dsp node create failed with dspjpegenc

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Luis Díaz

Jun 1, 2011, 7:03:04 AM6/1/11
to gst-dsp

In first place I want to thank you the effort made to adapt gstreamer
with the DSP of the beagleboard. It's a great work! :D.

I have been testing the dsp plugins for the beagleboard these last
days and I haven't problems with dspmp4venc and dsph263enc. However,
I'm interested into obtain multiple jpg image files (with
multifilesink) and it seems that with dspmp4venc and dsph263enc I
can't open the jpg images captured. I suppose that I need to use the
dspjpegenc module but it doesn't work in my case. This is the command
executed and the output given:

$ sudo gst-launch v4l2src num_buffers=50 ! dspjpegenc ! fakesinc -v

create_node: dsp node create failed
sink_setcaps : dsp node creation failed

Any suggestion ?

Thanks in advance.

Felipe Contreras

Feb 14, 2012, 3:42:14 PM2/14/12
to Luis Díaz, gst-dsp

Sorry for the long delay.

I would play with different values of the SN_API configuration. I
don't know where you got your socket-nodes from, but I recall the
latest release of the public socket-nodes from TI don't have a working
JPEG encoder.

The previous one works AFAICR, but you need to specify SN_API=1.

I tried the following pipeline and it worked correctly:

% gst-launch videotestsrc num_buffers=50 ! dspjpegenc ! fakesink -v


Felipe Contreras

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