Logs getting delivered late

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sachin kale

Mar 26, 2013, 8:08:55 AM3/26/13
to gs-dis...@googlegroups.com
I encountered delay in logs getting delivered. The delay was about a day's time.
2013-03-26T07:08:24  gs://<bucket-name>/<log-file-name>_usage_2013_03_25_11_00_00_0f83f_v0

As you can see that logs of 25th March 11 AM were delivered on 26th March 7:08AM.

Is this temporary error ?

I am assuming at least 2 hours delay in consideration to process logs, but can it be more than than occasionally?


Google Cloud Storage Team

Mar 27, 2013, 8:52:15 PM3/27/13
to gs-discussion
Hi Sachin,

We experienced a delay in our logs pipeline yesterday due to an unexpected spike in usage of the logging feature. It should be resolved now, but if you see any more issues, please don't hesitate to send us a note.  Your logs should be available with more typical latency now. 

Best Regards,
Google Cloud Storage Team


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