental state of
mind was not where I would have liked it to be. I attempted multiple
methods to get my training partner to get into the "attack the
attacker" frame of mind, but his extensive sparring and competition
background (in my opinion) kept getting in the way. Having said all
this, I recently received an email from this person from AFG and he is
asking about ways that he can change his mindset. This is very good
but I worry about what he is dealing with that has helped shift his

All three individuals plan on continuing to train with me as often as
our schedules allow.

In the New Year, I will hopefully be doing more group classes as
members of the civilian/military family that I work with learn that I
am training. At a minimum, I know that I will have three more
individuals that will be working with me (all of whom have recently
gotten back from AFG or IRQ) and my plan is to hardstart everyone in
CC and then evolve into more of the subtle aspects of GC as they

These classes are very important to me. As a long-distance student
who has had opportunity in the past to work with individuals from the
NY area, training groups are the most effective means for me to
continue my GC education (along with my solo work), until I can get
more time with the advanced instructors and John Perkins. In time, I
would like to get enough regular fellow trainees (who focus on GC) and
then get with some of the guys on the east coast to organize some guys
from up north to come down and maybe get something going in Orlando
(which is a nice, central point). If anybody from up North (or
anywhere) happen to be in the greater Tampa Bay or even Orlando area,
by all means contact me and we can set something up.

As stated in the beginning of this review, this is a very condensed
version of the reviews that I do after each training session. I do
correspond with adv. GC practitioners for advice on how to lead the
training sessions. All of my fellow trainees/"students" know that I
am not an accredited instructor of GC or even a ranked practitioner.
Obviously, I let everyone know my background, including the
information about GC and the Attackproof website. That is all I have
for now. As the 2010 gets going I hope to have much more. Thank you.

David Randel Jr.

Jan 9, 2010, 4:35:10 PM1/9/10
Joshua, sounds like you are doing the right things. Keep trucking.
When your ready to have a visitor come and help, let us know here. In
2010 we would like to do more seminars, maybe you can form the initial
framework for us to promote it into a seminar there. When we are gone,
you may have a few more students interested in working on similar

Gregory Boster

Jan 9, 2010, 4:58:38 PM1/9/10
to guided-ch...@googlegroups.com
Hi joshua and all, I live on the East Coast of Florida, West Palm
Beach area and I would like to attend a workshop in Orlando, Fl.
I attended the workshop Al and Ari did last year in Boca Raton, Fl.
but I dont have any training partners for GK. There may be others in
the area that would like to attend also.
Looking forward to training GK soon.

Please keep me informed.

Gregory Boster LMT
Wholistic Health Educator

THE ULTIMATE STRESS THERAPY http://AlohaMassage.info/

Yoga - Chi

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Gregory Boster LMT
Wholistic Health Educator

THE ULTIMATE STRESS THERAPY http://AlohaMassage.info/

Yoga - Chi

Don Weiss

Mar 18, 2016, 6:01:36 PM3/18/16
Looking for other GC practitioners in the Tampa area - need more partner work !!

Drop me a line. yachts...@gmail.com

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