Need news articles for research - API Limit issue

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Longxuan Yu

Oct 17, 2024, 5:50:07 AMOct 17
to Guardian Open Platform API Forum
Hi, there! I am trying to do a research, it is about privacy incidents analysis.
mjmeli/SocialMedia-Privacy-Corpus: Using machine learning to build a corpus of articles about social media privacy incidents. (
I am following this project, but now the problem is the request every day  is only 500. I want to collect news from 2017-2023. I am asking is it possible to increase my api rate limit?

Grahame Oakland

Oct 22, 2024, 6:26:47 AMOct 22
to Guardian Open Platform API Forum
Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out.

Our Open Platform API isn’t designed for bulk downloads, so this is not really a supported use case at the moment. We may look to add this in future, but for now we are focussed on supporting the searching and filtering our published content in a simple and straightforward manner

Our advice would be to explore the pagination options available and perhaps use the existing data set within the project which seems to have around 11,000 records

Kind regards,
The Open Platform API team
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