Training with Ari....

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Jun 10, 2016, 5:22:26 PM6/10/16
Last Sunday I had the distinct pleasure of training with Ari Kandel at an all day seminar in South San Francisco set up by Steve Philliber. There were ten of us present, all from the So. San Francisco GC Group. Ari is a great GC instructor. He has the ability to break down the principals of GC into smaller easy to understand steps / lessons which enhance learning and making them easier to apply. Ari has a way of distilling and then explaining the differences that make the difference in how to learn this art. He can effectively explain the subtleties within the subtleties, that for me made a world of difference in how I move and generate power. This, in my opinion, is a gifted instructor. If you ever have an opportunity to train with Ari, I suggest you take it.... well worth the time and investment.


Steve P.

Jun 13, 2016, 9:10:57 PM6/13/16
Agreed Jerry! Ari definitely greatly represented as always. He started us off working on moving from the feet/ground path connection. Then we did a variety of very helpful contact flow drills and a good amount of contact flow. In the later portion of the day, we focused on weapons defense (knife and gun) and capped it off with some GC groundfighting.

(One of the group members has about 10 years of BJJ experience and was almost at black belt level when he stopped training it a few years ago. Ari easily dominated him when he tried to use BJJ to submit him. Neither were going all out but I am sure the BJJ trainee would tell you that he was glad they weren't,  as he would have been much worse off from attacks to vulnerable parts of his body).

I have trained with Ari on many occasions and he always impresses me with his skills both as a teacher and a technician. Einstein would call him a genius as he has the gift of making the complex simple!

If you are anywhere near his school in Baco Raton, FL, you should definitely check him out! You'll be glad you did!

PS-There were actually 10.5 students present, as we started with 10 but ended with 11, as one had an obligation earlier in the day.
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