Welcome Package

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tishan pubudu kanishka dahanayakage

Jun 21, 2013, 8:58:46 AM6/21/13
to gsoc-s...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,
Since it is 21st today most of you(first timer) will be wondering when will your welcome package arrive. Though they say its 21st itll take more time. Today I saw a guy in US has stated that he has received the package. U will see guys posting in global student list as they receive the package. 
If you are too curious watch for an indian guy confirming. you will most probably receive the package few days after that.
Also when someone here receives the package please acknowledge it here so others can know set of packages has arrived to SL. No need to be worried much since packages will be distributed by FedEx. So itll come to your doorstep. :)


Harsha Siriwardena

Jun 21, 2013, 9:10:01 AM6/21/13
to gsoc-s...@googlegroups.com
Thats true bro, I think they will reach around next week to SL. its pretty disgusting to keep asking about welcome packs in a huge mailing list. Typical ***ians dont hesitate to do so xD

Harsha Siriwardena

Google Summer of Code - Sri Lankan Community
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tishan pubudu kanishka dahanayakage

Jun 24, 2013, 3:36:03 AM6/24/13
to gsoc-s...@googlegroups.com
Packages are flooding....be on alert. sooner fedex agent will call you and deliver it to your doorstep :)

Harsha Siriwardena

Jun 24, 2013, 4:59:19 AM6/24/13
to gsoc-s...@googlegroups.com
Congratz Tharindu xD

Thank you,

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Tharindu Jayasuriya <djtha...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I got mine delivered today. Still did not see it :D

Tharindu Jayasuriya,

Harsha Siriwardena

Jun 24, 2013, 8:07:46 AM6/24/13
to gsoc-s...@googlegroups.com
My one also gotcha jz now, near the malabe area xD

Thank you,
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