time to rank proposals

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Toby Hocking

Apr 5, 2023, 12:47:33 AM4/5/23
to gso...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mentors!

Now is the time to login to the google web site and click "want to mentor" next to the proposal that you prefer for your project idea.
-> search for your proposal -> click the icon in the interested mentors column (same effect as the "want to mentor" button if you go to the proposal details page), so admins know who to assign as mentor.

Usually we accept only one proposal per project idea, but if you have two really outstanding applications, and they are complementary (not working on the same thing), we can ask for two proposals per project idea. In that case, please send an email to me and/or other admins, to clarify your preference.

Admins: we will have to do this:
-> click the check mark in the last column (selected to rank), the check mark should turn green.
->scroll back up, click Select To Rank tab, assign the proposal a rank.

Deadline: google needs this done by April 27, so let's say an internal deadline for us (R) will be one week prior, April 20.


Heather Turner

Apr 6, 2023, 6:19:01 AM4/6/23
to gso...@googlegroups.com
Hi Toby,

It looks like there is no space for us to add comments on proposals, so I'll make a few here:

Containerized Development Environments for R (our project): Gabe Becker suggested the idea of a container at a RCWG meeting and my co-mentor James came up with the idea of using Codespaces, which makes this much more accessible. The Python Software Foundation recently funded a similar project for Python (https://fosstodon.org/@brettcannon/110137692057213923) and our candidate seems very promising (keen, good ideas, good communication) so I hope his proposal is selected. He did prepare an update to his proposal but missed the deadline by an hour or two, so if there are any queries about it, maybe I can say if he addressed that in his update (not sure if that's allowed).

Converting past R Journal articles to HTML using texor: I co-mentored this project last year and Abhishek was fantastic - good learner, very productive, good communicator. It would be great if he were supported to take this important work further.

Track R Translation Status: Unfortunately the GSoC coder withdrew last year, so Ben (one of the mentors) did most of what we currently have, which is a static prototype. It would be useful for contributors and the wider community to track progress, as well as provide public summaries that contributors can use to get a little bit of credit for their work or to report to managers/funders if using work time (Weblate provides some summaries but they're not sufficient). For example, it could show the benefit of running a translation hackathon, which is motivating for organisers & participants. It looks to me as if Shrish Shete is the stronger candidate here.

Improving the VedicDateTime R package: Avinab has been active in the R Contributor community - attending Office Hours, applying for the R Project Sprint, discussing on the Slack. He was not selected for the sprint as he is still very new and there were others with more experience, but from what I have seen he has good potential not only to do this project well but to stick around in the R community.

Best wishes,


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