Commercial Interests in GTFS-ride

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Phillip Ryan Carleton

Aug 29, 2018, 11:23:33 AM8/29/18
Greetings consortium members and transit stakeholders,

This thread focuses on the opportunities and challenges that vendors may face in incorporating/supporting the GTFS-ride standard in their commercial products and services. Please provide any feedback, questions, or comments that you feel are relevant to this topic. Also, feel free to pose questions to other members of this forum who might have unique insight and expertise on your issue. More specifically, please comment if you have information or opinions related to the following:

To transit agencies, what would you like vendors to hear about the support for GTFS-ride in their commercial products that would be desired
        at your agency?
Have you discussed GTFS-ride within your organization or with your customers?
Will your customers or your organization benefit directly from the interoperability afforded through the GTFS-ride data standard?
What products or services do you foresee incorporating GTFS-ride in the future and in what capacity?
Do you foresee your organization being able to assist your customers in producing ridership data in the GTFS-ride standard or in discovering
        value from their ridership data already in the GTFS-ride standard (i.e., consuming GTFS-ride feeds)?
Do you believe supporting GTFS-ride in software created by your organization would add to the value proposition and utility for your

The GTFS-ride project team highly values your feedback and feels these discussion threads will help engage the stakeholder community and further the development of the GTFS-ride data standard. 

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