Multigroup (repeated measures)

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F. George

Sep 13, 2022, 2:34:53 PM9/13/22
to GSCA Pro
Hi All,

I have a two-part question.

1) When running a multigroup analysis in GSCA Pro, if the two groups have the same participants/subjects (i.e., each subject measured twice), is there any problem with doing it this way? Or, is the multi-group option in GSCA Pro designed for between-groups analyses where each group is made up of a different set of participants?

2) What is the typical or optimal way to run a repeated measures analysis in GSCA Pro? That is, if each participant is assessed in each experimental condition over multiple rounds (let's say 10), how does GSCA account for the lack of independence in cases?  In MPlus, I would simply use a clustering variable (i.e., person ID) to account for this.

Best Regards,
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