I am trying to study the STEM industies, Tech industries in Queensland. However when i use the below code, I am getting alot of papers that are not at all related to the keywords. Also when i use the NOT operator, the articles are increasing.
Do you guys have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
# Define the base URL and search parameters
base_url = '
search_string = '"Indigenous students science" OR "STEM fields" OR "STEM courses" or "STEM industries" '
production_office = "aus"
from_date = "2022-05-01"
to_date = "2024-05-16"
# Construct the full URL for the Guardian API search
full_url = base_url + f"search?q={search_string}&production-office={production_office}&from-date={from_date}&to-date={to_date}&show-fields=body&api-key={key}"
# Print the full URL to verify