RE: PDQ Initial setup

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Paul Puglia

Feb 15, 2016, 10:52:22 AM2/15/16
to Sathish Kumar,,

It looks like either the PDQ PERL module isn’t installed or failed to install.      If you not already,  make sure you’ve followed the directions for installing PDQ PERL extension on windows outlined in section 2.1.1 here



From: Sathish Kumar []
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 10:01 AM
Subject: PDQ Initial setup



Am getting the below error while running   please suggest if anything to be done fr this


Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Program Files/HP/LoadRunner/strawberry-perl/perl/vendor/lib C:/Program Files/HP/LoadRunner/strawberry-perl/perl/lib .) at C:\Users\302940\Documents\pdq-6.1.1\perl5\ line 21.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Users\302940\Documents\pdq-6.1.1\perl5\ line 21.

SathishKumar  G

Paul Puglia

Feb 16, 2016, 11:20:18 AM2/16/16
to Sathish Kumar, stephen marksamer

The steps outlined on the perfdynamics site need to be completed successfully for the installation to work -- especially the ones using the dmake command.  If those fail, the installation fails. What specific error are you getting when you try issuing the dmake command?



Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:51 AM, Sathish Kumar <> wrote:

Thanks for your reply.

FYI, writing makefile for pdq is successful. do we need to use any specific version of perl?

I have followed the below steps.
  1. set cmd prompt path to perl exe folder. 
  2. run make file
  3. run the script file
As per the steps mentioned in perfdynamics site, dmake command is not working for me.

Please let me know if pdq folder has to be placed at any specific location.

Thank you,

SathishKumar  G

Paul Puglia

Feb 16, 2016, 11:20:18 AM2/16/16
to Sathish Kumar, stephen marksamer,

The steps outlined on the perfdynamics site need to be completed successfully for the installation to work -- especially the ones using the dmake command.  If those fail, the installation fails. What specific error are you getting when you try issuing the dmake command?



Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:51 AM, Sathish Kumar <> wrote:

Thanks for your reply.

FYI, writing makefile for pdq is successful. do we need to use any specific version of perl?

I have followed the below steps.
  1. set cmd prompt path to perl exe folder. 
  2. run make file
  3. run the script file
As per the steps mentioned in perfdynamics site, dmake command is not working for me.

Please let me know if pdq folder has to be placed at any specific location.

Thank you,

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 9:15 PM, Paul Puglia <> wrote:

SathishKumar  G

Paul Puglia

Feb 17, 2016, 5:33:48 AM2/17/16
to, Sathish Kumar, stephen marksamer

I downloaded the latest version of Strawberry Perl and was able to get  PDQ to compile and run the test script using dmake.  Here’s the output:


dmake test

"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-Iblib\lib" "-Iblib\arch"


                        PRETTY DAMN QUICK REPORT


               ***    of: Tue Feb 16 23:24:07 2016    ***

               ***   for: OpenCenter                  ***

               ***   Ver: PDQ Analyzer 6.1.1 011013   ***



COMMENT: A simple M/M/1 queue



               ********    PDQ Model INPUTS      ********



WORKLOAD Parameters:


Node Sched Resource   Workload   Class     Demand

---- ----- --------   --------   -----     ------

  1  FCFS  server     work       Open      1.0000


Queueing Circuit Totals

Streams:   1

Nodes:     1


Arrivals       per Seconds     Demand

--------       --------     -------

work           0.7500        1.0000




               ********   PDQ Model OUTPUTS      ********



Solution Method: CANON


               ********   SYSTEM Performance     ********


Metric                     Value    Unit

------                     -----    ----

Workload: "work"

Number in system          3.0000    Customers

Mean throughput           0.7500    Customers/Seconds

Response time             4.0000    Seconds

Stretch factor            4.0000


Bounds Analysis:

Max throughput            1.0000    Customers/Seconds

Min response              1.0000    Seconds



               ********   RESOURCE Performance   ********


Metric          Resource     Work              Value   Unit

------          --------     ----              -----   ----

Capacity        server       work                  1   Servers

Throughput      server       work             0.7500   Customers/Seconds

In service      server       work             0.7500   Customers

Utilization     server       work            75.0000   Percent

Queue length    server       work             3.0000   Customers

Waiting line    server       work             2.2500   Customers

Waiting time    server       work             3.0000   Seconds

Residence time  server       work             4.0000   Seconds



However,  I did initially run into an environment issue which caused the compile to fail. This or a variant of it might be your problem. 


The issue that caused me problems resulted from also having Rtools package installed on my PC with Strawberry Perl. Rtools which comes with its own version of the MinGW compiler toolkit.   Strawberry Perl uses a MinGW compiler toolkit to build binary modules. The  versions of these kits are different and each produces DLLs produced that are incompatible with the other and won’t link.    Because of the order I installed each of the packages, the path to  the Rtools MinGW ended up coming before the path to the Strawberry Perl tools in my PATH variable.  As a result, my first attempt to build PDQ used the Rtools MinGW tools to build the package, and, as expected, produced DLLs that couldn’t link with Strawberry Perl’s dlls.   The fix for this was simple, I swapped the order of the Strawberry Perl tools with the Rtools in my PATH variable, and the build completed successfully.


You might be running into a similar issue.  It’s pretty easy to  check if this is the case by using the windows “where” command.  If you type following into CMD window


>where gcc


The output you should see should look something similar to this




If the Strawberry Perl version of gcc isn’t found first the dmake will fail.   Fix the PATH variable and you should be in business.   




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