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DSConf 2019: Applying The Universal Scalability Law to Distributed Systems (video)

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Jul 9, 2019, 12:09:05 PM7/9/19
to Guerrilla Capacity Planning
When I originally developed the Universal Scalability Law (USL), it was in the context of tightly-coupled Unix multiprocessors, which led to an inherent dependency between the serial contention term and the data consistency term in the USL, i.e., no contention, no coherency penalty. A decade later, I realized that the USL would have broader applicability to distributed clusters if this dependency was removed [3]. In this talk I will show examples of how the most recent version of the USL, with three parameters α, β, γ, can be applied as a statistical regression model to a variety of large-scale distributed systems, such as Hadoop, Zookeeper, Sirius, AWS cloud, and Avalanche DLT, in order to quantify their scalability in terms of numerical concurrency, contention, and coherency values.
16 February 2019   |   Pune

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