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Haidong (Haydon) Xue

Jul 9, 2012, 2:35:26 PM7/9/12
Hi all,

A mistake on slides: "Lecture 8B_Intro to dynamic programming, matrix chain multiplication, longest common subsequence", page 23, is found, fixed and updated.

The animation of BFS(3) on today's slides is fixed and updated.

A mistake in the DFS(1) tree is fixed and updated. 


Haidong(Haydon) Xue
Ph.D Candidate
Research Assistant, Teaching Instructor
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University

Travis Seiler

Jul 9, 2012, 2:40:19 PM7/9/12
to <>
Could you also give us the answer to the bonus question?  I had to leave at the end of class and did not have time to wait for the answer.  Not having a sorted array through my original idea for a loop.


Travis Seiler

Haidong (Haydon) Xue

Jul 9, 2012, 3:23:29 PM7/9/12

The problem is: 
Given an integer array A[0, ..., n], and a number s. Find out all the index pair of A (e.g. (i, j) ) that the element sum is s (i.e. A[i]+A[j]=s), with O(n) time.

E.g. for A[0] = -1 , A[1] = 2, A[2] = 1; s=3
The output should be: 
(1, 2) //since A[1]+A[2]=3

First of all, there are many solutions of this problem. Some of them are from certain unique intuition or technique which prevent you solve a similar problem next time.

The common method here is to use hash tables to speed up search, so the standard solution in my mind is: 
1. Scan A once, in each iteration:    //This scan need O(n) time 
Insert <A[i], i> into a hash table.  //A[i] as key, O(1)

* An element of the hash table is <value, index>; value is the key, index is the satellite data 

2. Scan A again, and in each iteration:   //This scan need O(n) time 
e = search( s-A[i] ) in the hash table  //O(1) 
if(e!=null) output(i, e.index);  
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