Viva Apk

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Jul 16, 2024, 10:06:21 PM (12 days ago) Jul 16
to grumkowrareg

Sorry I've been missing from this space for so long. I've been busily working on a number of projects to try to help get the word out about all the features I have been (and will be) blogging about. I've also been becoming an expert on making video demos, some of which I'll try to feature here too. Ask your Cadence rep about the new VSE L/XL and ADE XL/GXL interactive Quick Start Guides. (If they don't know what you're talking about, have them contact me...)

Yes, indeed, it suddenly occurred to me that if you use ADE, you'd never know that the waveform viewer is now called "ViVA". Someone at Cadence spent all that time coming up with a cute acronym and no one even knows about it unless they run the tool stand-alone (the executable is "viva") or access the documentation (perish the thought...).

viva apk


Anyway, ViVA stands for Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis Tool and it consists of the Graph Windows, Calculator and Results Browser you use to display waveforms and make measurements after you run your simulations. Pretty important tasks and, yes, I know, features that many, many people feel extraordinarily strongly about.

First, you'll want to start by figuring out which signal is which. Hold down the "Alt" key over each trace and you'll see the name of the waveform as well as the name of the database file it came from. This can be especially handy for parametric sweeps, when you want to find out which sweep value goes with each curve.

Now, one way to quickly straighten things out is to change to strip mode. (Strip mode is where each waveform is plotted in its own little strip, and all the strips share a common X-axis). To do this, click on the 4th icon from the left at the top of the window, called "Strip Chart Mode" (or choose Axis->Strips from the menu). Voila! Lots of skinny little graphs.

Another way to clean up the graph is to move waveforms to other windows or subwindows. You can do this by clicking on a trace to select (or hold Ctrl and click to select multiple traces). You'll know something is selected if it turns green. Then click on the 6th or 7th icon from the left at the top of the window to move the traces to a new subwindow or a new window. You can also use the Trace->New Graph menu to choose whether you want to do a copy or move operation.

Regardless of whether you are in strip mode or not, did you know that you can drag traces around and drop them in other places to move them? You can rearrange strips in strip chart mode (drop the waveform in between 2 other strips), or you can drag one or more traces between subwindows or windows.

Of course there is. (I wouldn't be writing about it if the answer was "no", now would I?). Just double-click on the trace to bring up the Trace Attributes form. Now, at the end of the line that says "Symbols", click the "Show" checkbox. Then, in the drop-down box next to it, select "All Points" and click OK. This can sometimes help you understand why the waveforms look the way they do.

As they say, watching this in action might help you more than reading about, so please watch this short video showing these and other features in action. Also, click here for another video describing how to change the default colors for waveform plotting from ADE.

Hello, I am testing out Viva Insights for my org but not seeing the My Team or My Org tab. I have added my user account to the Viva Suite license group and also to all 3 insights viva roles in Azure. Is there something I am missing? Also, is there a Viva Insights Admin portal similar to the admin portal for other platforms?

Hi @VI_Migration, has your company fully set up Viva Insights (accepted settings, uploaded an org file, and gone through the automatic data processing stage)?
If your company has set up Viva Insights - advanced insights then follow the steps in this document: Setup for manager and leader insights Microsoft Learn

There is an admin portal for users assigned the admin role. They simply need to log into Viva Insights on their browser and they will see settings and other features specific to admins.

Here are some additional documents to check out: Setup overview for Viva Insights Microsoft Learn
Microsoft Viva Insights setup Microsoft Learn

I was tearing my hair out trying to find something nutritionally balanced that he can eat...and then I found Viva. It's easier than other raw foods to feed. Oslo gobbles it up, and, so far, no hot spots or ear infections!

Our dog has severe allergies and after a hair analysis we found duck is the only safe food for our boy to eat.
After much research we found Viva and so far all has gone as they described on their page and our boy is loving his food.

