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Best Practices: Future Entities on Trip Updates

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Josh Drucker

Sep 22, 2023, 1:45:09 PM9/22/23
to GTFS-realtime
The Trip Updates feed contains entities for all of the current trips. It is also good practice to display the upcoming trips that you are confident will occur. Normally this includes the next couple trips in the same block of a current trip.

My questions revolve around the best practices on displaying future trips.
- Some blocks are very long, how far in the future should trips be included as entities? The next couple hours, if so, how many hours? Or the entire rest of the block?
- How early should the first trip of a block show up in the Trip Updates feed? This could be a mid-day block or it could be the first trip of the day.


Stefan de Konink

Sep 24, 2023, 6:00:03 AM9/24/23
Op 9/22/23 om 19:45 schreef Josh Drucker:
> My questions revolve around the best practices on displaying future trips.
> - Some blocks are very long, how far in the future should trips be
> included as entities? The next couple hours, if so, how many hours? Or
> the entire rest of the block?

If you implement a decay on your propagation, you should implement
publication until there is no influence any more. Obviously a proper
transport agency should compensate for the failures later in the block,
for example by operating the block by a second vehicle.

> - How early should the first trip of a block show up in the Trip Updates
> feed? This could be a mid-day block or it could be the first trip of the
> day.

When there is information different than the schedule.


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