PR#388 - GTFS-Flex

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Elias Gino Cripotos

Jul 17, 2023, 10:11:42 AM7/17/23
to GTFS Changes
Hello Everyone 👋

Since our last meeting on July 28th, we at MobilityData have taken the community’s voice into account and created this comprehensive PR for the adoption of GTFS-Flex. We selected the fields that are currently being consumed and produced by the community as a whole rather than creating different iterations for each use case. 

Visit #388 here and join the discussion. More details will follow on the next working meeting.

Here is a recap on the last working meeting that defined the scope of this PR. 

I wish you all a great weekend! We are one step closer to adopting flex! 💪


Tzu-Jen Chan

Mar 4, 2024, 9:45:01 AMMar 4
to GTFS Changes
We have opened a vote on PR#433. PR#433 is the "voting version" of PR#388, with changes that align completely with the changes up to PR#388. 

For more context please refer to the GitHub discussion.

Voting ends on 2024-03-18 at 23:59:59 UTC.


Elias Gino Cripotos

Mar 20, 2024, 10:20:15 AMMar 20
to GTFS Changes
The vote passed on 2024-03-18 at 23:59:59 UTC.

18 votes in favour and no votes against.

The votes came from:
OpenTripPlanner (@leonardehrenfried)
Trillium (@westontrillium)
WSDOT (@tsherlockcraig)
Ualabee (@frapeti)
Caltrans (@evansiroky)
UrbanLabs LLC (@e-lo)
Minnesota Department of Transportation (@ElliottMcfadden)
SBB SKI+ (@davidr1234)
MENTZ GmbH (@klement-MENTZ)
Gaussian Solutions (@sureshgaussian)
LA Metro (@matikin9)
Transit (@gcamp)
Cambridge Systematics (@rbarcham)
Interline (@drewda)
Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, University of Washington (@uwtcat)
Arcadis (@jon-campbell-ibigroup)
SEPTA (@nlee-septa)
King County (@SeanKCFH)

Thanks to everyone who contributed and voted!
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