My roommate and I purchased this food in order to transition our dogs to a raw diet. We were pleased to find out about the clean bowl guarantee, which ensures a refund for any uneaten food. My roommate reached out to viva for advice on raw feeding, asking what to do if our dog isn't interested in the food. She received helpful tips, but I was advised to cook the food for my picky puppy. However, I really wanted to avoid cooking his meals every time. I don't want cook food for my dog every day because he's quite a picky eater, If I do it regularly, he'll develop a preference for cooked food and I don't want that. That's why I decided to buy raw dog food. Especially with the clean bowl guarantee. I thought it would be a safety net in case my pup didn't enjoy it. Unfortunately, both of our dogs aren't enjoying the food, despite our hopes and the clean bowl guarantee. We even took the time to read through the policy because we were concerned about the cost of the raw dog food. If my dog doesn't like the viva, should I cook it for him? No, the whole point is to feed raw, and my dog will not eat it raw. It's disappointing that people are relying on the clean bowl guarantee for security, only to be offered a 25% courtesy refund.

My roommate and I decided to switch our dogs to a raw dog food diet, so we ordered from Viva. We were thrilled to see the clean bowl guarantee, promising a refund if our dogs didn't finish their meals. I reached out to Viva for advice on raw feeding, and they provided some great tips. Despite trying to mix in their old food, our dogs were avoiding the raw food. I mentioned trying toppers next, but unfortunately, nothing seemed to work. Luna kept eating around the raw food, and when I reached out to Viva for help, I received no response. It's disappointing that they're not honoring the clean bowl guarantee, especially when many people are trying the food based on that promise.

My first order in early May went smoothly. 10lbs of meat came frozen solid. Box had insulation paddings and dry ice packs. My kitten finished all of it. It took her around 7weeks to finish it, we did a very slow transition. It has been all good.

However my second order (end of June), 14lbs meat came to me thawed. Inside the box was not fridge cold. There was only insulation paddings but NO dry ice packs and it's summer. I was frustrated looking at the waste of meat. My transit time was 2 days. Shipped 6/25 . Arrived 6/27, 5.28pm. The box was out for delivery since 9.22am that day.

I contacted them the next morning (via chat on their website) explaining my situation, they were able to place the order again. All 14lbs of meat. I am still waiting for the new order to come. My kitten likes VivaRaw. I really hope that it will be good this time or else I will need to stop using VivaRaw altogether.

Oh my gosh! For years I've been struggling to help my poor boy with his severe ibd. Puddle poop that is like pee & throwing up every morning. I followed the transition instructions & within a few days of getting him totally off his old food, he was having formed stool and no more throwing up! We'd tried probiotics, prebiotic, all sorts of meds, and all types of foods including crappy Rx foods. Nothing worked for him. I'm so thankful I found Viva. I'll be telling everyone about them.

I am happily surprised that my cat has licked her plate clean at almost every meal. The only instances where she didn't was with the rabbit. I expected her to like that one the most (for some reason). I'm happy about the trial and Clean Plate Guarantee and hope it applies when one of the meats doesn't work out! She liked the chicken, and I didn't even have to transition her to it. I've started on the beef and she seems to like that (for now!)

I got the trial pack for my 3 cats. 2 of my cats refused the food after a week and getting through all the flavors and circling back. The cat I originally got this for was still eating it so I was able to make 2 weeks worth of food last a month.

After almost a month I decided to make a full order and spent almost $300 and I got it with one pack of the trial food left. I open a pack from the large order and my cat refused to eat it. I worked with customer service to troubleshoot but my cat refused to eat it. I asked for a refund and only got 25% back. I was shocked and unhappy but apparently my first order was the trial pack and not the full order. When I stated my frustration and confusion they never responded.

Because of the latest treatment from support I can no longer recommend this company. Lesson learned and I hope future potential customer really think before committing to this, especially if your cat is sick and you already have spent a lot of money on food in trying to make them better. Viva Raw please do better in the future and update your clean bowl policy to reflect what the first order actually is. Had I known it was the trial pack I never would've placed a full order.

My cat is recommended to eat 3oz so upon arrival, I defrosted the meat in the fridge and portioned my cat's recommended 3oz into ball jam jars and then re-froze them. They take a few hours to defrost (in the fridge) so the first feeding needs to be placed into the fridge to defrost over night. My routine is to feed her and then immediately move the next days meal from the freezer to the fridge. This way I the morning her food is ready to be served. I mix her food into a little water to ensure she is hydrated, and she still eats it up happily.

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