GSUtil got stuck and two separate instances while executing rm
31429 31339 0 Mar18 ? 00:00:00 python /usr/local/gsutil/gsutil rm gs://<bucketname>/<filetobedeleted>
The file was log generated by google storage api, which were of size in few kb
I have observed this behaviour also with 'ls' in bucket where there was only one object.
Is there a timeout parameter where we can set to terminate operation?
or is there a workaround for this?
here is the version information
gsutil version 3.25
checksum 6783bc26b80c538a136ba5392d44b0e3 (OK)
boto version 2.8.0-dev
python version 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 11 2012, 08:34:23)
[GCC 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)]
config path: /home/sachin/.boto
gsutil path: /home/sachin/gsutil/gsutil
Please help.