Google Season of Docs

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Heather Turner

Mar 11, 2021, 3:05:30 PM3/11/21
Dear all,

For the first time, the R project is planning to put in an application for Google Season of Docs.

We have put together two proposals so far, both focused on improving the documentation on useR!, see the rstats-gsod repo ( for more details. (Heavily inspired by the rstats-gsoc repo, thank you for giving us a starting point!).

There are some important differences between GSoC and GSoD, the most notable being that there is only 1 project. There is usually one, but potentially more than one technical writer who is hired to work on the project. The project is freelance work for someone with sufficient experience, not a project for a student looking to gain experience. The project should take 5-30hrs/week over 6 months (mid-May to mid-Nov).

We need to submit our proposal, including a budget, by March 26. Given the short time, we will most likely merge the current proposals into one after gathering feedback (we have at least one interested writer). Hopefully, we gain some experience and can consider a wider range of proposals, possibly more focused on core development in later years.

So we welcome the following:
 - Feedback on the proposals (email, create an issue or edit the wiki directly).
 - Statements of interest in being hired as (one of) the technical writer(s) on the project. Email with links to your technical writing work or portfolio/résumé/CV.
 - Volunteers to offer specific support to the project, e.g. volunteering to review pull requests, or to answer questions on useR! organization, or to help to define the content/structure of documentation (see for more examples). This would ideally be from people that have had a substantial role in a recent useR!, say the last 5 years. We can include a stipend of USD500 each for a small number of volunteers.
 - Volunteers to join the admin team, to help oversee the proposal/evaluation process, for this year and potentially further years. We have 2 people, but further volunteers welcome.

Best wishes,

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