Fwd: In-Person Mentor Summit Returns for 2023!

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Toby Hocking

Apr 20, 2023, 12:17:46 PM4/20/23
to gso...@googlegroups.com
The GSOC mentor summit is happening in person again this year (see forwarded msg below). Do any mentors/admins want to go to represent R project?
I went in a previous year, and it was a nice experience to meet with people from other open-source orgs, and see how they do things differently from R project.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <summerofco...@google.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 7:50 AM
Subject: In-Person Mentor Summit Returns for 2023!
To: <tdh...@gmail.com>

Google Summer of Code

Hello Mentors and Org Admins!

We are excited to announce that the Mentor Summit is (finally) back in person for the 2023 GSoC program!

We wanted to get all of you the dates, location and a few details earlier than usual as we know many of you start planning other conferences and activities around the Mentor Summit dates.

Registration details will be sent in late May / early June and all of the details about Mentor Summit travel stipend payments will be sent to Org Admins in June. The basic information can be found below and on the Mentor Summit site (link and more information will be added over the next few months).

Event Dates

Friday, October 13 (starting at 5pm) - Sunday, October 15 (ending by 5pm)


Hotel: TETRA & AC Marriott Sunnyvale - these are brand new hotels that are an upgrade from our previous hotel in Sunnyvale : ) (room block information will be provided at a later date - DO NOT BOOK YOUR ROOM until you receive the specific room block link from us once we confirm your attendance)

Conference Space: Google MP3 Campus, Sunnyvale, California (same space we used in 2018)


As a way to say thank you and to continue to keep GSoC evolving we hold an annual summit at the end of each GSoC program. This year, we will bring one mentor from each participating organization together for a long weekend to talk about GSoC, the greater FOSS community, what can be done to make the program better, how to keep contributors involved in their communities post-GSoC, and many other topics. It’s also a fun way to meet up with other mentors and org admins across the GSoC universe. This year the event will have about 200 mentors in attendance.

Who can come?

One Mentor or Org Admin is invited from each GSoC 2023 organization that accepts contributors. It is up to the Organization Administrators and your community to decide which person will be attending (but they must be a 2023 Mentor with an assigned contributor project or a 2023 Organization Administrator and they can not miss any evaluation deadlines). Most orgs will determine their selected mentor this summer during the program, but we encourage you to start thinking about this now. After the delegate has attended the Mentor Summit, we will give the org $1200 for the person’s travel expenses.

Not every organization will send a delegate so we will likely have ~40-45 open spaces for orgs that wish to send a second delegate. We will have a waitlist and will randomly draw folks from the list to fill the extra spaces (for up to 200 total attendees). If your org receives a 2nd delegate your org will receive an additional $600 travel stipend after the 2nd delegate attends the Mentor Summit.

If your org misses 1 evaluation your org will not be able to add anyone to the waitlist for the 2nd delegate spot. If your org misses 2 or more evaluations your org will not receive any travel stipend to attend the Mentor Summit. Evaluations are very important to the program.

What are the changes for this Mentor Summit?

A lot has changed since our last in-person Mentor Summit in 2019 (and our last in-person Mentor Summit on a Google Campus in 2018). We wanted to highlight a few of those changes here:
  • As mentioned above, we will be inviting one delegate from each org participating in the GSoC 2023 program. If your organization has more than one delegate that wishes to attend the Mentor Summit, we will be sending a link to a waitlist form in June that they can put their name on (with your org’s approval). As we get closer to the event we will contact any additional people that we can accommodate. After the Mentor Summit concludes, the org will receive a $600 travel stipend for this 2nd delegate to attend the summit.
  • If you need to obtain a Visa to come to the Mentor Summit, the process for requesting visa letters has changed. More details coming in late May on this process.
  • As this is our first in-person Mentor Summit since the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to keep everyone safe and healthy and will be following the local guidelines in relation to any vaccination requirements. At this time, COVID-19 vaccination is no longer a requirement to enter Google buildings. Should requirements change, we will keep folks updated as we get closer to the event date.
  • If you have any general questions please contact us at gsoc-s...@google.com. We look forward to seeing you in person in October!


    Perry and Stephanie

    GSoC Admins


For any questions, please contact gsoc-s...@google.com. Replies to this message go to an unmonitored mailbox.

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