Hello Guillaume,
Thank you for the comments you provided in the document.
We didn't post a GitHub issue here because our interpretation is that GitHub issues are more appropriate for discussing changes required in
Reference.md or
Changes.md. On the other hand, this group appears to be better suited for discussing other GTFS topics. Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
I want to acknowledge that this project could potentially necessitate reorganizing Reference.md later down the road. In such a scenario, we will open a GitHub issue to discuss how to approach it.
I would like to inform you that we have scheduled a public discussion on GTFS Components, which will take place on May 31 at 11 AM EDT.
The goal of this discussion is to make progress on:
1. The definition & level of granulometry we need.
2. Get an overview of the use cases we want the GTFS Components to support.