Fwd: Circle of Life Coaching – Numerous Opportunities

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Breath Lab Dr.Kalind Bakshi

Mar 12, 2022, 8:24:29 AM3/12/22
to Breath Lab Dr.Kalind Bakshi

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Roger Jahnke, Circle of Life <col....@healthaction.net>
Date: Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 7:00 AM
Subject: Circle of Life Coaching – Numerous Opportunities
To: <coach...@gmail.com>

Enhance Your Professional Skills Portfolio
Circle of Life Assessment


You may already be trained as a Circle of Life Coach.


You have at some point expressed interest in Holistic Life Planning through the Circle of Life Coaching System.

There are opportunities here for you.....

  1. COL Coaches – Opportunity to Review / Refresh – Major refresher discount.
  2. Future Circle of Life Coach Trainings – For those of you who aspire to become a Circle of Life Coach.
  3. Do you want to work with a COL Coach? – We can assist you in creating your own Holistic Life Plan.
  4. For COL Trainers and aspiring Trainers – Watch for announcements.
  5. For COL Graduates – Coaches Retreat – Watch for training announcements.
  6. Join our Facebook Groups – One for our COL graduates and one for those individuals interested in coaching who are not yet trained.

What's Your Next Step?

For COL Coaches – Opportunity to Review / Refresh

Many of our graduates are using the COL Coaching System. And, for some, life circumstances got in the way – family events, international health emergencies. COLCI offers you an opportunity to refresh your training for a major discount.

Here is the link for the coming training beginning March 23rd -


This web page announces the whole training course to the public.

You are already a trained COL Coach! Refresh Your Coaching Skills!

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLYYou are only registering for Phase 2 -- as a reviewer. As a refresher / reviewer you receive a major discount - you will only pay $199.

Future Circle of Life Coach Trainings –

For those of you who aspire to become a Circle of Life Coach. We will have a next training out ahead. We are planning now. Stay tuned for future email announcements.

Want to Find A COL Coach?

Would benefit from having a coach? We know that just about everybody in the world would benefit from creating a personal Holistic Life Plan. That is what COL Coaches do!

  • Reply to this email and someone will contact you with options to meet and work with a COL Coach.
  • OR --- Access Phase 1 of the COL Coach Training – it is essentially a video based program that supports you in making a Holistic Life Plan. Here is the link -- https://programs.colci.org/courses/colce The benefit of this option is that it will prepare you for the Circle of Life Coach Training in the future -- in case that is of interest to you.

For COL Trainers and those aspiring to become COL Trainers?

  • There are opportunities arising for you.
  • We will convene a gathering following the March 2022 Training.

COLCI Coaches Online Retreat / Conference Gathering

  • We are planning a gathering for all of our Graduates – Trainers, Certified Coaches, Coaches trained but not yet certified.
  • Watch for notification.

Want to Join a COL Facebook Group?

Everyone is – potentially – a Coach!

So, consider investigating what that means for you. With the COLCI Coach Training, you can make Coaching (Holistic Life Planning) a part of your professional skills portfolio!

A warm hello to our COLCI Graduates!

Wishing you well!

The Circle of Life Team

          Kalind Bakshi
Professional & Life Master Coach
Board Certified Coach &Trainer
Health /Wellness/Food Psychology
Weight management / Stress Mastery
Senior Tai Chi/QiGong Trainer -IIQTC/HWF
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