Fwd: Nelson Mandela's Statement on Education

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Chitralekha Dandekar

Feb 23, 2018, 9:51:48 AM2/23/18
to gsdoc...@googlegroups.com
Hi friends,
Few world leaders command reverence from their citizens. All across the world there has been respect for the sanity ( after 27 years of being in prison ), statesmanship and eloquence in expressing opinions on topics which needed to be discussed.... for a man called Nelson Mandela.
His opinions on reservation in education and its disastrous effects are outlined here. 
Do we learn from his insight ?
Ponder on it and pray that our leaders have the wisdom to imbibe some of these lessons.

When South Africa got independence from white British in 1990 under the leadership of Nelson Mandela his supporters, mainly African Tribes, demanded Reservations in education sector, govt sector & in private sector!
Nelson Mandela replied that he will not allow any type of Reservations in any sector i.e. in education sector, in govt sector & in private sector at any cost, because Reservations & the products of Reservations will destroy the whole nation!
The famous statement of Nelson Mandela is displayed at the entrance of the University of South Africa thus:
"Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students."
Patients die at the hands of such doctors.
Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.
Money is lost in the hands of such economists & accountants.
Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.
Justice is lost at the hands of such judges...
"The collapse of education is the collapse of a nation."

Usha Vakharia

Feb 23, 2018, 4:01:23 PM2/23/18
to Chitralekha Dandekar, gsdoc...@googlegroups.com
HI Chitra, I always enjoy your emails very much. You think about your friends and take effort in passing those words to all. Thanx. Usha Vakharia. 

Sent from my iPad

Heena Rajdeo

Feb 23, 2018, 4:16:22 PM2/23/18
to Usha Vakharia, Chitralekha Dandekar, gsdoc...@googlegroups.com
I agree w both Usha and Chitra. I always look forward to Chitra’s posts. 
Reservations are tip of the  downward spiral-  sense of entitlement does no one any good. We are living examples of what he predicted and expressed so beautifully with such simplicity .
Chitra keep them coming. 

Pl reply to hra...@gmail.com

Kinnari Bakshi

Feb 25, 2018, 2:12:39 AM2/25/18
to Heena Rajdeo, Usha Vakharia, Chitralekha Dandekar, gsdoc...@googlegroups.com
Agree totally with Heena & Usha. So proud of you Chitra for having such an organized mind & keeping it on track. 

Kinnari Bakshi
Retired Ophthalmologist 
Tai Chi Easy Senior Trainer
Life Coach

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