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Re: [gs-discussion] Reliability of return status of gsutil

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Mike Schwartz (Google Storage Team)

Feb 1, 2013, 11:40:59 AM2/1/13
Hi Sachin,

gsutil should return non-zero exit status if a failure occurs, and should stop at the first failure unless you use the gsutil rm -f option (which tells gsutil to continue despite errors).

gsutil doesn't run multi-threaded unless you specify gsutil -m, which wasn't the case in the command you showed in your email.

What version of gsutil are you using? (Please run 'gsutil ver' to find out.)

Finally, can you please provide a concrete example of the problem - the exact command you ran (including actual bucket/object name wildcard), and the output showing it continuing to run after it encountered a failure? If you'd prefer not to post actual paths on the public discussion forum please send this info to



On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:33 AM, sachin kale <> wrote:
I was using gsutil rm from php exec function:
exec("gsutil rm gs://bucketname/filename*",$op,$return);

I got return as non zero for the operation (since i used filename*), but gsutil continued to remove even after coming out of exec.

It should stop executing after giving return value.
Is some kind of multithreading responsible for this?

How reliable it gsutil exit code for operations it performs?

for e.g it gave non-zero for task it completed successfully.
how can I ensure gsutil return value is final full stop of all operation?

Please help,

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sachin kale

Mar 20, 2013, 1:35:54 AM3/20/13

On Friday, 1 February 2013 22:10:59 UTC+5:30, Mike Schwartz (Google Storage Team) wrote:
Hi Sachin,

gsutil should return non-zero exit status if a failure occurs, and should stop at the first failure unless you use the gsutil rm -f option (which tells gsutil to continue despite errors).

gsutil doesn't run multi-threaded unless you specify gsutil -m, which wasn't the case in the command you showed in your email.

What version of gsutil are you using? (Please run 'gsutil ver' to find out.)

Finally, can you please provide a concrete example of the problem - the exact command you ran (including actual bucket/object name wildcard), and the output showing it continuing to run after it encountered a failure? If you'd prefer not to post actual paths on the public discussion forum please send this info to



I have not faced the issue since. Will monitor and update if found
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