Guava 30.1 released

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Chris Povirk

Dec 14, 2020, 12:04:10 PM12/14/20
to guava-discuss
Guava 30.1 was released December 14, 2020.

See the release notes for more information.

Chris Povirk

Dec 16, 2020, 3:12:53 PM12/16/20
to guava-discuss,, Guava Contributors
Update: guava-android-30.1 requires Android users to enable Java 8 language-feature desugaring. We had expected for desugaring to already be enabled for most Android projects, but we got a report of at least one project that has not enabled it.

We are figuring out what our next steps will be. In the meantime, I have updated the release notes. Please add any information you have to this issue thread.

Chris Povirk

Jan 11, 2021, 1:03:22 PM1/11/21
to guava-discuss,, Guava Contributors
Our current thinking is that we will indeed require our Android users to enable Java 8 language-feature desugaring if they have not already. We expect that nearly all projects have done so already, since this is necessary to use lambdas, among other features.

(This affects only Android: For now, users of a Java 7 JRE can continue to use Guava without taking any further action. But we will drop support for Java 7 JREs in a release later this year.)

If this causes problems, please let us know on this issue thread. Thanks.
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