Jacobian for a translation component of Pose3 (e.g PartialPriorFactor)

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Milo Knowles

Mar 19, 2021, 1:27:35 PM3/19/21
to gtsam users


I'm trying to add a prior on one component of translation in the world frame, similar to this thread. For example, if I have a measurement of y-position, I would like to add a prior on that component of world_P_body.

The PartialPriorFactor seemed like a natural choice for this. For example, to constrain y (index 4 in the pose) I would add the following factor:
auto noise_model = noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(1, 1.0)
PartialPriorFactor<Pose3>(pose_symbol, 4, measured_y, noise_model)

The Jacobian in PartialPriorFactor is set to [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] in this case. This seemed intuitive at first, since the observation function just selects the y-position. However, it seems to cause incorrect results when the world_P_body orientation is *not* the identity.

In other factors that create partial pose constraints, such as GPSFactor, the derivative of a Pose3 w.r.t its translation involves orientation:

// GPSFactor.cpp
Vector GPSFactor::evaluateError(const Pose3& p, boost::optional<Matrix&> H) const {
   return p.translation(H) -nT_;

// Pose3.cpp
const Point3& Pose3::translation(OptionalJacobian<3, 6> Hself) const {
   if (Hself) *Hself << Z_3x3, rotation().matrix();
   return t_;

In the GPSFactor, my understanding is that the derivative of position depends on rotation because we are linearizing around the current pose estimate, and applying incremental updates in the *local* frame, not the world frame.

My question is: why does PartialPriorFactor have the simple "one-hot" Jacobian, while GPSFactor has an orientation-dependent Jacobian? Am I missing an obvious difference between these two cases?

Based on GPSFactor, shouldn't the Jacobian of a Pose3 w.r.t to one of its position components be the following?

Matrix36 H_world_t_body;
Matrix16 H_world_axis_body = H_world_t_body.row(axis_index);

Happy to provide the toy example where PartialPriorFactor<Pose3> fails under non-identity rotation if that would be helpful.


Dellaert, Frank

Mar 19, 2021, 1:40:03 PM3/19/21
to Milo Knowles, gtsam users
This is definitely an "unstable" factor, so an example but even better, a failing unit test would be a welcome PR :-)

From: gtsam...@googlegroups.com <gtsam...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Milo Knowles <mil...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 13:27
To: gtsam users <gtsam...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [GTSAM] Jacobian for a translation component of Pose3 (e.g PartialPriorFactor)
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Milo Knowles

Mar 20, 2021, 5:59:51 PM3/20/21
to gtsam users
Just opened a PR with failing unit tests! Will start working on a fix.
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