Pandemic in India

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Chitralekha Dandekar

Apr 30, 2021, 6:13:33 AM4/30/21
In view of the second wave of COVID all over the world, specially in
India, the western media in particular is having a field day in predicting doomsday for India. Words like apocalypse, tsunami, pictures of overcrowded hospitals, news of oxygen shortages, the crowding at kumbh and rallies in Bengal elections are splashed across to highlight the chaos. Piling up of dead bodies and drone pictures of crematoriums with burning of several dead bodies are added to ‘add spice’ to the news flashes.
Of course there is chaos, shortages of all materials needed to manage the surging COVID patients. But India is a poor country, it is not as if we do not value life but in the given circumstances we are trying to do our best. To add to the bad situation there are inept politics, unscrupulous opposition who instead of trying to help manage the situation are using it as an opportunity to use their cannons against the government and the health management infrastructure to try and take advantage of the situation
(?) and to bolster their image (?) in the eyes of the public.
How does one explain the situation otherwise that the highest number of cases happened in Maharashtra and Rajasthan where there was no election or kumbhmela.
Read the following report based on facts and to put the matter in its proper perspective.... that too from a Pakistani journalist based in the UK.
Can’t even say cheers.... just try and understand and empathise if possible.
> (A Pakistani writes from London... *An essential read*...👇🏻)
> Social media in India is hyped with visuals of the capital’s hospitals overwhelmed by the patients and people dying in the corridors and ambulances. There seems to be a shortage of everything: beds, doctors, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, etc. as well as empathy and planning.
> The visuals taken inside and outside the hospitals are really heart-wrenching. The opposition is on a point-scoring spree on the death tally. Even a CM telecast live an in-house meeting to play dirty politics. Channels are crying hoarse.
> *_That is where India is failing._*
> Just look at the figures. It is not about the total deaths. As by today’s reported data,
> *India has 134 deaths/1 million of population. Almost, all the western countries including USA has reported more than 1,500 deaths per million.*
> Hungary 2,719
> Bulgaria 2,276
> Belgium 2,056
> Italy 1,960
> UK 1,868
> Brazil 1,795
> USA 1,757
> Poland 1,711
> Portugal 1,667
> Spain 1,657
> France 1,562
> Romania 1,417
> Sweden 1,368
> Switzerland 1,212
> INDIA 134..
> It is 120th in the world in terms of deaths per 1 million. The USA, with double of the number of reported cases as compared with India, has 3 times more deaths. Interestingly CHINA is the only major country which has 3 deaths per 1 million of its population.
> Yes, India has failed miserably compared with China. But then the CCP manufacturing sector is very robust. They can manufacture everything, even the Covid figures !
> Do you think that the despair and gloom would have been less in the other countries? Obviously no. But no one has seen such gory images from those countries: of dying patients, wailing attendants, aerial drone shots of crematoriums, shouting news anchors, corpses lined up for burial, honking ambulances, point scoring politicians, sensational news headlines, as if hell has broken lose.
> Nowhere in the world, would press reporters be reporting directly live from the Covid wards ! Nowhere else would the attendants be attending to their loved ones and being interviewed too. NOBODY in the world has seen the kind of COVID reporting being done in India. *That is something which is the worst kind of yellow journalism and must be legally stopped.*
> The casualty figures may get much worse than 134 for India. If the casualty rate becomes the same as that of SWITZERLAND, the total death count would be 17 lakhs, and if it is that of Italy or Belgium, it would be 34 lakhs!
> All I want to reiterate is that it is a pandemic and the odds are so heavy against the poorer nations. Germany has 13 beds for its 1,000 people. It is 13 for Japan, 6 for France, 4.6 for Switzerland, and China has 4.3 bed per 1000 people. UK has 2.5, Canada 2.5, whereas in India it is 0.5 ! So for every 2,000 people the Indians have one hospital bed.
> It is also not about medical facilities only. It is about the general attitude towards protection and safety. It is also about the necessity to go out for work. Not everyone has the Work From Home facility.
> But in India, the worst is the political lot. Here in the UK, there are no partisan politicians who would do point scoring during a national emergency. Had the opposition and the press been so damn bad in the UK a year ago, Boris Johnson would have long been history. But no, everyone rallied behind their PM for the national cause.
> *With all these heavy odds, whatever India has done to combat the pandemic is commendable. There has been a wave of philanthropic nationalism. People have come forward to help one another. India has the capacity to combat this pandemic. All that India needs is patriotism, humanism and rallying around your national leadership.*
> *- Khalid Umar -*
> Sent from my iPhone

Usha Vakharia

Apr 30, 2021, 1:26:56 PM4/30/21
to Chitralekha Dandekar,
Chitra Dandekar
Thank you for emailing this post. It’s encouraging to read this with the gloomy news we are getting right now..
Usha Vakharia

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 30, 2021, at 5:13 AM, Chitralekha Dandekar <> wrote:
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Rekha Ranade Kapur

Apr 30, 2021, 3:56:52 PM4/30/21
to Chitralekha Dandekar, Usha Vakharia,
Chitra & All,

of course it's commendable what India had done , prior to this dire situation, to contain the Virus very effectively. there is no doubt that India has the talent ( medically, technically),
to fight this & manage it effectively. In fact, a majority of the MD's treating the COVID pts.
are Indians.

But the issue is that one cannot rest on one's laurels & become careless--holding political rallies in a crowded situation, no masks required, allowing the Kumbh Mela event, with
millions of people gathering at close quarters & people letting loose, letting down their guard--all this & more has led to the present situation.

Talent is not the issue, poor judgment is-and of course, crowded cities, overpopulation 
etc. adds to this superspreading situation.

Rekha Kapur

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