Re: [gs-discussion] Need Help with Authorization Keys

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Google Cloud Storage Team

Mar 14, 2013, 1:54:56 PM3/14/13
to gs-discussion
Hi Paul,

That sounds like an interesting project; I haven't heard of a lot of people using cloud storage from C. 

The private key you downloaded should be in the PKCS 12 format (a file with the extension .p12).  You will use this key along with the client ID for your service account.  To get your client ID, visit the Google APIs Console and look at the APIs Access tab.  Your service account should be listed there, with its client ID and the ID for the private key you downloaded.  Using these credentials, you can follow the instructions here to do server-to-server authentication using OAuth.  

Best Regards,
Google Cloud Storage Team

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:38 PM, pmac <> wrote:

I'm beginning a project, written in C, that will access Google Cloud Storage.
I have a Service Account and have my Private Key.

I think I understand the process flow - but I'm confused about where to get the various keys I need.

I start by getting a JWT using OAuth 2.0
To do this I use the Client ID and my private key.
Is the Client ID the one that looks like this (on my Service Account page)?

The private key should be 40 characters.
I'm not sure where to get that. My downloaded private key shows a sequence of 40 characters like this (not my actual key);

    SHB656: BF 3B F8 7F 6F BF 66 FB 73 06 E6 05 B4 6B E8 92 F7 6C 5B 01 BB 75 B1 64 04 7E 1C 0E 4B 13 1F 68

Once I have the token, I can include it in the Header of my REST operations.
To create the signature for these requests, I use the public key (user identifier) and private key.
Where do I find the user identifier? Is it the 'Public key fingerprints' on the 'API Access' tab of my Service Account? It looks like;

    Public key fingerprints: 1efe2f110f31f81100a13db7f919b12ca20a092b


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Mar 15, 2013, 10:10:47 AM3/15/13
Thanks Benson,
    I used these commands to extract the keys to pem files. Is there a better way to get the keys directly from the p12 file?

openssl pkcs12 -in *.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out publicCert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in *.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out privateKey.pem

Google Cloud Storage Team

Mar 15, 2013, 12:55:08 PM3/15/13
to gs-discussion
Hi Paul,

That's consistent with the openssl commands we recommend to convert keys to PEM format on our signed URLs page. I don't know how you'd define "better", but I don't see anything wrong with this technique. 

All the best,

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